Beispiel #1
    def _print_Mul(self, expr):

        prec = precedence(expr)

            numerator, denom_sq, post_factor = derationalize_denom(expr)
            if post_factor == S.One:
                return "%s/√%s" % (numerator, denom_sq)
                if numerator == 1:
                    return "%s / √%s" % (
                        self.parenthesize(post_factor, prec),
                    return "(%s/√%s) %s" % (
                        self.parenthesize(post_factor, prec),
        except ValueError:
            pass  # Continue below

        c, e = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
        if c < 0:
            expr = _keep_coeff(-c, e)
            sign = "-"
            sign = ""

        a = []  # items in the numerator
        b = []  # items that are in the denominator (if any)

        if self.order not in ('old', 'none'):
            args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
            # use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
            args = Mul.make_args(expr)

        # Gather args for numerator/denominator
        for item in args:
            if (item.is_commutative and item.is_Pow and item.exp.is_Rational
                    and item.exp.is_negative):
                if item.exp != -1:
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp, evaluate=False))
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp))
            elif item.is_Rational and item is not S.Infinity:
                if item.p != 1:
                if item.q != 1:

        a = a or [S.One]

        a_str = [str(self.parenthesize(x, prec)) for x in a]
        b_str = [str(self.parenthesize(x, prec)) for x in b]

        if len(b) == 0:
            return sign + ' '.join(a_str)
        elif len(b) == 1:
            return sign + ' '.join(a_str) + "/" + b_str[0]
            return sign + ' '.join(a_str) + "/(%s)" % ' '.join(b_str)
Beispiel #2
def is_log_deriv_k_t_radical(fa, fd, DE, Df=True):
    Checks if Df is the logarithmic derivative of a k(t)-radical.

    b in k(t) can be written as the logarithmic derivative of a k(t) radical if
    there exist n in ZZ and u in k(t) with n, u != 0 such that n*b == Du/u.
    Either returns (ans, u, n, const) or None, which means that Df cannot be
    written as the logarithmic derivative of a k(t)-radical.  ans is a list of
    tuples such that Mul(*[i**j for i, j in ans]) == u.  This is useful for
    seeing exactly what elements of k(t) produce u.

    This function uses the structure theorem approach, which says that for any
    f in K, Df is the logarithmic derivative of a K-radical if and only if there
    are ri in QQ such that::

            ---               ---       Dt
            \    r  * Dt   +  \    r  *   i
            /     i     i     /     i   ---   =  Df.
            ---               ---        t
         i in L            i in E         i
               K/C(x)            K/C(x)

    Where C = Const(K), L_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i is
    transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i = Da_i/a_i, for some a_i
    in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1)* } (i.e., the set of all indices of logarithmic
    monomials of K over C(x)), and E_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i
    is transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i/t_i = Da_i, for some
    a_i in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) } (i.e., the set of all indices of
    hyperexponential monomials of K over C(x)).  If K is an elementary extension
    over C(x), then the cardinality of L_K/C(x) U E_K/C(x) is exactly the
    transcendence degree of K over C(x).  Furthermore, because Const_D(K) ==
    Const_D(C(x)) == C, deg(Dt_i) == 1 when t_i is in E_K/C(x) and
    deg(Dt_i) == 0 when t_i is in L_K/C(x), implying in particular that E_K/C(x)
    and L_K/C(x) are disjoint.

    The sets L_K/C(x) and E_K/C(x) must, by their nature, be computed
    recursively using this same function.  Therefore, it is required to pass
    them as indices to D (or T).  L_args are the arguments of the logarithms
    indexed by L_K (i.e., if i is in L_K, then T[i] == log(L_args[i])).  This is
    needed to compute the final answer u such that n*f == Du/u.

    exp(f) will be the same as u up to a multiplicative constant.  This is
    because they will both behave the same as monomials.  For example, both
    exp(x) and exp(x + 1) == E*exp(x) satisfy Dt == t. Therefore, the term const
    is returned.  const is such that exp(const)*f == u.  This is calculated by
    subtracting the arguments of one exponential from the other.  Therefore, it
    is necessary to pass the arguments of the exponential terms in E_args.

    To handle the case where we are given Df, not f, use
    H = []
    if Df:
        dfa, dfd = (fd * derivation(fa, DE) - fa * derivation(fd, DE)).cancel(
            fd**2, include=True)
        dfa, dfd = fa, fd

    # Our assumption here is that each monomial is recursively transcendental
    if len(DE.L_K) + len(DE.E_K) != len(DE.D) - 1:
        if [i for i in DE.cases if i == 'tan'] or \
                set([i for i in DE.cases if i == 'primitive']) - set(DE.L_K):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Real version of the structure "
                "theorems with hypertangent support is not yet implemented.")

        # TODO: What should really be done in this case?
        raise NotImplementedError("Nonelementary extensions not supported "
                                  "in the structure theorems.")

    E_part = [DE.D[i].quo(Poly(DE.T[i], DE.T[i])).as_expr() for i in DE.E_K]
    L_part = [DE.D[i].as_expr() for i in DE.L_K]

    lhs = Matrix([E_part + L_part])
    rhs = Matrix([dfa.as_expr() / dfd.as_expr()])

    A, u = constant_system(lhs, rhs, DE)
    if not all(derivation(i, DE, basic=True).is_zero for i in u) or not A:
        # If the elements of u are not all constant
        # Note: See comment in constant_system

        # Also note: derivation(basic=True) calls cancel()
        return None
        if not all(i.is_Rational for i in u):
            # TODO: But maybe we can tell if they're not rational, like
            # log(2)/log(3). Also, there should be an option to continue
            # anyway, even if the result might potentially be wrong.
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot work with non-rational "
                                      "coefficients in this case.")
            n = reduce(ilcm, [i.as_numer_denom()[1] for i in u])
            u *= n
            terms = [DE.T[i] for i in DE.E_K] + DE.L_args
            ans = list(zip(terms, u))
            result = Mul(*[Pow(i, j) for i, j in ans])

