Beispiel #1
 def __init__(self, proxy_server_conf=None, logger=None, retries=0):
     self.upload_app = BaseApplication(proxy_server_conf,
     self.retries = retries
Beispiel #2
class InternalProxy(object):
    Set up a private instance of a proxy server that allows normal requests
    to be made without having to actually send the request to the proxy.
    This also doesn't log the requests to the normal proxy logs.

    :param proxy_server_conf: proxy server configuration dictionary
    :param logger: logger to log requests to
    :param retries: number of times to retry each request

    def __init__(self, proxy_server_conf=None, logger=None, retries=0):
        self.upload_app = BaseApplication(proxy_server_conf,
        self.retries = retries

    def _handle_request(self, req, source_file=None, compress=True):
        req = self.upload_app.update_request(req)
        req_copy = webob_request_copy(req, source_file=source_file,
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(req_copy)
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) \
                and tries < self.retries:
            req_copy = webob_request_copy(req, source_file=source_file,
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(req_copy)
            tries += 1
        return resp

    def upload_file(self, source_file, account, container, object_name,
                    compress=True, content_type='application/x-gzip',
        Upload a file to cloud files.

        :param source_file: path to or file like object to upload
        :param account: account to upload to
        :param container: container to upload to
        :param object_name: name of object being uploaded
        :param compress: if True, compresses object as it is uploaded
        :param content_type: content-type of object
        :param etag: etag for object to check successful upload
        :returns: True if successful, False otherwise
        target_name = '/v1/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, object_name)

        # create the container
        if not self.create_container(account, container):
            return False

        # upload the file to the account
        req = webob.Request.blank(target_name, content_type=content_type,
                            environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PUT'},
                            headers={'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'})
        req.content_length = None   # to make sure we send chunked data
        if etag:
            req.headers['etag'] = etag
        resp = self._handle_request(req, source_file=source_file,
        if not (200 <= resp.status_int < 300):
            return False
        return True

    def get_object(self, account, container, object_name):
        Get object.

        :param account: account name object is in
        :param container: container name object is in
        :param object_name: name of object to get
        :returns: iterator for object data
        req = webob.Request.blank('/v1/%s/%s/%s' %
                            (account, container, object_name),
                            environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'})
        resp = self._handle_request(req)
        return resp.status_int, resp.app_iter

    def create_container(self, account, container):
        Create container.

        :param account: account name to put the container in
        :param container: container name to create
        :returns: True if successful, otherwise False
        req = webob.Request.blank('/v1/%s/%s' % (account, container),
                            environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PUT'})
        resp = self._handle_request(req)
        return 200 <= resp.status_int < 300

    def get_container_list(self, account, container, marker=None,
                           end_marker=None, limit=None, prefix=None,
                           delimiter=None, full_listing=True):
        Get a listing of objects for the container.

        :param account: account name for the container
        :param container: container name to get a listing for
        :param marker: marker query
        :param end_marker: end marker query
        :param limit: limit query
        :param prefix: prefix query
        :param delimeter: string to delimit the queries on
        :param full_listing: if True, return a full listing, else returns a max
                             of 10000 listings
        :returns: list of objects
        if full_listing:
            rv = []
            listing = self.get_container_list(account, container, marker,
                                              end_marker, limit, prefix,
                                              delimiter, full_listing=False)
            while listing:
                if not delimiter:
                    marker = listing[-1]['name']
                    marker = listing[-1].get('name', listing[-1].get('subdir'))
                listing = self.get_container_list(account, container, marker,
                                                  end_marker, limit, prefix,
            return rv
        path = '/v1/%s/%s' % (account, quote(container))
        qs = 'format=json'
        if marker:
            qs += '&marker=%s' % quote(marker)
        if end_marker:
            qs += '&end_marker=%s' % quote(end_marker)
        if limit:
            qs += '&limit=%d' % limit
        if prefix:
            qs += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
        if delimiter:
            qs += '&delimiter=%s' % quote(delimiter)
        path += '?%s' % qs
        req = webob.Request.blank(path, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'})
        resp = self._handle_request(req)
        if resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int >= 300:
            return []  # TODO: distinguish between 404 and empty container
        if resp.status_int == 204:
            return []
        return json_loads(resp.body)

    def get_container_metadata(self, account, container):
        path = '/v1/%s/%s/' % (account, container)
        req = webob.Request.blank(path, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'HEAD'})
        resp = self._handle_request(req)
        out = {}
        for k, v in resp.headers.iteritems():
            if k.lower().startswith('x-container-meta-'):
                out[k] = v
        return out
Beispiel #3
class InternalProxy(object):
    Set up a private instance of a proxy server that allows normal requests
    to be made without having to actually send the request to the proxy.
    This also doesn't log the requests to the normal proxy logs.

