Beispiel #1
def test_conv10():
    A = DenseMatrix(1, 4, [Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4)])
    assert (A._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix(1, 4, [

    B = DenseMatrix(4, 1, [Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z"), Symbol("t")])
    assert (B._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix(4, 1, [

    C = DenseMatrix(
        2, 2,
         function_symbol("f", Symbol("x")), 1 + I])

    assert (C._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix(
        [[5, sympy.Symbol("x")],
         [sympy.Function("f")(sympy.Symbol("x")), 1 + sympy.I]]))
def test_conv10b():
    A = sympy.Matrix([[sympy.Symbol("x"), sympy.Symbol("y")],
                     [sympy.Symbol("z"), sympy.Symbol("t")]])
    assert sympify(A) == DenseMatrix(2, 2, [Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"),
                                            Symbol("z"), Symbol("t")])

    B = sympy.Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert sympify(B) == DenseMatrix(2, 2, [Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3),

    C = sympy.Matrix([[7, sympy.Symbol("y")],
                     [sympy.Function("g")(sympy.Symbol("z")), 3 + 2*sympy.I]])
    assert sympify(C) == DenseMatrix(2, 2, [Integer(7), Symbol("y"),
                                            3 + 2*I])
Beispiel #3
def test_conv10():
    A = DenseMatrix(1, 4, [Integer(1), Integer(2), Integer(3), Integer(4)])
    assert A._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix(1, 4, [sympy.Integer(1), sympy.Integer(2),
        sympy.Integer(3), sympy.Integer(4)])

    B = DenseMatrix(4, 1, [Symbol("x"), Symbol("y"), Symbol("z"), Symbol("t")])
    assert B._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix(4, 1, [sympy.Symbol("x"), sympy.Symbol("y"),
        sympy.Symbol("z"), sympy.Symbol("t")])

    C = DenseMatrix(2, 2,
        [Integer(5), Symbol("x"), function_symbol("f", Symbol("x")), 1 + I])

    assert C._sympy_() == sympy.Matrix([[5, sympy.Symbol("x")],
        [sympy.Function("f")(sympy.Symbol("x")), 1 + sympy.I]])
Beispiel #4
def test_sage_conversions():
        import sage.all as sage
    except ImportError:

    x, y = sage.SR.var('x y')
    x1, y1 = symbols('x, y')

    # Symbol
    assert x1._sage_() == x
    assert x1 == sympify(x)

    # Integer
    assert Integer(12)._sage_() == sage.Integer(12)
    assert Integer(12) == sympify(sage.Integer(12))

    # Rational
    assert (Integer(1) / 2)._sage_() == sage.Integer(1) / 2
    assert Integer(1) / 2 == sympify(sage.Integer(1) / 2)

    # Operators
    assert x1 + y == x1 + y1
    assert x1 * y == x1 * y1
    assert x1**y == x1**y1
    assert x1 - y == x1 - y1
    assert x1 / y == x1 / y1

    assert x + y1 == x + y
    assert x * y1 == x * y
    # Doesn't work in Sage 6.1.1ubuntu2
    # assert x ** y1 == x ** y
    assert x - y1 == x - y
    assert x / y1 == x / y

    # Conversions
    assert (x1 + y1)._sage_() == x + y
    assert (x1 * y1)._sage_() == x * y
    assert (x1**y1)._sage_() == x**y
    assert (x1 - y1)._sage_() == x - y
    assert (x1 / y1)._sage_() == x / y

    assert x1 + y1 == sympify(x + y)
    assert x1 * y1 == sympify(x * y)
    assert x1**y1 == sympify(x**y)
    assert x1 - y1 == sympify(x - y)
    assert x1 / y1 == sympify(x / y)

    # Functions
    assert sin(x1) == sin(x)
    assert sin(x1)._sage_() == sage.sin(x)
    assert sin(x1) == sympify(sage.sin(x))

    assert cos(x1) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x1)._sage_() == sage.cos(x)
    assert cos(x1) == sympify(sage.cos(x))

    assert function_symbol('f', x1, y1)._sage_() == sage.function('f', x, y)
    assert function_symbol('f', 2 * x1,
                           x1 + y1).diff(x1)._sage_() == sage.function(
                               'f', 2 * x, x + y).diff(x)

    # For the following test, sage needs to be modified
    # assert sage.sin(x) == sage.sin(x1)

    # Constants
    assert pi._sage_() == sage.pi
    assert E._sage_() == sage.e
    assert I._sage_() == sage.I

    assert pi == sympify(sage.pi)
    assert E == sympify(sage.e)

    # SympyConverter does not support converting the following
    # assert I == sympify(sage.I)

    # Matrix
    assert DenseMatrix(1, 2, [x1, y1])._sage_() == sage.matrix([[x, y]])

    # SympyConverter does not support converting the following
    # assert DenseMatrix(1, 2, [x1, y1]) == sympify(sage.matrix([[x, y]]))