            # exp(f) will be the same as result up to a multiplicative
            # constant.  We now find the log of that constant.
            argterms = DE.E_args + [DE.T[i] for i in DE.L_K]
            const = cancel(fa.as_expr() / fd.as_expr() -
                           Add(*[Mul(i, j / n) for i, j in zip(argterms, u)]))

            return (ans, result, n, const)
Beispiel #3
    def _print_Mul(self, expr):
        # print complex numbers nicely in Octave
        if (expr.is_number and expr.is_imaginary
                and (S.ImaginaryUnit * expr).is_Integer):
            return "%si" % self._print(-S.ImaginaryUnit * expr)

        # cribbed from
        prec = precedence(expr)

        c, e = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
        if c < 0:
            expr = _keep_coeff(-c, e)
            sign = "-"
            sign = ""

        a = []  # items in the numerator
        b = []  # items that are in the denominator (if any)

        pow_paren = [
        ]  # Will collect all pow with more than one base element and exp = -1

        if self.order not in ('old', 'none'):
            args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
            # use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
            args = Mul.make_args(expr)

        # Gather args for numerator/denominator
        for item in args:
            if (item.is_commutative and item.is_Pow and item.exp.is_Rational
                    and item.exp.is_negative):
                if item.exp != -1:
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp, evaluate=False))
                    if len(item.args[0].args) != 1 and isinstance(
                            item.base, Mul):  # To avoid situations like #14160
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp))
            elif item.is_Rational and item is not S.Infinity:
                if item.p != 1:
                if item.q != 1:

        a = a or [S.One]

        a_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec) for x in a]
        b_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec) for x in b]

        # To parenthesize Pow with exp = -1 and having more than one Symbol
        for item in pow_paren:
            if item.base in b:
                b_str[b.index(item.base)] = "(%s)" % b_str[b.index(item.base)]

        # from here it differs from to deal with "*" and ".*"
        def multjoin(a, a_str):
            # here we probably are assuming the constants will come first
            r = a_str[0]
            for i in range(1, len(a)):
                mulsym = '*' if a[i - 1].is_number else '.*'
                r = r + mulsym + a_str[i]
            return r

        if not b:
            return sign + multjoin(a, a_str)
        elif len(b) == 1:
            divsym = '/' if b[0].is_number else './'
            return sign + multjoin(a, a_str) + divsym + b_str[0]
            divsym = '/' if all([bi.is_number for bi in b]) else './'
            return (sign + multjoin(a, a_str) + divsym +
                    "(%s)" % multjoin(b, b_str))
Beispiel #4
def _parallel_dict_from_expr_no_gens(exprs, opt):
    """Transform expressions into a multinomial form and figure out generators. """
    if opt.domain is not None:

        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return factor in opt.domain

    elif opt.extension is True:

        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return factor.is_algebraic

    elif opt.greedy is not False:

        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return False


        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return factor.is_number

    gens, reprs = set([]), []

    for expr in exprs:
        terms = []

        if expr.is_Equality:
            expr = expr.lhs - expr.rhs

        for term in Add.make_args(expr):
            coeff, elements = [], {}

            for factor in Mul.make_args(term):
                if not _not_a_coeff(factor) and (factor.is_Number
                                                 or _is_coeff(factor)):
                    if opt.series is False:
                        base, exp = decompose_power(factor)

                        if exp < 0:
                            exp, base = -exp, Pow(base, -S.One)
                        base, exp = decompose_power_rat(factor)

                    elements[base] = elements.setdefault(base, 0) + exp

            terms.append((coeff, elements))


    gens = _sort_gens(gens, opt=opt)
    k, indices = len(gens), {}

    for i, g in enumerate(gens):
        indices[g] = i

    polys = []

    for terms in reprs:
        poly = {}

        for coeff, term in terms:
            monom = [0] * k

            for base, exp in term.items():
                monom[indices[base]] = exp

            monom = tuple(monom)

            if monom in poly:
                poly[monom] += Mul(*coeff)
                poly[monom] = Mul(*coeff)


    return polys, tuple(gens)
Beispiel #5
        if A is None:
            return None
        n, u = A

    elif case == 'base':
        # TODO: we can use more efficient residue reduction from ratint()
        if not fd.is_sqf or >=
            # f is the logarithmic derivative in the base case if and only if
            # f = fa/fd, fd is square-free, deg(fa) < deg(fd), and
            # gcd(fa, fd) == 1.  The last condition is handled by cancel() above.
            return None
        # Note: if residueterms = [], returns (1, 1)
        # f had better be 0 in that case.
        n = reduce(ilcm, [i.as_numer_denom()[1] for _, i in residueterms],
        u = Mul(*[Pow(i, j * n) for i, j in residueterms])
        return (n, u)

    elif case == 'tan':
        raise NotImplementedError(
            "The hypertangent case is "
            "not yet implemented for is_log_deriv_k_t_radical_in_field()")

    elif case in ['other_linear', 'other_nonlinear']:
        # XXX: If these are supported by the structure theorems, change to NotImplementedError.
        raise ValueError("The %s case is not supported in this function." %

        raise ValueError("case must be one of {'primitive', 'exp', 'tan', "
                         "'base', 'auto'}, not %s" % case)
Beispiel #6
    def eval(cls, *_args):

        if not _args:

        if not len(_args) == 1:
            raise ValueError('Expecting one argument')

        expr = _args[0]
        if isinstance(expr, Add):
            args = [cls.eval(a) for a in expr.args]
            return Add(*args)

        elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
            coeffs  = [a for a in expr.args if isinstance(a, _coeffs_registery)]
            vectors = [a for a in expr.args if not(a in coeffs)]

            a = S.One
            if coeffs:
                a = Mul(*coeffs)

            b = S.One
            if vectors:
                    if len(vectors) == 1:
                        f = vectors[0]
                        b = cls(f)

                    elif len(vectors) == 2:
                        f,g = vectors
                        b = f*cls(g) + g*cls(f)

                        left = vectors[0]
                        right = Mul(*vectors[1:])

                        f_left  = cls(left, evaluate=True)
                        f_right = cls(right, evaluate=True)

                        b = left * f_right + f_left * right

                    b = cls(Mul(*vectors), evaluate=False)

            return Mul(a, b)

        elif isinstance(expr, Pow):  # TODO: fix this for the case where e is not a number
            b = expr.base
            e = expr.exp
            return e*cls(b)*Pow(b, e-1)

        elif isinstance(expr, Dot):
                a,b = expr._args
                return Cross(a, Curl(b)) - Cross(Curl(a), b) + Convect(a,b) + Convect(b,a)

                return cls(expr, evaluate=False)

        elif isinstance(expr, _coeffs_registery):
            return S.Zero

        # ... check consistency between space type and the operator
        if _is_sympde_atom(expr):
            if not isinstance(, (UndefinedSpaceType, H1SpaceType)):
                msg = '> Wrong space kind, given {}'.format(
                raise ArgumentTypeError(msg)
        # ...

        return cls(expr, evaluate=False)
Beispiel #7
def fraction(expr, exact=False):
    """Returns a pair with expression's numerator and denominator.
       If the given expression is not a fraction then this function
       will return the tuple (expr, 1).

