def main(argv): if (len(argv) < 3): print "usage: <ip address> <localfilename>" sys.exit(1) ip_addr = argv[1] path_to_main_apk = argv[2] dm = droid.DroidSUT(ip_addr) if not dm: log.error("could not get device manager!") return 1 devRoot = checkDeviceRoot(dm) if install(dm, devRoot, path_to_main_apk, "com.mozilla.watcher"): log.error("install failed") return 1 dm.reboot() waitForDevice(dm) # we can't use the following dm.getFile method, since only Watcher runtime user has read access # to this file, so we need to be root to read it, hence the slightly more convoluted version # using dm._runCmds below... # cannot use -> print dm.getFile('/data/data/com.mozilla.watcher/files/version.txt') status = dm._runCmds([{ 'cmd': 'exec su -c "cat /data/data/com.mozilla.watcher/files/version.txt"' }]).split('\n')'Watcher version: %s' % status) return 0
def isMozpoolReady(device): """ Checks if the mozpool server is available and the device is in 'ready' state Returns MOZPOOL_STATE_READY if Mozpool is indeed listing device as ready Returns MOZPOOL_STATE_UNKNOWN if Mozpool claims the device is in a non-ready state Returns MOZPOOL_STATE_ERROR if Mozpool reports some other error. Returns MOZPOOL_STATE_MISSING if there is no Mozpool server found in DNS. """ import socket default_timeout = socket.getdefaulttimeout() socket.setdefaulttimeout(5) # Don't let networking delay us too long try: socket.gethostbyname(MOZPOOL_CNAME) except:"No mozpool server in this VLAN") return MOZPOOL_STATE_MISSING finally: # Set socket timeout back socket.setdefaulttimeout(default_timeout) mpc = MozpoolHandler("http://%s" % MOZPOOL_CNAME, log) try: result = mpc.query_device_state(device) except MozpoolException as e: log.error("Unable to get mozpool state, mozpool returned error: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) return MOZPOOL_STATE_ERROR if result['state'] == "ready": log.debug("Mozpool state is 'ready'") return MOZPOOL_STATE_READY else: log.error("Mozpool state is '%s'" % result['state']) return MOZPOOL_STATE_UNKNOWN
def canPing(device): """ Check a device is reachable by ping Returns False on failure, True on Success """ curRetry = 0"INFO: attempting to ping device") while curRetry < MAX_RETRIES: ret, _ = pingDevice(device) if not ret: curRetry += 1 if curRetry == MAX_RETRIES: setFlag( errorFile, "Automation Error: Unable to ping device after %s attempts" % MAX_RETRIES) return False else: "INFO: Unable to ping device after %s try. Sleeping for 90s then retrying" % curRetry) time.sleep(90) else: break # we're done here return True
def canTelnet(device): """ Checks if we can establish a Telnet session (via devicemanager) Sets global `dm` Returns False on failure, True on Success """ global dm curRetry = 0 sleepDuration = 0 while curRetry < MAX_RETRIES: try: dm = connect(device, sleepDuration) except: curRetry += 1 if curRetry == MAX_RETRIES: setFlag( errorFile, "Automation Error: Unable to connect to device after %s attempts" % MAX_RETRIES) return False else:"INFO: Unable to connect to device after %s try" % curRetry) sleepDuration = 90 else: break # We're done here return True
def main(argv): if (len(argv) < 3): print "usage: <ip address> <localfilename>" sys.exit(1) ip_addr = argv[1] path_to_main_apk = argv[2] dm = droid.DroidSUT(ip_addr) if not dm: log.error("could not get device manager!") return 1 devRoot = checkDeviceRoot(dm) if install(dm, devRoot, path_to_main_apk, "com.mozilla.watcher"): log.error("install failed") return 1 dm.reboot() waitForDevice(dm) # we can't use the following dm.getFile method, since only Watcher runtime user has read access # to this file, so we need to be root to read it, hence the slightly more convoluted version # using dm._runCmds below... # cannot use -> print dm.getFile('/data/data/com.mozilla.watcher/files/version.txt') status = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec su -c "cat /data/data/com.mozilla.watcher/files/version.txt"'}]).split('\n')'Watcher version: %s' % status) return 0
def checkSDCard(dm): """ Attempt to write a temp file to the SDCard We use this existing verify script as the source of the temp file Returns False on failure, True on Success """ if not dmAlive(dm): return False try: if not dm.dirExists("/mnt/sdcard"): setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Mount of sdcard does not seem to exist") return False if dm.fileExists("/mnt/sdcard/writetest"):"INFO: /mnt/sdcard/writetest left over from previous run, cleaning") dm.removeFile("/mnt/sdcard/writetest")"INFO: attempting to create file /mnt/sdcard/writetest") if not dm.pushFile(os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), ""), "/mnt/sdcard/writetest"): setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: unable to write to sdcard") return False if not dm.fileExists("/mnt/sdcard/writetest"): setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Written tempfile doesn't exist on inspection") return False if not dm.removeFile("/mnt/sdcard/writetest"): setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unable to cleanup from written tempfile") return False except Exception, e: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unknown error while testing ability to write to " "sdcard, see following exception: %s" % e) return False
