Beispiel #1
def run(infile):
    """Run an entire Fermi analysis (spectrum) by reading a config file"""
    config = get_config(infile)
    folder = config['out']
    os.system('mkdir -p ' + folder)

    runfit,Fit = GenAnalysisObject(config)
    # create all the fit files and run gtlike

    if config['verbose'] == 'yes' :
        utils.GetFluxes(Fit,runfit.obs.Emin,runfit.obs.Emax) #print the flux of all the sources

    Result = runfit.GetAndPrintResults(Fit)#Get and dump the target specific results
    utils.DumpResult(Result, config)

    #plot the SED and model map if possible and asked
    if config['Spectrum']['ResultPlots'] == 'yes' :
    	os.system("mkdir -p "+config['out'] + '/Spectrum/')
        if float(config['UpperLimit']['TSlimit']) < Fit.Ts(config['target']['name']):
        outXml = utils._dump_xml(config)
        if SummedLike == 'yes': # the possiblity of making the model map is checked inside the function

    #  Make energy bins by run a *new* analysis
    Nbin = config['Ebin']['NumEnergyBins']
    if int(Nbin) > 0:
        configfiles = utils.PrepareEbin(Fit, runfit)
        ind = 0
        enricodir = environ.DIRS.get('ENRICO_DIR')
        fermidir = environ.DIRS.get('FERMI_DIR')
        for conf in configfiles:
             pathconf = folder + "/Ebin" + str(Nbin) +"/" + conf
             Newconfig = get_config(pathconf)
             cmd = enricodir+"/enrico/ "+pathconf
             if Newconfig['Ebin']['Submit'] == 'no' : #run directly
             else : #submit a job to a cluster
                 prefix = Newconfig['out'] + "/Ebin" + str(ind) 
                 scriptname = prefix + ""
                 JobLog = prefix + "_Job.log"
                 JobName = (Newconfig['target']['name'] + "_" +
                           Newconfig['analysis']['likelihood'] +
                           "_Ebin_" + str(ind) + "_" + Newconfig['file']['tag'])
                 call(cmd, enricodir, fermidir, scriptname, JobLog, JobName)# submition
Beispiel #2
    def _launch(self,ra,dec,i,j):
        """ Launch a job (either pixel evaluation or row evaluation). 
        Can be the submittion of a job to a cluster """
        enricodir = environ.DIRS.get('ENRICO_DIR')
        fermidir = environ.DIRS.get('FERMI_DIR')
        cmd = enricodir+"/enrico/ "+os.getcwd()+"/"+self.infile +" "+ str(ra) +" "+ str(dec) +" "+ str(i) +" "+ str(j) #cmd line to send

        if self.config['TSMap']['Submit'] == 'yes':
            prefix = self.tsfolder + "/TSMap_" + str(i) +"_"+ str(j)
            scriptname = prefix + ""
            JobLog = prefix + "_Job.log"
            JobName = (self.config['target']['name'] + "_TSMap_" + str(i) +"_"+ str(j))
            call(cmd, enricodir, fermidir, scriptname, JobLog, JobName) #submition
        else : 
            os.system(cmd) #run directly 
Beispiel #3
    def MakeLC(self) :
        '''Main function of the Lightcurve script. Read the config file and run the gtlike analysis'''
        enricodir = environ.DIRS.get('ENRICO_DIR')
        fermidir = environ.DIRS.get('FERMI_DIR')

        self.PrepareLC(self.config['LightCurve']['MakeConfFile'])#Get the config file

        for i in xrange(self.config['LightCurve']['NLCbin']):
            if self.config['LightCurve']['Submit'] == 'yes':
                cmd = "enrico_sed "+self.configfile[i]
                scriptname = self.LCfolder+"LC_Script_"+str(i)+".sh"
                JobLog = self.LCfolder+"LC_Job_"+str(i)+".log"
                JobName = (self.config['target']['name'] + "_" +
                       self.config['analysis']['likelihood'] +
                       "_LC_" + self.config['file']['tag'])+"_"+str(i)+".log"

                call(cmd,enricodir,fermidir,scriptname,JobLog,JobName)#Submit the job
            else :
                run(self.configfile[i])#run in command line
Beispiel #4
def RunEbin(folder,Nbin,Fit,FitRunner):
    if int(Nbin) > 0:
        configfiles = PrepareEbin(Fit, FitRunner)
        ind = 0
        enricodir = environ.DIRS.get('ENRICO_DIR')
        fermidir = environ.DIRS.get('FERMI_DIR')
        for conf in configfiles:
             pathconf = folder + "/Ebin" + str(Nbin) +"/" + conf
             Newconfig = get_config(pathconf)
             cmd = enricodir+"/enrico/ "+pathconf
             if Newconfig['Ebin']['Submit'] == 'no' : #run directly
             else : #submit a job to a cluster
                 prefix = Newconfig['out'] + "/Ebin" + str(ind) 
                 scriptname = prefix + ""
                 JobLog = prefix + "_Job.log"
                 JobName = (Newconfig['target']['name'] + "_" +
                           Newconfig['analysis']['likelihood'] +
                           "_Ebin_" + str(ind) + "_" + Newconfig['file']['tag'])
                 call(cmd, enricodir, fermidir, scriptname, JobLog, JobName)# submition
Beispiel #5
            sourcename.replace(" ", "").replace("-", "m").replace("+", "p") +
            "_alpha_" + str(alpha) + "_index_" + str(index) + ".txt")
        CF.MakeFileFunction(energy * 1e6, EBL_corrected_phi, Filefunction)