       This function will not make any attempt to simplify nested
       fractions or to do any term rewriting at all.

       If only one of the numerator/denominator pair is needed then
       use numer(expr) or denom(expr) functions respectively.

       >>> from sympy import fraction, Rational, Symbol
       >>> from import x, y

       >>> fraction(x/y)
       (x, y)
       >>> fraction(x)
       (x, 1)

       >>> fraction(1/y**2)
       (1, y**2)

       >>> fraction(x*y/2)
       (x*y, 2)
       >>> fraction(Rational(1, 2))
       (1, 2)

       This function will also work fine with assumptions:

       >>> k = Symbol('k', negative=True)
       >>> fraction(x * y**k)
       (x, y**(-k))

       If we know nothing about sign of some exponent and 'exact'
       flag is unset, then structure this exponent's structure will
       be analyzed and pretty fraction will be returned:

       >>> from sympy import exp, Mul
       >>> fraction(2*x**(-y))
       (2, x**y)

       >>> fraction(exp(-x))
       (1, exp(x))

       >>> fraction(exp(-x), exact=True)
       (exp(-x), 1)

       The `exact` flag will also keep any unevaluated Muls from
       being evaluated:

       >>> u = Mul(2, x + 1, evaluate=False)
       >>> fraction(u)
       (2*x + 2, 1)
       >>> fraction(u, exact=True)
       (2*(x  + 1), 1)
    expr = sympify(expr)

    numer, denom = [], []

    for term in Mul.make_args(expr):
        if term.is_commutative and (term.is_Pow or isinstance(term, exp)):
            b, ex = term.as_base_exp()
            if ex.is_negative:
                if ex is S.NegativeOne:
                elif exact:
                    if ex.is_constant():
                        denom.append(Pow(b, -ex))
                    denom.append(Pow(b, -ex))
            elif ex.is_positive:
            elif not exact and ex.is_Mul:
                n, d = term.as_numer_denom()
        elif term.is_Rational:
            n, d = term.as_numer_denom()
    if exact:
        return Mul(*numer, evaluate=False), Mul(*denom, evaluate=False)
        return Mul(*numer), Mul(*denom)
Beispiel #8
    def _print_Mul(self, expr):
        # print complex numbers nicely in Octave
        if (expr.is_number and expr.is_imaginary
                and expr.as_coeff_Mul()[0].is_integer):
            return "%si" % self._print(-S.ImaginaryUnit * expr)

        # cribbed from
        prec = precedence(expr)

        c, e = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
        if c < 0:
            expr = _keep_coeff(-c, e)
            sign = "-"
            sign = ""

        a = []  # items in the numerator
        b = []  # items that are in the denominator (if any)

        if self.order not in ('old', 'none'):
            args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
            # use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
            args = Mul.make_args(expr)

        # Gather args for numerator/denominator
        for item in args:
            if (item.is_commutative and item.is_Pow and item.exp.is_Rational
                    and item.exp.is_negative):
                if item.exp != -1:
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp, evaluate=False))
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp))
            elif item.is_Rational and item is not S.Infinity:
                if item.p != 1:
                if item.q != 1:

        a = a or [S.One]

        a_str = list(map(lambda x: self.parenthesize(x, prec), a))
        b_str = list(map(lambda x: self.parenthesize(x, prec), b))

        # from here it differs from to deal with "*" and ".*"
        def multjoin(a, a_str):
            # here we probably are assuming the constants will come first
            r = a_str[0]
            for i in range(1, len(a)):
                mulsym = '*' if a[i - 1].is_number else '.*'
                r = r + mulsym + a_str[i]
            return r

        if len(b) == 0:
            return sign + multjoin(a, a_str)
        elif len(b) == 1:
            divsym = '/' if b[0].is_number else './'
            return sign + multjoin(a, a_str) + divsym + b_str[0]
            divsym = '/' if all([bi.is_number for bi in b]) else './'
            return (sign + multjoin(a, a_str) + divsym +
                    "(%s)" % multjoin(b, b_str))
Beispiel #9
    def _print_Mul(self, expr):

        prec = precedence(expr)

        c, e = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
        if c < 0:
            expr = _keep_coeff(-c, e)
            sign = "-"
            sign = ""

        a = []  # items in the numerator
        b = []  # items that are in the denominator (if any)

        pow_paren = [
        ]  # Will collect all pow with more than one base element and exp = -1

        if self.order not in ('old', 'none'):
            args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
            # use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
            args = Mul.make_args(expr)

        # Gather args for numerator/denominator
        for item in args:
            if item.is_commutative and item.is_Pow and item.exp.is_Rational and item.exp.is_negative:
                if item.exp != -1:
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp, evaluate=False))
                    if len(item.args[0].args) != 1 and isinstance(
                            item.base, Mul):  # To avoid situations like #14160
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp))

        a = a or [S.One]

        if len(a) == 1 and sign == "-":
            # Unary minus does not have a SymPy class, and hence there's no
            # precedence weight associated with it, Python's unary minus has
            # an operator precedence between multiplication and exponentiation,
            # so we use this to compute a weight.
            a_str = [
                    a[0], 0.5 * (PRECEDENCE["Pow"] + PRECEDENCE["Mul"]))
            a_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec) for x in a]
        b_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec) for x in b]