def main(argv): global ip_addr if (len(argv) < 4): "usage: <device ip address> <output filename> <logcat options>" ) return 1 ip_addr = argv[1] output_filename = argv[2] logcat_options = argv[3] max_runtime = 3600 # 3600 seconds == 1 hour status = 0 dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(ip_addr) if not dm: log.error(" unable to open device manager") return 2 command = 'execext su t=%d logcat %s' % (max_runtime, logcat_options) log.debug(' running SUT command: %s' % command) try: with open(output_filename, 'w') as f: dm._sendCmds([{'cmd': command}], f) except devicemanager.DMError, e: log.error("Remote Device Error: Exception caught running logcat: %s" % str(e)) status = -1
def setWatcherINI(dm): """ If necessary Installs the (correct) watcher.ini for our infra Returns False on failure, True on Success """ import hashlib realLoc = "/data/data/com.mozilla.watcher/files/watcher.ini" currentHash = hashlib.md5(watcherINI).hexdigest() def watcherDataCurrent(): remoteFileHash = dm._getRemoteHash(realLoc) if currentHash != remoteFileHash: return False else: return True if not dmAlive(dm): return False try: if watcherDataCurrent(): return True except: setFlag(errorFile, "Unable to identify if watcher.ini is current") return False tmpname = '/mnt/sdcard/watcher.ini' try: dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'push %s %s' % (tmpname, len( watcherINI)), 'data': watcherINI}]) except devicemanager.AgentError, err:"Error while pushing watcher.ini: %s" % err) setFlag(errorFile, "Unable to properly upload the watcher.ini") return False
def checkAndFixScreen(dm, device): """ Verify the screen is set as we expect If the screen is incorrectly set, this function attempts to fix it, which ends up requiring a reboot of the device. Returns False if screen is wrong, True if correct """ if not dmAlive(dm): return False # Verify we have the expected screen resolution info = dm.getInfo("screen") if not info["screen"][0] == EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN: setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unexpected Screen on device, got '%s' expected '%s'" % (info["screen"][0], EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN)) if not dm.adjustResolution(**EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN_ARGS): setFlag(errorFile, "Command to update resolution returned failure") else: soft_reboot(dm=dm, device=device) # Reboot sooner than cp would trigger a hard Reset return False"INFO: Got expected screen size '%s'" % EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN) return True
def doUpdate(dm): _oldDebug = dm.debug" We're going to try to install SUTAgentAndroid Version %s" % target_version) try: data = download_apk() except Exception, e: log.error("Automation Error: We have failed to retrieve the SUT Agent. %s" % str(e)) return RETCODE_APK_DL_FAILED
def download_apk(): url = '' % target_version"INFO: We're downloading the apk: %s" % url) req = urllib2.Request(url) try: f = urllib2.urlopen(req) except urllib2.URLError, e: reason = getattr(e, "reason", "SUT-Undef") code = getattr(e, "code", "SUT-Undef") raise Exception("Automation Error: code: %s; reason: %s" % (code, reason))
def cleanupDevice(device=None, dm=None): assert ((device is not None) or (dm is not None)) # Require one to be set if not device: device = os.environ['SUT_NAME'] pidDir = os.path.join('/builds/', device) errorFile = os.path.join(pidDir, 'error.flg') reboot_needed = False processNames = [ 'org.mozilla.fennec_aurora', 'org.mozilla.fennec_unofficial', 'org.mozilla.fennec', 'org.mozilla.firefox_beta', 'org.mozilla.firefox', 'org.mozilla.roboexample.test', ] if dm is None:"Connecting to: " + device) dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(device) dm.debug = 5 packages = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec pm list packages'}]) for package in packages.split('\n'): if not package.strip().startswith("package:"): continue # unknown entry package_basename = package.strip()[8:] for proc in processNames: if package_basename == "%s" % proc or \ package_basename.startswith("%s_" % proc):"Uninstalling %s..." % package_basename) try: if 'panda' in device: dm.uninstallApp(package_basename) reboot_needed = True else: dm.uninstallAppAndReboot(package_basename) waitForDevice(dm) except devicemanager.DMError, err: setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unable to uninstall %s and reboot: %s" % (package_basename, err)) return RETCODE_ERROR finally: break # Don't try this proc again, since we already matched
def checkVersion(dm, flag=False): """ Verify SUTAgent Version Returns False on failure, True on Success """ if not dmAlive(dm): return False ver = updateSUT.version(dm) if not updateSUT.isVersionCorrect(ver=ver): if flag: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unexpected ver on device, got '%s' expected '%s'" % (ver, "SUTAgentAndroid Version %s" % updateSUT.target_version)) return False "INFO: Got expected SUTAgent version '%s'" % updateSUT.target_version) return True