        config = CF.MakeconfigFromDefault(work, work, sourcename, ra, dec)
        config["file"]["inobs"] = data
        config["file"]["selectedevent"] = data.replace(
            "_alpha_" + str(alpha) + "_index_" + str(index) + "_selected.fits")
        config["file"]["inmodel"] = Filefunction.replace("txt", "xml")

        config["time"]["tmax"] = 20 * 3600

        config["irfs"]["irf"] = irf
        config["irfs"]["caldb"] = caldb

        config["energy"]["emin"] = 0.05
        config["energy"]["emax"] = 10

        config.write(open(Filefunction.replace("txt", "conf"), 'w'))

        create_xml_from_fileFunctions(sourcename, ra, dec, Filefunction)
        cmd = "python  " + join(os.getcwd(),
                                "") + " " + Filefunction.replace(
                                    "txt", "conf")
        # print cmd
        # os.system(cmd)
        call(cmd, Filefunction.replace("txt", "sh"),
             Filefunction.replace("txt", "log"))
    config = CF.MakeconfigFromDefault(outfolder,work,sourcename,ra,dec)
    # config.write(open("simu_"+sourcename.replace(" ","")+"_"+str(simutime)+"h"+".conf", 'w'))

    for emin in emin_table:
	print 'simu'
        #creation of the simulation object
        # simu = CTA_ctools_sim.fromConfig(config)

        # simu.SetTimeRange(tmin,tmax)
        # simu.SetIRFs(caldb,irf)
        # simu.SetEnergyRange(float(emin),emax)

        config["file"]["inmodel"] = Filefunction.replace("_File.txt",'.xml')

        config["time"]["tmin"] = tmin
        config["time"]["tmax"] = tmax

        config["irfs"]["irf"] = irf
        config["irfs"]["caldb"] = caldb

        config["energy"]["emin"] = float(emin)
        config["energy"]["emax"] = emax
        config_file = Filefunction.replace("_File.txt","_"+str(int(emin*100.)/100.)+"TeV"+".conf")
        config.write(open(config_file, 'w'))
        print "save configuration file ",config_file
        # run the simulation
        cmd = "python  "+join(os.getcwd(), "")+" "+config_file
        # os.system(cmd)
Beispiel #7
    for emin in emin_table:
        print 'simu'
        #creation of the simulation object
        # simu = CTA_ctools_sim.fromConfig(config)

        # simu.SetTimeRange(tmin,tmax)
        # simu.SetIRFs(caldb,irf)
        # simu.SetEnergyRange(float(emin),emax)

        config["file"]["inmodel"] = Filefunction.replace("_File.txt", '.xml')

        config["time"]["tmin"] = tmin
        config["time"]["tmax"] = tmax

        config["irfs"]["irf"] = irf
        config["irfs"]["caldb"] = caldb

        config["energy"]["emin"] = float(emin)
        config["energy"]["emax"] = emax
        config_file = Filefunction.replace(
            "_File.txt", "_" + str(int(emin * 100.) / 100.) + "TeV" + ".conf")
        config.write(open(config_file, 'w'))
        print "save configuration file ", config_file
        # run the simulation
        cmd = "python  " + join(os.getcwd(),
                                "") + " " + config_file
        call(cmd, config_file.replace(".conf", ".sh"),
             config_file.replace(".conf", ".log"))
    # os.system(cmd)
Beispiel #8
for index in np.arange(Gmin,Gmax,Gstep):
    phi = powerlaw(energy,norm,index)
    for alpha in np.arange(alphamin,alphamax,alphastep):
        # create_fileFunctions(TauEBL, sourcename,phi,alpha,index)
        EBL_corrected_phi = phi*np.exp(-alpha * TauEBL)
        Filefunction = join(work,sourcename.replace(" ","").replace("-","m").replace("+","p")+"_alpha_"+str(alpha)+"_index_"+str(index)+".txt")

        config = CF.MakeconfigFromDefault(work,work,sourcename,ra,dec)
        config["file"]["inobs"] = data
        config["file"]["selectedevent"] = data.replace(".fits","_alpha_"+str(alpha)+"_index_"+str(index)+"_selected.fits")
        config["file"]["inmodel"] = Filefunction.replace("txt","xml")

        config["time"]["tmax"] = 20*3600

        config["irfs"]["irf"] = irf
        config["irfs"]["caldb"] = caldb

        config["energy"]["emin"] = 0.05
        config["energy"]["emax"] = 10

        config.write(open(Filefunction.replace("txt","conf"), 'w'))

        cmd = "python  "+join(os.getcwd(), "")+" "+Filefunction.replace("txt","conf")
        # print cmd
        # os.system(cmd)