Beispiel #1
def add_composite_algo(ctx, data):
    """Add composite algo.

    The path must point to a valid JSON file with the following schema:

        "name": str,
        "description": path,
        "file": path,
        "permissions": {
            "public": bool,
            "authorized_ids": list[str],

    - name: name of the algorithm
    - description: path to a markdown file describing the algo
    - file: path to tar.gz or zip archive containing the algorithm python
      script and its Dockerfile
    - permissions: define asset access permissions
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    res = client.add_composite_algo(data)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.COMPOSITE_ALGO,
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #2
def add_testtuple(ctx, objective_key, dataset_key, traintuple_key,
                  data_samples, tag):
    """Add testtuple.

    The option --data-samples-path must point to a valid JSON file with the
    following schema:

        "keys": list[str],

    - keys: list of data sample keys
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    data = {
        'objective_key': objective_key,
        'data_manager_key': dataset_key,
        'traintuple_key': traintuple_key,

    if data_samples:
        data['test_data_sample_keys'] = load_data_samples_keys(data_samples)

    if tag:
        data['tag'] = tag
    res = client.add_testtuple(data)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.TESTTUPLE,
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #3
def add_traintuple(ctx, objective_key, algo_key, dataset_key, data_samples,
                   in_models_keys, tag):
    """Add traintuple.

    The option --data-samples-path must point to a valid JSON file with the
    following schema:

        "keys": list[str],

    - keys: list of data sample keys
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    data = {
        'algo_key': algo_key,
        'objective_key': objective_key,
        'data_manager_key': dataset_key,

    if data_samples:
        data['train_data_sample_keys'] = data_samples['keys']

    if tag:
        data['tag'] = tag

    if in_models_keys:
        data['in_models_keys'] = in_models_keys
    res = client.add_traintuple(data)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.TRAINTUPLE,
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #4
def add_dataset(ctx, data, objective_key):
    """Add dataset.

    The path must point to a valid JSON file with the following schema:

        "name": str,
        "description": path,
        "type": str,
        "data_opener": path,
        "permissions": {
            "public": bool,
            "authorized_ids": list[str],

    - name: name of the dataset
    - description: path to a markdown file describing the dataset
    - type: short description of the type of data that will be attached to this
      dataset (common values are 'Images', 'Tabular', 'Time series',
      'Spatial time series' and 'Hierarchical images')
    - data_opener: path to the opener python script
    - permissions: define asset access permissions
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    dict_append_to_optional_field(data, 'objective_keys', objective_key)
    res = client.add_dataset(data)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.DATASET, ctx.obj.output_format)
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #5
def cancel_compute_plan(ctx, compute_plan_id):
    """Cancel execution of a compute plan."""
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    # method must exist in sdk
    res = client.cancel_compute_plan(compute_plan_id)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.COMPUTE_PLAN, ctx.obj.output_format)
    printer.print(res, profile=ctx.obj.profile)
Beispiel #6
def add_composite_traintuple(ctx, algo_key, dataset_key, data_samples,
                             head_model_key, trunk_model_key,
                             out_trunk_model_permissions, tag, metadata):
    """Add composite traintuple.

    The option --data-samples-path must point to a valid JSON file with the
    following schema:

        "keys": list[str],

    - keys: list of data sample keys

    The option --out-trunk-model-permissions-path must point to a valid JSON file with the
    following schema:

        "authorized_ids": list[str],

    if head_model_key and not trunk_model_key:
        raise click.BadOptionUsage(
            "The --trunk-model-key option is required when using "
    if trunk_model_key and not head_model_key:
        raise click.BadOptionUsage(
            "The --head-model-key option is required when using "

    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    data = {
        'algo_key': algo_key,
        'data_manager_key': dataset_key,
        'in_head_model_key': head_model_key,
        'in_trunk_model_key': trunk_model_key,

    if data_samples:
        data['train_data_sample_keys'] = load_data_samples_keys(data_samples)

    if out_trunk_model_permissions:
        data['out_trunk_model_permissions'] = out_trunk_model_permissions

    if tag:
        data['tag'] = tag

    if metadata:
        data['metadata'] = metadata
    res = client.add_composite_traintuple(data)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.COMPOSITE_TRAINTUPLE,
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #7
def update_compute_plan(ctx, compute_plan_key, tuples, no_auto_batching, batch_size):
    """Update compute plan.

    The tuples path must point to a valid JSON file with the following schema:

        "traintuples": list[{
            "algo_key": str,
            "data_manager_key": str,
            "train_data_sample_keys": list[str],
            "traintuple_id": str,
            "in_models_ids": list[str],
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict,
        "composite_traintuples": list[{
            "composite_traintuple_id": str,
            "algo_key": str,
            "data_manager_key": str,
            "train_data_sample_keys": list[str],
            "in_head_model_id": str,
            "in_trunk_model_id": str,
            "out_trunk_model_permissions": {
                "authorized_ids": list[str],
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict,
        "aggregatetuples": list[{
            "aggregatetuple_id": str,
            "algo_key": str,
            "worker": str,
            "in_models_ids": list[str],
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict,
        "testtuples": list[{
            "objective_key": str,
            "data_manager_key": str,
            "test_data_sample_keys": list[str],
            "traintuple_id": str,
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict,

