Beispiel #1
def test_from_csv():
    lexicon = Lexicon.default()
    csv_string = """  200.000,  230.329,  Anhydrite
                      230.329,  233.269,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      233.269,  234.700,  Anhydrite
                      234.700,  236.596,  Dolomite
                      236.596,  237.911,  Red siltstone
                      237.911,  238.723,  Anhydrite
                      238.723,  239.807,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      239.807,  240.774,  Red siltstone
                      240.774,  241.122,  Dolomite
                      241.122,  241.702,  Grey siltstone
                      241.702,  243.095,  Dolomite
                      243.095,  246.654,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      246.654,  247.234,  Dolomite
                      247.234,  255.435,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      255.435,  258.723,  Grey siltstone
                      258.723,  259.729,  Dolomite
                      259.729,  260.967,  Grey siltstone
                      260.967,  261.354,  Dolomite
                      261.354,  267.041,  Grey siltstone
                      267.041,  267.350,  Dolomite
                      267.350,  274.004,  Grey siltstone
                      274.004,  274.313,  Dolomite
                      274.313,  294.816,  Grey siltstone
                      294.816,  295.397,  Dolomite
                      295.397,  296.286,  Limestone
                      296.286,  300.000,  Volcanic
    strip2 = Striplog.from_csv(csv_string, lexicon=lexicon)
    assert len( == 7
Beispiel #2
def test_from_csv():
    lexicon = Lexicon.default()
    csv_string = """  200.000,  230.329,  Anhydrite
                      230.329,  233.269,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      233.269,  234.700,  Anhydrite
                      234.700,  236.596,  Dolomite
                      236.596,  237.911,  Red siltstone
                      237.911,  238.723,  Anhydrite
                      238.723,  239.807,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      239.807,  240.774,  Red siltstone
                      240.774,  241.122,  Dolomite
                      241.122,  241.702,  Grey siltstone
                      241.702,  243.095,  Dolomite
                      243.095,  246.654,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      246.654,  247.234,  Dolomite
                      247.234,  255.435,  Grey vf-f sandstone
                      255.435,  258.723,  Grey siltstone
                      258.723,  259.729,  Dolomite
                      259.729,  260.967,  Grey siltstone
                      260.967,  261.354,  Dolomite
                      261.354,  267.041,  Grey siltstone
                      267.041,  267.350,  Dolomite
                      267.350,  274.004,  Grey siltstone
                      274.004,  274.313,  Dolomite
                      274.313,  294.816,  Grey siltstone
                      294.816,  295.397,  Dolomite
                      295.397,  296.286,  Limestone
                      296.286,  300.000,  Volcanic
    strip2 = Striplog.from_csv(csv_string, lexicon=lexicon)
    assert len( == 7
Beispiel #3
def update_cross_section(tops_storage, well_uwi):
    top_storage_json to striplogs to project. 
    to return encoded str (image)
    wells_tops = pd.read_json(tops_storage)
    well_tops = wells_tops[wells_tops.UWI == well_uwi]
    csv_txt = df_to_csvtxt(well_tops)
    p.get_well(well_uwi).data['tops'] = Striplog.from_csv(text=csv_txt)
    return encode_xsection(p, legend)
Beispiel #4
def test_canstrat():
    Test basic stuff.
    w = Well.from_las('tests/P-129_out.LAS')
    s = Striplog.from_csv('tests/K90_strip_pred.csv')['test'] = s
    dat = w.to_canstrat(key='test', log='K   90', as_text=True)

    s7 = "K   907   3960 3966L0                                                           "
    assert s7 in dat
def make_well_project(laspath='data/las/', stripath='data/tops/'):
    Return a dictionary of wells and striplogs where the
    key is the base filename
    wells = {}
    lasfiles = glob(laspath + '*.LAS')
    stripfiles = glob(stripath + '*.csv')
    for fname, sname in zip(lasfiles, stripfiles):
        name = fname.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
        wells[name] = Well.from_las(fname)
        wells[name].data['tops'] = Striplog.from_csv(sname)
        proj = Project(list(wells.values()))
    return proj
Beispiel #6
def make_well_project(laspath='data/las/', stripath='data/tops/'):
    Return a dictionary of wells and striplogs where the
    key is the base filename

    This assumes that the las file and tops files have the same name
    wells = {}
    lasfiles = glob(laspath + '*.LAS')
    stripfiles = glob(stripath + '*.csv')
    for fname, sname in zip(lasfiles, stripfiles):
        name = Path(fname).stem
        wells[name] = Well.from_las(fname)
        wells[name].data['tops'] = Striplog.from_csv(sname)
        proj = Project(list(wells.values()))
    return proj
Beispiel #7
def test_striplog_top_plot():
    Tests mpl image of striplog with the tops option.
    tops_csv = """top, Comp formation
                   25, Escanilla Fm.
                   35, San Vicente Fm.
                   20, Sobrarbe Fm.
                   50, Cretaceous"""

    tops = Striplog.from_csv(text=tops_csv)

    fig = tops.plot(style='tops',

    return fig
Beispiel #8
stripfiles = glob(path2 + '*.csv')

legend = Legend.from_csv(filename='data/Poseidon_data/tops_legend.csv'
                         )  # direct link to specific data

p = Project.from_las(
    'data/Poseidon_data/las/*.LAS')  # direct link to specific data
well_uwi = [w.uwi for w in p
            ]  ##gets the well uwi data for use in the well-selector tool