        # To parenthesize Pow with exp = -1 and having more than one Symbol
        for item in pow_paren:
            if item.base in b:
                b_str[b.index(item.base)] = "(%s)" % b_str[b.index(item.base)]

        if not b:
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str)
        elif len(b) == 1:
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str) + "/" + b_str[0]
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str) + "/(%s)" % '*'.join(b_str)
Beispiel #10
def test_issue_17450():
    assert (erf(cosh(1)**7)**I).is_real is None
    assert (erf(cosh(1)**7)**I).is_imaginary is False
    assert (Pow(exp(1+sqrt(2)), ((1-sqrt(2))*I*pi), evaluate=False)).is_real is None
    assert ((-10)**(10*I*pi/3)).is_real is False
    assert ((-5)**(4*I*pi)).is_real is False
Beispiel #11
def _parallel_dict_from_expr_no_gens(exprs, opt):
    """Transform expressions into a multinomial form and figure out generators. """
    if opt.domain is not None:

        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return factor in opt.domain
    elif opt.extension is True:

        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return ask(Q.algebraic(factor))
    elif opt.greedy is not False:

        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return False

        def _is_coeff(factor):
            return factor.is_number

    gens, reprs = set([]), []

    for expr in exprs:
        terms = []

        for term in Add.make_args(expr):
            coeff, elements = [], {}

            for factor in Mul.make_args(term):
                if factor.is_Number or _is_coeff(factor):
                    base, exp = decompose_power(factor)

                    if exp < 0:
                        exp, base = -exp, Pow(base, -S.One)

                    elements[base] = exp

            terms.append((coeff, elements))


    if not gens:
        if len(exprs) == 1:
            arg = exprs[0]
            arg = (exprs, )

        raise GeneratorsNeeded("specify generators to give %s a meaning" % arg)

    gens = _sort_gens(gens, opt=opt)
    k, indices = len(gens), {}

    for i, g in enumerate(gens):
        indices[g] = i

    polys = []

    for terms in reprs:
        poly = {}

        for coeff, term in terms:
            monom = [0] * k

            for base, exp in term.iteritems():
                monom[indices[base]] = exp

            monom = tuple(monom)

            if monom in poly:
                poly[monom] += Mul(*coeff)
                poly[monom] = Mul(*coeff)


    return polys, tuple(gens)
def test_AccumBounds_pow():
    assert B(0, 2)**2 == B(0, 4)
    assert B(-1, 1)**2 == B(0, 1)
    assert B(1, 2)**2 == B(1, 4)
    assert B(-1, 2)**3 == B(-1, 8)
    assert B(-1, 1)**0 == 1

    assert B(1, 2)**Rational(5, 2) == B(1, 4 * sqrt(2))
    assert B(0, 2)**S.Half == B(0, sqrt(2))

    neg = Symbol('neg', negative=True)
    assert unchanged(Pow, B(neg, 1), S.Half)
    nn = Symbol('nn', nonnegative=True)
    assert B(nn, nn + 1)**S.Half == B(sqrt(nn), sqrt(nn + 1))
    assert B(nn, nn + 1)**nn == B(nn**nn, (nn + 1)**nn)
    assert unchanged(Pow, B(nn, nn + 1), x)
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True)
    assert B(1, 2)**i == B(Min(1, 2**i), Max(1, 2**i))
    i = Symbol('i', integer=True, nonnegative=True)
    assert B(1, 2)**i == B(1, 2**i)
    assert B(0, 1)**i == B(0**i, 1)

    assert B(1, 5)**(-2) == B(Rational(1, 25), 1)
    assert B(-1, 3)**(-2) == B(0, oo)
    assert B(0, 2)**(-3) == B(Rational(1, 8), oo)
    assert B(-2, 0)**(-3) == B(-oo, -Rational(1, 8))
    assert B(0, 2)**(-2) == B(Rational(1, 4), oo)
    assert B(-1, 2)**(-3) == B(-oo, oo)
    assert B(-3, -2)**(-3) == B(Rational(-1, 8), Rational(-1, 27))
    assert B(-3, -2)**(-2) == B(Rational(1, 9), Rational(1, 4))
    assert B(0, oo)**S.Half == B(0, oo)
    assert B(-oo, 0)**(-2) == B(0, oo)
    assert B(-2, 0)**(-2) == B(Rational(1, 4), oo)

    assert B(Rational(1, 3), S.Half)**oo is S.Zero
    assert B(0, S.Half)**oo is S.Zero
    assert B(S.Half, 1)**oo == B(0, oo)
    assert B(0, 1)**oo == B(0, oo)
    assert B(2, 3)**oo is oo
    assert B(1, 2)**oo == B(0, oo)
    assert B(S.Half, 3)**oo == B(0, oo)
    assert B(Rational(-1, 3), Rational(-1, 4))**oo is S.Zero
    assert B(-1, Rational(-1, 2))**oo is S.NaN
    assert B(-3, -2)**oo is zoo
    assert B(-2, -1)**oo is S.NaN
    assert B(-2, Rational(-1, 2))**oo is S.NaN
    assert B(Rational(-1, 2), S.Half)**oo is S.Zero
    assert B(Rational(-1, 2), 1)**oo == B(0, oo)
    assert B(Rational(-2, 3), 2)**oo == B(0, oo)
    assert B(-1, 1)**oo == B(-oo, oo)
    assert B(-1, S.Half)**oo == B(-oo, oo)
    assert B(-1, 2)**oo == B(-oo, oo)
    assert B(-2, S.Half)**oo == B(-oo, oo)

    assert B(1, 2)**x == Pow(B(1, 2), x, evaluate=False)

    assert B(2, 3)**(-oo) is S.Zero
    assert B(0, 2)**(-oo) == B(0, oo)
    assert B(-1, 2)**(-oo) == B(-oo, oo)

    assert (tan(x)**sin(2*x)).subs(x, B(0, pi/2)) == \
        Pow(B(-oo, oo), B(0, 1))
Beispiel #13
 def time_pow100(self):
     Pow(x, 100)
Beispiel #14
 def time_pow2(self):
     Pow(x, 2)
Beispiel #15
def test_add():
    with evaluate(False):
        p = oo - oo
        assert isinstance(p, Add) and p.args == (oo, -oo)
        p = 5 - oo
        assert isinstance(p, Add) and p.args == (-oo, 5)
        p = oo - 5
        assert isinstance(p, Add) and p.args == (oo, -5)
        p = oo + 5
        assert isinstance(p, Add) and p.args == (oo, 5)
        p = 5 + oo
        assert isinstance(p, Add) and p.args == (oo, 5)
        p = -oo + 5
        assert isinstance(p, Add) and p.args == (-oo, 5)
        p = -5 - oo
        assert isinstance(p, Add) and p.args == (-oo, -5)

