def create_nei_runlist(tdirpath, hdirpath, sourcedf, sdate, edate, timechunks, units="ppb", tcm=False): from os import walk # dstart = sdate # dend = edate hysplitdir = os.path.join(hdirpath, 'exec') runlist = [] dtree = dirtree(tdirpath, sdate, edate, chkdir=False, dhour=timechunks) for dirpath in dtree: for src in nei_source_generator(sourcedf): suffix = "EIS" + src["EIS_ID"].strip() sdate = dir2date(tdirpath, dirpath) pdate = sdate - datetime.timedelta(hours=timechunks) pdir = date2dir(tdirpath, pdate, dhour=timechunks) parinitA = "PARDUMP." + suffix parinitB = "PARINIT." + suffix parinit = (pdir, parinitA, parinitB) run = RunDescriptor(dirpath, suffix, hysplitdir, "hycs_std", parinit) runlist.append(run) return runlist
def obs2datem(self, edate, ochunks=(1000, 1000), tdir="./"): """ ## ##Time GMT is time of dat that sampling began. edate: datetime object ochunks: tuple (integer, integer) Each represents hours tdir: string top level directory for output. """"WRITING Datem FILE " + edate.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) #print(self.obs["units"].unique()) d1 = edate done = False iii = 0 maxiii = 1000 oe = ochunks[1] oc = ochunks[0] while not done: d2 = d1 + datetime.timedelta(hours=oc - 1) d3 = d1 + datetime.timedelta(hours=oe - 1) odir = date2dir(tdir, d1, dhour=oc, chkdir=True) dname = odir + "datem.txt" datem.write_datem(self.obs, sitename="siteid", drange=[d1, d3], dname=dname, fillhours=1, verbose=False) d1 = d2 + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) iii += 1 if d1 > self.d2: done = True if iii > maxiii: done = True logger.warning("WARNING: obs2datem, loop exceeded maxiii")
def create_controls( tdirpath, hdirpath, sdate, edate, timechunks, metfmt, units="ppb", tcm=False, orislist=None, moffset=0, overwritelanduse=True, ): """ read the base control file in tdirpath CONTROL.0 read the base SETUP.0 file in tdirpath walk through all subdirectories in tdirpath. For each file with EMIT as part of the filename 1. read the file and get number of records in each cycle. 2. take the suffix from the file 3. Print out a CONTROL file with same suffix and 1. duration set by timechunks input 2. number of starting locations matching the EMITIMES file 3. start date matching EMITIMES file. 4. meteorological files matching the dates 4. Print out a SETUP file with same suffix and 1. initialized with parinit file from previous time period. 2. output pardump file with same suffix at end of run. #3. set ninit to 1. 4. set delt=5 (TO DO- why?) 5. write out landuse file 6. write script in tdirpath for running HYSPLIT. tdirpath: str top level directory for output. tdirpath: str directory for hysplit executable sdate : datetime object edate : datetime object timechunks : integer run duration. RETURNS: runlist : list of runDescriptor objects # TODO - add ability to base numpar on amount of emissions. # will need to read EMITTIME file and find max emission for that time # period. Then use """ from os import walk from utilhysplit import emitimes # from arlhysplit.runh import getmetfiles dstart = sdate dend = edate ##determines meteorological files to use. met_files = MetFiles(metfmt) # due to missing files MetFiles does not always automatically calculte # correct time spacing of files for the SREF. if "sref" in metfmt: met_files.set_mdt(24) elif "href" in metfmt: met_files.set_mdt(24) runlist = [] # list of RunDescriptor Objects if hdirpath[-1] != "/": hdirpath += "/" hysplitdir = hdirpath + "exec/" landusedir = hdirpath + "bdyfiles/" dtree = dirtree(tdirpath, sdate, edate, chkdir=False, dhour=timechunks) iii = 0 # for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(tdirpath): for dirpath in dtree: for (d1, dirnames, filenames) in walk(dirpath): for fl in filenames: if iii == 0: firstdirpath = dirpath make = False if "EMIT" in fl[0:4]: make = True if "WARNING" in fl: make = False if "MESSAGE" in fl: