def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print " [x] Received judge request %r" % (body, ) # for debug s = Sub() try: s.getSub(body) c = Compile() c.compile(s) except Exception, e: print 'compile err| ', Exception, ':', e # for debug
def callback(ch, method, properties, body): print " [x] Received judge request %r" % (body,) # for debug s = Sub() try: s.getSub(body) c = Compile() c.compile(s) except Exception, e: print 'compile err| ', Exception, ':', e # for debug
def start(self): # start sec_div10 count self.sec_div10 = [-1] self.add_second() # create temporary list self.temporary_list = [] # create enemy list self.enemy_list = [] # create sub x_center = self.width//2 y_center = self.height//2 # Sub(x,y, color, size, lifes, atack_time, sec_div10, temporary_list, enemy_list) self.sub = Sub( x_center, y_center, self.color, self.size, self.lifes, self.atack_time, self.sec_div10, self.temporary_list, self.enemy_list) # create radar dots qtd = self.n_dots width = self.width / qtd height = self.height / qtd self.dot_list = [] for i in range(qtd): for j in range(qtd): # Dot(x, y, color, size, time_fade, start_fadein) self.dot_list.append(Dot( width*j+width//2, height*i+height//2, self.color, 0, self.time_fadeout, False)) # create radar # Radar(sub, range, add_angle, dot_list, enemy_list) self.radar = Radar( self.sub, self.range_radar, 360/self.time_radar, self.dot_list, self.enemy_list) # start enemies spawn countdown pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT+1, 5000) # normal enemies pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT+2, 30000) # boss
"Decorator Use Case Example Code" from value import Value from add import Add from sub import Sub A = Value(1) B = Value(2) C = Value(5) print(Add(A, B)) print(Add(A, 100)) print(Sub(C, A)) print(Sub(Add(C, B), A)) print(Sub(100, 101)) print(Add(Sub(Add(C, B), A), 100)) print(Sub(123, Add(C, C))) print(Add(Sub(Add(C, 10), A), 100)) print(A) print(B) print(C)
def __init__(self): self.sub = Sub() self.append_worker(self.w) self.append_worker(self.w)
def parse_sub(d): return Sub({parse_typ(k): parse_typ(v) for k, v in d.items()})
border.goto(-border_size, border_size) border_size += 10 border_size = 350 # Создание пера для эквалайзера sub_dwr = tt.Turtle() sub_dwr.speed(0) sub_dwr.color("White") sub_dwr.hideturtle() # Создание обьекта "голова змеи" head = Head(border_size, cols) # Создание обьекта "эквалайзер" sub = Sub(cols, sub_dwr) # Запуск эквалайзера sub.run_callback() # Реакция на нажатие кнопок def move_right_start(): head.right = True def move_right_stop(): head.right = False def move_left_start(): head.left = True
#!/usr/bin/env python import time from compile import Compile from sub import Sub from judge import Judge c = Compile() s = Sub() s.sid = 1 s.lang = 'g++' c.compile(s) print 'ce:'+s.ce print 'status:'+str(s.status) = 15 s.case_cnt = 1 s.time_lim = 1000 s.mem_lim = 10240 s.case_lim = [{'time':1000, 'mem':4000},] j = Judge() j.judge(s) print 'status:'+str(s.status) print s.case_res
class Py1bitSub: def __init__(self, width, height, title): self.width = width self.height = height = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height)) pygame.display.set_caption(title) icon = pygame.image.load("icon.png") pygame.display.set_icon(icon) self.clock = pygame.time.Clock() self.running = True self.game_running = True self.display_end_screen = True self.FPS = 60 self.background = (0, 0, 0) self.difficulty = 0 self.time_radar = self.FPS * 4 # seconds to complete a cicle self.range_radar = 250 self.time_fadeout = 200 self.n_dots = 25 # this will be squared self.atack_time = 5 # seconds to sub atack self.color = (50, 175, 40) # green self.size = 7 self.lifes = 5 def add_second(self): self.sec_div10[0] += 1 self.difficulty = int( (self.sec_div10[0]/10)//60 ) pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.NUMEVENTS-1, 100) # wait 1/10 sec def start(self): # start sec_div10 count self.sec_div10 = [-1] self.add_second() # create temporary list self.temporary_list = [] # create enemy list self.enemy_list = [] # create sub x_center = self.width//2 y_center = self.height//2 # Sub(x,y, color, size, lifes, atack_time, sec_div10, temporary_list, enemy_list) self.sub = Sub( x_center, y_center, self.color, self.size, self.lifes, self.atack_time, self.sec_div10, self.temporary_list, self.enemy_list) # create radar