    with evaluate(False):
        expr = x + x
        assert isinstance(expr, Add)
        assert expr.args == (x, x)

        with evaluate(True):
            assert (x + x).args == (2, x)

        assert (x + x).args == (x, x)

    assert isinstance(x + x, Mul)

    with evaluate(False):
        assert S.One + 1 == Add(1, 1)
        assert 1 + S.One == Add(1, 1)

        assert S(4) - 3 == Add(4, -3)
        assert -3 + S(4) == Add(4, -3)

        assert S(2) * 4 == Mul(2, 4)
        assert 4 * S(2) == Mul(2, 4)

        assert S(6) / 3 == Mul(6, S.One / 3)
        assert S.One / 3 * 6 == Mul(S.One / 3, 6)

        assert 9**S(2) == Pow(9, 2)
        assert S(2)**9 == Pow(2, 9)

        assert S(2) / 2 == Mul(2, S.One / 2)
        assert S.One / 2 * 2 == Mul(S.One / 2, 2)

        assert S(2) / 3 + 1 == Add(S(2) / 3, 1)
        assert 1 + S(2) / 3 == Add(1, S(2) / 3)

        assert S(4) / 7 - 3 == Add(S(4) / 7, -3)
        assert -3 + S(4) / 7 == Add(-3, S(4) / 7)

        assert S(2) / 4 * 4 == Mul(S(2) / 4, 4)
        assert 4 * (S(2) / 4) == Mul(4, S(2) / 4)

        assert S(6) / 3 == Mul(6, S.One / 3)
        assert S.One / 3 * 6 == Mul(S.One / 3, 6)

        assert S.One / 3 + sqrt(3) == Add(S.One / 3, sqrt(3))
        assert sqrt(3) + S.One / 3 == Add(sqrt(3), S.One / 3)

        assert S.One / 2 * 10.333 == Mul(S.One / 2, 10.333)
        assert 10.333 * S.One / 2 == Mul(10.333, S.One / 2)

        assert sqrt(2) * sqrt(2) == Mul(sqrt(2), sqrt(2))

        assert S.One / 2 + x == Add(S.One / 2, x)
        assert x + S.One / 2 == Add(x, S.One / 2)

        assert S.One / x * x == Mul(S.One / x, x)
        assert x * S.One / x == Mul(x, S.One / x)
Beispiel #16
def test_sympy_parser():
    x = Symbol("x")
    inputs = {
        2 * x,
        Rational(22, 7),
        2 + 3 * I,
        "(x + 1)! - 1":
        factorial(x + 1) - 1,
        Rational(10, 3),
        Rational(1, 30),
        Rational(97, 30),
        Rational(433, 330),
        "1 + 3.[3]":
        Rational(13, 3),
        "1 + .0[3]":
        Rational(31, 30),
        "1 + 3.2[3]":
        Rational(127, 30),
        Rational(1, 909),
        "0.1[00102] + 1":
        Rational(366697, 333330),
        Rational(10190, 9999),
        "[-1, -2, 3]": [Integer(-1), Integer(-2),
        "factorint(12, visual=True)":
        Mul(Pow(2, 2, evaluate=False),
            Pow(3, 1, evaluate=False),
        'Limit(sin(x), x, 0, dir="-")':
        Limit(sin(x), x, 0, dir="-"),
    for text, result in inputs.items():
        assert parse_expr(text) == result

    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr("x", standard_transformations))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr("x", transformations=lambda x, y: 1))
           lambda: parse_expr("x", transformations=(lambda x, y: 1,
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr("x", transformations=((), )))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr("x", {}, [], []))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr("x", [], [], {}))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr("x", [], [], {}))
Beispiel #17
    def _print_Mul(self, expr):

        prec = precedence(expr)

        # Check for unevaluated Mul. In this case we need to make sure the
        # identities are visible, multiple Rational factors are not combined
        # etc so we display in a straight-forward form that fully preserves all
        # args and their order.
        args = expr.args
        if args[0] is S.One or any(
                isinstance(a, Number) or a.is_Pow and all(ai.is_Integer
                                                          for ai in a.args)
                for a in args[1:]):
            d, n = sift(args,
                        lambda x: isinstance(x, Pow) and bool(
                            x.exp.as_coeff_Mul()[0] < 0),
            for i, di in enumerate(d):
                if di.exp.is_Number:
                    e = -di.exp
                    dargs = list(di.exp.args)
                    dargs[0] = -dargs[0]
                    e = Mul._from_args(dargs)
                d[i] = Pow(di.base, e, evaluate=False) if e - 1 else di.base

            # don't parenthesize first factor if negative
            if _coeff_isneg(n[0]):
                pre = [str(n.pop(0))]
                pre = []
            nfactors = pre + [
                self.parenthesize(a, prec, strict=False) for a in n

            # don't parenthesize first of denominator unless singleton
            if len(d) > 1 and _coeff_isneg(d[0]):
                pre = [str(d.pop(0))]
                pre = []
            dfactors = pre + [
                self.parenthesize(a, prec, strict=False) for a in d

            n = '*'.join(nfactors)
            d = '*'.join(dfactors)
            if len(dfactors) > 1:
                return '%s/(%s)' % (n, d)
            elif dfactors:
                return '%s/%s' % (n, d)
            return n

        c, e = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
        if c < 0:
            expr = _keep_coeff(-c, e)
            sign = "-"
            sign = ""

        a = []  # items in the numerator
        b = []  # items that are in the denominator (if any)

        pow_paren = [
        ]  # Will collect all pow with more than one base element and exp = -1

        if self.order not in ('old', 'none'):
            args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
            # use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
            args = Mul.make_args(expr)

        # Gather args for numerator/denominator
        def apow(i):
            b, e = i.as_base_exp()
            eargs = list(Mul.make_args(e))
            if eargs[0] is S.NegativeOne:
                eargs = eargs[1:]
                eargs[0] = -eargs[0]
            e = Mul._from_args(eargs)
            if isinstance(i, Pow):
                return i.func(b, e, evaluate=False)
            return i.func(e, evaluate=False)

        for item in args:
            if (item.is_commutative and isinstance(item, Pow)
                    and bool(item.exp.as_coeff_Mul()[0] < 0)):
                if item.exp is not S.NegativeOne:
                    if (len(item.args[0].args) != 1
                            and isinstance(item.base, (Mul, Pow))):
                        # To avoid situations like #14160
            elif item.is_Rational and item is not S.Infinity:
                if item.p != 1:
                if item.q != 1:

        a = a or [S.One]

        a_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec, strict=False) for x in a]
        b_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec, strict=False) for x in b]

        # To parenthesize Pow with exp = -1 and having more than one Symbol
        for item in pow_paren:
            if item.base in b:
                b_str[b.index(item.base)] = "(%s)" % b_str[b.index(item.base)]

        if not b:
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str)
        elif len(b) == 1:
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str) + "/" + b_str[0]
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str) + "/(%s)" % '*'.join(b_str)
Beispiel #18
def _real_to_rational(expr, tolerance=None, rational_conversion='base10'):
    Replace all reals in expr with rationals.

