Beispiel #1
    def latest_partition(cls,
                         table_name: str,
                         schema: Optional[str],
                         show_first: bool = False):
        """Returns col name and the latest (max) partition value for a table

        :param table_name: the name of the table
        :param schema: schema / database / namespace
        :param database: database query will be run against
        :type database: models.Database
        :param show_first: displays the value for the first partitioning key
          if there are many partitioning keys
        :type show_first: bool

        >>> latest_partition('foo_table')
        (['ds'], ('2018-01-01',))
        indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema)
        if len(indexes[0]["column_names"]) < 1:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                "The table should have one partitioned field")
        elif not show_first and len(indexes[0]["column_names"]) > 1:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                "The table should have a single partitioned field "
                "to use this function. You may want to use "
        column_names = indexes[0]["column_names"]
        part_fields = [(column_name, True) for column_name in column_names]
        sql = cls._partition_query(table_name, database, 1, part_fields)
        df = database.get_df(sql, schema)
        return column_names, cls._latest_partition_from_df(df)
    def latest_partition(cls, table_name, schema, database, show_first=False):
        """Returns col name and the latest (max) partition value for a table

        :param table_name: the name of the table
        :type table_name: str
        :param schema: schema / database / namespace
        :type schema: str
        :param database: database query will be run against
        :type database: models.Database
        :param show_first: displays the value for the first partitioning key
          if there are many partitioning keys
        :type show_first: bool

        >>> latest_partition('foo_table')
        indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema)
        if len(indexes[0]['column_names']) < 1:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                'The table should have one partitioned field')
        elif not show_first and len(indexes[0]['column_names']) > 1:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                'The table should have a single partitioned field '
                'to use this function. You may want to use '
        part_field = indexes[0]['column_names'][0]
        sql = cls._partition_query(table_name, 1, [(part_field, True)])
        df = database.get_df(sql, schema)
        return part_field, cls._latest_partition_from_df(df)
Beispiel #3
    def latest_sub_partition(
        cls, table_name: str, schema: Optional[str], database: "Database", **kwargs: Any
    ) -> Any:
        """Returns the latest (max) partition value for a table

        A filtering criteria should be passed for all fields that are
        partitioned except for the field to be returned. For example,
        if a table is partitioned by (``ds``, ``event_type`` and
        ``event_category``) and you want the latest ``ds``, you'll want
        to provide a filter as keyword arguments for both
        ``event_type`` and ``event_category`` as in
            event_category='page', event_type='click')``

        :param table_name: the name of the table, can be just the table
            name or a fully qualified table name as ``schema_name.table_name``
        :type table_name: str
        :param schema: schema / database / namespace
        :type schema: str
        :param database: database query will be run against
        :type database: models.Database

        :param kwargs: keyword arguments define the filtering criteria
            on the partition list. There can be many of these.
        :type kwargs: str
        >>> latest_sub_partition('sub_partition_table', event_type='click')
        indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema)
        part_fields = indexes[0]["column_names"]
        for k in kwargs.keys():  # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
            if k not in k in part_fields:  # pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself
                msg = "Field [{k}] is not part of the portioning key"
                raise SupersetTemplateException(msg)
        if len(kwargs.keys()) != len(part_fields) - 1:
            msg = (
                "A filter needs to be specified for {} out of the " "{} fields."
            ).format(len(part_fields) - 1, len(part_fields))
            raise SupersetTemplateException(msg)

        for field in part_fields:
            if field not in kwargs.keys():
                field_to_return = field

        sql = cls._partition_query(
            table_name, database, 1, [(field_to_return, True)], kwargs
        df = database.get_df(sql, schema)
        if df.empty:
            return ""
        return df.to_dict()[field_to_return][0]
Beispiel #4
def safe_proxy(func: Callable[..., Any], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
    return_value = func(*args, **kwargs)
    value_type = type(return_value).__name__
    if value_type not in ALLOWED_TYPES:
        raise SupersetTemplateException(
                "Unsafe return type for function %(func)s: %(value_type)s",
    if value_type in COLLECTION_TYPES:
            return_value = json.loads(json.dumps(return_value))
        except TypeError as ex:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                _("Unsupported return value for method %(name)s", name=func.__name__,)
            ) from ex

    return return_value
Beispiel #5
def validate_context_types(context: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
    for key in context:
        arg_type = type(context[key]).__name__
        if arg_type not in ALLOWED_TYPES and key not in context_addons():
            if arg_type == "partial" and context[
                    key].func.__name__ == "safe_proxy":
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                    "Unsafe template value for key %(key)s: %(value_type)s",
        if arg_type in COLLECTION_TYPES:
                context[key] = json.loads(json.dumps(context[key]))
            except TypeError:
                raise SupersetTemplateException(
                    _("Unsupported template value for key %(key)s", key=key))

    return context