Beispiel #1
def authV2(
    sydent: "Sydent",
    request: Request,
    requireTermsAgreed: bool = True,
) -> "Account":
    """For v2 APIs check that the request has a valid access token associated with it

    :param sydent: The Sydent instance to use.
    :param request: The request to look for an access token in.
    :param requireTermsAgreed: Whether to deny authentication if the user hasn't accepted
        the terms of service.

    :returns Account: The account object if there is correct auth
    :raises MatrixRestError: If the request is v2 but could not be authed or the user has
        not accepted terms.
    token = tokenFromRequest(request)

    if token is None:
        raise MatrixRestError(401, "M_UNAUTHORIZED", "Unauthorized")

    accountStore = AccountStore(sydent)

    account = accountStore.getAccountByToken(token)
    if account is None:
        raise MatrixRestError(401, "M_UNAUTHORIZED", "Unauthorized")

    if requireTermsAgreed:
        terms = get_terms(sydent)
        if (terms.getMasterVersion() is not None
                and account.consentVersion != terms.getMasterVersion()):
            raise MatrixRestError(403, "M_TERMS_NOT_SIGNED",
                                  "Terms not signed")

    return account
Beispiel #2
    def render_POST(self, request):
        Mark a set of terms and conditions as having been agreed to

        account = authIfV2(self.sydent, request, False)

        args = get_args(request, ("user_accepts",))

        user_accepts = args["user_accepts"]

        terms = get_terms(self.sydent)
        unknown_urls = list(set(user_accepts) - terms.getUrlSet())
        if len(unknown_urls) > 0:
            return {
                "errcode": "M_UNKNOWN",
                "error": "Unrecognised URLs: %s" % (', '.join(unknown_urls),),

        termsStore = TermsStore(self.sydent)
        termsStore.addAgreedUrls(account.userId, user_accepts)

        all_accepted_urls = termsStore.getAgreedUrls(account.userId)

        if terms.urlListIsSufficient(all_accepted_urls):
            accountStore = AccountStore(self.sydent)
            accountStore.setConsentVersion(account.userId, terms.getMasterVersion())

        return {}
Beispiel #3
def authIfV2(sydent, request, requireTermsAgreed=True):
    """For v2 APIs check that the request has a valid access token associated with it

    :returns Account|None: The account object if there is correct auth, or None for v1 APIs
    :raises MatrixRestError: If the request is v2 but could not be authed or the user has not accepted terms
    if request.path.startswith('/_matrix/identity/v2'):
        token = tokenFromRequest(request)

        if token is None:
            raise MatrixRestError(401, "M_UNAUTHORIZED", "Unauthorized")

        accountStore = AccountStore(sydent)

        account = accountStore.getAccountByToken(token)
        if account is None:
            raise MatrixRestError(401, "M_UNAUTHORIZED", "Unauthorized")

        if requireTermsAgreed:
            terms = get_terms(sydent)
            if (terms.getMasterVersion() is not None
                    and account.consentVersion != terms.getMasterVersion()):
                raise MatrixRestError(403, "M_TERMS_NOT_SIGNED",
                                      "Terms not signed")

        return account
    return None
Beispiel #4
    def render_GET(self, request):
        Get the terms that must be agreed to in order to use this service
        Returns: Object describing the terms that require agreement

        terms = get_terms(self.sydent)

        return terms.getForClient()
Beispiel #5
def authIfV2(sydent, request, requireTermsAgreed=True):
    """For v2 APIs check that the request has a valid access token associated with it

    :param sydent: The Sydent instance to use.
    :type sydent: sydent.sydent.Sydent
    :param request: The request to look for an access token in.
    :type request: twisted.web.server.Request
    :param requireTermsAgreed: Whether to deny authentication if the user hasn't accepted
        the terms of service.

    :returns Account|None: The account object if there is correct auth, or None for v1
    :raises MatrixRestError: If the request is v2 but could not be authed or the user has
        not accepted terms.
    if request.path.startswith(b'/_matrix/identity/v2'):
        token = tokenFromRequest(request)

        if token is None:
            raise MatrixRestError(401, "M_UNAUTHORIZED", "Unauthorized")

        accountStore = AccountStore(sydent)

        account = accountStore.getAccountByToken(token)
        if account is None:
            raise MatrixRestError(401, "M_UNAUTHORIZED", "Unauthorized")

        if requireTermsAgreed:
            terms = get_terms(sydent)
            if (
                terms.getMasterVersion() is not None and
                account.consentVersion != terms.getMasterVersion()
                raise MatrixRestError(403, "M_TERMS_NOT_SIGNED", "Terms not signed")

        return account
    return None