def cleanupDevice(device=None, dm=None): assert ((device is not None) or (dm is not None)) # Require one to be set if not device: device = os.environ['SUT_NAME'] pidDir = os.path.join('/builds/', device) errorFile = os.path.join(pidDir, 'error.flg') reboot_needed = False processNames = ['org.mozilla.fennec_aurora', 'org.mozilla.fennec_unofficial', 'org.mozilla.fennec', 'org.mozilla.firefox_beta', 'org.mozilla.firefox', 'org.mozilla.roboexample.test', ] if dm is None:"Connecting to: " + device) dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(device) dm.debug = 5 packages = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec pm list packages'}]) for package in packages.split('\n'): if not package.strip().startswith("package:"): continue # unknown entry package_basename = package.strip()[8:] for proc in processNames: if package_basename == "%s" % proc or \ package_basename.startswith("%s_" % proc):"Uninstalling %s..." % package_basename) try: if 'panda' in device: dm.uninstallApp(package_basename) reboot_needed = True else: dm.uninstallAppAndReboot(package_basename) waitForDevice(dm) except devicemanager.DMError, err: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unable to uninstall %s and reboot: %s" % (package_basename, err)) return RETCODE_ERROR finally: break # Don't try this proc again, since we already matched
def canPing(device): """ Check a device is reachable by ping Returns False on failure, True on Success """ curRetry = 0"INFO: attempting to ping device") while curRetry < MAX_RETRIES: ret, _ = pingDevice(device) if not ret: curRetry += 1 if curRetry == MAX_RETRIES: setFlag(errorFile, "Automation Error: Unable to ping device after %s attempts" % MAX_RETRIES) return False else:"INFO: Unable to ping device after %s try. Sleeping for 90s then retrying" % curRetry) time.sleep(90) else: break # we're done here return True
def main(argv): if len(argv) < 2: print "usage: <ip address>" sys.exit(1) ip_addr = argv[1] dm = droid.DroidSUT(ip_addr) if not dm: log.error("could not get device manager!") return 1 devRoot = checkDeviceRoot(dm) # we can't use the following dm.getFile method, since only Watcher runtime user has read access # to this file, so we need to be root to read it, hence the slightly more convoluted version # using dm._runCmds below... # cannot use -> print dm.getFile('/data/data/com.mozilla.watcher/files/version.txt') status = dm._runCmds([{"cmd": 'exec su -c "cat /data/data/com.mozilla.watcher/files/version.txt"'}]).split("\n")"Watcher version: %s" % status) return 0
def installOneApp(dm, devRoot, app_file_local_path, errorFile, logcat=True): source = app_file_local_path filename = os.path.basename(source) target = os.path.join(devRoot, filename)"Installing %s" % target) if dm.pushFile(source, target): status = dm.installApp(target) if status is None:'-' * 42)'installApp() done - gathering debug info') dm.getInfo('process') dm.getInfo('memory') dm.getInfo('uptime') if logcat: try: print dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec su -c "logcat -d -v time *:W"'}]) except devicemanager.DMError, e: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Exception hit while trying to run logcat: %s" % str(e)) return 1 else: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: updateApp() call failed - exiting") return 1
def installOneApp(dm, devRoot, app_file_local_path, errorFile, logcat=True): source = app_file_local_path filename = os.path.basename(source) target = os.path.join(devRoot, filename)"Installing %s" % target) if dm.pushFile(source, target): status = dm.installApp(target) if status is None:'-' * 42)'installApp() done - gathering debug info') dm.getInfo('process') dm.getInfo('memory') dm.getInfo('uptime') if logcat: try: print dm._runCmds([{ 'cmd': 'exec su -c "logcat -d -v time *:W"' }]) except devicemanager.DMError, e: setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Exception hit while trying to run logcat: %s" % str(e)) return 1 else: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: updateApp() call failed - exiting") return 1
def smoketest(device_name, number): global dm global appFileName, processName dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(device_name, 20701) deviceRoot = dm.getDeviceRoot() # This does all the steps of including the cleanup. if verifyDevice(device_name, checksut=False, doCheckStalled=False) is False: log.error("failed to run verify on %s" % (device_name)) return 1 # Not ok to proceed"Successfully verified the device") if dm._sock: dm._sock.close() time.sleep(30) dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(device_name, 20701) print "in smoketest, going to call installOneApp with dm: %s, %s" \ % (dm, dm._sock) if installOneApp(dm, deviceRoot, os.path.abspath(appFileName), None, logcat=False): log.error("failed to install %s on device %s" % (appFileName, device_name)) return 1"Successfully installed the application") if not runTests(device_name, processName, number): log.error("failed to run dom tests on %s" % (device_name)) return 1"Successfully ran the mochitests") return 0
