def _locating_element( element, waittime, action='', ): el_location = None try: el, value = e.get(element) except: logger.exception( 'Locating the element:%s is Failure, no element in define' % element) raise Exception( 'Locating the element:%s is Failure, no element in define' % element) wait = WebDriverWait(g.driver, waittime) if el['by'].lower() in ('title', 'url', 'current_url'): return None elif action == 'CLICK': el_location = wait.until( EC.element_to_be_clickable((getattr(By, el['by'].upper()), value))) else: logger.debug('locating the element %s' % value) el_location = wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located((getattr(By, el['by'].upper()), value))) return el_location
def run(self, sheet_name): # 1.从 Excel 获取测试用例集 try: data = testsuite = testsuite_format(data) #'Testsuite imported from Excel:\n' + # json.dumps(testsuite, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))'From Excel import testsuite success') except: logger.exception('*** From Excel import testsuite fail ***') self.code = -1 sys.exit(self.code) # 2.初始化全局对象 try: g.init(self.desired_caps, self.server_url) g.set_driver() # 如果测试数据文件存在,则从该文件里读取一行数据,赋值到全局变量列表里 data_file = path.join('data', g.project_name + '-' + sheet_name + '.csv') if path.exists(data_file): g.var = get_record(data_file) data_file = path.join( 'data', g.project_name + '-' + sheet_name + '-globle.txt') if path.exists(data_file): g.var.update(get_all_record(data_file)) w.init() except: logger.exception('*** Init global object fail ***') self.code = -1 sys.exit(self.code) # 3.解析测试用例集 try: parse(testsuite) logger.debug('testsuite has been parsed:\n' + str(testsuite)) except: logger.exception('*** Parse testsuite fail ***') self.code = -1 sys.exit(self.code) # 4.执行测试套件 ts = TestSuite(testsuite, self.report_ts[sheet_name], self.conditions) # 5.判断测试结果 if self.report_ts[sheet_name].high_errors + self.report_ts[sheet_name].medium_errors + \ self.report_ts[sheet_name].high_failures + self.report_ts[sheet_name].medium_failures: self.code = -1 # 6.保存测试结果 try: self.report_data[sheet_name] = testsuite2report(testsuite) data = testsuite2data(testsuite) self.report_workbook.write(data, sheet_name) except: logger.exception('*** Save the report is fail ***')
def switch_context(self, context): if context.strip() == '': context = 'NATIVE_APP' logger.debug('--- ALL Contexts:%s' % g.driver.contexts) logger.debug('--- Input Context:%s' % repr(context)) if context != self.current_context: if context == '': context = None'--- Switch Context:%s' % repr(context)) g.driver.switch_to.context(context) self.current_context = context
def run(self, sheet_name): # 1.从 Excel 获取测试用例集 try: data = testsuite = testsuite_format(data) #'Testsuite imported from Excel:\n' + # json.dumps(testsuite, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4))'From Excel import testsuite success') except: logger.exception('*** From Excel import testsuite failure ***') self.code = -1 sys.exit(self.code) # 2.初始化全局对象 try: g.set_driver() # 如果测试数据文件存在,则从该文件里读取数据,赋值到全局变量列表里 data_file = Path('data') / (g.plan_name + '-' + sheet_name + '.csv') if data_file.is_file(): g.test_data = get_record(str(data_file)) w.init() except: logger.exception('*** Init global object failure ***') self.code = -1 sys.exit(self.code) # 3.解析测试用例集 try: parse(testsuite) logger.debug('testsuite has been parsed:\n' + str(testsuite)) except: logger.exception('*** Parse testsuite failure ***') self.code = -1 sys.exit(self.code) # 4.执行测试套件 g.ts = TestSuite(testsuite, sheet_name, self.junit_suite[sheet_name], self.conditions) # 5.判断测试结果 if self.junit_suite[sheet_name].high_errors + self.junit_suite[sheet_name].medium_errors + \ self.junit_suite[sheet_name].high_failures + self.junit_suite[sheet_name].medium_failures: self.code = -1 # 6.保存测试结果 try: data = testsuite2data(testsuite) self.report_workbook.write(data, sheet_name) self.report_data[sheet_name] = testsuite2report(testsuite) except: logger.exception('*** Save the report is failure ***')