Beispiel #1
def median_calculation(network_input,
    '''Calculate the median and median-based standard deviation of a video.

        network_input (numpy.ndarray of float32): the input video. 
        med_frame2 (3D empty numpy.ndarray of float32, default to None): 
            empty array to store the median and median-based standard deviation.
        dims (tuple of int, shape = (2,), default to None): lateral dimension of the video
        median_decimate (int, default to 1): Median and median-based standard deviation are 
            calculate from every "median_decimate" frames of the video
        display (bool, default to True): Indicator of whether display the timing information

        med_frame3 (3D numpy.ndarray of float32): the median and median-based standard deviation.
    if display:
        start = time.time()
    if dims:
        (rows, cols) = dims
        (_, rows, cols) = network_input.shape
    if med_frame2 is None:
        med_frame2 = np.zeros(rows, cols, 2, dtype='float32')

    result = np.copy(network_input[::median_decimate, :rows, :cols].transpose(
        [1, 2, 0]))
    fastquant(result, np.array([0.5, 0.25], dtype='float32'), med_frame2)
    # med_frame2[:, :, 0] stores the median

    # Noise is estimated using median-based standard deviation calculated from
    # the difference bwtween 0.5 quantile and 0.25 quantile
    temp_noise = (med_frame2[:, :, 0] -
                  med_frame2[:, :, 1]) / (math.sqrt(2) * special.erfinv(0.5))
    zeronoise = (temp_noise == 0)
    # if the calculated temp_noise is 0 at some pixels, replace the median-based standard deviation
    # with conventional stantard deviation
    if np.any(zeronoise):
        [x0, y0] = zeronoise.nonzero()
        for (x, y) in zip(x0, y0):
            new_noise = np.std(network_input[:, x, y])
            if new_noise > 0:
                temp_noise[x, y] = new_noise
                temp_noise[x, y] = np.inf

    # med_frame2[:, :, 1] stores the median-based standard deviation
    med_frame2[:, :, 1] = np.reciprocal(temp_noise).astype('float32')
    med_frame3 = np.copy(med_frame2.transpose(
        [2, 0, 1]))  # Using copy to avoid computer crashing
    if display:
        endmedtime = time.time()
        print('median computation: {} s'.format(endmedtime - start))

    return med_frame3
Beispiel #2
def median_normalization(network_input,
    '''Normalize the video by dividing to its temporal median.
        network_input(t,x,y) = network_input(t,x,y) / mean(median(x,y)).

        network_input (numpy.ndarray of float32, shape = (T,Lx,Ly)): the input video. 
        med_frame2 (3D empty numpy.ndarray of float32, default to None): 
            empty array to store the median.
        dims (tuple of int, shape = (2,), default to None): lateral dimension of the video
        median_decimate (int, default to 1): Median is 
            calculate from every "median_decimate" frames of the video
        display (bool, default to True): Indicator of whether display the timing information

        med_frame3 (3D numpy.ndarray of float32): the median.
        In addition, "network_input" is changed to become the normalized video during the function
    if display:
        start = time.time()
    if dims:
        (rows, cols) = dims
        (_, rows, cols) = network_input.shape
    if med_frame2 is None:
        med_frame2 = np.zeros(rows, cols, 2, dtype='float32')

    result = np.copy(network_input[::median_decimate, :rows, :cols].transpose(
        [1, 2, 0]))
    fastquant(result, np.array([0.5], dtype='float32'), med_frame2[:, :, 0:1])
    # med_frame2[:, :, 0] stores the median
    if display:
        endmedtime = time.time()
        print('median computation: {} s'.format(endmedtime - start))

    fastnormback(network_input[:, :rows, :cols],
                 max(1, med_frame2[:, :, 0].mean()))
    med_frame3 = np.copy(med_frame2.transpose(
        [2, 0, 1]))  # Using copy to avoid computer crashing
    if display:
        endnormtime = time.time()
        print('normalization: {} s'.format(endnormtime - endmedtime))
    return med_frame3
Beispiel #3
def median_std(result, med_frame2):
    '''Calculate median and median_based_standard_deviation from the selected video.