    :param proxy_server_conf: proxy server configuration dictionary
    :param logger: logger to log requests to
    :param retries: number of times to retry each request

    def __init__(self, proxy_server_conf=None, logger=None, retries=0):
        self.upload_app = BaseApplication(proxy_server_conf,
        self.retries = retries

    def upload_file(self, source_file, account, container, object_name,
                    compress=True, content_type='application/x-gzip',
        Upload a file to cloud files.

        :param source_file: path to or file like object to upload
        :param account: account to upload to
        :param container: container to upload to
        :param object_name: name of object being uploaded
        :param compress: if True, compresses object as it is uploaded
        :param content_type: content-type of object
        :param etag: etag for object to check successful upload
        :returns: True if successful, False otherwise
        target_name = '/v1/%s/%s/%s' % (account, container, object_name)

        # create the container
        if not self.create_container(account, container):
            return False

        # upload the file to the account
        req = webob.Request.blank(target_name,
                            environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PUT'},
                            headers={'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked'})
        if compress:
            if hasattr(source_file, 'read'):
                compressed_file = CompressingFileReader(source_file)
                compressed_file = CompressingFileReader(
                                    open(source_file, 'rb'))
            req.body_file = compressed_file
            if not hasattr(source_file, 'read'):
                source_file = open(source_file, 'rb')
            req.body_file = source_file
        req.account = account
        req.content_type = content_type
        req.content_length = None   # to make sure we send chunked data
        if etag:
            req.etag = etag
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) \
                and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
            tries += 1
        if not (200 <= resp.status_int < 300):
            return False
        return True

    def get_object(self, account, container, object_name):
        Get object.

        :param account: account name object is in
        :param container: container name object is in
        :param object_name: name of object to get
        :returns: iterator for object data
        req = webob.Request.blank('/v1/%s/%s/%s' %
                            (account, container, object_name),
                            environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'})
        req.account = account
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) \
                and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
            tries += 1
        return resp.status_int, resp.app_iter

    def create_container(self, account, container):
        Create container.

        :param account: account name to put the container in
        :param container: container name to create
        :returns: True if successful, otherwise False
        req = webob.Request.blank('/v1/%s/%s' % (account, container),
                            environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'PUT'})
        req.account = account
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) \
                and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
            tries += 1
        return 200 <= resp.status_int < 300

    def get_container_list(self, account, container, marker=None,
                           end_marker=None, limit=None, prefix=None,
                           delimiter=None, full_listing=True):
        Get container listing.

        :param account: account name for the container
        :param container: container name to get the listing of
        :param marker: marker query
        :param end_marker: end marker query
        :param limit: limit to query
        :param prefix: prefix query
        :param delimeter: delimeter for query
        :param full_listing: if True, make enough requests to get all listings
        :returns: list of objects
        if full_listing:
            rv = []
            listing = self.get_container_list(account, container, marker,
                end_marker, limit, prefix, delimiter, full_listing=False)
            while listing:
                if not delimiter:
                    marker = listing[-1]['name']
                    marker = listing[-1].get('name', listing[-1].get('subdir'))
                listing = self.get_container_list(account, container, marker,
                    end_marker, limit, prefix, delimiter, full_listing=False)
            return rv
        path = '/v1/%s/%s' % (account, container)
        qs = 'format=json'
        if marker:
            qs += '&marker=%s' % quote(marker)
        if end_marker:
            qs += '&end_marker=%s' % quote(end_marker)
        if limit:
            qs += '&limit=%d' % limit
        if prefix:
            qs += '&prefix=%s' % quote(prefix)
        if delimiter:
            qs += '&delimiter=%s' % quote(delimiter)
        path += '?%s' % qs
        req = webob.Request.blank(path, environ={'REQUEST_METHOD': 'GET'})
        req.account = account
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) \
                and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(
            tries += 1
        if resp.status_int == 204:
            return []
        if 200 <= resp.status_int < 300:
            return json_loads(resp.body)
Beispiel #4
 def __init__(self, proxy_server_conf=None, logger=None, retries=0):
     self.upload_app = BaseApplication(proxy_server_conf,
     self.retries = retries
Beispiel #5
class InternalProxy(object):
    Set up a private instance of a proxy server that allows normal requests
    to be made without having to actually send the request to the proxy.
    This also doesn't log the requests to the normal proxy logs.

