Beispiel #1
    def create(self, req, user_id):
        """Called for POST requests to /user/{id}/notifications

        Sends a notification to the given user"""

        user = models.User.get(key=user_id)
        messaging.send(user, json.loads(req.body))
        response = {}
        return Response(json.dumps(response))
Beispiel #2
    def test_send(self):
        user = utils.get_test_user()
        info = {'service': 'service_id',
                'state': 'normal',
                'previous_state': 'unexpected high'}

        with mock.patch('surveilr.messaging._get_driver') as _get_driver:
            messaging.send(user, info)

            # Check that _get_driver gets called with the user as its argument

            # Check that _get_driver's return value (i.e. the driver)
            # gets its .send() method called with user and info as its
            # arguments
            _get_driver.return_value.send.assert_called_with(user, info)