    >>> from sympy import Rational
    >>> from sympy.simplify.simplify import _real_to_rational
    >>> from import x

    >>> _real_to_rational(.76 + .1*x**.5)
    sqrt(x)/10 + 19/25

    If rational_conversion='base10', this uses the base-10 string. If
    rational_conversion='exact', the exact, base-2 representation is used.

    >>> _real_to_rational(0.333333333333333, rational_conversion='exact')
    >>> _real_to_rational(0.333333333333333)

    expr = _sympify(expr)
    inf = Float('inf')
    p = expr
    reps = {}
    reduce_num = None
    if tolerance is not None and tolerance < 1:
        reduce_num = ceiling(1 / tolerance)
    for fl in p.atoms(Float):
        key = fl
        if reduce_num is not None:
            r = Rational(fl).limit_denominator(reduce_num)
        elif (tolerance is not None and tolerance >= 1
              and fl.is_Integer is False):
            r = Rational(tolerance * round(fl / tolerance)).limit_denominator(
            if rational_conversion == 'exact':
                r = Rational(fl)
                reps[key] = r
            elif rational_conversion != 'base10':
                raise ValueError(
                    "rational_conversion must be 'base10' or 'exact'")

            r = nsimplify(fl, rational=False)
            # e.g. log(3).n() -> log(3) instead of a Rational
            if fl and not r:
                r = Rational(fl)
            elif not r.is_Rational:
                if fl == inf or fl == -inf:
                    r = S.ComplexInfinity
                elif fl < 0:
                    fl = -fl
                    d = Pow(10, int((mpmath.log(fl) / mpmath.log(10))))
                    r = -Rational(str(fl / d)) * d
                elif fl > 0:
                    d = Pow(10, int((mpmath.log(fl) / mpmath.log(10))))
                    r = Rational(str(fl / d)) * d
                    r = Integer(0)
        reps[key] = r
    return p.subs(reps, simultaneous=True)
Beispiel #19
def collect(expr,
    Collect additive terms of an expression.

    This function collects additive terms of an expression with respect
    to a list of expression up to powers with rational exponents. By the
    term symbol here are meant arbitrary expressions, which can contain
    powers, products, sums etc. In other words symbol is a pattern which
    will be searched for in the expression's terms.

    The input expression is not expanded by :func:`collect`, so user is
    expected to provide an expression is an appropriate form. This makes
    :func:`collect` more predictable as there is no magic happening behind the
    scenes. However, it is important to note, that powers of products are
    converted to products of powers using the :func:`expand_power_base`

    There are two possible types of output. First, if ``evaluate`` flag is
    set, this function will return an expression with collected terms or
    else it will return a dictionary with expressions up to rational powers
    as keys and collected coefficients as values.


    >>> from sympy import S, collect, expand, factor, Wild
    >>> from import a, b, c, x, y, z

    This function can collect symbolic coefficients in polynomials or
    rational expressions. It will manage to find all integer or rational
    powers of collection variable::

        >>> collect(a*x**2 + b*x**2 + a*x - b*x + c, x)
        c + x**2*(a + b) + x*(a - b)

    The same result can be achieved in dictionary form::

        >>> d = collect(a*x**2 + b*x**2 + a*x - b*x + c, x, evaluate=False)
        >>> d[x**2]
        a + b
        >>> d[x]
        a - b
        >>> d[S.One]

    You can also work with multivariate polynomials. However, remember that
    this function is greedy so it will care only about a single symbol at time,
    in specification order::

        >>> collect(x**2 + y*x**2 + x*y + y + a*y, [x, y])
        x**2*(y + 1) + x*y + y*(a + 1)

    Also more complicated expressions can be used as patterns::

        >>> from sympy import sin, log
        >>> collect(a*sin(2*x) + b*sin(2*x), sin(2*x))
        (a + b)*sin(2*x)

        >>> collect(a*x*log(x) + b*(x*log(x)), x*log(x))
        x*(a + b)*log(x)

    You can use wildcards in the pattern::

        >>> w = Wild('w1')
        >>> collect(a*x**y - b*x**y, w**y)
        x**y*(a - b)

    It is also possible to work with symbolic powers, although it has more
    complicated behavior, because in this case power's base and symbolic part
    of the exponent are treated as a single symbol::

        >>> collect(a*x**c + b*x**c, x)
        a*x**c + b*x**c
        >>> collect(a*x**c + b*x**c, x**c)
        x**c*(a + b)

    However if you incorporate rationals to the exponents, then you will get
    well known behavior::

        >>> collect(a*x**(2*c) + b*x**(2*c), x**c)
        x**(2*c)*(a + b)

    Note also that all previously stated facts about :func:`collect` function
    apply to the exponential function, so you can get::

        >>> from sympy import exp
        >>> collect(a*exp(2*x) + b*exp(2*x), exp(x))
        (a + b)*exp(2*x)

    If you are interested only in collecting specific powers of some symbols
    then set ``exact`` flag in arguments::

        >>> collect(a*x**7 + b*x**7, x, exact=True)
        a*x**7 + b*x**7
        >>> collect(a*x**7 + b*x**7, x**7, exact=True)
        x**7*(a + b)

    You can also apply this function to differential equations, where
    derivatives of arbitrary order can be collected. Note that if you
    collect with respect to a function or a derivative of a function, all
    derivatives of that function will also be collected. Use
    ``exact=True`` to prevent this from happening::

        >>> from sympy import Derivative as D, collect, Function
        >>> f = Function('f') (x)

