Beispiel #1
def send_work(e, cmd, outToFile=None, outSuffix=None):
    e: a boto Instance object (an Amazon EC2 instance)
    cmd: a string
    After the call, e.PendingJoblist will be a list of Popen instances. e.PendingJoblist.cmd will be a list of commands (cmd).
    command_str = init_ssh_str + " root@%s %s" % (e.dns_name, cmd)

    if outToFile is None:
        job = Popen(command_str, shell=True, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)

    if outToFile is not None:
        if outSuffix is None:
            stdout = file(str(outToFile) + "stdout.txt", "w")
            stderr = file(str(outToFile) + "stderr.txt", "w")

        if outSuffix is not None:
            stdout = file(str(outToFile) + "stdout_" + str(e).rpartition(":")[-1] + "_" + str(outSuffix) + ".txt", "w")
            stderr = file(str(outToFile) + "stderr_" + str(e).rpartition(":")[-1] + "_" + str(outSuffix) + ".txt", "w")

        job = Popen(command_str, shell=True, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)

    job.cmd = cmd
 def _run_command(self, cmd, **args):
     """run an internal declared command as new subprocess"""
     if isinstance(cmd, list):
         cmdline = ' '.join(cmd)
         cmd = COMMANDS[self.package_format][cmd]
         if callable(cmd):
                 return cmd()
             except IOError as err:
                 raise LGPException(err)
         cmdline = Template(cmd)
         setup_file = self._normpath(self.config.setup_file)
         cmdline = cmdline.substitute(setup=setup_file, **args)
     self.logger.debug('run subprocess command: %s' % cmdline)
     if args:
         self.logger.debug('command substitutions: %s' % args)
     process = Popen(cmdline.split(), stdout=PIPE)
     pipe = process.communicate()[0].strip()
     if process.returncode > 0:
         process.cmd = cmdline.split()
         raise LGPCommandException(
             "lgp aborted by the '%s' command child process" % cmdline,
     if not isinstance(pipe, string_types):
         pipe = pipe.decode('utf-8')  # py3k
     return pipe
Beispiel #3
def runcmd(cmd,**kw):
    """run a command in an child process.

    accepts the same parameters as the `subprocess.Popen()` constructor.

    An additional keyword argument `continuation` will be called with
    the popen object as its argument when the process terminates.
    The default continuation simply logs the command and return code.

    TODO: give an example. (Use the source, Luke.)
    cont = kw.pop("continuation",_finish)
    logging.debug("starting %r",cmd)
    p = Popen(cmd,**kw)
    p.cmd = cmd
    p.finish = cont
    return p
Beispiel #4
def start(request):
    global proc
    global file_list
    if request.method == 'POST':
        file_num = int(request.POST.get('id'))

        cmd = command.objects.get(media=file_list[file_num][1], active=True)
        options = command_options.objects.filter(command=cmd, active=True)
        popen_list = []
        for option in options:
            if option.value:

        if proc and proc.poll() == None:
            proc.cmd = None
        proc = Popen(popen_list, stdin=PIPE, shell=False)
        proc.cmd = cmd
        response = redirect('/server/')
        return response
    return HttpResponse('nok')