Beispiel #1
def test_shell_lb():
    for model in [
        # ssss
        s = Shell()
        s.m = 12
        s.n = 12
        s.stack = [0, 90, -45, +45, +45, -45, 90, 0]
        s.plyt = 0.125e-3
        s.laminaprop = (142.5e9, 8.7e9, 0.28, 5.1e9, 5.1e9, 5.1e9)
        s.model = model
        s.a = 2.
        s.b = 1.
        s.r = 1.e8
        s.Nxx = -1
        eigvals, eigvecs = lb(s.calc_kC(), s.calc_kG(), silent=True)
        assert np.isclose(eigvals[0], 157.5369886, atol=0.1, rtol=0)

        s.Nxx = 0
        s.Nyy = -1
        eigvals, eigvecs = lb(s.calc_kC(), s.calc_kG(), silent=True)
        assert np.isclose(eigvals[0], 58.1488566, atol=0.1, rtol=0)

        # ssfs
        s = Shell()
        s.y2u = 1
        s.y2v = 1
        s.y2w = 1
        s.m = 12
        s.n = 13
        s.stack = [0, 90, -45, +45]
        s.plyt = 0.125e-3
        s.laminaprop = (142.5e9, 8.7e9, 0.28, 5.1e9, 5.1e9, 5.1e9)
        s.model = model
        s.a = 1.
        s.b = 0.5
        s.r = 1.e8
        s.Nxx = -1
        eigvals, eigvecs = lb(s.calc_kC(), s.calc_kG(), silent=True)
        assert np.isclose(eigvals[0], 15.8106238, atol=0.1, rtol=0)

        s.x2u = 1
        s.x2v = 1
        s.x2w = 1
        s.y2u = 0
        s.y2v = 0
        s.y2w = 0
        s.Nxx = 0
        s.Nyy = -1
        eigvals, eigvecs = lb(s.calc_kC(), s.calc_kG(), silent=True)
        assert np.isclose(eigvals[0], 14.046, atol=0.1, rtol=0)
        plot_shell(s, eigvecs[:, 0], vec='w')
Beispiel #2
def test_lb_isotropic():
    #NOTE ssss boundary conditions by default
    s = Shell()
    s.m = 12
    s.n = 12
    s.stack = [0, 90, -45, +45, +45, -45, 90, 0]
    thickness = 1e-3
    E = 70e9
    nu = 0.33
    s.a = 2.
    s.b = 1.
    s.r = 2.

    # compression
    # it is possible to apply any static load if necessary
    s.Nxx = -1
    # shear
    s.Nxy = -1

    s.plyt = thickness
    s.laminaprop = (E, E, nu)
    s.model = 'cylshell_clpt_donnell_bardell'
    # radius

    eigvals, eigvecs = lb(s.calc_kC(), s.calc_kG(), silent=True)
    plot_shell(s, eigvecs[:, 0], vec='w', filename='example_isotropic.png')
Beispiel #3
def test_calc_linear_buckling():
    E11 = 71.e9
    nu = 0.33
    plyt = 0.007
    lam = read_stack([0], plyt=plyt, laminaprop=(E11, E11, nu))
    ans = {
        'edge-based': 41.85273,
        'cell-based': 6.98852939,
        'cell-based-no-smoothing': 4.921956
    for prop_from_nodes in [True, False]:
        for k0s_method in [
                'edge-based', 'cell-based', 'cell-based-no-smoothing'
            mesh = read_mesh(
                os.path.join(THISDIR, 'nastran_plate_16_nodes.dat'))
            for tria in mesh.elements.values():
                tria.prop = lam
            for node in mesh.nodes.values():
                node.prop = lam
            k0 = calc_k0(mesh, prop_from_nodes)
            add_k0s(k0, mesh, prop_from_nodes, k0s_method, alpha=0.2)

            # running static subcase first
            dof = 5
            n = k0.shape[0] // 5
            fext = np.zeros(n * dof, dtype=np.float64)
            fext[mesh.nodes[4].index * dof + 0] = -500.
            fext[mesh.nodes[7].index * dof + 0] = -500.
            fext[mesh.nodes[5].index * dof + 0] = -1000.
            fext[mesh.nodes[6].index * dof + 0] = -1000.

            # boundary conditions
            def bc(K):
                for i in [1, 10, 11, 12]:
                    for j in [0, 1, 2]:
                        K[mesh.nodes[i].index * dof + j, :] = 0
                        K[:, mesh.nodes[i].index * dof + j] = 0

                for i in [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]:
                    for j in [1, 2]:
                        K[mesh.nodes[i].index * dof + j, :] = 0
                        K[:, mesh.nodes[i].index * dof + j] = 0

            k0 = coo_matrix(k0)
            d = solve(k0, fext, silent=True)
            kG = calc_kG(d, mesh, prop_from_nodes)
            kG = coo_matrix(kG)

            eigvals, eigvecs = lb(k0, kG, silent=True)
            print('k0s_method, eigvals[0]', k0s_method, eigvals[0])

            assert np.isclose(eigvals[0], ans[k0s_method])
Beispiel #4
def test_lb_orthotropic():
    #NOTE ssss boundary conditions by default
    s = Shell()
    s.m = 12
    s.n = 12
    s.stack = [0, 90, -45, +45, +45, -45, 90, 0]
    s.plyt = 0.125e-3
    s.laminaprop = (142.5e9, 8.7e9, 0.28, 5.1e9, 5.1e9, 5.1e9)
    s.model = 'cylshell_clpt_donnell_bardell'
    s.a = 2.
    s.b = 1.
    # radius
    s.r = 2.