def checkAndFixScreen(dm, device): """ Verify the screen is set as we expect If the screen is incorrectly set, this function attempts to fix it, which ends up requiring a reboot of the device. Returns False if screen is wrong, True if correct """ if not dmAlive(dm): return False # Verify we have the expected screen resolution info = dm.getInfo("screen") if not info["screen"][0] == EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unexpected Screen on device, got '%s' expected '%s'" % (info["screen"][0], EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN)) if not dm.adjustResolution(**EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN_ARGS): setFlag(errorFile, "Command to update resolution returned failure") else: soft_reboot(dm=dm, device=device) # Reboot sooner than cp would trigger a hard Reset return False"INFO: Got expected screen size '%s'" % EXPECTED_DEVICE_SCREEN) return True
def install(dm, devRoot, app_file_local_path, package): source = app_file_local_path filename = os.path.basename(source) target = os.path.join(devRoot, filename)"Pushing new apk to the device: %s" % target) status = dm.pushFile(source, target) dm.shellCheckOutput(["dd", "if=%s" % target, "of=/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True) dm.shellCheckOutput(["chmod", "666", "/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True)"Uninstalling %s" % package) try: dm.uninstallApp(package)'uninstallation successful') except devicemanager.DMError, e:'uninstallation failed -- maybe not installed? '+str(e))
def canTelnet(device): """ Checks if we can establish a Telnet session (via devicemanager) Sets global `dm` Returns False on failure, True on Success """ global dm curRetry = 0 sleepDuration = 0 while curRetry < MAX_RETRIES: try: dm = connect(device, sleepDuration) except: curRetry += 1 if curRetry == MAX_RETRIES: setFlag(errorFile, "Automation Error: Unable to connect to device after %s attempts" % MAX_RETRIES) return False else:"INFO: Unable to connect to device after %s try" % curRetry) sleepDuration = 90 else: break # We're done here return True
def main(argv): global ip_addr if (len(argv) < 4):"usage: <device ip address> <output filename> <logcat options>") return 1 ip_addr = argv[1] output_filename = argv[2] logcat_options = argv[3] max_runtime = 3600 # 3600 seconds == 1 hour status = 0 dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(ip_addr) if not dm: log.error(" unable to open device manager") return 2 command = 'execext su t=%d logcat %s' % (max_runtime, logcat_options) log.debug(' running SUT command: %s' % command) try: with open(output_filename, 'w') as f: dm._sendCmds([{'cmd': command}], f) except devicemanager.DMError, e: log.error("Remote Device Error: Exception caught running logcat: %s" % str(e)) status = -1
def install(dm, devRoot, app_file_local_path, package): source = app_file_local_path filename = os.path.basename(source) target = os.path.join(devRoot, filename)"Pushing new apk to the device: %s" % target) status = dm.pushFile(source, target) dm.shellCheckOutput( ["dd", "if=%s" % target, "of=/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True) dm.shellCheckOutput(["chmod", "666", "/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True)"Uninstalling %s" % package) try: dm.uninstallApp(package)'uninstallation successful') except devicemanager.DMError, e:'uninstallation failed -- maybe not installed? ' + str(e))
def runTests(device, proc_name, number): numfailed = -1"Starting to run tests") httpport = 8000 + int(number) # TODO: fix the host/port information so we don't have conflicts in # parallel runs cmd = [ "python", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tests/mochitest/"), "--app=%s" % proc_name, "--deviceIP=%s" % device, "--xre-path=%s" % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "xre"), "--utility-path=%s" % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bin"), # "--test-path=dom/tests/mochitest/dom-level0", "--test-path=dom/tests/mochitest", "--http-port=%s" % httpport ]"Going to run test: %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) proc = "" try: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc = p.communicate()[0] except: log.error("Exception found while running unittests: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])"Finished running mochitests") refinished = re.compile('([0-9]+) INFO SimpleTest FINISHED') refailed = re.compile('([0-9]+) INFO Failed: ([0-9]+)') for line in proc.split('\n'): log.debug(line) finished = refinished.match(line) failed = refailed.match(line) if failed: numfailed = int( if finished: if numfailed > 0: log.error("Found %s failures while running mochitest" % numfailed) return False return True return False
def runTests(device, proc_name, number): numfailed = -1"Starting to run tests") httpport = 8000 + int(number) # TODO: fix the host/port information so we don't have conflicts in # parallel runs cmd = ["python", os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tests/mochitest/"), "--app=%s" % proc_name, "--deviceIP=%s" % device, "--xre-path=%s" % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "xre"), "--utility-path=%s" % os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bin"), # "--test-path=dom/tests/mochitest/dom-level0", "--test-path=dom/tests/mochitest", "--http-port=%s" % httpport]"Going to run test: %s" % subprocess.list2cmdline(cmd)) proc = "" try: p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) proc = p.communicate()[0] except: log.error("Exception found while running unittests: %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])"Finished running mochitests") refinished = re.compile('([0-9]+) INFO SimpleTest FINISHED') refailed = re.compile('([0-9]+) INFO Failed: ([0-9]+)') for line in proc.split('\n'): log.debug(line) finished = refinished.match(line) failed = refailed.match(line) if failed: numfailed = int( if finished: if numfailed > 0: log.error("Found %s failures while running mochitest" % numfailed) return False return True return False
