def getMsgsForChild(cname): '''Find all new messages for a single child''' dtype = surllib.getBrowser().getState('dialogue') if dtype == 'conversations': # New more "gmail" like message view url = schildren.getChildURL(cname, '/messages/conversations') config.clog(cname, u'Kigger efter nye beskeder på %s' % url) bs = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) return parseMessages(cname, bs) elif dtype == 'inbox': # Old message view msgs = [] for tray in ['inbox', 'outbox']: url = schildren.getChildURL(cname, '/messages/'+tray) config.clog(cname, u'Kigger efter nye beskeder på %s' % url) bs = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) msgs += parseTrayMessages(cname, bs) return msgs else: config.clog(cname, u'Beskede-indbakke-type %r ikke understøttet' % dtype, 0) return []
def getMsgsForChild(cname): '''Find all new messages for a single child''' dtype = surllib.getBrowser().getState('dialogue') if dtype == 'conversations': # New more "gmail" like message view url = schildren.getChildURL(cname, '/messages/conversations') config.clog(cname, u'Kigger efter nye beskeder på %s' % url) bs = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) return parseMessages(cname, bs) elif dtype == 'inbox': # Old message view msgs = [] for tray in ['inbox', 'outbox']: url = schildren.getChildURL(cname, '/messages/' + tray) config.clog(cname, u'Kigger efter nye beskeder på %s' % url) bs = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) msgs += parseTrayMessages(cname, bs) return msgs else: config.clog(cname, u'Beskede-indbakke-type %r ikke understøttet' % dtype, 0) return []
def checkForUpdates(): now = bs = surllib.skoleGetURL( '/notifications/v1?useNewerThan=False&pageSize=10', True, True) # Find lastUpdateURL links ='.sk-notifications-list li a') if links and links[0].has_attr('href'): updateURL = links[0]['href'] config.log(u'Sidste opdatering var til %s' % updateURL, 2) else: updateURL = None config.log(u'Kunne ikke finde sidst opdaterede side', 2) state = (now, updateURL) # Should we do a full check? br = surllib.getBrowser() if br.getState('lastUpdateURL') != updateURL: # New top update config.log(u'Kører fuld opdatering: Forventer nyt opslag/besked', 1) return (True, state) try: lut_ = br.getState('lastUpdateTime') lut = datetime.datetime.strptime(lut_, DT_FORMAT) if lut_ else None except ValueError: lut = None if not lut or now < lut: # lastUpdateTime is somehow wrong config.log(u'Kører fuld opdatering: Mangler tidsstempel fra ' u'sidste kørsel', 1) return (True, state) # Do a daily full check the first time we are accessed after 05:00 pit = now.replace(hour=5, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) if now.hour < 5: # Between midnight and 05:00, go back one day pit -= datetime.timedelta(1) if lut <= pit: # Last update was before config.log(u'Kører fuld opdatering: Første kørsel i dag', 1) return (True, state) # Did we NOT run this with the --quick parameter if config.options.fullupdate: config.log(u'Kører fuld opdatering selvom der ikke forventes ' u'nyt. Du bør bruge --quick', 1) return (True, state) # No need to run a full update config.log(u'Kører ikke fuld opdatering - der forventes intet nyt', 1) return (False, state)
def saveState(state): (now, updateURL) = state br = surllib.getBrowser() if now: br.setState('lastUpdateTime', now.strftime(DT_FORMAT)) if updateURL: br.setState('lastUpdateURL', updateURL) br.saveState()
def skoleConfirmPersonalData(bs): # check that we actually have the right form txts = [ u'Bekræft personoplysninger', u'Navn og adresse:', u'E-mailadresse', u'Fastnettelefon:', u'Mobiltelefon', ] e = False for txt in txts: if txt not in bs.text: config.log(u'Hmmm.. "%s" ikke fundet på bekræftigelsessiden...') e = True if e: return # Find first form, and first table inside the form f = bs.findAll('form') if f: bs = f[0] f = bs.findAll('table') if f: bs = f[0] msg = semail.Message('frontpage', bs) msg.setTitle(u'Bekræft personoplysninger') semail.maybeEmail(msg) # And now, click the button to confirm the details br = surllib.getBrowser() fs = list(br.forms()) if len(fs) == 1 and fs[0].name == 'FrontPage_Form1': # we have one form! br.select_form(fs[0].name) ss = bs.findAll('input', type='submit') if len(ss) == 1 and ss[0]['value'] == TEXT_I_CONFIRM: config.log(u'Bekræfter personlige data') br.submit() # click submit! return # something went wront above config.log(u'Hmmm.. "%s" ikke fundet på Bekræftigelsessiden...')