dots qtd = self.n_dots width = self.width / qtd height = self.height / qtd self.dot_list = [] for i in range(qtd): for j in range(qtd): # Dot(x, y, color, size, time_fade, start_fadein) self.dot_list.append(Dot( width*j+width//2, height*i+height//2, self.color, 0, self.time_fadeout, False)) # create radar # Radar(sub, range, add_angle, dot_list, enemy_list) self.radar = Radar( self.sub, self.range_radar, 360/self.time_radar, self.dot_list, self.enemy_list) # start enemies spawn countdown pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT+1, 5000) # normal enemies pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT+2, 30000) # boss def create_enemy(self): # create enemy type = randint(1,3) # type of enemies qtd = randint(1,3) # number of enemies for _ in range(qtd): # random pos in x axis if randint(0,1) == 0: x = randint(0,self.width) y = 0 if randint(0,1) == 0 else self.height # # random pos in y axis else: x = 0 if randint(0,1) == 0 else self.width # y = randint(0,self.height) # Enemy(x,y, type, color, size, time_fade, sec_div10, temporary_list, sub) self.enemy_list.append(Enemy( x, y, type, self.color, self.size, self.time_fadeout, self.sec_div10, self.temporary_list, self.sub)) # call in another 6 to 9 sec time = randint(6,9) - self.difficulty if time < 0: time = 0 pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT+1, time*1000) def create_boss(self): # create boss # random pos in x axis if randint(0,1) == 0: x = randint(0,self.width) y = 0 if randint(0,1) == 0 else self.height # # random pos in y axis else: x = 0 if randint(0,1) == 0 else self.width # y = randint(0,self.height) # Enemy(x,y, type, color, size, time_fade, sec_div10, temporary_list, sub) self.enemy_list.append(Enemy( x, y, 0, self.color, self.size, self.time_fadeout, self.sec_div10, self.temporary_list, self.sub)) # call in another 30 to 45 sec time = randint(30,45) - self.difficulty*3 if time < 0: time =0 pygame.time.set_timer(pygame.USEREVENT+2, time*1000) def stats(self, window): font = pygame.font.SysFont("calibri", 20) porcentage = self.sub.atack_ready_porcent() srt_porcentage = "#"*(self.atack_time-porcentage) + "_"*porcentage text = "bomb: ["+srt_porcentage+"]" text += " lifes:"+str(self.sub.lifes) text += " difficulty:"+str(self.difficulty) text += " sec:"+str(self.sec_div10[0]/10) textbox = font.render(text, True, self.color) x = 15 y = self.height - textbox.get_height() - 15 window.blit(textbox, (x,y)) def input(self, keys): margin = 15 # Player Controls if keys[pygame.K_a] or keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: if self.sub.x > 0 + margin: self.sub.accelerate(-1,0) if keys[pygame.K_d] or keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: if self.sub.x < self.width - margin: self.sub.accelerate(1,0) if keys[pygame.K_w] or keys[pygame.K_UP]: if self.sub.y > 0 + margin: self.sub.accelerate(0,-1) if keys[pygame.K_s] or keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: if self.sub.y < self.height - margin: self.sub.accelerate(0,1) if keys[pygame.K_SPACE]: self.sub.atack() if keys[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: self.game_running = False def logic(self): for dot in self.dot_list: # radar dots dot.update() self.sub.update() # player for enemy in self.enemy_list: # enemies enemy.update() if not self.sub.is_alive(): # player died self.game_running = False self.radar.update() # radar for _ in range(len(self.temporary_list)): temp = self.temporary_list.pop() if temp[0] > 0: temp[1].update() self.temporary_list.append( (temp[0]-1, temp[1]) ) def render(self, window): window.fill(self.background) # background for dot in self.dot_list: # radar dots dot.render(window) for temp in self.temporary_list: # explosions temp[1].render(window) for enemy in self.enemy_list: # enemies enemy.render(window) self.sub.render(window) # player self.stats(window) # stats pygame.display.update() # update screen def settings(self): entry = "" while entry != "/quit": print("type: /quit to save and leave settings") print("/n_dots to change number of dots in radar") print("/lifes to change your number of lifes") print("/radar_time to change the number of seconds to complete a turn") print("/radar_range to change the range to see enemies") entry = input() if entry == "/n_dots": print("current number: "+str(self.n_dots)) print("enter the number of dots (this number will be