Beispiel #1
    def transform_side(sides, targets, angle_offset=0):
        def angle(point1, point2):
            diff = point1 - point2
            if diff.real == 0:
                return 90.0
            return atan(diff.imag / diff.real) * 180.0 / pi

        # change this so that it has two targets
        transformed_side = Path(*sides)
        source_angle = angle(transformed_side.end, transformed_side.start) - \
                       angle(targets[0], targets[1])
        transformed_side = transformed_side.rotated(-source_angle +
        source = transformed_side.end if angle_offset == 0 else transformed_side.start
        diff = targets[1] - source
        transformed_side = transformed_side.translated(diff)
        draw_marker(targets[0], rgb(0, 200, 200))
        draw_marker(targets[1], rgb(0, 255, 255))
        transformed_diff = abs(transformed_side.start - transformed_side.end)
        targets_diff = abs(targets[0] - targets[1])
        if transformed_diff < targets_diff:
                0, Line(start=targets[0], end=transformed_side.start))
        elif transformed_diff > targets_diff:
            # pop elements off until the transformed diff is smaller
            while transformed_diff > targets_diff:
                transformed_diff = abs(transformed_side.start -
            print("path", transformed_side)
            print("path is longer", transformed_diff - targets_diff)
        return transformed_side
def test_stack_paths2():
    blo = Path(*[
        Line(start=0, end=100),
        Line(start=100, end=100 + 100j),
        Line(start=100 + 100j, end=100j),
        Line(start=100j, end=0)
    all_paths = [blo, blo.translated(110)]
    attributes = [{"fill": "black"}, {"fill": "black"}]

    all_paths_new, attributes_new = stack_paths(all_paths, attributes)
    assert all_paths == all_paths_new
    assert attributes_new == attributes
Beispiel #3
def test_generate_pattern_colors(fill):
    dig = Digitizer()
    diff = 110
    blo = Path(*[Line(start=0, end=100), Line(start=100, end=100 + 100j),
                 Line(start=100 + 100j, end=100j), Line(start=100j, end=0)])
    dig.all_paths = [blo, blo.translated(diff)]
    dig.attributes = [{"fill": "black"}, {"fill": "red"}]
    dig.scale = 1.0
    dig.fill = fill

    print([(i, block.stitches[0].tags) for i, block in enumerate(dig.pattern.blocks)])
    assert len(dig.pattern.thread_colors) == 2
    assert len(dig.pattern.blocks[0].stitches) > 0
    assert "JUMP" in dig.pattern.blocks[0].stitches[0].tags
    assert "STITCH" in dig.pattern.blocks[1].stitches[0].tags
    assert "TRIM" in dig.pattern.blocks[2].stitches[0].tags
    assert "COLOR" in dig.pattern.blocks[3].stitches[0].tags
    assert "STITCH" in dig.pattern.blocks[4].stitches[0].tags
    assert "END" in dig.pattern.blocks[5].stitches[0].tags
    assert len(dig.pattern.blocks[4].stitches) > 0
Beispiel #4
    def calc_path_freetype_decompose(self, fontsize: float) -> Path:
        outline: freetype.Outline = self.face.glyph.outline

        def move_to(a, ctx):
            ctx.append("M {},{}".format(a.x, a.y))

        def line_to(a, ctx):
            ctx.append("L {},{}".format(a.x, a.y))

        def conic_to(a, b, ctx):
            ctx.append("Q {},{} {},{}".format(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y))

        def cubic_to(a, b, c, ctx):
            ctx.append("C {},{} {},{} {},{}".format(a.x, a.y, b.x, b.y, c.x,

        ctx: List[str] = []


        path_str = " ".join(ctx)

        # build a Path instance
        path = parse_path(path_str)

        # this path is not at the right position - it has to be scaled, shifted and flipped
        yflip = self.yflip_value
        if yflip == None:
            yflip = self.bbox.yMax

        xshift = self.xshift_value
        if xshift == None:
            xshift = self.bbox.xMin

        # extra scaling
        scaling = fontsize / self.CHAR_SIZE

        # let's go
        path = path.translated(-xshift)

        # flipping means a special transformation ... matrix(1,0,  0,-1,  0,7.5857)
        apath = Path()

        tf = np.identity(3)
        tf[1][1] = -1
        for seg in path:
            aseg = xxpath.transform(seg, tf)

        # and the companion translation
        path = apath.translated(yflip * 1j)

        # finally
        path = path.scaled(scaling, scaling)

        self.path = path

        return self.path