Beispiel #1
def do_something(p, m, g):
    # print(p.__dict__)
    # print_map(m)
    # print(g.nodes())

    goal_tile = None
    if p.CarriedRessources < p.CarryingCapacity:
        goal_tile = TileContent.Resource
        goal_tile = TileContent.House

    player_pos = (p.Position.to_tuple()[0] - m[0][0].x,
                  p.Position.to_tuple()[1] - m[0][0].y)

    dest_pos = bfs(m, g, player_pos, goal_tile)
    if dest_pos is None:
        goal_tile = TileContent.Wall
        g = create_graph(m, True)
        dest_pos = bfs(m, g, player_pos, goal_tile)

    next_pos = nx.astar_path(g, player_pos, dest_pos)[1]

    # print(player_pos)
    # print(dest_pos)
    # print(next_pos)

    if next_pos == dest_pos:
        if (goal_tile == TileContent.Resource):
            return p.collect(
                Point(next_pos[0] + m[0][0].x, next_pos[1] + m[0][0].y))
        elif (goal_tile == TileContent.Wall):
            return p.attack(
                Point(next_pos[0] + m[0][0].x, next_pos[1] + m[0][0].y))
    return p.move(Point(next_pos[0] + m[0][0].x, next_pos[1] + m[0][0].y))
Beispiel #2
def test_link():
    print("Testing single link")
    a = Node(Point(1, 1))
    b = Node(Point(4, 5))
    assert (len(a.neighbor_list()) == 1)
    assert (len(b.neighbor_list()) == 1)
    assert (a.neighbor_list()[0].loc() == b.loc())
    assert (b.neighbor_list()[0].loc() == a.loc())

    print("Testing multilink")
    c = Node(Point(3, 8))
    d = Node(Point(-3, 9))
    assert (len(a.neighbor_list()) == 3)
    a_neighbor_list_locs = [k.loc() for k in a.neighbor_list()]
    assert (b.loc() in a_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (c.loc() in a_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (d.loc() in a_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (len(b.neighbor_list()) == 2)
    b_neighbor_list_locs = [k.loc() for k in b.neighbor_list()]
    assert (a.loc() in b_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (c.loc() in b_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (len(c.neighbor_list()) == 3)
    c_neighbor_list_locs = [k.loc() for k in c.neighbor_list()]
    assert (a.loc() in c_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (b.loc() in c_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (d.loc() in c_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (len(d.neighbor_list()) == 2)
    d_neighbor_list_locs = [k.loc() for k in d.neighbor_list()]
    assert (a.loc() in d_neighbor_list_locs)
    assert (c.loc() in d_neighbor_list_locs)
Beispiel #3
def generate_segs(n, seed=None):
    if (seed is not None):

    rand = lambda: np.random.randint(0, 5 * bound)
    for i in range(n):
        q, w = rand(), rand()
        while q == w:
            w = rand()
            Segment(Point(q, rand(), 5, homogeneous=True),
                    Point(w, rand(), 5, homogeneous=True)))
Beispiel #4
def test_closest_node():
    Tests the closest_node function
    print("Testing default Point(0, 0) origin")
    for root in close_data:
        closest_node = structs.closest_node(root)
        assert (closest_node.loc() == Point(1, 2))
    custom_origin = Point(-9, 7)
    print("Testing origin of %s" % str(custom_origin))
    for root in close_data:
        closest_node = structs.closest_node(root, custom_origin)
        assert (closest_node.loc() == Point(-9, 8))
Beispiel #5
def test_make_forest():
    Tests the make forest function
    print("Preliminary test")
    forest_lite = make_forest(forest_data_lite)
    forest_lite_actual_locs = [Point(1, 1), Point(4, 5), Point(8, 9)]
    assert (len(forest_lite) == 3)
    forest_lite_locs = [n.loc() for n in forest_lite]
    for loc in forest_lite_actual_locs:
        assert (loc in forest_lite_locs)

    print("Extensive test")
    forest = make_forest(forest_data)
Beispiel #6
def bot():
    Main de votre bot.
    map_json = request.form["map"]

    # Player info

    encoded_map = map_json.encode()
    map_json = json.loads(encoded_map.decode('utf-8'))
    p = map_json["Player"]
    pos = p["Position"]
    x = pos["X"]
    y = pos["Y"]
    house = p["HouseLocation"]
    player = Player(p["Health"], p["MaxHealth"], Point(x, y),
                    Point(house["X"], house["Y"]), p["Score"],
                    p["CarriedResources"], p["CarryingCapacity"])

    # print(player.__dict__)
    # print("MY POSITION", player.Position)
    # print(player.__dict__)

    # Map
    serialized_map = map_json["CustomSerializedMap"]
    deserialized_map = deserialize_map(serialized_map)
    graph = create_graph(deserialized_map, False)

