Beispiel #1
def buildCanOutputParam(xpar):

    paramNameValue  = xpar.attrib["paramNameValue"]
    paramNameStatus = xpar.attrib["paramNameStatus"]
    paramType       = xpar.attrib["paramType"]

    signal = ""
    count  = 0
    for xdest in xpar.iterfind("destination"):

        sigtype    = xdest.attrib["type"]
        access     = int(xdest.attrib["access"])
        byteoffset = int(xdest.attrib["offset"])
        bitlen     = int(xdest.attrib["bits"])
        lsb        = int(xdest.attrib["lsb"])
        scale      = float(xdest.attrib["lsbvalue"])
        if sigtype == "VALIDITY":
            key        = (sigtype, access, paramType)
            encoding   = encoding_table_output.get(key)

        if encoding is None:
            raise Exception, "Bad parameter-signal type combination for %s: %s" % (paramNameValue, str(key))

        signal += struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", byteoffset, bitlen, lsb, encoding, scale)
        count  += 1

    param = struct.pack (ENDIAN + "iihhiiLLL",
                            count,                                 # number of destinations to write to
                            0,                                     # spare 0
                            0, 0, 0                                # no min, max or default for output params

    if count == 1:
        # Only one destination, add a second dummy destination so all CAN configs are the same size
        signal += struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        count  += 1

    if count != 2:
        raise Exception, "Bad number of CAN Output destinations (min 1, max 2) %s: %s" % (paramNameValue, str(count))

    return param + signal
Beispiel #2
def buildParam(xmlparam):
    Build one parameter config  structure from XML
    paramType = xmlparam.attrib['paramType']
    paramName = xmlparam.attrib['paramNameValue']
    valueOffset = int(xmlparam.attrib["paramOffsetValue"])
    statusOffset = int(xmlparam.attrib["paramOffsetStatus"])
    valueNameOffset = stringtable.append(xmlparam.attrib["paramNameValue"])
    statusNameOffset = stringtable.append(xmlparam.attrib["paramNameStatus"])

    param = struct.pack(
        ENDIAN + "iihhiiiii",
        1,  # always one destination
        0,  # padding
        0,  # Min value not used
        0,  # Max value not used
        0)  # default value not used

    x = xmlparam.find('destination')
    sigType = x.attrib["type"]
    sigAccess = int(x.attrib["access"])
    byteoffset = messageBufferOffset(x.attrib["message"],
    bitlen = int(x.attrib["bits"])
    lsb = int(x.attrib["lsb"])
    scale = float(x.attrib["lsbvalue"])

    key = (sigType, sigAccess, paramType)
    encoding = encoding_table.get(key)

    if encoding is None:
        raise Exception, "Illegal combination of signal and parameter types for %s: %s" % (
            paramName, str(key))

    signal = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", byteoffset, bitlen, lsb, encoding,
    return param + signal
def buildParam(xmlparam):
    Build one parameter config  structure from XML
    paramType        = xmlparam.attrib['paramType']
    paramName        = xmlparam.attrib['paramNameValue']
    valueOffset      = int(xmlparam.attrib["paramOffsetValue"])
    statusOffset     = int(xmlparam.attrib["paramOffsetStatus"])
    valueNameOffset  = stringtable.append(xmlparam.attrib["paramNameValue"])
    statusNameOffset = stringtable.append(xmlparam.attrib["paramNameStatus"])
    param = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "iihhiiiii", 
                1, # always one destination
                0, # padding
                0,  # Min value not used
                0,  # Max value not used
                0)  # default value not used

    x = xmlparam.find('destination')
    sigType    = x.attrib["type"]
    sigAccess  = int(x.attrib["access"])
    byteoffset = messageBufferOffset(x.attrib["message"], int(x.attrib["offset"]))
    bitlen     = int(x.attrib["bits"])
    lsb        = int(x.attrib["lsb"])
    scale      = float(x.attrib["lsbvalue"])

    key = (sigType, sigAccess, paramType)
    encoding = encoding_table.get(key)

