Beispiel #1
def mask_roi(rows, cols, bounds):
    """Return a mask for operating only on pixels inside the given bounds.

    rows, cols : int
        Shape of the target image.
    bounds : (M, 3) array of (x, y, 1) coordinates
        Boundary coordinates.

    # Sort corners clockwise.  This can be done with a single
    # swap operation, but that's a bit more work.
    mask = (bounds < 1e-14)
    bounds[mask] -= 0.5
    bounds[~mask] += 0.5

    centroid = bounds.mean(axis=0)
    diff = bounds - centroid
    angle = np.arctan2(diff[:, 1], diff[:, 0])
    bounds = bounds[np.argsort(angle)]
    bounds = np.vstack((bounds, bounds[0]))

    p = Polygon(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1])
    g = Grid(rows, cols)
    return p.inside(g['cols'].flat, g['rows'].flat).reshape(rows, cols)
Beispiel #2
def mask_roi(rows, cols, bounds):
    """Return a mask for operating only on pixels inside the given bounds.

    rows, cols : int
        Shape of the target image.
    bounds : (M, 3) array of (x, y, 1) coordinates
        Boundary coordinates.

    # Sort corners clockwise.  This can be done with a single
    # swap operation, but that's a bit more work.
    mask = (bounds < 1e-14)
    bounds[mask] -= 0.5
    bounds[~mask] += 0.5

    centroid = bounds.mean(axis=0)
    diff = bounds - centroid
    angle = np.arctan2(diff[:, 1], diff[:, 0])
    bounds = bounds[np.argsort(angle)]
    bounds = np.vstack((bounds, bounds[0]))

    p = Polygon(bounds[:, 0], bounds[:, 1])
    g = Grid(rows, cols)
    return p.inside(g['cols'].flat, g['rows'].flat).reshape(rows, cols)
Beispiel #3
print pa
print "Area expected: %f, area found: %f" % ((0.85-0.15)**2, pa.area())
print "Centroid: ", pa.centroid()

# concave enclosure test-case for inside.
xp = [0.15,0.25,0.45,0.45,0.25,0.25,0.65,0.65,0.85,0.85,0.15]
yp = [0.15,0.15,0.15,0.25,0.25,0.55,0.55,0.15,0.15,0.85,0.85]
pb = Polygon(xp,yp)
xc, yc = pb.centroid()
print pb
print "Area: ", pb.area()
print "Centroid: ", xc, yc

inside = pb.inside(grid_x,grid_y)
plt.plot(grid_x[inside], grid_y[inside], 'g.')
plt.plot(grid_x[~inside], grid_y[~inside],'r.')
plt.plot(pb.x,pb.y, '-k')
plt.plot([xc], [yc], 'co')

# many points in a semicircle, to test speed
grid_x,grid_y = np.mgrid[0:1:.01,-1:1:.01].reshape(2,-1)

xp = np.sin(np.arange(0,np.pi,0.01))
yp = np.cos(np.arange(0,np.pi,0.01))
pc = Polygon(xp,yp)
xc, yc = pc.centroid()

print pc
Beispiel #4
print pa
print "Area expected: %f, area found: %f" % ((0.85 - 0.15)**2, pa.area())
print "Centroid: ", pa.centroid()

# concave enclosure test-case for inside.
xp = [0.15, 0.25, 0.45, 0.45, 0.25, 0.25, 0.65, 0.65, 0.85, 0.85, 0.15]
yp = [0.15, 0.15, 0.15, 0.25, 0.25, 0.55, 0.55, 0.15, 0.15, 0.85, 0.85]
pb = Polygon(xp, yp)
xc, yc = pb.centroid()
print pb
print "Area: ", pb.area()
print "Centroid: ", xc, yc

inside = pb.inside(grid_x, grid_y)
plt.plot(grid_x[inside], grid_y[inside], 'g.')
plt.plot(grid_x[~inside], grid_y[~inside], 'r.')
plt.plot(pb.x, pb.y, '-k')
plt.plot([xc], [yc], 'co')

# many points in a semicircle, to test speed
grid_x, grid_y = np.mgrid[0:1:.01, -1:1:.01].reshape(2, -1)

xp = np.sin(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01))
yp = np.cos(np.arange(0, np.pi, 0.01))
pc = Polygon(xp, yp)
xc, yc = pc.centroid()

print pc