packages = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec pm list packages'}]) for package in packages.split('\n'): for proc in processNames: if package == "package:%s" % proc: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unable to properly uninstall %s" % proc) return RETCODE_ERROR devRoot = checkDeviceRoot(dm) if not str(devRoot).startswith("/mnt/sdcard"): setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: devRoot from devicemanager [%s] is not correct" % str(devRoot)) return RETCODE_ERROR if dm.dirExists(devRoot): status = dm.removeDir(devRoot)"removeDir() returned [%s]" % status) if status is None or not status: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: call to removeDir() returned [%s]" % status) return RETCODE_ERROR if dm.dirExists(devRoot): setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unable to properly remove %s" % devRoot) return RETCODE_ERROR # cleanup the downloads directory downloadDir = '/mnt/sdcard/Download' if dm.dirExists(downloadDir):"Cleaning up %s" % downloadDir) files = dm.listFiles(downloadDir) for f in files: name = "%s/%s" % (downloadDir, f) type = "File"
if __name__ == '__main__': device_name = os.getenv('SUT_NAME') from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [device_name]") parser.add_option( "--success-if-mozpool-ready", action="store_true", dest="skipWhenMozpoolReady", default=False, help="if mozpool reports device is 'ready' skip all device checks") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len(args) != 2): if device_name in (None, ''): parser.print_help() print " Must have $SUT_NAME set in environ to omit device name" sys.exit(1) else:"INFO: Using device '%s' found in env variable" % device_name) else: device_name = args[0] if verifyDevice( device_name, skipWhenMozpoolReady=options.skipWhenMozpoolReady) is False: sys.exit(1) # Not ok to proceed sys.exit(0)
def version(dm): ver = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'ver'}]).split("\n")[0]"INFO: We're running %s" % ver) return ver
ipAddr=proxyIP, port=proxyPort, silent=True ) except:"Failure while rebooting device") setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Device failed to recover after reboot", True) return 1 sys.stdout.flush() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print "usage: <ip address>" sys.exit(1) deviceIP = sys.argv[1] dm = None try:"connecting to: %s" % deviceIP) dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(deviceIP) dm.debug = 0 dm.default_timeout = 30 # Set our timeout lower for deviceManager here except: pass sys.exit(reboot(dm))
def reboot(dm): cwd = os.getcwd() deviceName = os.path.basename(cwd) errorFile = os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'error.flg') proxyIP = getOurIP() proxyPort = calculatePort() if 'panda' not in deviceName: # Attempt to set devicename via env variable 'SUT_NAME' sname = os.getenv('SUT_NAME') if sname.strip(): deviceName = sname.strip() else:"Unable to find a proper devicename, will attempt to " "reboot device") if dm is not None: try: dm.getInfo('process') [{'cmd': 'exec su -c "logcat -d -v time *:W"'}], timeout=10)) except:"Failure trying to run logcat on device") else:"We were unable to connect to device %s, skipping logcat" % deviceName) try:'forcing device %s reboot' % deviceName) status = powermanagement.soft_reboot_and_verify( dm=dm, device=deviceName, ipAddr=proxyIP, port=proxyPort, silent=True ) except:"Failure while rebooting device") setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Device failed to recover after reboot", True) return 1 sys.stdout.flush() return 0
if not cleanupDevice(device, dm):"verifyDevice: failing to cleanup device") return False return True if __name__ == '__main__': device_name = os.getenv('SUT_NAME') from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser(usage="usage: %prog [options] [device_name]") parser.add_option("--success-if-mozpool-ready", action="store_true", dest="skipWhenMozpoolReady", default=False, help="if mozpool reports device is 'ready' skip all device checks") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (len(args) != 2): if device_name in (None, ''): parser.print_help() print " Must have $SUT_NAME set in environ to omit device name" sys.exit(1) else: "INFO: Using device '%s' found in env variable" % device_name) else: device_name = args[0] if verifyDevice(device_name, skipWhenMozpoolReady=options.skipWhenMozpoolReady) is False: sys.exit(1) # Not ok to proceed sys.exit(0)
