Beispiel #1
    def setUp(self):
        import maketree, ROOT as r


        def tchain(name):
            chain = r.TChain(name)
            chain.Add("/".join((maketree.filePath(),) + configuration.mainTree()))
            return chain

        self.sbaF = supy.wrappedChain(tchain("sbaF"), useSetBranchAddress=False)
        self.sbaT = supy.wrappedChain(tchain("sbaT"), useSetBranchAddress=True)
Beispiel #2
    def loop(self) :
        if self.nEventsMax!=0 :
            chainWrapper = wrappedChain( self.chains[self.mainTree],
                                         calculables = self.calculables,
                                         useSetBranchAddress = not any([step.requiresNoSetBranchAddress() for step in self.steps]),
                                         leavesToBlackList = self.leavesToBlackList,
                                         maxArrayLength = configuration.maxArrayLength(),
                                         trace = self.trace,
                                         cacheSizeMB = configuration.ttreecacheMB(),
            for step in filter(lambda s: (issubclass(type(s),wrappedChain.calculable) and
                                          hasattr(s,"source") and
                                          hasattr(s.source,"tracedKeys")), self.steps) :
                step.tracer = step.source
                step.source.tracedKeys |= step.priorFilters

            [ all(step(eventVars) for step in self.steps) for eventVars in chainWrapper.entries(self.nEventsMax, self.skip) ]

            for step in filter(lambda s: s.tracer and in s.tracer.tracedKeys, self.steps) : step.tracer.tracedKeys.remove(
            self.recordLeavesAndCalcsUsed( chainWrapper.activeKeys(), chainWrapper.calcDependencies() )
        else : self.recordLeavesAndCalcsUsed([], {})
Beispiel #3
    def setUp(self):
        self.oldErrorIgnoreLevel = r.gErrorIgnoreLevel
        r.gErrorIgnoreLevel = 9999  # suppress messages about missing/broken
        # files (purposefully created below)
        self.treeName = "tree"
        self.varName = "run"
        self.runs = [[0, 1, 2, 3], [], [222], [], [444], [], [], [4], [5, 6], [], [], [7, 8]]

        chain = r.TChain(self.treeName)
        for iList in range(len(self.runs)):
            fileName = self.fileName(iList)
            if iList == 2:
                toRemove = fileName
            if iList == 4:
                toBreak = fileName
            chain.Add("/".join([fileName, self.treeName]))

        os.remove(toRemove)  # make a file inaccessible
        os.system("echo 0 > %s" % toBreak)  # make a file unreadable

        self.wc = supy.wrappedChain(chain)