squared)") self.n_dots = int(input()) elif entry == "/lifes": print("current number: "+str(self.lifes)) print("enter the number of lifes") self.lifes = int(input()) elif entry == "/radar_time": print("current number: "+str(self.time_radar/self.FPS)) print("enter the number of lifes") self.time_radar = self.FPS * int(input()) elif entry == "/radar_range": print("current number: "+str(self.range_radar)) print("enter the number of lifes") self.range_radar = int(input()) print("settings have been saved, you can go back to the game") def wait_to_start(self): font = pygame.font.SysFont("calibri", 40) text = font.render("Press G to start", True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height//4 - text.get_height()//2, (x,y)) font = pygame.font.SysFont("calibri", 30) text = font.render("use wasd to move", True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height//2 - text.get_height()//2, (x,y)) text = font.render("space to atack", True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height//2 + text.get_height()//2, (x,y)) font = pygame.font.SysFont("calibri", 17) text = font.render("press C to open game settings on terminal", True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height - text.get_height()*5, (x,y)) text = font.render("made by Paulo BF Almeida", True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height - text.get_height()*2, (x,y)) pygame.display.update() while True: # wait to player press 'g' event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # kill screen self.game_running = False self.running = False self.display_end_screen = False break if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_g: # start game break if event.key == pygame.K_c: # start game self.settings() def end_screen(self): font = pygame.font.SysFont("calibri", 30) text = font.render("press G to start a new game", True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height//4 - text.get_height()//2, (x,y)) text = font.render("You died", True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height//2 - text.get_height()//2, (x,y)) points = self.sub.generate_points(self.difficulty, self.lifes) text = font.render("points:"+str(points), True, self.color) x = self.width//2 - text.get_width()//2 y = self.height//2 + text.get_height()//2, (x,y)) pygame.display.update() while True: # wait to player press 'g' event = pygame.event.wait() if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # kill screen self.running = False self.game_running = False self.display_end_screen = False break if event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN: if event.key == pygame.K_g: # start game self.game_running = True break
from position import * from board import Board from bathysEncoder import BathysEncoder from sub import Sub from quart import jsonify, request from quart import Quart, send_from_directory from asyncio import Event app = Quart(__name__, static_folder='static') app.json_encoder = BathysEncoder random.seed("bathys") board = Board(25, 10) sub = Sub((0, board.size_y - 1)) # sub_loc = (0, board_y_size-1) def gen_positions(): navigator = Position() navigator.uniq = "navigator" = "Navigator" operator = Position() operator.uniq = "operator" = "Sonar Operator" return [navigator, operator] players = []
pygame.display.flip() #initialize game groups print("initializing game groups. . .") subs = pygame.sprite.Group() freighters = pygame.sprite.Group() all = pygame.sprite.RenderUpdates() #make default groups for each sprite class print("making default groups. . .") Freighter.containers = freighters, all Sub.containers = subs, all #create starting sprites print("creating starting sprites. . .") sally = Sub(SCREENRECT, 'sally') sally.add(subs) sally.add(all) fred = Freighter(SCREENRECT, 'fred') fred.add(freighters) fred.add(all) #setup the clock print("setting up the clock. . .") clock = pygame.time.Clock() #running the simulation frame = 0 print("running the simulation. . .") while fred.alive():
#!/usr/bin/env python import time from compile import Compile from sub import Sub from judge import Judge c = Compile() s = Sub() s.sid = 1 s.lang = 'g++' c.compile(s) print 'ce:' + s.ce print 'status:' + str(s.status) = 15 s.case_cnt = 1 s.time_lim = 1000 s.mem_lim = 10240 s.case_lim = [ { 'time': 1000, 'mem': 4000 }, ] j = Judge() j.judge(s) print 'status:' + str(s.status) print s.case_res