Beispiel #1
def test_newtons_method_function__fcode():
    x = sp.Symbol("x", real=True)
    expr = sp.cos(x) - x**3
    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x, attrs=[bind_C(name="newton")])

    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No Fortran compiler found.")

    f_mod = f_module([func], "mod_newton")
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
                ("newton.f90", f_mod),
                    ("#cython: language_level={}\n".format("3") +
                     "cdef extern double newton(double*)\n"
                     "def py_newton(double x):\n"
                     "    return newton(&x)\n"),
        assert abs(mod.py_newton(0.5) - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12
Beispiel #2
def test_newtons_method_function__fcode():
    x = sp.Symbol('x', real=True)
    expr = sp.cos(x) - x**3
    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x, attrs=[bind_C(name='newton')])

    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No Fortran compiler found.")

    f_mod = f_module([func], 'mod_newton')
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings(
            [('newton.f90', f_mod),
             ('_newton.pyx', ("cdef extern double newton(double*)\n"
                              "def py_newton(double x):\n"
                              "    return newton(&x)\n"))],
        assert abs(mod.py_newton(0.5) - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12
Beispiel #3
def test_newtons_method_function__fcode():
    x = sp.Symbol('x', real=True)
    expr = sp.cos(x) - x**3
    func = newtons_method_function(expr, x, attrs=[bind_C(name='newton')])

    if not cython:
        skip("cython not installed.")
    if not has_fortran():
        skip("No Fortran compiler found.")

    f_mod = f_module([func], 'mod_newton')
    with TemporaryDirectory() as folder:
        mod, info = compile_link_import_strings([
            ('newton.f90', f_mod),
            ('_newton.pyx', ("cdef extern double newton(double*)\n"
                             "def py_newton(double x):\n"
                             "    return newton(&x)\n"))
        ], build_dir=folder)
        assert abs(mod.py_newton(0.5) - 0.865474033102) < 1e-12