Beispiel #1
 def test_server_error(self):
     body = 'c' * 60
     c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(500, body=body)
     args = ('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', {})
     self.assertRaises(c.ClientException, c.post_object, *args)
         value = c.post_object(*args)
     except c.ClientException as e:
         self.assertEquals(e.http_response_content, body)
Beispiel #2
 def test_ok(self):
     c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
     args = ('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', {})
     value = c.post_object(*args)
    def test_main(self):
        container = 'container-%s' % uuid4()
        client.put_container(self.url, self.token, container)
        apart, anodes = self.account_ring.get_nodes(self.account)

        cpart, cnodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(self.account, container)
        cnode = cnodes[0]
        obj = 'object-%s' % uuid4()
        opart, onodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes(
            self.account, container, obj)
        onode = onodes[0]
        kill(self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]], SIGTERM)
        client.put_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj, 'VERIFY')
        odata = client.get_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)[-1]
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Object GET did not return VERIFY, instead it '
                            'returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        # Kill all primaries to ensure GET handoff works
        for node in onodes[1:]:
            kill(self.pids[self.port2server[node['port']]], SIGTERM)
        odata = client.get_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)[-1]
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Object GET did not return VERIFY, instead it '
                            'returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        for node in onodes[1:]:
            self.pids[self.port2server[node['port']]] = Popen([
                '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                ((node['port'] - 6000) / 10)]).pid
        # We've indirectly verified the handoff node has the object, but let's
        # directly verify it.
        another_onode = self.object_ring.get_more_nodes(opart).next()
        odata = direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart,
                    self.account, container, obj)[-1]
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Direct object GET did not return VERIFY, instead '
                            'it returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        objs = [o['name'] for o in
                client.get_container(self.url, self.token, container)[1]]
        if obj not in objs:
            raise Exception('Container listing did not know about object')
        for cnode in cnodes:
            objs = [o['name'] for o in
                    direct_client.direct_get_container(cnode, cpart,
                        self.account, container)[1]]
            if obj not in objs:
                raise Exception(
                    'Container server %s:%s did not know about object' %
                    (cnode['ip'], cnode['port']))
        self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]] = Popen([
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
            ((onode['port'] - 6000) / 10)]).pid
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Previously downed object server had test object')
        # Run the extra server last so it'll remove it's extra partition
        ps = []
        for n in onodes:
                             '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                             ((n['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once']))
        for p in ps:
              '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
              ((another_onode['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'])
        odata = direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                                container, obj)[-1]
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Direct object GET did not return VERIFY, instead '
                            'it returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Handoff object server still had test object')

        kill(self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]], SIGTERM)
        client.post_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj,
                           headers={'x-object-meta-probe': 'value'})
        oheaders = client.head_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)
        if oheaders.get('x-object-meta-probe') != 'value':
            raise Exception('Metadata incorrect, was %s' % repr(oheaders))
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Handoff server claimed it had the object when '
                            'it should not have it')
        self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]] = Popen([
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
            ((onode['port'] - 6000) / 10)]).pid
        oheaders = direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                                    container, obj)[0]
        if oheaders.get('x-object-meta-probe') == 'value':
            raise Exception('Previously downed object server had the new '
                            'metadata when it should not have it')
        # Run the extra server last so it'll remove it's extra partition
        ps = []
        for n in onodes:
                             '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                             ((n['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once']))
        for p in ps:
              '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
              ((another_onode['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'])
        oheaders = direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                                    container, obj)[0]
        if oheaders.get('x-object-meta-probe') != 'value':
            raise Exception(
                'Previously downed object server did not have the new metadata')

        kill(self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]], SIGTERM)
        client.delete_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)
        exc = False
            client.head_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Regular object HEAD was still successful')
        objs = [o['name'] for o in
                client.get_container(self.url, self.token, container)[1]]
        if obj in objs:
            raise Exception('Container listing still knew about object')
        for cnode in cnodes:
            objs = [o['name'] for o in
                        cnode, cpart, self.account, container)[1]]
            if obj in objs:
                raise Exception(
                    'Container server %s:%s still knew about object' %
                    (cnode['ip'], cnode['port']))
        self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]] = Popen([
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
            ((onode['port'] - 6000) / 10)]).pid
        direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account, container,
        # Run the extra server last so it'll remove it's extra partition
        ps = []
        for n in onodes:
                             '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                             ((n['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once']))
        for p in ps:
              '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
              ((another_onode['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'])
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Handoff object server still had the object')
    def test_main(self):
        container = 'container-%s' % uuid4()
        client.put_container(self.url, self.token, container)
        apart, anodes = self.account_ring.get_nodes(self.account)

