def load_regions_from_svg(self, url, attr):
     import svgfig
     svg = svgfig.load(url)
     self.svg = svg
     g = svg[2]
     coords = {}
     for path in g[:]:
         path_str = path['d']
         id = path['data-'+attr]
         poly = restore_poly_from_path_str(path_str)
         coords[id] =
     return coords
	def add_shapefile_layer(self, svg_src, shp_src, data_column=None, outfile=None, polycolor=None):
		adds the content of a shapefile as a new map layer
		import svgfig, shapefile
		if data_column == None: data_column = ()
		options = self.options
		svg = svgfig.load(svg_src)
		svg_views = svg[1][0]
		svg_view = svg_views[0]
		svg_proj = svg_view[0]
		svg_bbox = svg_view[1]
		svg_llbbox = svg_view[2]
		pd = float(svg_view['padding'])
		globe = proj.Proj.fromXML(svg_proj)
		bbox = Bounds2D(left=float(svg_bbox['x']), top=float(svg_bbox['y']), width=float(svg_bbox['w']), height=float(svg_bbox['h']))
		vh = float(svg_view['h'])
		vw = float(svg_view['w'])
		options.out_width = vw
		options.out_height = vh
		options.force_ratio = True
		options.out_padding = pd
		options.llbbox = map(float, (svg_llbbox['lon0'],svg_llbbox['lat0'],svg_llbbox['lon1'],svg_llbbox['lat1']))
		view = self.get_view(bbox)
		viewbox = Bounds2D(width=view.width, height=view.height)

		if options.verbose:			
			print view
			print viewbox
			print globe
		# eventually crop at layer
		layer_poly = None
		if options.crop_at_layer != None:
			from Polygon import Polygon as Poly
			from Polygon.IO import writeSVG
			from gisutils import restore_poly_from_path_str
			if options.verbose:
				print 'crop at layer "%s"' %  options.crop_at_layer
			for g in svg[2:]:
				if g['id'] == options.crop_at_layer:
					if options.verbose:
						print 'found layer!'
					# restore polygons from that layer
					layer_poly = Poly()
					for path in g[:]:
						path_str = path['d']
						poly = restore_poly_from_path_str(path_str)
						layer_poly = layer_poly | poly
		# read shapefile
		sf = shapefile.Reader(shp_src)
		filt = self.get_polygon_filter(sf)
		fields = []
		for f in sf.fields[1:]:
		shprecs = sf.shapeRecords()
		polygons = []
		for sx in range(len(shprecs)):
			shp = shprecs[sx].shape
			rec = shprecs[sx].record
			if not filt(rec): 
			data = { }
			for d in data_column:
				for f in range(len(fields)):
					if d == fields[f]:
						data[fields[f].lower().replace('_','-')] = Utils.remove_unicode(rec[f])
			polys = self.get_shape_polygons(shp, "", globe, view, data=data)
			for poly in polys:
				if poly.bbox.intersects(viewbox):
		# polygons = self.merge_biggest_polygons(polygons, 4000)
		if options.cut_lakes:
			polygons = self.cut_lakes(polygons, globe, view, viewbox)
		if options.llbbox != (-180,-90,180,90):
			polygons = self.clip_polygons_to_sea(polygons, globe, view)
			polygons = self.clip_polygons(polygons, viewbox)
		if layer_poly != None:
			from gisutils import polygon_to_poly, poly_to_polygons
			out = []
			for polygon in polygons:
				poly = polygon_to_poly(polygon)
				poly_ = poly & layer_poly
				if poly_ != None:
					out += poly_to_polygons(poly_,,, closed=polygon.closed)
			polygons = out
		self.add_map_layer(svg, polygons, options.layer_id, polycolor=polycolor)
		self.save_or_display(svg, "", outfile)
Beispiel #3
            #weekendMargin = 0
        #wordGroup = dwg.g(transform="rotate(%f, %f, %f) translate(%f,0)" \
                #%( math.degrees(angle+dayAngle+textAngleShift)+90, mid[0], mid[1], +R_dates+weekendMargin ) \
        #wordGroup.add( dwg.text( '%s'%(yearDays[index]), \
                #insert=mid, fill=fillColor \
                ##,style="font-weight: %s;"%(fontWeight)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    baseDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+"\\"
    canvasSize = (500,707)
    canvasMiddle = canvasSize[0]/2.0, canvasSize[1]/2.0
    #baseDir = "C:\\Users\\ewew\\Dropbox\\_PROJECTS\\2014.08.24 Kruglendar_2015\\python\\"
    dayShapes = svgfig.load(baseDir+"dayShapes-proper.svg")
    # парсить argv:
    outputFile, timeModelType, language = sys.argv[1:]

