Beispiel #1
def test_recv_msg():
    """Tests the recv_msg command with 2 tests

    The first test uses recv_msg to send an object to alice.

    The second test uses recv_msg to request the object
    previously sent to alice."""

    # TEST 1: send tensor to alice

    # create a worker to send data to
    worker_id = int(10e10 * random.random())
    alice = VirtualWorker(sy.torch.hook, id=f"alice{worker_id}")

    # create object to send
    obj = torch.Tensor([100, 100])

    # create/serialize message
    msg = (MSGTYPE.OBJ, obj)
    bin_msg = serde.serialize(msg)

    # have alice receive message

    # ensure that object is now in alice's registry
    assert in alice._objects

    # Test 2: get tensor back from alice

    # Create message: Get tensor from alice
    msg = (MSGTYPE.OBJ_REQ,

    # serialize message
    bin_msg = serde.serialize(msg)

    # call receive message on alice
    resp = alice.recv_msg(bin_msg)

    obj_2 = serde.deserialize(resp)

    # assert that response is correct type
    assert type(resp) == bytes

    # ensure that the object we receive is correct
    assert ==
Beispiel #2
def test_plan_serde(hook):
    hook.local_worker.is_client_worker = False

    def my_plan(data):
        x = data * 2
        y = (x - 2) * 10
        return x + y

    # TODO: remove this line when issue #2062 is fixed
    # Force to build plan
    my_plan(th.tensor([1, 2, 3]))

    serialized_plan = serialize(my_plan)
    deserialized_plan = deserialize(serialized_plan)

    x = th.tensor([-1, 2, 3])
    assert (deserialized_plan(x) == th.tensor([-42, 24, 46])).all()
Beispiel #3
    def recv_msg(self, bin_message):
        """Implements the logic to receive messages.

        The binary message is deserialized and routed to the appropriate
        function. And, the response serialized the returned back.

        Every message uses this method.

            bin_message: A binary serialized message.

            A binary message response.

        # Step -1: save message if log_msgs ==  True
        if self.log_msgs:

        # Step 0: deserialize message
        (msg_type, contents) = serde.deserialize(bin_message, worker=self)
        if self.verbose:
            print(f"worker {self} received {msg_type} {contents}")
        # Step 1: route message to appropriate function
        response = self._message_router[msg_type](contents)

        # # Step 2: If response in none, set default
        # TODO: not sure if someone needed this - if this comment
        # is still here after Feb 15, 2018, please delete these
        # two lines of (commented out) code.
        # if response is None:
        #     response = None

        # Step 3: Serialize the message to simple python objects
        bin_response = serde.serialize(response)
        return bin_response
Beispiel #4
def test_torch_Tensor(compress):
    t = Tensor(numpy.random.random((100, 100)))
    t_serialized = serialize(t, compress=compress)
    t_serialized_deserialized = deserialize(t_serialized, compressed=compress)
    assert (t == t_serialized_deserialized).all()