    # print(deserialized_map)
    # print(player.__dict__)
    # print(player.Position)
    # print_map(deserialized_map)
    # print(graph.nodes())

    otherPlayers = []

    for player_dict in map_json["OtherPlayers"]:
        for player_name in player_dict.keys():
            player_info = player_dict[player_name]
            if player_info == "notAPlayer":
            p_pos = player_info["Position"]
            # print("\n\n\n", p_pos)
            player_info = PlayerInfo(player_info["Health"],
                                     Point(p_pos["X"], p_pos["Y"]))

            otherPlayers.append({player_name: player_info})

    return do_something(player, deserialized_map, graph)
Beispiel #7
def draw_result(segments, hot):
	ax_min, ax_max = 0 - eps / 2, bound + eps / 2 
	fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
	ax = fig.add_subplot(111, aspect='equal')
	ax.set_xlim(ax_min, ax_max)
	ax.set_ylim(ax_min, ax_max)
	ax.set_xticks(np.arange(-eps / 2, bound, eps), minor=True)
	ax.set_yticks(np.arange(-eps / 2, bound, eps), minor=True)
	ax.grid(which='major', alpha=0.0)

	for p in hot:
		ax.add_patch(patches.Rectangle((p.sw.x / p.sw.z, p.sw.y / p.sw.z), eps, eps, alpha=0.5, facecolor="red"))

	seg_col = []
	seg_src = []
	for p in pixelspassed.keys():
		lis = pixelspassed[p]
		lis.sort(key=lambda smth: smth[0])
		q = 0
		while (q < len(lis) - 1):
			seg = Segment(Point(int(lis[q][1][0]), int(lis[q][1][1]), int(lis[q][1][2]), homogeneous=True), Point(int(lis[q + 1][1][0]), int(lis[q + 1][1][1]), int(lis[q + 1][1][2]), homogeneous=True))
			q += 1

	seg_src = list(map(lambda seg: [(seg.start.x / seg.start.z, seg.start.y / seg.start.z), (seg.end.x / seg.end.z, seg.end.y / seg.end.z)], seg_src))
	ax.add_collection(mc.LineCollection(seg_src, colors=seg_col))		

	return fig
Beispiel #8
def deserialize(data):
    if "x" in data and "y" in data:
        return Point(data["x"], data["y"])
    elif "Name" in data:
        return Player(data["Health"], data["MaxHealth"],
                      data["CarriedResources"], data["CarryingCapacity"],
                      data["CollectingSpeed"], data["TotalResources"],
                      data["AttackPower"], data["Defence"], data["Position"],
                      data["HouseLocation"], data["CarriedItems"],
                      data["Score"], data["Name"], data["UpgradeLevels"])
    elif "CustomSerializedMap" in data:
        data["GameMap"] = GameMap(data["CustomSerializedMap"], data["xMin"],
    return data
Beispiel #9
def find_path(tiles, start, goal, player):
    Search for the minimal path from start to an adjacent cell of goal
    start and stop are absolute coordinates in the full map.
    def heuristic(cell, goal):
        return dist(cell, goal) - 1

    pr_queue = []
    #heappush(pr_queue, (0 + heuristic(start, goal), 0, start, start))
    right = Point(start.X - 1, start.Y)
    if free(tiles, right, player):
        heappush(pr_queue, (0 + heuristic(right, goal), 0, right, right))
    left = Point(start.X + 1, start.Y)
    if free(tiles, left, player):
        heappush(pr_queue, (0 + heuristic(left, goal), 0, left, left))
    up = Point(start.X , start.Y - 1)
    if free(tiles, up, player):
        heappush(pr_queue, (0 + heuristic(up, goal), 0, up, up))
    down = Point(start.X , start.Y + 1)
    if free(tiles, down, player):
        heappush(pr_queue, (0 + heuristic(down, goal), 0, down, down))
    visited = {start}

    while pr_queue:
        _, cost, path, current = heappop(pr_queue)
        if current == goal:
            return path
        if current in visited:
        right = Point(current.X - 1, current.Y)
        if free(tiles, right, player):
            heappush(pr_queue, (cost + heuristic(right, goal), cost + 1, path, right))
        left = Point(current.X + 1, current.Y)
        if free(tiles, left, player):
            heappush(pr_queue, (cost + heuristic(left, goal), cost + 1, path, left))
        up = Point(current.X , current.Y - 1)
        if free(tiles, up, player):
            heappush(pr_queue, (cost + heuristic(up, goal), cost + 1, path, up))
        down = Point(current.X , current.Y + 1)
        if free(tiles, down, player):
            heappush(pr_queue, (cost + heuristic(down, goal), cost + 1, path, down))
    return None
Beispiel #10
 def __init__(self, tile_content, x, y):
     self.TileContent = tile_content
     self.Position = Point(x, y)
Beispiel #11
def test_dist():
    assert_same(Point(1, 2).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 5)
    assert_same(Point(-2, 2).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 8)
    assert_same(Point(3, 4).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 25)
    assert_same(Point(-3, 4).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 25)
    assert_same(Point(5, 12).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 13**2)
Beispiel #12

def assert_same(a, b, threshold=1e-10):
    assert (abs(a - b) < threshold)

def test_dist():
    assert_same(Point(1, 2).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 5)
    assert_same(Point(-2, 2).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 8)
    assert_same(Point(3, 4).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 25)
    assert_same(Point(-3, 4).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 25)
    assert_same(Point(5, 12).dist(Point(0, 0))**2, 13**2)

close_point = [
    Point(1, 2),
    Point(-3, 4),
    Point(2, -1),
    Point(2, 3),
    Point(5, -8),
    Point(-9, 0),
    Point(-3, 3),
    Point(9, 2),
    Point(-5, -9),
    Point(1, -8),
    Point(-9, 8),
    Point(4, -7),
    Point(-8, 0),
    Point(-4, 7),
    Point(-6, 2),
    Point(-2, 2),
Beispiel #13
 def __init__(self, tileType, x, y):
     self.TileType = tileType
     self.Position = Point(x, y)