"Remote Device Error: Unable to properly uninstall %s" % proc) return RETCODE_ERROR devRoot = checkDeviceRoot(dm) if not str(devRoot).startswith("/mnt/sdcard"): setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: devRoot from devicemanager [%s] is not correct" % str(devRoot)) return RETCODE_ERROR if dm.dirExists(devRoot): status = dm.removeDir(devRoot)"removeDir() returned [%s]" % status) if status is None or not status: setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: call to removeDir() returned [%s]" % status) return RETCODE_ERROR if dm.dirExists(devRoot): setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Unable to properly remove %s" % devRoot) return RETCODE_ERROR # cleanup the downloads directory downloadDir = '/mnt/sdcard/Download' if dm.dirExists(downloadDir):"Pushing new apk to the device: %s" % target) status = dm.pushFile(source, target) dm.shellCheckOutput(["dd", "if=%s" % target, "of=/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True) dm.shellCheckOutput(["chmod", "666", "/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True)"Uninstalling %s" % package) try: dm.uninstallApp(package)'uninstallation successful') except devicemanager.DMError, e:'uninstallation failed -- maybe not installed? '+str(e)) osversion = dm.getInfo('os')['os'][0].split()[0] if osversion == 'pandaboard-eng':'installing %s on panda' % target) status = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec su -c "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib:/system/lib; pm install /data/local/watcher.apk; am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.mozilla.watcher/.WatcherMain"'}]).split('\n') else:'installing %s on tegra' % target) status = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec su -c "pm install /data/local/watcher.apk; am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.mozilla.watcher/.WatcherMain"'}]).split('\n') if len(status) > 2 and status[1].strip() == 'Success':'-' * 42)'installation successful') else: log.error('installApp() failed: %s' % status) return 1 time.sleep(15) return 0
def reboot(dm): cwd = os.getcwd() deviceName = os.path.basename(cwd) errorFile = os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'error.flg') proxyIP = getOurIP() proxyPort = calculatePort() if 'panda' not in deviceName: # Attempt to set devicename via env variable 'SUT_NAME' sname = os.getenv('SUT_NAME') if sname.strip(): deviceName = sname.strip() else:"Unable to find a proper devicename, will attempt to " "reboot device") if dm is not None: try: dm.getInfo('process') dm._runCmds([{ 'cmd': 'exec su -c "logcat -d -v time *:W"' }], timeout=10)) except:"Failure trying to run logcat on device") else:"We were unable to connect to device %s, skipping logcat" % deviceName) try:'forcing device %s reboot' % deviceName) status = powermanagement.soft_reboot_and_verify(dm=dm, device=deviceName, ipAddr=proxyIP, port=proxyPort, silent=True) except:"Failure while rebooting device") setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Device failed to recover after reboot", True) return 1 sys.stdout.flush() return 0
status = dm.pushFile(source, target) dm.shellCheckOutput( ["dd", "if=%s" % target, "of=/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True) dm.shellCheckOutput(["chmod", "666", "/data/local/watcher.apk"], root=True)"Uninstalling %s" % package) try: dm.uninstallApp(package)'uninstallation successful') except devicemanager.DMError, e:'uninstallation failed -- maybe not installed? ' + str(e)) osversion = dm.getInfo('os')['os'][0].split()[0] if osversion == 'pandaboard-eng':'installing %s on panda' % target) status = dm._runCmds([{ 'cmd': 'exec su -c "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib:/system/lib; pm install /data/local/watcher.apk; am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.mozilla.watcher/.WatcherMain"' }]).split('\n') else:'installing %s on tegra' % target) status = dm._runCmds([{ 'cmd': 'exec su -c "pm install /data/local/watcher.apk; am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.mozilla.watcher/.WatcherMain"' }]).split('\n') if len(status) > 2 and status[1].strip() == 'Success':'-' * 42)'installation successful') else:
def one_time_setup(ip_addr, major_source): ''' One time setup of state ip_addr - of the device we want to install app at major_source - we've hacked this script to install may-also-be-needed tools, but the source we're asked to install has the meta data we need Side Effects: global, needed for error reporting: errorFile ''' # set up the flag files, used throughout cwd = os.getcwd() global errorFile errorFile = os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'error.flg') deviceName = os.path.basename(cwd) proxyIP = getOurIP() proxyPort = calculatePort() workdir = os.path.dirname(major_source) inifile = os.path.join(workdir, 'fennec', 'application.ini') remoteappini = os.path.join(workdir, 'talos', 'remoteapp.ini')'copying %s to %s' % (inifile, remoteappini)) runCommand(['cp', inifile, remoteappini])"connecting to: %s" % ip_addr) dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(ip_addr) # Moar data! dm.debug = 3 devRoot = checkDeviceRoot(dm) if devRoot is None or devRoot == '/tests': setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: devRoot from devicemanager [%s] is not correct - exiting" % devRoot) return None, None