    if encoding is None:
        raise Exception, "Illegal combination of signal and parameter types for %s: %s" % (paramName, str(key))
    signal = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", byteoffset, bitlen, lsb, encoding, scale)
    return param + signal 
def buildAfdxOutputMessage(xmlmsg):
    Fill the structure
        UInt32_t messageId;           // Message ID from XML Configuration
        UInt32_t messageLength;       // Length of message payload (what is read from port)
        UInt32_t queueLength;         // Queue Length, 0 for Sampling
        UInt32_t messageRate;         // expected update rate of message in ms
        UInt32_t messageHdrOffset;    // Offset in message buffer
        UInt32_t portId;              // Whatever that is on the platform
        UInt32_t portNameOffset;      // Offset of port Name (or CVT name) into string table
    global message_offset
    global message_dict
    msgid    = int(xmlmsg.attrib["id"])
    msglen   = int(xmlmsg.attrib["length"])
    rate     = int(xmlmsg.attrib["rate"])
    porttype = xmlmsg.attrib["portType"]
    if porttype[0] == "Q":
        queuelen = int(xmlmsg.attrib["queueLength"])
        queuelen = 0

    if message_dict.has_key(msgid):
        raise Exception, "Duplicate message id: %d" % msgid
    message_dict[msgid] = message_offset

    out = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "iiiiii",
    # increment message offset: message length padded to IOM.MESSAGE_PADDING bytes
    blocklen = (msglen + IOM.A664_MESSAGE_PADDING - 1) & ~(IOM.A664_MESSAGE_PADDING-1)
    message_offset += blocklen
    return out
Beispiel #5
def buildAfdxOutputMessage(xmlmsg):
    Fill the structure
        UInt32_t messageId;           // Message ID from XML Configuration
        UInt32_t messageLength;       // Length of message payload (what is read from port)
        UInt32_t queueLength;         // Queue Length, 0 for Sampling
        UInt32_t messageRate;         // expected update rate of message in ms
        UInt32_t messageHdrOffset;    // Offset in message buffer
        UInt32_t portId;              // Whatever that is on the platform
        UInt32_t portNameOffset;      // Offset of port Name (or CVT name) into string table

    global message_offset
    global message_dict

    msgid = int(xmlmsg.attrib["id"])
    msglen = int(xmlmsg.attrib["length"])
    rate = int(xmlmsg.attrib["rate"])
    porttype = xmlmsg.attrib["portType"]
    if porttype[0] == "Q":
        queuelen = int(xmlmsg.attrib["queueLength"])
        queuelen = 0

    if message_dict.has_key(msgid):
        raise Exception, "Duplicate message id: %d" % msgid

    message_dict[msgid] = message_offset

    out = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "iiiiii", msgid, msglen, queuelen, rate,

    # increment message offset: message length padded to IOM.MESSAGE_PADDING bytes
    blocklen = (msglen + IOM.A664_MESSAGE_PADDING -
                1) & ~(IOM.A664_MESSAGE_PADDING - 1)
    message_offset += blocklen
    return out
Beispiel #6
def buildCanInputParam(xpar):

    paramNameValue  = xpar.attrib["paramNameValue"]
    paramNameStatus = xpar.attrib["paramNameStatus"]
    paramType       = xpar.attrib["paramType"]

    validity = xpar.find("validity")
    if validity is not None:
        nofInputs = 2
        nofInputs = 1

    # Get optional min / max / default values
    if paramType == "FLOAT":
        # Get min / max / default values as float, setting default values if they are not present
        minVal = float(xpar.get("paramMin", 0.0))
        maxVal = float(xpar.get("paramMax", IOM.MAX_VALUE_FLOAT32))
        defVal = float(xpar.get("paramDefault", 0.0))

        param = struct.pack (ENDIAN + "iihhiifff",
                                nofInputs, 0,
                                minVal, maxVal, defVal
        # Get min / max / default values as integer, setting default values if they are not present
        minValInt = int(xpar.get("paramMin", 0))
        maxValInt = int(xpar.get("paramMax", IOM.MAX_VALUE_UTINT32))
        defValInt = int(xpar.get("paramDefault", 0))

