Beispiel #1
def getoptions():
    """ process comandline options """

    retdata = {
        "log": logging.INFO,
        "resource": None,
        "config": None,
        "mindate": - timedelta(days=3)

    opts, _ = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "r:c:m:adqh", ["resource=", "config=", "mindate=", "all", "debug", "quiet", "help"])

    for opt in opts:
        if opt[0] in ("-r", "--resource"):
            retdata['resource'] = opt[1]
        elif opt[0] in ("-d", "--debug"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.DEBUG
        elif opt[0] in ("-q", "--quiet"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.ERROR
        elif opt[0] in ("-c", "--config"):
            retdata['config'] = opt[1]
        elif opt[0] in ("-m", "--mindate"):
            retdata['mindate'] = parsetime(opt[1])
        elif opt[0] in ("-a", "--all"):
            retdata['mindate'] = None
        elif opt[0] in ("-h", "--help"):

    return retdata
Beispiel #2
def getoptions():
    """ process comandline options """

    retdata = {
        "log": logging.INFO,
        "resource": None,
        "config": None,
        "debugfile": None,
        "mindate": - timedelta(days=DAY_DELTA),
        "maxdate": - timedelta(minutes=10),
        "keep_csv": False,
        "num_threads": 1

    opts, _ = getopt(
        ["resource=", "config=", "mindate=", "maxdate=", "debugfile", "all", "debug", "quiet", "help", "threads=", "keep-csv"]

    for opt in opts:
        if opt[0] in ("-r", "--resource"):
            retdata['resource'] = opt[1]
        elif opt[0] in ("-d", "--debug"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.DEBUG
        elif opt[0] in ("-q", "--quiet"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.ERROR
        elif opt[0] in ("-c", "--config"):
            retdata['config'] = opt[1]
        elif opt[0] in ("-m", "--mindate"):
            retdata['mindate'] = parsetime(opt[1])
        elif opt[0] in ("-M", "--maxdate"):
            retdata['maxdate'] = parsetime(opt[1])
        elif opt[0] in ("-D", "--debugfile"):
            retdata["debugfile"] = opt[1]
        elif opt[0] in ("-a", "--all"):
            retdata['mindate'] = None
            retdata['maxdate'] = None
        elif opt[0] in ("-t", "--threads"):
            retdata["num_threads"] = int(opt[1])
        elif opt[0] in ("-k", "--keep-csv"):
            retdata["keep_csv"] = True
        elif opt[0] in ("-h", "--help"):

    return retdata
Beispiel #3
def getoptions(has_mpi):
    """ process comandline options """

    localjobid = None
    resource = None
    starttime = None
    endtime = None
    joboutdir = None

    retdata = {
        "log": logging.INFO,
        "threads": 1,
        "dodelete": True,
        "extractonly": False,
        "libextract": False,
        "process_all": False,
        "process_bad": False,
        "process_old": False,
        "process_notdone": False,
        "process_current": False,
        "process_big": False,
        "process_error": 0,
        "max_nodes": 0,
        "max_nodetime": None,
        "min_duration": None,
        "min_parallel_duration": None,
        "max_duration": 0,
        "job_output_dir": None,
        "tag": None,
        "dump_proclist": False,
        "force_timeout": 2 * 24 * 3600,
        "resource": None,
        "dry_run": False,
        "fail_fast": False

    opts, _ = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ABONCbP:M:j:r:t:dqs:e:LT:t:D:Eo:hn", [
        "localjobid=", "resource=", "threads=", "debug", "quiet", "start=",
        "end=", "process-all", "process-bad", "process-old", "process-notdone",
        "process-current", "process-big", "process-error=", "max-nodes=",
        "max-nodetime=", "min-duration=", "min-parallel-duration=",
        "max-duration=", "timeout=", "dump-proclist", "tag=", "delete=",
        "extract-only", "use-lib-extract", "output=", "help", "dry-run",

    for opt in opts:
        if opt[0] in ("-j", "--localjobid"):
            localjobid = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-r", "--resource"):
            resource = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-d", "--debug"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.DEBUG
        if opt[0] in ("-q", "--quiet"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.ERROR
        if opt[0] in ("-t", "--threads"):
            retdata['threads'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-s", "--start"):
            starttime = parsetime(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-e", "--end"):
            endtime = parsetime(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-A", "--process-all"):
            retdata['process_all'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-B", "--process-bad"):
            retdata['process_bad'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-O", "--process-old"):
            retdata['process_old'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-N", "--process-notdone"):
            retdata['process_notdone'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-C", "--process-current"):
            retdata['process_current'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-b", "--process-big"):
            retdata['process_big'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-P", "--process-error"):
            retdata['process_error'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-L", "--use-lib-extract"):
            retdata['libextract'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-M", "--max-nodes"):
            retdata['max_nodes'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] == "--max-nodetime":
            retdata['max_nodetime'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] == "--min-duration":
            retdata['min_duration'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] == "--min-parallel-duration":
            retdata['min_parallel_duration'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] == "--max-duration":
            retdata['max_duration'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-T", "--timeout"):
            retdata['force_timeout'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] == "--tag":
            retdata['tag'] = str(opt[1])
        if opt[0] == '--dump-proclist':
            retdata['dump_proclist'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-D", "--delete"):
            retdata['dodelete'] = True if opt[1].upper().startswith(
                "T") else False
        if opt[0] in ("-E", "--extract-only"):
            retdata['extractonly'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-o", "--output"):
            joboutdir = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-n", "--dry-run"):
            retdata["dry_run"] = True
        if opt[0] == "--fail-fast":
            retdata["fail_fast"] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-h", "--help"):

    if retdata['extractonly']:
        # extract-only supresses archive delete
        retdata['dodelete'] = False

