Beispiel #1
def between(lo, hi, units, *args, **what):
    return Quantity.flat(lo, hi, None, units, *args, **what)
Beispiel #2
    This isn't the right way to wrap it, but if any wrapping's to be done, it
    should be done here, not by bodging Radiator's __init__ method !\n"""

        if temperature > 0: T = temperature * Kelvin
        else: T = Centigrade(temperature)
    except TypeError: # temperature has units, so > 0 check bombed.
        if temperature / Kelvin > 0: T = temperature # TypeError if wrong units
        else: T = temperature + Centigrade(0)

    if T / Kelvin < 0:
        raise ValueError, 'Negative temperature, even after Centigrade coercion'

    return Radiator(T, *args, **what)
from study.value.quantity import Quantity
Human = Radiator(Quantity.fromDecimal(309.5, 1, None, Kelvin),
                 oral=Centigrade(Quantity.gaussian(36.8, .5)),
                 axillary=Centigrade(Quantity.flat(36, 36.9, 36.6)),
                 __doc__="""Human body as a radiator.

The human body maintains a roughly constant temperature, so naturally radiates
as a body of that temperature, in so far as it's exposed.  Skin temperature is
doubtless less than one would measure in an arm-pit (an 'axillary' measurement,
commonly used in Russia and Poland), which is about .2 K lower than oral
measurement (common in the anglophone world); which, in turn, is about .5 K
below anal measurements; while core temperatures are presumed to be higher yet
than this.
del Quantity, Centigrade
Beispiel #3
IcePoint = water.temperature.freeze
milk = Substance(density=10.5 * pound / gallon)

air = Gas(
    RMM=1.6 * Nitrogen.A + .4 * Oxygen.A,  # close enough ...
air.sound.speed.observe(331.36 * metre /
                        second)  # duno where I got this one ...

methanol = Substance(density=.7918 * kilogramme / litre)
kerosene = Substance(density=.81715 * kilogramme / litre)  # at Fahrenheith(60)
alcohol = ethanol = Substance(density=.789 * kilogramme / litre)
petrol = Substance(density=.73722 * kilogramme / litre)
# liquid hydrogen, at 20K: 70.99 gram / litre

granite = Substance(density=Quantity.flat(2.6, 2.7, units=kilogramme / litre),
                    strength=Object(compressive=175e6 * Newton / metre**2))
gneiss = Substance(density=Quantity.flat(2.6, 2.9, units=kilogramme / litre),
                   strength=Object(compressive=125e6 * Newton / metre**2))
quartz = Substance(density=2.65 * kilogramme / litre,
                   melt=1883 * Kelvin,
                   boil=2503 * Kelvin)

mixture_doc = """Modeling chemical mixtures.

The underlying model is the `atomist' model of molecular-scale thermodynamics.

A body of space (of volume V) contains a population of little objects; these
move about, may fall apart, especially when bouncing off one another, at which
moments they may likewise stick to one another.
Beispiel #4
def between(lo, hi, units, *args, **what):
    return Quantity.flat(lo, hi, None, units, *args, **what)