try:"%s, %s" % (proxyIP, proxyPort)) getDeviceTimestamp(dm) setDeviceTimestamp(dm) getDeviceTimestamp(dm) dm.getInfo('process') dm.getInfo('memory') dm.getInfo('uptime') width, height = getResolution(dm) # adjust resolution down to allow fennec to install without memory # issues if (width == 1600 or height == 1200): dm.adjustResolution(1024, 768, 'crt')'forcing device reboot') if not powermanagement.soft_reboot_and_verify( device=deviceName, dm=dm, ipAddr=proxyIP, port=proxyPort): return None, None width, height = getResolution(dm) if width != 1024 and height != 768: setFlag( errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Resolution change failed. Should be %d/%d but is %d/%d" % (1024, 768, width, height)) return None, None except devicemanager.AgentError, err: log.error( "remoteDeviceError: while doing one time setup for installation: %s" % err) return None, None
def one_time_setup(ip_addr, major_source): ''' One time setup of state ip_addr - of the device we want to install app at major_source - we've hacked this script to install may-also-be-needed tools, but the source we're asked to install has the meta data we need Side Effects: global, needed for error reporting: errorFile ''' # set up the flag files, used throughout cwd = os.getcwd() global errorFile errorFile = os.path.join(cwd, '..', 'error.flg') deviceName = os.path.basename(cwd) proxyIP = getOurIP() proxyPort = calculatePort() workdir = os.path.dirname(major_source) inifile = os.path.join(workdir, 'fennec', 'application.ini') remoteappini = os.path.join(workdir, 'talos', 'remoteapp.ini')'copying %s to %s' % (inifile, remoteappini)) runCommand(['cp', inifile, remoteappini])"connecting to: %s" % ip_addr) dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(ip_addr) # Moar data! dm.debug = 3 devRoot = checkDeviceRoot(dm) if devRoot is None or devRoot == '/tests': setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: devRoot from devicemanager [%s] is not correct - exiting" % devRoot) return None, None try:"%s, %s" % (proxyIP, proxyPort)) getDeviceTimestamp(dm) setDeviceTimestamp(dm) getDeviceTimestamp(dm) dm.getInfo('process') dm.getInfo('memory') dm.getInfo('uptime') width, height = getResolution(dm) # adjust resolution down to allow fennec to install without memory # issues if (width == 1600 or height == 1200): dm.adjustResolution(1024, 768, 'crt')'forcing device reboot') if not powermanagement.soft_reboot_and_verify(device=deviceName, dm=dm, ipAddr=proxyIP, port=proxyPort): return None, None width, height = getResolution(dm) if width != 1024 and height != 768: setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Resolution change failed. Should be %d/%d but is %d/%d" % (1024, 768, width, height)) return None, None except devicemanager.AgentError, err: log.error("remoteDeviceError: while doing one time setup for installation: %s" % err) return None, None
log.error("Automation Error: %s" % e) return RETCODE_REVERIFY_FAILED dm.debug = _oldDebug # Restore it if ver == None: log.error( "Automation Error: We should have been able to connect and determine the version." ) return RETCODE_REVERIFY_FAILED elif not isVersionCorrect(ver=ver): log.error("Automation Error: We should have had the %s version but instead we have %s" % \ (target_version, ver)) return RETCODE_REVERIFY_WRONG else:" We're now running %s" % ver) return RETCODE_SUCCESS def main(device): dm = connect(device) if not isVersionCorrect(dm=dm): return doUpdate(dm) else: # The SUT Agent was already up-to-date return RETCODE_SUCCESS def version(dm): ver = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'ver'}]).split("\n")[0]
def verifyDevice(device, checksut=True, doCheckStalled=True, skipWhenMozpoolReady=False): # Returns False on failure, True on Success global dm, errorFile devicePath = os.path.join('/builds', device) errorFile = os.path.join(devicePath, 'error.flg') if doCheckStalled: if not cleanupFoopy(device):"verifyDevice: failing to cleanup foopy") return False mozpool_state = isMozpoolReady(device) if skipWhenMozpoolReady and mozpool_state is MOZPOOL_STATE_READY:"Mozpool State is ready skipping device checks") return True elif mozpool_state is MOZPOOL_STATE_READY: "Mozpool claims device is ready, continuing to verify device...") elif mozpool_state is MOZPOOL_STATE_UNKNOWN: "Mozpool knows about device, but claims we're not safe to continue" ) return False elif mozpool_state in (MOZPOOL_STATE_ERROR, MOZPOOL_STATE_MISSING): "Unable to determine state from Mozpool, falling back to device checks" ) else:"Unexpected Mozpool State returned, hard stop.") return False if not canPing(device):"verifyDevice: failing to ping") # See if we can recover the device with a reboot. soft_reboot(dm=dm, device=device) return False if not canTelnet(device):"verifyDevice: failing to telnet") return False if not checkSDCard(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to check SD card") return False if checksut and not checkVersion(dm): if not updateSUTVersion(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to updateSUT") return False # Resolution Check disabled for now; Bug 737427 if False and not checkAndFixScreen(dm, device):"verifyDevice: failing to fix screen") return False if not cleanupDevice(device, dm):"verifyDevice: failing to cleanup device") return False return True
