temp_height, temp_gate).reshape(
            1, len(temp_height) + len(temp_gate))

        # Action
        q_values = prof_x.ac_model.predict_on_batch(input_states)

        # Policy
        action = epsi_greedy(len(action_space), q_values,

        # Implement Action
        implement_action(gates.current_gate, con_ponds, NODES_LIS)

        # Run step

        # Receive the reward
        overflow = [swmm.get(pond_name, swmm.FLOODING, swmm.SI) for pond_name in downstream_ponds]
        depth =  [swmm.get(pond_name, swmm.DEPTH, swmm.SI) for pond_name in downstream_ponds]
        outflow =  [swmm.get(NODES_LIS[pond_name], swmm.FLOW, swmm.SI) for pond_name in downstream_ponds]
        reward = reward_function(outflow, depth, overflow)
        # Update replay memory
        # Heights
        temp_new_height = np.asarray(
            [swmm.get(i, swmm.DEPTH, swmm.SI) for i in nodes_list])

        # Gate Positions
        temp_new_gate = np.asarray(gates.current_gate)
Beispiel #2
#  Initializing SWMM
# ***********************************************************************

swmm.initialize(inp)  # Step 1

# ***********************************************************************
#  Step Running
# ***********************************************************************

# Main loop: finished when the simulation time is over.
while( not swmm.is_over() ): 

	# ----------------- Run step and retrieve simulation time -----------
	time.append( swmm.get_time() )
	swmm.run_step()  # Step 2
	# --------- Retrieve & modify information during simulation ---------
	# Retrieve information about flow in C-5
	f = swmm.get('C-5', swmm.FLOW, swmm.SI)   
	# Stores the information in the flow vector
	# Retrieve information about volume in V-1
	v = swmm.get('V-1', swmm.VOLUME, swmm.SI) 
	# Stores the information in the volume vector

	# --------------------------- Control Actions ------------------------
	# If the flow in C-5 is greater or equal than 2 m3/s the setting 
	# upstream of the link is completely closed, else it is completely