        result (numpy.ndarray of float32): the input video. 
            The temporal dimension is transposed to the first dimension.
        med_frame2 (3D empty numpy.ndarray of float32): 
            empty array to store the median and median-based standard deviation.

        med_frame3 (3D numpy.ndarray of float32): the median and median-based standard deviation.
    fastquant(result, np.array([0.5, 0.25], dtype='float32'), med_frame2)
    # med_frame2[:, :, 0] stores the median

    # Noise is estimated using median-based standard deviation calculated from
    # the difference bwtween 0.5 quantile and 0.25 quantile
    temp_noise = (med_frame2[:, :, 0] -
                  med_frame2[:, :, 1]) / (math.sqrt(2) * special.erfinv(0.5))
    zeronoise = (temp_noise == 0)
    # if the calculated temp_noise is 0 at some pixels, replace the median-based standard deviation
    # with conventional stantard deviation
    if np.any(zeronoise):
        [x0, y0] = zeronoise.nonzero()
        for (x, y) in zip(x0, y0):
            new_noise = np.std(result[:, x, y])
            if new_noise > 0:
                temp_noise[x, y] = new_noise
                temp_noise[x, y] = np.inf

    # med_frame2[:, :, 1] stores the median-based standard deviation
    med_frame2[:, :, 1] = np.reciprocal(temp_noise).astype('float32')
    med_frame3 = np.copy(med_frame2.transpose(
        [2, 0, 1]))  # Using copy to avoid computer crashing
    return med_frame3
Beispiel #4
def median_normalization(network_input, med_frame2=None, dims=None, frames_initf=10**4, \
        update_baseline=False, frames_init=10**6, display=True):
    '''Normalize the video by dividing to its temporal median.
        network_input(t,x,y) = network_input(t,x,y) / mean(median(x,y)).

        network_input (numpy.ndarray of float32, shape = (T,Lx,Ly)): the input video. 
        med_frame2 (3D empty numpy.ndarray of float32, default to None): 
            empty array to store the median.
        dims (tuple of int, shape = (2,), default to None): lateral dimension of the video
        frames_initf (int, default to a very large number): Median and median-based standard deviation are 
            calculate from the first "frames_initf" frames of the video
        update_baseline (bool, default to False): True if the median and median-based std is updated every "frames_init" frames.
        frames_init (int, default to a very large number): Median and median-based standard deviation are 
            updated every "frames_init" frames of the video. Only used when update_baseline = True
        display (bool, default to True): Indicator of whether display the timing information

        No explicit output.
        In addition, "network_input" is changed to become the normalized video during the function
    if display:
        start = time.time()
    if dims:
        (rows, cols) = dims
        (_, rows, cols) = network_input.shape
    if med_frame2 is None:
        med_frame2 = np.zeros(rows, cols, 2, dtype='float32')

    result = np.copy(network_input[:frames_initf, :rows, :cols].transpose(
        [1, 2, 0]))
    fastquant(result, np.array([0.5], dtype='float32'), med_frame2[:, :, 0:1])
    # med_frame2[:, :, 0] stores the median
    if not update_baseline:
        if display:
            endmedtime = time.time()
            print('median computation: {} s'.format(endmedtime - start))

        fastnormback(network_input[:, :rows, :cols],
                     max(1, med_frame2[:, :, 0].mean()))
        # med_frame3 = np.copy(med_frame2.transpose([2,0,1])) # Using copy to avoid computer crashing
        if display:
            endnormtime = time.time()
            print('normalization: {} s'.format(endnormtime - endmedtime))
        fastnormback(network_input[:frames_initf + frames_init, :rows, :cols],
                     max(1, med_frame2[:, :, 0].mean()))
        for t_update in range(frames_initf + frames_init,
                              network_input.shape[0], frames_init):
            result = np.copy(
                network_input[t_update -
                              frames_init:t_update, :rows, :cols].transpose(
                                  [1, 2, 0]))
            fastquant(result, np.array([0.5], dtype='float32'),
                      med_frame2[:, :, 0:1])
                network_input[t_update:t_update + frames_init, :rows, :cols],
                max(1, med_frame2[:, :, 0].mean()))
        if display:
            endnormtime = time.time()
            print('median computation and normalization: {} s'.format(
                endnormtime - start))