# Add striplogs to Project
# Striplog must have the same name as LAS file.
# e.g. Torosa-1.LAS and Torosa-1.csv
for w in p:
    name = Path(w.fname).stem
    strip = Striplog.from_csv(
        f'data/Poseidon_data/tops/{name}.csv')  # direct link to specific data['tops'] = strip

well = p[0]  ##gets data from the first well in the Welly Project
curve_list = get_curves(
    p)  ##gets the column names for later use in the curve-selector tool
curve = get_first_curve(curve_list)
surface_picks_df = get_tops_df(p)

#well dropdown selector
well_dropdown_options = [{
    'label': k,
    'value': k
} for k in sorted(well_uwi)]  ##list of wells to the dropdown
#tops dropdown options
"""we need to have a stratigraphic column at some point"""
Beispiel #9
def test_from_csv():
    lexicon = Lexicon.default()
    strip2 = Striplog.from_csv(csv_string, lexicon=lexicon)
    assert len( == 7
Beispiel #10
def test_points():
    """Test a striplog of points.
    points = Striplog.from_csv(text=csv_points, points=True)
    assert len(points) == 6
    assert points.order == 'none'
    helper.update_picks_on_plot(fig, picks_selected)

    return fig

base_dir = "./data/Poseidon_data"

# # load well data
"""Need to add a method for the user to point to the directory or add additional las files later"""
fpath = Path(base_dir + "/las/*.LAS")
p = Project.from_las(str(fpath))
well_uwi = [w.uwi for w in p]

for w in p:
    name = w.fname.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
    strip = Striplog.from_csv(base_dir + f'/tops/{name}.csv')['tops'] = strip

well_uwi = [w.uwi for w in p]
well_uwi = st.sidebar.selectbox("Well Names", well_uwi)

df = p[0].df()  ##gets data from the first well in the Welly Project
curve_list = df.columns.tolist(
)  ##gets the column names for later use in the curve-selector tool
curve_dropdown_options = [{
    'label': k,
    'value': k
} for k in sorted(curve_list)]  ##list of well log curves to the dropdown

curve = st.sidebar.selectbox(
    "Well Names", [item['value'] for item in curve_dropdown_options])
Beispiel #12
def test_from_csv():
    lexicon = Lexicon.default()
    strip2 = Striplog.from_csv(csv_string, lexicon=lexicon)
    assert len( == 7
Beispiel #13
def test_points():
    """Test a striplog of points.
    points = Striplog.from_csv(text=csv_points, points=True)
    assert len(points) == 6
    assert points.order == 'none'
def test_striplog():
    s = Striplog.from_csv(
Beispiel #15
    data_path = cwd + '/..'

print(data_path + '/data/input_data/striplog_integration/*.tops')
topsfiles = glob.glob(data_path +

# %%
# Creating striplog object
my_striplogs = []

for file in topsfiles:
    with open(file) as f:
        text =
        striplog = Striplog.from_csv(text=text)

striplog_dict = {
    'alpha': my_striplogs[1],
    'beta': my_striplogs[2],
    'gamma': my_striplogs[3],
    'epsilon': my_striplogs[0]


# %%
# Plot striplog
f, a = plt.subplots(ncols=4, sharey=True)
    print(' '*5, fname)

tops_legend = Legend.from_csv(filename='data/Poseidon_data/tops_legend.csv')

p = Project.from_las('data/Poseidon_data/las/*.LAS')
well_uwi = [w.uwi for w in p] ##gets the well uwi data for use in the well-selector tool

# Add striplogs to Project
# Striplog must have the same name as LAS file.
# e.g. Torosa-1.LAS and Torosa-1.csv
for w in p:
    name = Path(w.fname).name.split('.')[0]
    new_path = f'data/Poseidon_data/tops/{name}.csv'
    print(name, new_path)
    strip = Striplog.from_csv(f'data/Poseidon_data/tops/{name}.csv')['tops'] = strip

# Make the well correlation panel
def encode_xsection(p):
    Takes the project and saves a xsec PNG a disk and encodes it for dash
    section_plot(p, tops_legend)
    image_filename = 'cross_section.png' # replace with your own image 
    encoded_image = base64.b64encode(open(image_filename, 'rb').read())
    return 'data:image/png;base64,{}'.format(encoded_image.decode())

# Initialize Cross-section
Beispiel #17
def test_from_csv():
    """Test the CSV route.
    lexicon = Lexicon.default()
    strip2 = Striplog.from_csv(csv_intervals, lexicon=lexicon)
    assert len( == 7