class TestAnonymousSurvey(unittest.TestCase):
    """Tests for the class AnonymouseSurvey"""

    # The method setUp() does two things:
    def setUp(self):
        """Create a survey and a set of responses for use in all test methods"""
        question = "What language did you first learn to speak?"
        # It creates a survey instance and,
        self.mySurvey = AnonymousSurvey(question)
        # it creates a list of responses
        self.responses = ["English", "Spanish", "Mandarin"]
        # The above are prefixed by 'self', so they can be used anywhere in the class.

    def testStoreSingleResponse(self):
        """Test that a single response is stored properly."""
        # We take the response in the first spot of our list above and save it to our response list in our class AnonymousSurvey
        # We then check if spot 1 in the list above is save in our list in our class
        self.assertIn(self.responses[0], self.mySurvey.responses)

    def testStoreThreeResponses(self):
        """Test that a single response is stored properly."""
        # Looping over our list above to save it to our class
        for response in self.responses:

        # looping over our list above again to test each one against the saved list in our class
        for response in self.responses:
            self.assertIn(response, self.mySurvey.responses)
Beispiel #2
from survey import AnonymousSurvey

# Define a question, and make a survey
question = "What language did you first learn to speak?"
mySurvey = AnonymousSurvey(question)

# Show the question, and store responses to the question
print("Enter 'q' at any time to quit.\n")

while True:
    response = input("Language: ")
    if response == "q":
# Show the survey results
print("\nThank you to everyone who participated in the survey!")

# This class works for a simple anonymous survey. But let’s say we want to
# improve AnonymousSurvey and the module it’s in, survey. We could allow each
# user to enter more than one response. We could write a method to list only
# unique responses and to report how many times each response was given.
# We could write another class to manage nonanonymous surveys.

# Implementing such changes would risk affecting the current behavior
# of the class AnonymousSurvey. For example, it’s possible that while trying to
# allow each user to enter multiple responses, we could accidentally change
# how single responses are handled. To ensure we don’t break existing behavior
# as we develop this module, we can write tests for the class.