Beispiel #1
def main():

    print "=" * 40
    print SCRIPT_NAME
    print "v%s" % VERSION
    print "By Robert Walls"
    print "Copyright 2014"
    print "=" * 40

    parser = get_argparser()

    args = parser.parse_args()

    print args.imagefile, args.pagesize, args.oobsize, args.blocksize, args.tag_offset
    print "Script started: ",
    print "File size: ", os.path.getsize(args.imagefile)

    # read in and order all of the blocks, by reverse order of sequence number
    sorted_blocks = extract_ordered_blocks(
        args.imagefile, args.chunksize, args.oobsize, args.blocksize, args.tag_offset

    print "Found %d blocks." % len(sorted_blocks)
    print "Found %d good blocks." % len(
        [block for block in sorted_blocks if not (block.is_erased or block.possible_parse_error)]

    print "Found %d erased blocks." % len([block for block in sorted_blocks if block.is_erased])

    # This can happen if the phone is turned off while writing.
    print "Found %d blocks with mismatched sequence numbers" % len(
        [block for block in sorted_blocks if block.possible_parse_error]

    missing_seq_nums = summarize_deleted_blocks.get_missing_block_numbers(sorted_blocks)

    objects = extract_objects(sorted_blocks)

    print "Found %d objects" % len(objects)
    print "Found %d deleted objects." % len([obj for obj in objects if obj.is_deleted])
    print "Found %d objects with a header." % len([obj for obj in objects if 0 in obj.chunkDict])

    for obj in objects:
        if len(obj.versions) == 0:

        oob, chunk = obj.versions[0][0]

        if oob.num_bytes == 0 and == "deleted":
            obj.is_deleted = True

    for object in objects:
        if object.object_id == 692:

            # We need to look at the each version to see if any holes exist in
            # the block sequence numbers that might affect the chunks,
            # i.e., missing blocks that might have contained chunks
            # of the particular version.
            holey_versions = []

            for version in object.versions:
                for chunk_id in version:
                    if chunk_id == 0:
                        version_seq_num = version[0][0].block_seq

                    oob, chunk = version[chunk_id]

                    if oob.is_most_recent:
                    if oob.block_seq == version_seq_num:
                    if oob.block_seq > version_seq_num:
                        print "Wait! This chunk was written after the header. Error."
                    if oob.block_seq < version_seq_num:
                        between = set(range(oob.block_seq + 1, version_seq_num)) & missing_seq_nums
                        if len(between) > 0:
                            # print "Chunk and version header are separated by %d holes." % len(between)

            object.holey_versions = holey_versions
            # print 'Found %d versions with holes.' % len(holey_versions)

            for version in holey_versions:
                header_oob, header_chunk = version[0]

                if header_oob.is_shrink_header:

                size = 0

                for id in version:
                    if id == 0:
                        size += version[id][0].num_bytes

                if size != header_oob.num_bytes:
                    # TODO: Is this an indication that a certain version
                    # of a file cannot be recovered due to missing chunks?
                    # How will shrink headers impact this?
                    print "Size mismatch."

    # estimateOldChunks(objects)

    # objects_deleted = [object for object in objects if object.isDeleted]

    # printObjectInfo(objects)

    # testVersionSplit(objects)

    # testWriteVersion(objects)

    # printAllObjectNames(objects)


Beispiel #2
def main():
    parser = YaffsParser.get_argparser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    print args.imagefile, args.chunksize, args.oobsize, args.blocksize, args.tag_offset
    print "Script started: ",
    print 'File size: ', os.path.getsize(args.imagefile)

    #read in and order all of the blocks, by reverse order of sequence number
    sorted_blocks = YaffsParser.extract_ordered_blocks(args.imagefile,

    nonerased_blocks = [b for b in sorted_blocks if not b.is_erased]

    print '%d blocks' % len(sorted_blocks)
    print 'Sequence number range: %d -- %d' \
          % (nonerased_blocks[-1].sequence_num, nonerased_blocks[0].sequence_num)

    print 'Found %d erased blocks.' % (len(sorted_blocks) - len(nonerased_blocks))

    #This can happen if the phone is turned off while writing.
    print 'Found %d blocks with mismatched sequence numbers' \
          % len([block for block in sorted_blocks if block.possible_parse_error])

    missing_seq_nums = summarize_deleted_blocks.get_missing_block_numbers(sorted_blocks)

    objects = YaffsParser.extract_objects(sorted_blocks)

    print 'Found %d objects' % len(objects)
    print 'Found %d objects with a header.' % len([obj for obj in objects if 0 in obj.chunkDict])
    print 'Found %d deleted objects.' % len([obj for obj in objects if obj.is_deleted])

    recent_pairs = []
    total_pairs_count = 0
    for block in sorted_blocks:
        recent_pairs.extend([(tag, chunk) for tag, chunk in block.chunk_pairs if tag.is_most_recent])
        total_pairs_count += len(block.chunk_pairs)

    print 'Number of Recent chunks: %d' % len(recent_pairs)
    print 'Total number of chunks: %d' % total_pairs_count
    print 'Fraction recent: %0.2f' % (float(len(recent_pairs)) / total_pairs_count)

    last_time = None
    first_time = None

    for block in nonerased_blocks:
        for tag, chunk in block.chunk_pairs:
            if tag.isHeaderTag:
                print block.sequence_num
                last_time = time.ctime(YaffsHeader(chunk).mtime)

        if last_time:

    for x in xrange(len(nonerased_blocks)-1, 0, -1):
        block = nonerased_blocks[x]
        for y in xrange(len(block.chunk_pairs)-1, 0, -1):
            tag, chunk = block.chunk_pairs[y]
            if tag.isHeaderTag:
                print block.sequence_num
                first_time = time.ctime(YaffsHeader(chunk).mtime)
        if first_time:

    print 'Oldest object modification: %s' % first_time
    print 'Newest object modification: %s' % last_time