Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, name: str, value_type: str, possible_values: List[str] = None, color: List[int]=None):
        :param name: str
        :param value_type: str (one of TagValueType fields)
        :param values: list of possible values (i.e. [str]) or None
        :param color: [R, G, B]

        if value_type not in SUPPORTED_TAG_VALUE_TYPES:
            raise ValueError("value_type = {!r} is unknown, should be one of {}".format(value_type, SUPPORTED_TAG_VALUE_TYPES))

        self._name = name
        self._value_type = value_type
        self._possible_values = possible_values
        self._color = random_rgb() if color is None else deepcopy(color)

        if self._value_type == TagValueType.ONEOF_STRING:
            if self._possible_values is None:
                raise ValueError("TagValueType is ONEOF_STRING. List of possible values have to be defined.")
            if not all(isinstance(item, str) for item in self._possible_values):
                raise ValueError("TagValueType is ONEOF_STRING. All possible values have to be strings")
        elif self._possible_values is not None:
            raise ValueError("TagValueType is {!r}. possible_values variable have to be None".format(self._value_type))

Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 geometry_type: type,
                 color: List[int] = None,
                 geometry_config: dict = None,
                 hotkey: str = None):
        Class of objects (person, car, etc) with necessary properties: name, type of geometry (Polygon, Rectangle, ...)
        and RGB color. Only one class can be associated with Label.

            name: string name of the class (person, car, apple, etc)
            geometry_type: type of the geometry. Geometry defines the shape for all Labels of this ObjClass:
                Polygon, Rectangle, Bitmap, Polyline, Point
            color: [R, G, B]
            geometry_config: additional settings of the geometry that is associated with ObjClass
            ObjClass instance
        self._name = name
        self._geometry_type = geometry_type
        self._color = random_rgb() if color is None else deepcopy(color)
        self._geometry_config = deepcopy(take_with_default(
            geometry_config, {}))
        self._sly_id = sly_id
        self._hotkey = take_with_default(hotkey, "")
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self,
                 name: str,
                 value_type: str,
                 possible_values: List[str] = None,
                 color: List[int] = None,
                 hotkey: str = None,
                 applicable_to: str = None,
                 applicable_classes: List[str] = None):
        :param name: str
        :param value_type: str (one of TagValueType fields)
        :param values: list of possible values (i.e. [str]) or None
        :param color: [R, G, B]

        if value_type not in SUPPORTED_TAG_VALUE_TYPES:
            raise ValueError(
                "value_type = {!r} is unknown, should be one of {}".format(
                    value_type, SUPPORTED_TAG_VALUE_TYPES))

        self._name = name
        self._value_type = value_type
        self._possible_values = possible_values
        self._color = random_rgb() if color is None else deepcopy(color)
        self._sly_id = sly_id
        self._hotkey = take_with_default(hotkey, "")
        self._applicable_to = take_with_default(applicable_to,
        self._applicable_classes = take_with_default(applicable_classes, [])
        if self._applicable_to not in SUPPORTED_APPLICABLE_TO:
            raise ValueError(
                "applicable_to = {!r} is unknown, should be one of {}".format(
                    self._applicable_to, SUPPORTED_APPLICABLE_TO))

        if self._value_type == TagValueType.ONEOF_STRING:
            if self._possible_values is None:
                raise ValueError(
                    "TagValueType is ONEOF_STRING. List of possible values have to be defined."
            if not all(
                    isinstance(item, str) for item in self._possible_values):
                raise ValueError(
                    "TagValueType is ONEOF_STRING. All possible values have to be strings"
        elif self._possible_values is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "TagValueType is {!r}. possible_values variable have to be None"

Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self, name: str, geometry_type: type, color: List[int]=None):
        Class of objects (person, car, etc) with necessary properties: name, type of geometry (Polygon, Rectangle, ...)
        and RGB color. Only one class can be associated with Label.

            name: string name of the class (person, car, apple, etc)
            geometry_type: type of the geometry. Geometry defines the shape for all Labels of this ObjClass:
                Polygon, Rectangle, Bitmap, Polyline, Point
            color: [R, G, B]
            ObjClass instance
        self._name = name
        self._geometry_type = geometry_type
        self._color = random_rgb() if color is None else deepcopy(color)