def __init__(self):

        # in elements' dicts, following key can be used:
        # - 'nitf': new NITF compatible element to use (empty string to remove)
        # - 'attrib': new attribute to use (replace existing one if set)
        # - 'filter': callback to use for complex changes (root_elment and element as arguments)
        self.HTML2NITF = {
            'p': {},
            'b': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'bold'}},
            'br': {'filter': self.br_filter},
            'strong': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'bold'}},
            'i': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'italic'}},
            'em': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'italic'}},
            'u': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'underscore'}},
            'strike': {'nitf': 'em'},
            'sup': {},
            'sub': {},
            'a': {},
            'img': {'nitf': ''},  # <img> use <media> in nitf, so we remove element
            'blockquote': {'nitf': 'bq'},
            'pre': {},
            'ol': {},
            'ul': {},
            'li': {},
            # FIXME: hl1 is not used here as it can only appear in <hedline>
            'h1': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h2': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h3': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h4': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h5': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h6': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            # tables
            'table': {},
            'tbody': {},
            'tr': {},
            'td': {},
            'th': {},
            'style': {'nitf': EraseElement},  # <style> may be there in case of bad paste
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self):

        # in elements' dicts, following key can be used:
        # - 'nitf': new NITF compatible element to use (empty string to remove)
        # - 'attrib': new attribute to use (replace existing one if set)
        # - 'filter': callback to use for complex changes (root_elment and element as arguments)
        self.HTML2NITF = {
            'p': {},
            'b': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'bold'}},
            'br': {'filter': self.br_filter},
            'strong': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'bold'}},
            'i': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'italic'}},
            'em': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'italic'}},
            'u': {
                'nitf': 'em',
                'attrib': {'class': 'underscore'}},
            'strike': {'nitf': 'em'},
            'sup': {},
            'sub': {},
            'a': {},
            'img': {'nitf': ''},  # <img> use <media> in nitf, so we remove element
            'blockquote': {'nitf': 'bq'},
            'pre': {},
            'ol': {},
            'ul': {},
            'li': {},
            # FIXME: hl1 is not used here as it can only appear in <hedline>
            'h1': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h2': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h3': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h4': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h5': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            'h6': {'nitf': 'hl2'},
            # tables
            'table': {},
            'tbody': {},
            'tr': {},
            'td': {},
            'th': {},
            'style': {'nitf': EraseElement},  # <style> may be there in case of bad paste
    def __init__(self):

        # in elements' dicts, following key can be used:
        # - 'nitf': new NITF compatible element to use (empty string to remove)
        # - 'attrib': new attribute to use (replace existing one if set)
        # - 'filter': callback to use for complex changes (root_elment and element as arguments)
        self.HTML2NITF = {
            "p": {},
            "b": {"nitf": "em", "attrib": {"class": "bold"}},
            "br": {"filter": self.br_filter},
            "strong": {"nitf": "em", "attrib": {"class": "bold"}},
            "i": {"nitf": "em", "attrib": {"class": "italic"}},
            "em": {"nitf": "em", "attrib": {"class": "italic"}},
            "u": {"nitf": "em", "attrib": {"class": "underscore"}},
            "strike": {"nitf": "em"},
            "sup": {},
            "sub": {},
            "a": {},
            "img": {"nitf": ""},  # <img> use <media> in nitf, so we remove element
            "blockquote": {"nitf": "bq"},
            "pre": {},
            "ol": {},
            "ul": {},
            "li": {},
            # FIXME: hl1 is not used here as it can only appear in <hedline>
            "h1": {"nitf": "hl2"},
            "h2": {"nitf": "hl2"},
            "h3": {"nitf": "hl2"},
            "h4": {"nitf": "hl2"},
            "h5": {"nitf": "hl2"},
            "h6": {"nitf": "hl2"},
            # tables
            "table": {},
            "tbody": {},
            "tr": {},
            "td": {},
            "th": {},
            "style": {"nitf": EraseElement},  # <style> may be there in case of bad paste