        >>> collect(a*D(f,x) + b*D(f,x), D(f,x))
        (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), x)

        >>> collect(a*D(D(f,x),x) + b*D(D(f,x),x), f)
        (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), (x, 2))

        >>> collect(a*D(D(f,x),x) + b*D(D(f,x),x), D(f,x), exact=True)
        a*Derivative(f(x), (x, 2)) + b*Derivative(f(x), (x, 2))

        >>> collect(a*D(f,x) + b*D(f,x) + a*f + b*f, f)
        (a + b)*f(x) + (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), x)

    Or you can even match both derivative order and exponent at the same time::

        >>> collect(a*D(D(f,x),x)**2 + b*D(D(f,x),x)**2, D(f,x))
        (a + b)*Derivative(f(x), (x, 2))**2

    Finally, you can apply a function to each of the collected coefficients.
    For example you can factorize symbolic coefficients of polynomial::

        >>> f = expand((x + a + 1)**3)

        >>> collect(f, x, factor)
        x**3 + 3*x**2*(a + 1) + 3*x*(a + 1)**2 + (a + 1)**3

    .. note:: Arguments are expected to be in expanded form, so you might have
              to call :func:`expand` prior to calling this function.

    See Also

    collect_const, collect_sqrt, rcollect
    expr = sympify(expr)
    syms = list(syms) if iterable(syms) else [syms]

    if evaluate is None:
        evaluate = global_evaluate[0]

    def make_expression(terms):
        product = []

        for term, rat, sym, deriv in terms:
            if deriv is not None:
                var, order = deriv

                while order > 0:
                    term, order = Derivative(term, var), order - 1

            if sym is None:
                if rat is S.One:
                    product.append(Pow(term, rat))
                product.append(Pow(term, rat * sym))

        return Mul(*product)

    def parse_derivative(deriv):
        # scan derivatives tower in the input expression and return
        # underlying function and maximal differentiation order
        expr, sym, order = deriv.expr, deriv.variables[0], 1

        for s in deriv.variables[1:]:
            if s == sym:
                order += 1
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    'Improve MV Derivative support in collect')

        while isinstance(expr, Derivative):
            s0 = expr.variables[0]

            for s in expr.variables:
                if s != s0:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        'Improve MV Derivative support in collect')

            if s0 == sym:
                expr, order = expr.expr, order + len(expr.variables)

        return expr, (sym, Rational(order))

    def parse_term(expr):
        """Parses expression expr and outputs tuple (sexpr, rat_expo,
        sym_expo, deriv)
         - sexpr is the base expression
         - rat_expo is the rational exponent that sexpr is raised to
         - sym_expo is the symbolic exponent that sexpr is raised to
         - deriv contains the derivatives the the expression

         for example, the output of x would be (x, 1, None, None)
         the output of 2**x would be (2, 1, x, None)
        rat_expo, sym_expo = S.One, None
        sexpr, deriv = expr, None

        if expr.is_Pow:
            if isinstance(expr.base, Derivative):
                sexpr, deriv = parse_derivative(expr.base)
                sexpr = expr.base

            if expr.exp.is_Number:
                rat_expo = expr.exp
                coeff, tail = expr.exp.as_coeff_Mul()

                if coeff.is_Number:
                    rat_expo, sym_expo = coeff, tail
                    sym_expo = expr.exp
        elif isinstance(expr, exp):
            arg = expr.args[0]
            if arg.is_Rational:
                sexpr, rat_expo = S.Exp1, arg
            elif arg.is_Mul:
                coeff, tail = arg.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True)
                sexpr, rat_expo = exp(tail), coeff
        elif isinstance(expr, Derivative):
            sexpr, deriv = parse_derivative(expr)

        return sexpr, rat_expo, sym_expo, deriv

    def parse_expression(terms, pattern):
        """Parse terms searching for a pattern.
        terms is a list of tuples as returned by parse_terms;
        pattern is an expression treated as a product of factors
        pattern = Mul.make_args(pattern)

        if len(terms) < len(pattern):
            # pattern is longer than matched product
            # so no chance for positive parsing result
            return None
            pattern = [parse_term(elem) for elem in pattern]

            terms = terms[:]  # need a copy
            elems, common_expo, has_deriv = [], None, False

            for elem, e_rat, e_sym, e_ord in pattern:

                if elem.is_Number and e_rat == 1 and e_sym is None:
                    # a constant is a match for everything

                for j in range(len(terms)):
                    if terms[j] is None:

                    term, t_rat, t_sym, t_ord = terms[j]

                    # keeping track of whether one of the terms had
                    # a derivative or not as this will require rebuilding
                    # the expression later
                    if t_ord is not None:
                        has_deriv = True

                    if (term.match(elem) is not None
                            and (t_sym == e_sym
                                 or t_sym is not None and e_sym is not None
                                 and t_sym.match(e_sym) is not None)):
                        if exact is False:
                            # we don't have to be exact so find common exponent
                            # for both expression's term and pattern's element
                            expo = t_rat / e_rat

                            if common_expo is None:
                                # first time
                                common_expo = expo
                                # common exponent was negotiated before so
                                # there is no chance for a pattern match unless
                                # common and current exponents are equal
                                if common_expo != expo:
                                    common_expo = 1
                            # we ought to be exact so all fields of
                            # interest must match in every details
                            if e_rat != t_rat or e_ord != t_ord:

                        # found common term so remove it from the expression
                        # and try to match next element in the pattern
                        terms[j] = None