except Exception, e: log.error("Automation Error: We should have been able to get the version") log.error("Automation Error: %s" % e) return RETCODE_REVERIFY_FAILED dm.debug = _oldDebug # Restore it if ver is None: log.error("Automation Error: We should have been able to connect and determine the version.") return RETCODE_REVERIFY_FAILED elif not isVersionCorrect(ver=ver): log.error("Automation Error: We should have had the %s version but instead we have %s" % (target_version, ver)) return RETCODE_REVERIFY_WRONG else:" We're now running %s" % ver) return RETCODE_SUCCESS def main(device): dm = connect(device) if not isVersionCorrect(dm=dm): return doUpdate(dm) else: # The SUT Agent was already up-to-date return RETCODE_SUCCESS def version(dm): ver = dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'ver'}]).split("\n")[0]
def verifyDevice(device, checksut=True, doCheckStalled=True, watcherINI=False, skipWhenMozpoolReady=False): # Returns False on failure, True on Success global dm, errorFile devicePath = os.path.join('/builds', device) errorFile = os.path.join(devicePath, 'error.flg') if doCheckStalled: if not cleanupFoopy(device):"verifyDevice: failing to cleanup foopy") return False mozpool_state = isMozpoolReady(device) if skipWhenMozpoolReady and mozpool_state is MOZPOOL_STATE_READY:"Mozpool State is ready skipping device checks") return True elif mozpool_state is MOZPOOL_STATE_READY:"Mozpool claims device is ready, continuing to verify device...") elif mozpool_state is MOZPOOL_STATE_UNKNOWN:"Mozpool knows about device, but claims we're not safe to continue") return False elif mozpool_state in (MOZPOOL_STATE_ERROR, MOZPOOL_STATE_MISSING):"Unable to determine state from Mozpool, falling back to device checks") else:"Unexpected Mozpool State returned, hard stop.") return False if not canPing(device): # TODO Reboot via PDU if ping fails"verifyDevice: failing to ping") return False if not canTelnet(device):"verifyDevice: failing to telnet") return False if not checkSDCard(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to check SD card") return False if checksut and not checkVersion(dm): if not updateSUTVersion(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to updateSUT") return False # Resolution Check disabled for now; Bug 737427 if False and not checkAndFixScreen(dm, device):"verifyDevice: failing to fix screen") return False if not cleanupDevice(device, dm):"verifyDevice: failing to cleanup device") return False if watcherINI: if not setWatcherINI(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to set watcher.ini") return False return True
return False tmpname = '/mnt/sdcard/watcher.ini' try: dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'push %s %s' % (tmpname, len( watcherINI)), 'data': watcherINI}]) except devicemanager.AgentError, err:"Error while pushing watcher.ini: %s" % err) setFlag(errorFile, "Unable to properly upload the watcher.ini") return False try: dm._runCmds( [{'cmd': 'exec su -c "dd if=%s of=%s"' % (tmpname, realLoc)}]) except devicemanager.AgentError, err:"Error while moving watcher.ini to %s: %s" % (realLoc, err)) setFlag(errorFile, "Unable to properly upload the watcher.ini") return False try: dm._runCmds([{'cmd': 'exec su -c "chmod 0777 %s"' % realLoc}]) except devicemanager.AgentError, err:"Error while setting permissions for %s: %s" % (realLoc, err)) setFlag(errorFile, "Unable to properly upload the watcher.ini") return False try: if watcherDataCurrent(): return True except: pass
ipAddr=proxyIP, port=proxyPort, silent=True) except:"Failure while rebooting device") setFlag(errorFile, "Remote Device Error: Device failed to recover after reboot", True) return 1 sys.stdout.flush() return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': if (len(sys.argv) != 2): print "usage: <ip address>" sys.exit(1) deviceIP = sys.argv[1] dm = None try:"connecting to: %s" % deviceIP) dm = devicemanager.DeviceManagerSUT(deviceIP) dm.debug = 0 dm.default_timeout = 30 # Set our timeout lower for deviceManager here except: pass sys.exit(reboot(dm))
def verifyDevice(device, checksut=True, doCheckStalled=True, watcherINI=False): # Returns False on failure, True on Success global dm, errorFile devicePath = os.path.join('/builds', device) errorFile = os.path.join(devicePath, 'error.flg') if doCheckStalled: if not cleanupFoopy(device):"verifyDevice: failing to cleanup foopy") return False if not canPing(device): # TODO Reboot via PDU if ping fails"verifyDevice: failing to ping") return False if not canTelnet(device):"verifyDevice: failing to telnet") return False if not checkSDCard(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to check SD card") return False if checksut and not checkVersion(dm): if not updateSUTVersion(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to updateSUT") return False # Resolution Check disabled for now; Bug 737427 if False and not checkAndFixScreen(dm, device):"verifyDevice: failing to fix screen") return False if not cleanupDevice(device, dm):"verifyDevice: failing to cleanup device") return False if watcherINI: if not setWatcherINI(dm):"verifyDevice: failing to set watcher.ini") return False return True