    # compression
    s.Nxx = -1
    # shear
    s.Nxy = -1

    eigvals, eigvecs = lb(s.calc_kC(), s.calc_kG(), silent=True)
    plot_shell(s, eigvecs[:, 0], vec='w')
val = fu/(N**0.5-1)
for i in ids_corner:
    fext[mesh.nodes[i].index*dof + 0] = val/2
for i in ids_middle:
    fext[mesh.nodes[i].index*dof + 0] = val
print('fext.sum()', fext.sum())
d = solve(k0, fext, silent=True)

# running linear buckling case
vec = d[0::dof]
print('u.min()', vec.min())
kG = calc_kG(d, mesh, prop_from_nodes)
kG = coo_matrix(kG)

eigvals, eigvecs = lb(k0, kG, silent=True)
print('eigvals[0]', eigvals[0])

xyz = np.array([ for n in nodes])
ind = np.lexsort((xyz[:, 1], xyz[:, 0]))
xyz = xyz[ind]
nodes = np.array(list(nodes))[ind]
pick = [n.index for n in nodes]
vec = eigvecs[2::dof, 0]
levels = np.linspace(vec.min(), vec.max(), 16)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
plt.figure(dpi=100, figsize=(6, 3))
nx = int(N**0.5)
Beispiel #6
def test_plate_from_zero():
    # Plate geometry and laminate data

    a = 0.406
    b = 0.254
    E1 = 1.295e11
    E2 = 9.37e9
    nu12 = 0.38
    G12 = 5.24e9
    G13 = 5.24e9
    G23 = 5.24e9
    plyt = 1.9e-4
    laminaprop = (E1, E2, nu12, G12, G13, G23)

    angles = [0, 45, -45, 90, 90, -45, 45, 0]

    # Generating Mesh
    # ---

    import numpy as np
    from scipy.spatial import Delaunay

    xs = np.linspace(0, a, 8)
    ys = np.linspace(0, b, 8)
    points = np.array(np.meshgrid(xs, ys)).T.reshape(-1, 2)
    tri = Delaunay(points)

    # Using Meshless Package
    # ---

    from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix

    from composites.laminate import read_stack
    from structsolve import solve, lb
    from meshless.espim.read_mesh import read_delaunay
    from meshless.espim.plate2d_calc_k0 import calc_k0
    from meshless.espim.plate2d_calc_kG import calc_kG
    from meshless.espim.plate2d_add_k0s import add_k0s

    mesh = read_delaunay(points, tri)
    nodes = np.array(list(mesh.nodes.values()))
    prop_from_nodes = True

    nodes_xyz = np.array([ for n in nodes])

    # **Applying properties

    # applying heterogeneous properties
    for node in nodes:
        lam = read_stack(angles, plyt=plyt, laminaprop=laminaprop)
        node.prop = lam

    # **Defining Boundary Conditions**

    DOF = 5

    def bc(K, mesh):
        for node in nodes[nodes_xyz[:, 0] == xs.min()]:
            for dof in [1, 3]:
                j = dof - 1
                K[node.index * DOF + j, :] = 0
                K[:, node.index * DOF + j] = 0
        for node in nodes[(nodes_xyz[:, 1] == ys.min()) |
                          (nodes_xyz[:, 1] == ys.max())]:
            for dof in [2, 3]:
                j = dof - 1
                K[node.index * DOF + j, :] = 0
                K[:, node.index * DOF + j] = 0
        for node in nodes[nodes_xyz[:, 0] == xs.max()]:
            for dof in [3]:
                j = dof - 1
                K[node.index * DOF + j, :] = 0
                K[:, node.index * DOF + j] = 0

    # **Calculating Constitutive Stiffness Matrix**

    k0s_method = 'cell-based'
    k0 = calc_k0(mesh, prop_from_nodes)
    add_k0s(k0, mesh, prop_from_nodes, k0s_method, alpha=0.2)
    bc(k0, mesh)
    k0 = coo_matrix(k0)

    # **Defining Load and External Force Vector**

    def define_loads(mesh):
        loads = []
        load_nodes = nodes[(nodes_xyz[:, 0] == xs.max())
                           & (nodes_xyz[:, 1] != ys.min()) &
                           (nodes_xyz[:, 1] != ys.max())]
        fx = -1. / (nodes[nodes_xyz[:, 0] == xs.max()].shape[0] - 1)
        for node in load_nodes:
            loads.append([node, (fx, 0, 0)])
        load_nodes = nodes[(nodes_xyz[:, 0] == xs.max()) & (
            (nodes_xyz[:, 1] == ys.min()) | (nodes_xyz[:, 1] == ys.max()))]
        fx = -1. / (nodes[nodes_xyz[:, 0] == xs.max()].shape[0] - 1) / 2
        for node in load_nodes:
            loads.append([node, (fx, 0, 0)])
        return loads

    n = k0.shape[0] // DOF
    fext = np.zeros(n * DOF, dtype=np.float64)
    loads = define_loads(mesh)
    for node, force_xyz in loads:
        fext[node.index * DOF + 0] = force_xyz[0]
    print('Checking sum of forces: %s' %
          str(fext.reshape(-1, DOF).sum(axis=0)))

    # **Running Static Analysis**

    d = solve(k0, fext, silent=True)
    total_trans = (d[0::DOF]**2 + d[1::DOF]**2)**0.5
    print('Max total translation', total_trans.max())

    # **Calculating Geometric Stiffness Matrix**

    kG = calc_kG(d, mesh, prop_from_nodes)
    bc(kG, mesh)
    kG = coo_matrix(kG)

    # **Running Linear Buckling Analysis**

    eigvals, eigvecs = lb(k0, kG, silent=True)
    print('First 5 eigenvalues')
    print('\n'.join(map(str, eigvals[:5])))

    assert np.allclose(eigvals[:5], [