    :param proxy_server_conf: proxy server configuration dictionary
    :param logger: logger to log requests to
    :param retries: number of times to retry each request

    def __init__(self, proxy_server_conf=None, logger=None, retries=0):
        self.upload_app = BaseApplication(proxy_server_conf, memcache=MemcacheStub(), logger=logger)
        self.retries = retries

    def upload_file(
        self, source_file, account, container, object_name, compress=True, content_type="application/x-gzip", etag=None
        Upload a file to cloud files.

        :param source_file: path to or file like object to upload
        :param account: account to upload to
        :param container: container to upload to
        :param object_name: name of object being uploaded
        :param compress: if True, compresses object as it is uploaded
        :param content_type: content-type of object
        :param etag: etag for object to check successful upload
        :returns: True if successful, False otherwise
        target_name = "/v1/%s/%s/%s" % (account, container, object_name)

        # create the container
        if not self.create_container(account, container):
            return False

        # upload the file to the account
        req = webob.Request.blank(
            target_name, environ={"REQUEST_METHOD": "PUT"}, headers={"Transfer-Encoding": "chunked"}
        if compress:
            if hasattr(source_file, "read"):
                compressed_file = CompressingFileReader(source_file)
                compressed_file = CompressingFileReader(open(source_file, "rb"))
            req.body_file = compressed_file
            if not hasattr(source_file, "read"):
                source_file = open(source_file, "rb")
            req.body_file = source_file
        req.account = account
        req.content_type = content_type
        req.content_length = None  # to make sure we send chunked data
        if etag:
            req.etag = etag
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
            tries += 1
        if not (200 <= resp.status_int < 300):
            return False
        return True

    def get_object(self, account, container, object_name):
        Get object.

        :param account: account name object is in
        :param container: container name object is in
        :param object_name: name of object to get
        :returns: iterator for object data
        req = webob.Request.blank("/v1/%s/%s/%s" % (account, container, object_name), environ={"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET"})
        req.account = account
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
            tries += 1
        return resp.status_int, resp.app_iter

    def create_container(self, account, container):
        Create container.

        :param account: account name to put the container in
        :param container: container name to create
        :returns: True if successful, otherwise False
        req = webob.Request.blank("/v1/%s/%s" % (account, container), environ={"REQUEST_METHOD": "PUT"})
        req.account = account
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
            tries += 1
        return 200 <= resp.status_int < 300

    def get_container_list(
        Get container listing.

        :param account: account name for the container
        :param container: container name to get the listing of
        :param marker: marker query
        :param end_marker: end marker query
        :param limit: limit to query
        :param prefix: prefix query
        :param delimeter: delimeter for query
        :param full_listing: if True, make enough requests to get all listings
        :returns: list of objects
        if full_listing:
            rv = []
            listing = self.get_container_list(
                account, container, marker, end_marker, limit, prefix, delimiter, full_listing=False
            while listing:
                if not delimiter:
                    marker = listing[-1]["name"]
                    marker = listing[-1].get("name", listing[-1].get("subdir"))
                listing = self.get_container_list(
                    account, container, marker, end_marker, limit, prefix, delimiter, full_listing=False
            return rv
        path = "/v1/%s/%s" % (account, container)
        qs = "format=json"
        if marker:
            qs += "&marker=%s" % quote(marker)
        if end_marker:
            qs += "&end_marker=%s" % quote(end_marker)
        if limit:
            qs += "&limit=%d" % limit
        if prefix:
            qs += "&prefix=%s" % quote(prefix)
        if delimiter:
            qs += "&delimiter=%s" % quote(delimiter)
        path += "?%s" % qs
        req = webob.Request.blank(path, environ={"REQUEST_METHOD": "GET"})
        req.account = account
        resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
        tries = 1
        while (resp.status_int < 200 or resp.status_int > 299) and tries <= self.retries:
            resp = self.upload_app.handle_request(self.upload_app.update_request(req))
            tries += 1
        if resp.status_int == 204:
            return []
        if 200 <= resp.status_int < 300:
            return json_loads(resp.body)