make = False if "VMSDIST" in fl: make = False # oris = fl.replace('EMIT','') # if orislist not None: # make = True if make: suffix = fl[4:8] temp = fl.split(".") if temp[1] != "txt": suffix += "." + temp[1] else: suffix = temp[0].replace("EMIT", "") wdir = dirpath # read emitfile and modify number of locations et = emitimes.EmiTimes(filename=dirpath + "/" + fl) # print(dirpath, fl) et_not_empty = et.read_file() # if the emittimes file not empty then if et_not_empty: # number of locations is number of records # in the emitimes file divided by number of speciess. nrecs = et.cycle_list[0].nrecs / len(et.splist) ht = et.cycle_list[0].recordra[0].height sdate = et.cycle_list[0].sdate ##if sdate not within range given, ##then skip the rest of the loop. if sdate < dstart or sdate > dend: continue lat = et.cycle_list[0].recordra[0].lat lon = et.cycle_list[0].recordra[0].lon ##Write a setup file for this emitimes file setupfile = NameList("SETUP.0", working_directory=tdirpath) setupfile.add("NDUMP", str(timechunks)) setupfile.add("NCYCL", str(timechunks)) #setupfile.add("POUTF", '"PARDUMP.' + suffix + '"') setupfile.add("POUTF", 'PARDUMP.' + suffix) setupfile.add("PINPF", '"PARINIT.' + suffix + '"') if not tcm: setupfile.add("NINIT", "1") setupfile.add("EFILE", '"' + fl + '"') else: setupfile.add("NINIT", "0") # setupfile.add('DELT', '5') setupfile.rename("SETUP." + suffix, working_directory=wdir + "/") setupfile.write(verbose=False) #print("TDIRPATH", tdirpath) ##Write a control file for this emitimes file control = HycsControl(fname="CONTROL.0", working_directory=tdirpath) # make sure that control start is always start of time # period. controldate = dir2date(tdirpath, dirpath) = controldate # remove species and add new with same # attributes but different names # even if EMITTIMES file empty there is still # a header with species information. if et.splist.size > 0: sp = control.species[0] control.remove_species() for spec in et.splist: spnew = sp.copy() # print('Adding species', spec) = et.sphash[spec] # print(spnew.strpollutant()) control.add_species(spnew) # if emit-times file not empty # remove all the locations first and then add # locations that correspond to emittimes file. # if it is empty then still create CONTROL file in case # there is data from PARDUMP file to run. # keep location from default CONTROL.0 file. if et_not_empty: control.remove_locations() nlocs = control.nlocs while nlocs != nrecs: if nlocs < nrecs: control.add_location(latlon=(lat, lon), alt=ht) if nlocs > nrecs: control.remove_locations(num=0) nlocs = control.nlocs control.rename("CONTROL." + suffix, working_directory=wdir) control.remove_metfile(rall=True) ###Add the met files. # mfiles = getmetfiles( #, timechunks, met_type=met_type, mdir=mdir # ) if tcm: timechunks = int(control.run_duration) # ability to have met files cover longer time period. mdate = - datetime.timedelta(hours=moffset) metchunks = timechunks + moffset # mfiles = met_files.get_files(, timechunks) mfiles = met_files.get_files(mdate, metchunks) #print("MFILES", mfiles) #print(mdate, metchunks) #print(, timechunks) for mf in mfiles: if os.path.isfile(mf[0] + mf[1]): control.add_metfile(mf[0], mf[1]) for cg in control.concgrids: cg.outfile += "." + suffix if control.num_met > 12: metgrid = True else: metgrid = False control.write(metgrid=metgrid, overwrite=True, query=False) writelanduse( landusedir=landusedir, working_directory=wdir + "/", overwrite=overwritelanduse, verbose=False, ) with open(wdir + "/", "w") as fid: fid.write("MDL=" + hysplitdir + "/\n") fid.write(unit_mult(units=units)) fid.write(statmainstr()) if dirpath == firstdirpath: parinit = (None, None, None) elif not tcm: sdate = dir2date(tdirpath, dirpath) pdate = sdate - datetime.timedelta(hours=timechunks) pdir = date2dir(tdirpath, pdate, dhour=timechunks) parinitA = "PARDUMP." + suffix parinitB = "PARINIT." + suffix parinit = (pdir, parinitA, parinitB) run = RunDescriptor(wdir, suffix, hysplitdir, "hycs_std", parinit) wr = "a" if iii == 0: wr = "w" # with open(tdirpath + '/' + scr, wr) as fid: # fid.write(run.script()) # fid.write('\n\n') runlist.append(run) iii += 1 return runlist