        cpart, cnodes = self.container_ring.get_nodes(self.account, container)
        cnode = cnodes[0]
        obj = 'object-%s' % uuid4()
        opart, onodes = self.object_ring.get_nodes(self.account, container,
        onode = onodes[0]
        kill(self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]], SIGTERM)
        client.put_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj, 'VERIFY')
        odata = client.get_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)[-1]
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Object GET did not return VERIFY, instead it '
                            'returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        # Kill all primaries to ensure GET handoff works
        for node in onodes[1:]:
            kill(self.pids[self.port2server[node['port']]], SIGTERM)
        odata = client.get_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)[-1]
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Object GET did not return VERIFY, instead it '
                            'returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        for node in onodes[1:]:
            self.pids[self.port2server[node['port']]] = Popen([
                '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                ((node['port'] - 6000) / 10)
        # We've indirectly verified the handoff node has the object, but let's
        # directly verify it.
        another_onode = self.object_ring.get_more_nodes(opart).next()
        odata = direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart,
                                                self.account, container,
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Direct object GET did not return VERIFY, instead '
                            'it returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        objs = [
            for o in client.get_container(self.url, self.token, container)[1]
        if obj not in objs:
            raise Exception('Container listing did not know about object')
        for cnode in cnodes:
            objs = [
                o['name'] for o in direct_client.direct_get_container(
                    cnode, cpart, self.account, container)[1]
            if obj not in objs:
                raise Exception(
                    'Container server %s:%s did not know about object' %
                    (cnode['ip'], cnode['port']))
        self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]] = Popen([
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' % ((onode['port'] - 6000) / 10)
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Previously downed object server had test object')
        # Run the extra server last so it'll remove it's extra partition
        ps = []
        for n in onodes:
                    '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                    ((n['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'
        for p in ps:
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
            ((another_onode['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'
        odata = direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                                container, obj)[-1]
        if odata != 'VERIFY':
            raise Exception('Direct object GET did not return VERIFY, instead '
                            'it returned: %s' % repr(odata))
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Handoff object server still had test object')

        kill(self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]], SIGTERM)
                           headers={'x-object-meta-probe': 'value'})
        oheaders = client.head_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)
        if oheaders.get('x-object-meta-probe') != 'value':
            raise Exception('Metadata incorrect, was %s' % repr(oheaders))
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Handoff server claimed it had the object when '
                            'it should not have it')
        self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]] = Popen([
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' % ((onode['port'] - 6000) / 10)
        oheaders = direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                                   container, obj)[0]
        if oheaders.get('x-object-meta-probe') == 'value':
            raise Exception('Previously downed object server had the new '
                            'metadata when it should not have it')
        # Run the extra server last so it'll remove it's extra partition
        ps = []
        for n in onodes:
                    '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                    ((n['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'
        for p in ps:
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
            ((another_onode['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'
        oheaders = direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account,
                                                   container, obj)[0]
        if oheaders.get('x-object-meta-probe') != 'value':
            raise Exception(
                'Previously downed object server did not have the new metadata'

        kill(self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]], SIGTERM)
        client.delete_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)
        exc = False
            client.head_object(self.url, self.token, container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Regular object HEAD was still successful')
        objs = [
            for o in client.get_container(self.url, self.token, container)[1]
        if obj in objs:
            raise Exception('Container listing still knew about object')
        for cnode in cnodes:
            objs = [
                o['name'] for o in direct_client.direct_get_container(
                    cnode, cpart, self.account, container)[1]
            if obj in objs:
                raise Exception(
                    'Container server %s:%s still knew about object' %
                    (cnode['ip'], cnode['port']))
        self.pids[self.port2server[onode['port']]] = Popen([
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' % ((onode['port'] - 6000) / 10)
        direct_client.direct_get_object(onode, opart, self.account, container,
        # Run the extra server last so it'll remove it's extra partition
        ps = []
        for n in onodes:
                    '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
                    ((n['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'
        for p in ps:
            '/etc/swift/object-server/%d.conf' %
            ((another_onode['port'] - 6000) / 10), 'once'
        exc = False
            direct_client.direct_get_object(another_onode, opart, self.account,
                                            container, obj)
        except Exception:
            exc = True
        if not exc:
            raise Exception('Handoff object server still had the object')
Beispiel #5
 def test_ok(self):
     c.http_connection = self.fake_http_connection(200)
     args = ('', 'asdf', 'asdf', 'asdf', {})
     value = c.post_object(*args)