    # If all options selected, treat as all to optimize the job selection query
    if retdata['process_bad'] and retdata['process_old'] and retdata[
            'process_notdone'] and retdata['process_current']:
        retdata['process_all'] = True

    if not (starttime == None and endtime == None):
        if starttime == None or endtime == None:
            "mode": "timerange",
            "start": starttime,
            "end": endtime,
            "resource": resource
        # Preserve the existing mode where just specifying a timerange does all jobs
        if not retdata['process_bad'] and not retdata[
                'process_old'] and not retdata[
                    'process_notdone'] and not retdata[
                        'process_current'] and not retdata[
                            'process_big'] and retdata['process_error'] == 0:
            retdata['process_all'] = True
        return retdata
        if not retdata['process_bad'] and not retdata[
                'process_old'] and not retdata[
                    'process_notdone'] and not retdata[
                        'process_current'] and not retdata[
                            'process_big'] and retdata['process_error'] == 0:
            # Preserve the existing mode where unprocessed jobs are selected when no time range given
            retdata['process_bad'] = True
            retdata['process_old'] = True
            retdata['process_notdone'] = True
        if (retdata['process_bad'] and retdata['process_old']
                and retdata['process_notdone']
                and retdata['process_current']) or retdata['process_all']:
            # Sanity checking to not do every job in the DB
            logging.error("Cannot process all jobs without a time range")

    if localjobid == None and resource == None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "all"})
        return retdata

    if localjobid != None and resource != None:
            "mode": "single",
            "local_job_id": localjobid,
            "resource": resource,
            "job_output_dir": joboutdir
        return retdata

    if resource != None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "resource", "resource": resource})
        return retdata

Beispiel #4
def getoptions():
    """ process comandline options """

    localjobid = None
    resource = None
    starttime = None
    endtime = None
    joboutdir = None

    retdata = {
        "log": logging.INFO,
        "dodelete": True,
        "extractonly": False,
        "job_output_dir": None,
        "force_timeout": 2 * 24 * 3600,
        "resource": None

    opts, _ = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "j:r:dqs:e:T:D:Eo:h", 

    for opt in opts:
        if opt[0] in ("-j", "--jobid"):
            localjobid = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-r", "--resource"):
            resource = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-d", "--debug"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.DEBUG
        if opt[0] in ("-q", "--quiet"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.ERROR
        if opt[0] in ("-s", "--start"):
            starttime = parsetime(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-e", "--end"):
            endtime = parsetime(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-T", "--timeout"):
            retdata['force_timeout'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-D", "--delete"):
            retdata['dodelete'] = True if opt[1].upper().startswith("T") else False
        if opt[0] in ("-E", "--extract-only"):
            retdata['extractonly'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-o", "--output"):
            joboutdir = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-h", "--help"):

    if retdata['extractonly']:
        # extract-only supresses archive delete
        retdata['dodelete'] = False

    if not (starttime == None and endtime == None):
        if starttime == None or endtime == None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "timerange", "start": starttime, "end": endtime, "resource": resource})
        return retdata

    if localjobid == None and resource == None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "all"})
        return retdata

    if localjobid != None and resource != None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "single", "local_job_id": localjobid, "resource": resource, "job_output_dir": joboutdir})
        return retdata

    if resource != None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "resource", "resource": resource})
        return retdata

Beispiel #5
def getoptions():
    """ process comandline options """

    localjobid = None
    resource = None
    starttime = None
    endtime = None
    joboutdir = None

    retdata = {
        "log": logging.INFO,
        "threads": 1,
        "dodelete": True,
        "extractonly": False,
        "job_output_dir": None,
        "force_timeout": 2 * 24 * 3600,
        "resource": None

    opts, _ = getopt(sys.argv[1:], "j:r:t:dqs:e:T:D:Eo:h", 

    for opt in opts:
        if opt[0] in ("-j", "--jobid"):
            localjobid = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-r", "--resource"):
            resource = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-d", "--debug"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.DEBUG
        if opt[0] in ("-q", "--quiet"):
            retdata['log'] = logging.ERROR
        if opt[0] in ("-t", "--threads"):
            retdata['threads'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-s", "--start"):
            starttime = parsetime(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-e", "--end"):
            endtime = parsetime(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-T", "--timeout"):
            retdata['force_timeout'] = int(opt[1])
        if opt[0] in ("-D", "--delete"):
            retdata['dodelete'] = True if opt[1].upper().startswith("T") else False
        if opt[0] in ("-E", "--extract-only"):
            retdata['extractonly'] = True
        if opt[0] in ("-o", "--output"):
            joboutdir = opt[1]
        if opt[0] in ("-h", "--help"):

    if retdata['extractonly']:
        # extract-only supresses archive delete
        retdata['dodelete'] = False

    if not (starttime == None and endtime == None):
        if starttime == None or endtime == None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "timerange", "start": starttime, "end": endtime, "resource": resource})
        return retdata

    if localjobid == None and resource == None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "all"})
        return retdata

    if localjobid != None and resource != None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "single", "local_job_id": localjobid, "resource": resource, "job_output_dir": joboutdir})
        return retdata

    if resource != None:
        retdata.update({"mode": "resource", "resource": resource})
        return retdata
