Beispiel #1
def axis_angle_from_matrix(rotation_matrix):
    :param rotation_matrix: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type rotation_matrix: Matrix
    :return: 3x1 Matrix, angle
    :rtype: (Matrix, Union[float, Symbol])
    rm = rotation_matrix
    angle = (trace(rm[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    angle = se.Min(angle, 1)
    angle = se.Max(angle, -1)
    angle = se.acos(angle)
    x = (rm[2, 1] - rm[1, 2])
    y = (rm[0, 2] - rm[2, 0])
    z = (rm[1, 0] - rm[0, 1])
    n = se.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
    m = if_eq_zero(n, 1, n)
    axis = se.Matrix([
        if_eq_zero(n, 0, x / m),
        if_eq_zero(n, 0, y / m),
        if_eq_zero(n, 1, z / m)
    sign = diffable_sign(angle)
    axis *= sign
    angle = sign * angle
    return axis, angle
Beispiel #2
def test_llvm_float():
    import numpy as np
    import ctypes
    from symengine.lib.symengine_wrapper import LLVMFloat
    x, y, z = se.symbols('x, y, z')
    l = se.Lambdify([x, y, z], [se.Min(x, y), se.Max(y, z)],
    inp = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype=np.float32)
    exp_out = np.array([1, 3], dtype=np.float32)
    out = l(inp)
    assert type(l) == LLVMFloat
    assert out.dtype == np.float32
    assert np.allclose(out, exp_out)
Beispiel #3
def rotation_distance(a_R_b, a_R_c):
    :param a_R_b: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type a_R_b: Matrix
    :param a_R_c: 4x4 or 3x3 Matrix
    :type a_R_c: Matrix
    :return: angle of axis angle representation of b_R_c
    :rtype: Union[float, Symbol]
    difference = a_R_b.T * a_R_c
    angle = (trace(difference[:3, :3]) - 1) / 2
    angle = se.Min(angle, 1)
    angle = se.Max(angle, -1)
    return se.acos(angle)
Beispiel #4
def axis_angle_from_quaternion(x, y, z, w):
    :type x: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type y: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type z: Union[float, Symbol]
    :type w: Union[float, Symbol]
    :return: 4x1 Matrix
    :rtype: Matrix
    l = norm([x, y, z, w])
    x, y, z, w = x / l, y / l, z / l, w / l
    w2 = se.sqrt(1 - w**2)
    angle = (2 * se.acos(se.Min(se.Max(-1, w), 1)))
    m = if_eq_zero(w2, 1, w2)  # avoid /0
    x = if_eq_zero(w2, 0, x / m)
    y = if_eq_zero(w2, 0, y / m)
    z = if_eq_zero(w2, 1, z / m)
    return se.Matrix([x, y, z]), angle