def skoleDialogue(): surllib.skoleLogin() br = surllib.getBrowser() for tray in TRAYS: config.log(u'Behandler beskeder i bakken %s' % tray) url = 'https://%s%s%s' % (config.HOSTNAME, URL_BOX_PREFIX, tray) # Read the initial page, and search for messages config.log(u'Bakke-URL: %s' % url) resp = data = # ensure that we get only mgss for the current child br.select_form(name='FrontPage_Form1') br['R1'] = ('klasse',) resp = br.submit() data = diaFindMessages(data)
def skoleDialogue(): surllib.skoleLogin() br = surllib.getBrowser() for tray in TRAYS: config.log(u'Behandler beskeder i bakken %s' % tray) url = 'https://%s%s%s' % (config.HOSTNAME, URL_BOX_PREFIX, tray) # Read the initial page, and search for messages config.log(u'Bakke-URL: %s' % url) resp = data = # ensure that we get only mgss for the current child br.select_form(name='FrontPage_Form1') br['R1'] = ('klasse', ) resp = br.submit() data = diaFindMessages(data)
def skoleFrontpage(): surllib.skoleLogin() config.log('Behandler forsiden') url = 'http://%s/Infoweb/Fi2/Forside.asp' % config.HOSTNAME data = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) br = surllib.getBrowser() aurl = br.geturl() if u'Personoplysninger.asp' in aurl: # We are actually asked to confirm our personal data config.log(u'Bekræfter først vores personlige data') skoleConfirmPersonalData(data) data = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) # find main table maint = [] for mt in data.findAll('table'): if mt.findParents('table') or mt.has_key('bgcolor'): continue txt = mt.text if len(txt) < 30 and txt.lower().startswith(u'forældreintra for '): continue # just the title maint.append(mt) assert(len(maint) == 1) # assume exactly one main table maint = maint[0] # find interesting table tags itags = [] for tag in maint: for ttag in tag.findAll('table'): if ttag.text: itags.append(ttag) g = [] for itag in itags: t = _getTitle(itag) if t is None: # not a title if not g: # In some cases (slideshows), the real title may be missing g.append((itags[0].text, [])) g[-1][1].append(itag) else: # we have a new title g.append((t, [])) for (t, xs) in g: ignore = len(xs) == 0 or t in TITLE_IGNORE config.log(u'Kategori [%s]%s' % (t, ' (hoppes over)' if ignore else '')) if ignore: continue if t == TITLE_COVERPIC: assert(len(xs) == 1) # exactly one cover picture skoleCoverPic(xs[0]) continue elif t == TITLE_BBB: # BBB news are split # ignore first table which is a wrapper around all entries xs = xs[1:] map(skoleFrontBBB, xs) elif t == TITLE_NEWS: # News from... skoleNewsFrom(xs) else: # send msg if something has changed for x in xs: skoleOtherStuff(t, x)
def skoleFrontpage(): surllib.skoleLogin() config.log('Behandler forsiden') url = 'http://%s/Infoweb/Fi2/Forside.asp' % config.HOSTNAME data = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) br = surllib.getBrowser() aurl = br.geturl() if u'Personoplysninger.asp' in aurl: # We are actually asked to confirm our personal data config.log(u'Bekræfter først vores personlige data') skoleConfirmPersonalData(data) data = surllib.skoleGetURL(url, asSoup=True, noCache=True) # find main table maint = [] for mt in data.findAll('table'): if mt.findParents('table') or mt.has_key('bgcolor'): continue txt = mt.text if len(txt) < 30 and txt.lower().startswith(u'forældreintra for '): continue # just the title maint.append(mt) assert (len(maint) == 1) # assume exactly one main table maint = maint[0] # find interesting table tags itags = [] for tag in maint: for ttag in tag.findAll('table'): if ttag.text: itags.append(ttag) g = [] for itag in itags: t = _getTitle(itag) if t is None: # not a title if not g: # In some cases (slideshows), the real title may be missing g.append((itags[0].text, [])) g[-1][1].append(itag) else: # we have a new title g.append((t, [])) for (t, xs) in g: ignore = len(xs) == 0 or t in TITLE_IGNORE config.log(u'Kategori [%s]%s' % (t, ' (hoppes over)' if ignore else '')) if ignore: continue if t == TITLE_COVERPIC: assert (len(xs) == 1) # exactly one cover picture skoleCoverPic(xs[0]) continue elif t == TITLE_BBB: # BBB news are split # ignore first table which is a wrapper around all entries xs = xs[1:] map(skoleFrontBBB, xs) elif t == TITLE_NEWS: # News from... skoleNewsFrom(xs) else: # send msg if something has changed for x in xs: skoleOtherStuff(t, x)