def nei_controls( tdirpath, hdirpath, sourcedf, sdate, edate, timechunks, metfmt, units="ppb", tcm=False, overwritelanduse=True, ): # sourcedf contains info on # stackheight # emission rate # heat input from os import walk control = HycsControl(fname="CONTROL.0", working_directory=tdirpath) dstart = sdate dend = edate ##determines meteorological files to use. met_files = MetFiles(metfmt) runlist = [] # list of RunDescriptor Objects if hdirpath[-1] != "/": hdirpath += "/" hysplitdir = os.path.join(hdirpath, "exec") landusedir = os.path.join(hdirpath, "bdyfiles") #print("LANDUSEDIR", landusedir, hdirpath) dtree = dirtree(tdirpath, sdate, edate, chkdir=False, dhour=timechunks) iii = 0 for dirpath in dtree: for src in nei_source_generator(sourcedf): suffix = "EIS" + src["EIS_ID"].strip() setupfile = NameList("SETUP.0", working_directory=tdirpath) setupfile.rename("SETUP." + suffix, working_directory=dirpath + "/") setupfile.add("NDUMP", str(timechunks)) setupfile.add("NCYCL", str(timechunks)) setupfile.add("POUTF", 'PARDUMP.' + suffix) setupfile.add("PINPF", '"PARINIT.' + suffix + '"') setupfile.write(verbose=False) release_rate = src["SO2_kgph"] ##Write a control file control = HycsControl(fname="CONTROL.0", working_directory=tdirpath) # make sure that control start is always start of time # period. controldate = dir2date(tdirpath, dirpath) = controldate control.rename("CONTROL." + suffix, working_directory=dirpath) # edit locations control.remove_locations() control.add_location( line=False, latlon=(src["latitude"], src["longitude"]), alt=src["height"], rate=0, ) # set emission rate and duration in the pollutant definition. for sp in control.species: sp.rate = release_rate sp.duration = int(control.run_duration) ###Add the met files. control.remove_metfile(rall=True) if tcm: timechunks = int(control.run_duration) mfiles = met_files.get_files(, timechunks) for mf in mfiles: if os.path.isfile(mf[0] + mf[1]): control.add_metfile(mf[0], mf[1]) for cg in control.concgrids: cg.outfile += "." + suffix if control.num_met > 12: metgrid = True else: metgrid = False control.write(metgrid=metgrid, overwrite=True, query=False) writelanduse( landusedir=landusedir, working_directory=dirpath + "/", overwrite=overwritelanduse, verbose=False, ) sdate = dir2date(tdirpath, dirpath) pdate = sdate - datetime.timedelta(hours=timechunks) pdir = date2dir(tdirpath, pdate, dhour=timechunks) parinitA = "PARDUMP." + suffix parinitB = "PARINIT." + suffix parinit = (pdir, parinitA, parinitB) run = RunDescriptor(dirpath, suffix, hysplitdir, "hycs_std", parinit) runlist.append(run) return runlist
def create_runlist(tdirpath, hdirpath, sdate, edate, timechunks): """ read the base control file in tdirpath CONTROL.0 read the base SETUP.0 file in tdirpath walk through all subdirectories in tdirpath. For each file with EMIT as part of the filename 1. read the file and get number of records in each cycle. 2. take the suffix from the file return list of RunDescriptor objects tdirpath: str top level directory for output. tdirpath: str directory for hysplit executable sdate : datetime object edate : datetime object timechunks : integer run duration. """ from os import walk from utilhysplit import emitimes # from arlhysplit.runh import getmetfiles dstart = sdate dend = edate ##determines meteorological files to use. runlist = [] #if hdirpath[-1] != "/": # hdirpath += "/" hysplitdir = os.path.join(hdirpath + "exec") iii = 0 for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in walk(tdirpath): for fl in filenames: if iii == 0: firstdirpath = dirpath if "EMIT" in fl[0:4]: et = emitimes.EmiTimes(filename=dirpath + "/" + fl) # if not et.read_file(): continue try: sdate = dir2date(tdirpath, dirpath) except: continue if sdate < dstart or sdate > dend: continue suffix = fl[4:8] temp = fl.split(".") if temp[1] != "txt": suffix += "." + temp[1] temp = fl.replace("EMIT", "") suffix = temp.replace(".txt", "") wdir = dirpath if dirpath == firstdirpath: parinit = (None, None, None) else: pdate = sdate - datetime.timedelta(hours=timechunks) pdir = date2dir(tdirpath, pdate, dhour=timechunks) parinitA = "PARDUMP." + suffix parinitB = "PARINIT." + suffix parinit = (pdir, parinitA, parinitB) run = RunDescriptor(wdir, suffix, hysplitdir, "hycs_std", parinit) wr = "a" if iii == 0: wr = "w" # with open(tdirpath + '/' + scr, wr) as fid: # fid.write(run.script()) # fid.write('\n\n') runlist.append(run) iii += 1 return runlist
def emit_subroutine( self, df, dfheat, edate, schunks, tdir="./", unit=True, bname="EMIT", emit_area=0, ): """ create emitimes file for CEMS emissions. edate is the date to start the file on. Currently, 24 hour cycles are hard-wired. """ # df = self.get_so2() # dfheat = self.get_heat() locs = df.columns.values prev_oris = "none" ehash = {} # get list of oris numbers orislist = [] unithash = {} for hdr in locs: oris = hdr[0] orislist.append(oris) unithash[oris] = [] for hdr in locs: oris = hdr[0] # print(hdr) if unit: mid = hdr[5] else: mid = "None" unithash[oris].append(mid) orislist = list(set(orislist)) sphash = {1: "MEAS", 2: "EST1", 3: "EST2"} # create a dictionary with key oris number and value and EmiTimes # object. for oris in orislist: for mid in unithash[oris]: # output directory is determined by tdir and starting date. # chkdir=True means date2dir will create the directory if # it does not exist already. ename = bname + str(oris) if unit: ename = ename + "_" + str(mid) odir = date2dir(tdir, edate, dhour=schunks, chkdir=True) ename = odir + ename + ".txt" if unit: key = str(oris) + str(mid) else: key = oris ehash[key] = emitimes.EmiTimes(filename=ename) ehash[key].set_species(sphash) # now this loop fills the EmitTimes objects for hdr in locs: oris = hdr[0] d1 = edate # date to start emitimes file. dftemp = df[hdr] dfh = dfheat[hdr] dftemp.fillna(0, inplace=True) dftemp = dftemp[dftemp != 0] # ename = bname + str(oris) # if unit: # sid = hdr[4] # ename += "." + str(sid) height = hdr[1] lat = hdr[2] lon = hdr[3] spnum = hdr[4] key = oris if unit: mid = hdr[5] key += str(mid) # hardwire 1 hr duraton of emissions. record_duration = "0100" # pick which EmitTimes object we are working with. efile = ehash[key] # output directory is determined by tdir and starting date. # chkdir=True means date2dir will create the directory if # it does not exist already. # odir = date2dir(tdir, edate, dhour=schunks, chkdir=True) # ename = odir + ename + ".txt" # efile = emitimes.EmiTimes(filename=ename) # this was creating a special file for a pre-processing program # that would take diameter, temp and velocity to compute plume rise. if "STACK" in bname: hstring = efile.header.replace( "HEAT(w)", "DIAMETER(m) TEMP(K) VELOCITY(m/s)") efile.modify_header(hstring) # hardwire 24 hour cycle length dt = datetime.timedelta(hours=24) #efile.add_cycle(d1, "0024") efile.add_cycle(d1, 24) for date, rate in dftemp.iteritems(): # if spnum!=1: print(date, rate, spnum) if date >= edate: heat = dfh[date] check = efile.add_record( date, record_duration, lat, lon, height, rate, emit_area, heat, spnum, ) nnn = 0 while not check: d1 = d1 + dt efile.add_cycle(d1, 24) check = efile.add_record( date, record_duration, lat, lon, height, rate, emit_area, heat, spnum, ) nnn += 1 if nnn > 20: break # if not check2: # print("sverify WARNING: record not added to EmiTimes") # print(date.strftime("%Y %m %d %H:%M")) # print(str(lat), str(lon), str(rate), str(heat)) # break # here we write the EmitTimes files for ef in ehash.values(): ef.write_new(ef.filename)