    # Sage Number
    a = sage.Mod(2, 7)
    b = PyNumber(a, sage_module)

    a = a + 8
    b = b + 8
    assert isinstance(b, PyNumber)
    assert b._sage_() == a

    a = a + x
    b = b + x
    assert isinstance(b, Add)
    assert b._sage_() == a

    # Sage Function
    e = x1 + wrap_sage_function(sage.log_gamma(x))
    assert str(e) == "x + log_gamma(x)"
    assert isinstance(e, Add)
    assert e + wrap_sage_function(
        sage.log_gamma(x)) == x1 + 2 * wrap_sage_function(sage.log_gamma(x))

    f = e.subs({x1: 10})
    assert f == 10 + log(362880)

    f = e.subs({x1: 2})
    assert f == 2

    f = e.subs({x1: 100})
    v = f.n(53, real=True)
    assert abs(float(v) - 459.13420537) < 1e-7

    f = e.diff(x1)
Beispiel #5
def test_sage_conversions():

    x, y = sage.SR.var('x y')
    x1, y1 = symbols('x, y')

    # Symbol
    assert x1._sage_() == x
    assert x1 == sympify(x)

    # Integer
    assert Integer(12)._sage_() == sage.Integer(12)
    assert Integer(12) == sympify(sage.Integer(12))

    # Rational
    assert (Integer(1) / 2)._sage_() == sage.Integer(1) / 2
    assert Integer(1) / 2 == sympify(sage.Integer(1) / 2)

    # Operators
    assert x1 + y == x1 + y1
    assert x1 * y == x1 * y1
    assert x1**y == x1**y1
    assert x1 - y == x1 - y1
    assert x1 / y == x1 / y1

    assert x + y1 == x + y
    assert x * y1 == x * y
    # Doesn't work in Sage 6.1.1ubuntu2
    # assert x ** y1 == x ** y
    assert x - y1 == x - y
    assert x / y1 == x / y

    # Conversions
    assert (x1 + y1)._sage_() == x + y
    assert (x1 * y1)._sage_() == x * y
    assert (x1**y1)._sage_() == x**y
    assert (x1 - y1)._sage_() == x - y
    assert (x1 / y1)._sage_() == x / y

    assert x1 + y1 == sympify(x + y)
    assert x1 * y1 == sympify(x * y)
    assert x1**y1 == sympify(x**y)
    assert x1 - y1 == sympify(x - y)
    assert x1 / y1 == sympify(x / y)

    # Functions
    assert sin(x1) == sin(x)
    assert sin(x1)._sage_() == sage.sin(x)
    assert sin(x1) == sympify(sage.sin(x))

    assert cos(x1) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x1)._sage_() == sage.cos(x)
    assert cos(x1) == sympify(sage.cos(x))

    assert function_symbol('f', x1, y1)._sage_() == sage.function('f')(x, y)
    assert (function_symbol('f', 2 * x1,
                            x1 + y1).diff(x1)._sage_() == sage.function('f')(
                                2 * x, x + y).diff(x))

    assert LambertW(x1) == LambertW(x)
    assert LambertW(x1)._sage_() == sage.lambert_w(x)

    assert KroneckerDelta(x1, y1) == KroneckerDelta(x, y)
    assert KroneckerDelta(x1, y1)._sage_() == sage.kronecker_delta(x, y)

    assert erf(x1) == erf(x)
    assert erf(x1)._sage_() == sage.erf(x)

    assert lowergamma(x1, y1) == lowergamma(x, y)
    assert lowergamma(x1, y1)._sage_() == sage.gamma_inc_lower(x, y)

    assert uppergamma(x1, y1) == uppergamma(x, y)
    assert uppergamma(x1, y1)._sage_() == sage.gamma_inc(x, y)

    assert loggamma(x1) == loggamma(x)
    assert loggamma(x1)._sage_() == sage.log_gamma(x)

    assert beta(x1, y1) == beta(x, y)
    assert beta(x1, y1)._sage_() == sage.beta(x, y)

    assert floor(x1) == floor(x)
    assert floor(x1)._sage_() == sage.floor(x)

    assert ceiling(x1) == ceiling(x)
    assert ceiling(x1)._sage_() == sage.ceil(x)

    assert conjugate(x1) == conjugate(x)
    assert conjugate(x1)._sage_() == sage.conjugate(x)