        param = struct.pack (ENDIAN + "iihhiiLLL",
                                nofInputs, 0,
                                minValInt, maxValInt, defValInt

    x = xpar.find('source')

    sigtype    = x.attrib["type"]
    access     = int(x.attrib["access"])
    byteoffset = int(x.attrib["offset"])
    bitlen     = int(x.attrib["bits"])
    lsb        = int(x.attrib["lsb"])
    scale      = float(x.attrib["lsbvalue"])
    key        = (sigtype, access, paramType)
    encoding   = encoding_table_input.get(key)

    if encoding is None:
        raise Exception, "Bad parameter-signal type combination for %s: %s" % (paramNameValue, str(key))

    signal = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", byteoffset, bitlen, lsb, encoding, scale)

    validity = xpar.find("validity")
    if validity is not None:
        # NB: always a Boolean
        encoding   = IOM.SIGINTYPE_BOOL
        byteoffset = int(validity.attrib["offset"])
        bitlen     = 1
        lsb        = int(validity.attrib["lsb"])
        scale      = 1.0

        validitySignal = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", byteoffset, bitlen, lsb, encoding, scale)
        # Validity not used, add a dummy struct
        validitySignal = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0)

    return param + signal + validitySignal
def buildParam(xmlparam, numsources):
    Build one parameter config structure from XML
    paramsources = 0
    param = ""
    paramType = xmlparam.attrib['paramType']
    paramName = xmlparam.attrib['paramNameValue']

    for x in xmlparam.iterfind("source"):
        sigType = x.attrib["type"]
        sigAccess = int(x.attrib["access"])
        byteoffset = messageOffset(x.attrib["message"],
        bitlen = int(x.attrib["bits"])
        lsb = int(x.attrib["lsb"])
        scale = float(x.attrib["lsbvalue"])

        key = (sigType, sigAccess, paramType)
        encoding = encoding_table.get(key)

        if encoding is None:
            raise Exception, "Bad parameter-signal type combination for %s: %s" % (
                paramName, str(key))

        source = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "Iihhf", byteoffset, bitlen, lsb,
                             encoding, scale)
        paramsources += 1
        param += source

    if paramsources != numsources:
        raise Exception, "Number of sources mismatch: Logic:%d Parameter:%d" % (
            numsources, paramsources)

    valueOffset = int(xmlparam.attrib["paramOffsetValue"])
    statusOffset = int(xmlparam.attrib["paramOffsetStatus"])
    valueNameOffset = stringtable.append(xmlparam.attrib["paramNameValue"])
    statusNameOffset = stringtable.append(xmlparam.attrib["paramNameStatus"])

    # Get optional min / max / default values
    if paramType == "FLOAT":
        # Get min / max / default values as 32 bit float
        minVal = -IOM.MAX_VALUE_FLOAT32
        maxVal = IOM.MAX_VALUE_FLOAT32
        defVal = 0.0
        if xmlparam.get("paramMin"):
            minVal = float(xmlparam.attrib["paramMin"])

        if xmlparam.get("paramMax"):
            maxVal = float(xmlparam.attrib["paramMax"])

        if xmlparam.get("paramDefault"):
            defVal = float(xmlparam.attrib["paramDefault"])

        hdr = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "iihhiifff", valueOffset, statusOffset,
                          paramsources, 0, valueNameOffset, statusNameOffset,
                          minVal, maxVal, defVal)
        # Get min / max / default values as 32 integers
        minValInt = 0
        maxValInt = IOM.MAX_VALUE_UTINT32
        defValInt = 0
        if xmlparam.get("paramMin"):
            minValInt = ctypes.c_ulong(int(xmlparam.attrib["paramMin"])).value

        if xmlparam.get("paramMax"):
            maxValInt = ctypes.c_ulong(int(xmlparam.attrib["paramMax"])).value

        if xmlparam.get("paramDefault"):
            defValInt = ctypes.c_ulong(int(

        hdr = struct.pack(ENDIAN + "iihhiiLLL", valueOffset, statusOffset,
                          paramsources, 0, valueNameOffset, statusNameOffset,
                          minValInt, maxValInt, defValInt)

    return hdr + param