    # Размер документа
    svgfig._canvas_defaults['width'] = canvasSize[0]
    svgfig._canvas_defaults['height'] = canvasSize[1]
    svgfig._canvas_defaults['viewBox'] = "0 0 %d %d"% \
            (canvasSize[0], canvasSize[1])
    c = Calendar(dayShapes, canvasSize, timeModelType, language)
    svg = svgfig.SVG("g", c.render(), transform="translate(%f %f)" \
    # записать svg + outputFile)
Beispiel #4
    def __init__(self,
        import svgfig
        svg = svgfig.load(basefile)
        # build path and text dicts used to reference fluxes in the svg
        rawPathList = []
        rawTextDict = {}
        for index, item in svg:

            # Title info
                attr = item.attr
                    id = attr['id']
                    if 'title' in id:
                        titleLoc = (index, 0, 0)
                except KeyError:
            except AttributeError:

            # The rest
                # ungrouped paths
                if item.t == "path" and len(index) == 1:
                    rawPathList.append((item.attr['id'], [index]))

                # grouped paths
                # if item type is group and the ID isn't a generic "gNNNN"
                if item.t == "g" and not item.attr['id'][1:].isnumeric():
                    # if every subitem in the group is a path
                    pathtest = []
                    for s in item.sub:
                        pathtest.append(s.t == "path")
                    if all(pathtest):
                            (item.attr['id'], [(index[0], u)
                                               for u in range(len(item.sub))]))

                # get text entry names and numbers
                if item.t == "text":
                    # set up a dict lookup by name, store top-level index as the dict contents
                    # index,0,0 : the name
                    # index,1,0 : the rate number
                    name = svg[index, 0, 0].strip()
                    rate = (index[0], 1, 0)
                    stds = (index[0], 2, 0)

                    if name in rawTextDict:
                        rawTextDict[name].append((rate, stds))
                        rawTextDict[name] = [(rate, stds)]
                    # svgfig silently handles IndexError exception if svg[index,1,0] does not exist
        # clean misc paths and cofactors out of the path list
        cleanPathList = []
        badTerms = [
            "path", "atpc", "adpc", "coac", "co2c", "nadc", "nadhc", "nadpc",
        for entry in rawPathList:
            flagBad = False
            for bad in badTerms:
                if bad in entry[0]:
                    flagBad = True
            if not flagBad:
        pathdict = dict(cleanPathList)
        # clean metabolite labels and pure numeric labels out of the text list
        cleanTextDict = {}
        badTerms = ["[c]", "[e]"]
        for entry in rawTextDict:
            flagBad = False
            for bad in badTerms:
                if bad in entry:
                    flagBad = True
            #if not flagBad and entry[0].isnumeric() == False:
            if not flagBad and entry.isnumeric() == False:
                cleanTextDict[entry] = rawTextDict[entry]
        textdict = cleanTextDict

        #textdict = dict(cleanTextDict)
        # assign attributes
        self.basefile = basefile
        self.basesvg = svg
        self.svg = svg
        self.pathdict = pathdict
        self.textdict = textdict
        self.strokewidth_multiplier = strokewidth_multiplier
        self.max_strokewidth = max_strokewidth
        self.min_strokewidth = min_strokewidth
        self.titleLoc = titleLoc