    # For the following test, sage needs to be modified
    # assert sage.sin(x) == sage.sin(x1)

    # Constants and Booleans
    assert pi._sage_() == sage.pi
    assert E._sage_() == sage.e
    assert I._sage_() == sage.I
    assert GoldenRatio._sage_() == sage.golden_ratio
    assert Catalan._sage_() == sage.catalan
    assert EulerGamma._sage_() == sage.euler_gamma
    assert oo._sage_() == sage.oo
    assert zoo._sage_() == sage.unsigned_infinity
    assert nan._sage_() == sage.NaN
    assert true._sage_() == True
    assert false._sage_() == False

    assert pi == sympify(sage.pi)
    assert E == sympify(sage.e)
    assert GoldenRatio == sympify(sage.golden_ratio)
    assert Catalan == sympify(sage.catalan)
    assert EulerGamma == sympify(sage.euler_gamma)
    assert oo == sympify(sage.oo)
    assert zoo == sympify(sage.unsigned_infinity)
    assert nan == sympify(sage.NaN)

    # SympyConverter does not support converting the following
    # assert I == sympify(sage.I)

    # Matrix
    assert DenseMatrix(1, 2, [x1, y1])._sage_() == sage.matrix([[x, y]])

    # SympyConverter does not support converting the following
    # assert DenseMatrix(1, 2, [x1, y1]) == sympify(sage.matrix([[x, y]]))

    # Sage Number
    a = sage.Mod(2, 7)
    b = PyNumber(a, sage_module)

    a = a + 8
    b = b + 8
    assert isinstance(b, PyNumber)
    assert b._sage_() == a
    assert str(a) == str(b)

    # Sage Function
    e = x1 + wrap_sage_function(sage.log_gamma(x))
    assert str(e) == "x + log_gamma(x)"
    assert isinstance(e, Add)
    assert (e + wrap_sage_function(sage.log_gamma(x)) == x1 +
            2 * wrap_sage_function(sage.log_gamma(x)))

    f = e.subs({x1: 10})
    assert f == 10 + log(362880)

    f = e.subs({x1: 2})
    assert f == 2

    f = e.subs({x1: 100})
    v = f.n(53, real=True)
    assert abs(float(v) - 459.13420537) < 1e-7

    f = e.diff(x1)
Beispiel #6
def test_construct_dense_matrix():
    # Test for issue #347
    A = sympy.Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 5]])
    B = DenseMatrix(A)
    assert B.shape == (2, 2)
    assert list(B) == [1, 2, 3, 5]
Beispiel #7
def test_sage_conversions():
        import sage.all as sage
    except ImportError:

    x, y = sage.SR.var('x y')
    x1, y1 = symbols('x, y')

    # Symbol
    assert x1._sage_() == x
    assert x1 == sympify(x)

    # Integer
    assert Integer(12)._sage_() == sage.Integer(12)
    assert Integer(12) == sympify(sage.Integer(12))

    # Rational
    assert (Integer(1) / 2)._sage_() == sage.Integer(1) / 2
    assert Integer(1) / 2 == sympify(sage.Integer(1) / 2)

    # Operators
    assert x1 + y == x1 + y1
    assert x1 * y == x1 * y1
    assert x1 ** y == x1 ** y1
    assert x1 - y == x1 - y1
    assert x1 / y == x1 / y1

    assert x + y1 == x + y
    assert x * y1 == x * y
    # Doesn't work in Sage 6.1.1ubuntu2
    # assert x ** y1 == x ** y
    assert x - y1 == x - y
    assert x / y1 == x / y

    # Conversions
    assert (x1 + y1)._sage_() == x + y
    assert (x1 * y1)._sage_() == x * y
    assert (x1 ** y1)._sage_() == x ** y
    assert (x1 - y1)._sage_() == x - y
    assert (x1 / y1)._sage_() == x / y

    assert x1 + y1 == sympify(x + y)
    assert x1 * y1 == sympify(x * y)
    assert x1 ** y1 == sympify(x ** y)
    assert x1 - y1 == sympify(x - y)
    assert x1 / y1 == sympify(x / y)

    # Functions
    assert sin(x1) == sin(x)
    assert sin(x1)._sage_() == sage.sin(x)
    assert sin(x1) == sympify(sage.sin(x))

    assert cos(x1) == cos(x)
    assert cos(x1)._sage_() == sage.cos(x)
    assert cos(x1) == sympify(sage.cos(x))

    assert function_symbol('f', x1, y1)._sage_() == sage.function('f', x, y)
    assert function_symbol('f', 2 * x1, x1 + y1).diff(x1)._sage_() == sage.function('f', 2 * x, x + y).diff(x)

    # For the following test, sage needs to be modified
    # assert sage.sin(x) == sage.sin(x1)

    # Constants
    assert pi._sage_() == sage.pi
    assert E._sage_() == sage.e
    assert I._sage_() == sage.I

    assert pi == sympify(sage.pi)
    assert E == sympify(sage.e)

    # SympyConverter does not support converting the following
    # assert I == sympify(sage.I)

    # Matrix
    assert DenseMatrix(1, 2, [x1, y1])._sage_() == sage.matrix([[x, y]])