    Disable the auto batching to upload all the tuples of the
    compute plan at once.
    If the auto batching is enabled, change the `batch_size` to define the number of
    tuples uploaded in each batch (default 20).
    if no_auto_batching and batch_size:
        raise click.BadOptionUsage('--batch_size',
                                   "The --batch_size option cannot be used when using "
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    res = client.update_compute_plan(compute_plan_key, tuples, not no_auto_batching, batch_size)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.COMPUTE_PLAN, ctx.obj.output_format)
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #8
def add_aggregatetuple(ctx, algo_key, in_models_keys, worker, rank, tag,
    """Add aggregatetuple."""
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    data = {
        'algo_key': algo_key,
        'worker': worker,

    if in_models_keys:
        data['in_models_keys'] = in_models_keys

    if rank is not None:
        data['rank'] = rank

    if tag:
        data['tag'] = tag

    if metadata:
        data['metadata'] = metadata
    key = client.add_aggregatetuple(data)
    res = ctx.obj.retry(client.get_aggregatetuple)(key)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.AGGREGATETUPLE,
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #9
def list_(ctx, asset_name, filters, filters_logical_clause, advanced_filters):
    """List assets."""
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    # method must exist in sdk
    method = getattr(client, f'list_{asset_name.lower()}')
    # handle filters
    if advanced_filters and filters:
        raise click.UsageError(
            'The --filter and --advanced-filters options are mutually exclusive'
    elif filters:
        filters = list(filters)
        if filters_logical_clause == 'or':
            # insert 'OR' between each filter
            n = len(filters)
            for i in range(n - 1):
                filters.insert(i + 1, 'OR')
    elif advanced_filters:
        filters = advanced_filters
    res = method(filters)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(asset_name, ctx.obj.output_format)
    dict_res = [
        result.dict(exclude_none=False, by_alias=True) for result in res
    printer.print(dict_res, is_list=True)
Beispiel #10
def add_compute_plan(ctx, data):
    """Add compute plan.

    The path must point to a valid JSON file with the following schema:

        "traintuples": list[{
            "algo_key": str,
            "data_manager_key": str,
            "train_data_sample_keys": list[str],
            "traintuple_id": str,
            "in_models_ids": list[str],
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict
        "composite_traintuples": list[{
            "composite_traintuple_id": str,
            "algo_key": str,
            "data_manager_key": str,
            "train_data_sample_keys": list[str],
            "in_head_model_id": str,
            "in_trunk_model_id": str,
            "out_trunk_model_permissions": {
                "authorized_ids": list[str],
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict
        "aggregatetuples": list[{
            "aggregatetuple_id": str,
            "algo_key": str,
            "worker": str,
            "in_models_ids": list[str],
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict
        "testtuples": list[{
            "objective_key": str,
            "data_manager_key": str,
            "test_data_sample_keys": list[str],
            "traintuple_id": str,
            "tag": str,
            "metadata": dict
        "clean_models": bool,
        "tag": str,
        "metadata": dict

    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    res = client.add_compute_plan(data)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.COMPUTE_PLAN,
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #11
def add_objective(ctx, data, dataset_key, data_samples):
    """Add objective.

    The path must point to a valid JSON file with the following schema:

        "name": str,
        "description": path,
        "metrics_name": str,
        "metrics": path,
        "permissions": {
            "public": bool,
            "authorized_ids": list[str],
        "metadata": dict

    - name: name of the objective
    - description: path to a markdown file describing the objective
    - metrics_name: name of the metrics
    - metrics: path to tar.gz or zip archive containing the metrics python
      script and its Dockerfile
    - permissions: define asset access permissions

    The option --data-samples-path must point to a valid JSON file with the
    following schema:

        "keys": list[str],

    - keys: list of test only data sample keys
    client = get_client(ctx.obj)

    if dataset_key:
        data['test_data_manager_key'] = dataset_key

    if data_samples:
        data['test_data_sample_keys'] = load_data_samples_keys(data_samples)

    key = client.add_objective(data)
    res = ctx.obj.retry(client.get_objective)(key)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(assets.OBJECTIVE,
    printer.print(res, is_list=False)
Beispiel #12
def get(ctx, expand, asset_name, asset_key):
    """Get asset definition."""
    expand_valid_assets = (assets.DATASET, assets.TRAINTUPLE, assets.OBJECTIVE, assets.TESTTUPLE,
                           assets.COMPOSITE_TRAINTUPLE, assets.AGGREGATETUPLE, assets.COMPUTE_PLAN)
    if expand and asset_name not in expand_valid_assets:  # fail fast
        raise click.UsageError(
            f'--expand option is available with assets {expand_valid_assets}')

    client = get_client(ctx.obj)
    # method must exist in sdk
    method = getattr(client, f'get_{asset_name.lower()}')
    res = method(asset_key)
    printer = printers.get_asset_printer(asset_name, ctx.obj.output_format)
    printer.print(res, profile=ctx.obj.profile, expand=expand)
def test_get_asset_printer(asset, output_format, printer_cls):
    assert isinstance(printers.get_asset_printer(asset, output_format),