                    # pattern element not found
                    return None

            return [_f for _f in terms if _f], elems, common_expo, has_deriv

    if evaluate:
        if expr.is_Add:
            o = expr.getO() or 0
            expr = expr.func(*[
                collect(a, syms, func, True, exact, distribute_order_term)
                for a in expr.args if a != o
            ]) + o
        elif expr.is_Mul:
            return expr.func(*[
                collect(term, syms, func, True, exact, distribute_order_term)
                for term in expr.args
        elif expr.is_Pow:
            b = collect(expr.base, syms, func, True, exact,
            return Pow(b, expr.exp)

    syms = [expand_power_base(i, deep=False) for i in syms]

    order_term = None

    if distribute_order_term:
        order_term = expr.getO()

        if order_term is not None:
            if order_term.has(*syms):
                order_term = None
                expr = expr.removeO()

    summa = [expand_power_base(i, deep=False) for i in Add.make_args(expr)]

    collected, disliked = defaultdict(list), S.Zero
    for product in summa:
        c, nc = product.args_cnc(split_1=False)
        args = list(ordered(c)) + nc
        terms = [parse_term(i) for i in args]
        small_first = True

        for symbol in syms:
            if SYMPY_DEBUG:
                print("DEBUG: parsing of expression %s with symbol %s " %
                      (str(terms), str(symbol)))

            if isinstance(symbol, Derivative) and small_first:
                terms = list(reversed(terms))
                small_first = not small_first
            result = parse_expression(terms, symbol)

            if SYMPY_DEBUG:
                print("DEBUG: returned %s" % str(result))

            if result is not None:
                if not symbol.is_commutative:
                    raise AttributeError(
                        "Can not collect noncommutative symbol")

                terms, elems, common_expo, has_deriv = result

                # when there was derivative in current pattern we
                # will need to rebuild its expression from scratch
                if not has_deriv:
                    margs = []
                    for elem in elems:
                        if elem[2] is None:
                            e = elem[1]
                            e = elem[1] * elem[2]
                        margs.append(Pow(elem[0], e))
                    index = Mul(*margs)
                    index = make_expression(elems)
                terms = expand_power_base(make_expression(terms), deep=False)
                index = expand_power_base(index, deep=False)
            # none of the patterns matched
            disliked += product
    # add terms now for each key
    collected = {k: Add(*v) for k, v in collected.items()}

    if disliked is not S.Zero:
        collected[S.One] = disliked

    if order_term is not None:
        for key, val in collected.items():
            collected[key] = val + order_term

    if func is not None:
        collected = dict([(key, func(val)) for key, val in collected.items()])

    if evaluate:
        return Add(*[key * val for key, val in collected.items()])
        return collected
Beispiel #20
def periodicity(f, symbol, check=False):
    Tests the given function for periodicity in the given symbol.


    f : :py:class:`~.Expr`.
        The concerned function.
    symbol : :py:class:`~.Symbol`
        The variable for which the period is to be determined.
    check : bool, optional
        The flag to verify whether the value being returned is a period or not.


        The period of the function is returned.
        ``None`` is returned when the function is aperiodic or has a complex period.
        The value of $0$ is returned as the period of a constant function.


        The value of the period computed cannot be verified.


    Currently, we do not support functions with a complex period.
    The period of functions having complex periodic values such
    as ``exp``, ``sinh`` is evaluated to ``None``.

    The value returned might not be the "fundamental" period of the given
    function i.e. it may not be the smallest periodic value of the function.

    The verification of the period through the ``check`` flag is not reliable
    due to internal simplification of the given expression. Hence, it is set
    to ``False`` by default.

    >>> from sympy import periodicity, Symbol, sin, cos, tan, exp
    >>> x = Symbol('x')
    >>> f = sin(x) + sin(2*x) + sin(3*x)
    >>> periodicity(f, x)
    >>> periodicity(sin(x)*cos(x), x)
    >>> periodicity(exp(tan(2*x) - 1), x)
    >>> periodicity(sin(4*x)**cos(2*x), x)
    >>> periodicity(exp(x), x)
    if symbol.kind is not NumberKind:
        raise NotImplementedError("Cannot use symbol of kind %s" % symbol.kind)
    temp = Dummy('x', real=True)
    f = f.subs(symbol, temp)
    symbol = temp

    def _check(orig_f, period):
        '''Return the checked period or raise an error.'''
        new_f = orig_f.subs(symbol, symbol + period)
        if new_f.equals(orig_f):
            return period
            raise NotImplementedError(
                The period of the given function cannot be verified.
                When `%s` was replaced with `%s + %s` in `%s`, the result
                was `%s` which was not recognized as being the same as
                the original function.
                So either the period was wrong or the two forms were
                not recognized as being equal.
                Set check=False to obtain the value.''' %
                           (symbol, symbol, period, orig_f, new_f)))

    orig_f = f
    period = None

    if isinstance(f, Relational):
        f = f.lhs - f.rhs

    f = f.simplify()

    if symbol not in f.free_symbols:
        return S.Zero

    if isinstance(f, TrigonometricFunction):
            period = f.period(symbol)
        except NotImplementedError:

    if isinstance(f, Abs):
        arg = f.args[0]
        if isinstance(arg, (sec, csc, cos)):
            # all but tan and cot might have a
            # a period that is half as large
            # so recast as sin
            arg = sin(arg.args[0])
        period = periodicity(arg, symbol)
        if period is not None and isinstance(arg, sin):
            # the argument of Abs was a trigonometric other than
            # cot or tan; test to see if the half-period
            # is valid. Abs(arg) has behaviour equivalent to
            # orig_f, so use that for test:
            orig_f = Abs(arg)
                return _check(orig_f, period / 2)
            except NotImplementedError as err:
                if check:
                    raise NotImplementedError(err)
            # else let new orig_f and period be
            # checked below

    if isinstance(f, exp) or (f.is_Pow and f.base == S.Exp1):
        f = Pow(S.Exp1, expand_mul(f.exp))
        if im(f) != 0:
            period_real = periodicity(re(f), symbol)
            period_imag = periodicity(im(f), symbol)
            if period_real is not None and period_imag is not None:
                period = lcim([period_real, period_imag])

    if f.is_Pow and f.base != S.Exp1:
        base, expo = f.args
        base_has_sym = base.has(symbol)
        expo_has_sym = expo.has(symbol)

        if base_has_sym and not expo_has_sym:
            period = periodicity(base, symbol)

        elif expo_has_sym and not base_has_sym:
            period = periodicity(expo, symbol)

            period = _periodicity(f.args, symbol)

    elif f.is_Mul:
        coeff, g = f.as_independent(symbol, as_Add=False)
        if isinstance(g, TrigonometricFunction) or coeff is not S.One:
            period = periodicity(g, symbol)

            period = _periodicity(g.args, symbol)

    elif f.is_Add:
        k, g = f.as_independent(symbol)
        if k is not S.Zero:
            return periodicity(g, symbol)

        period = _periodicity(g.args, symbol)

    elif isinstance(f, Mod):
        a, n = f.args

        if a == symbol:
            period = n
        elif isinstance(a, TrigonometricFunction):
            period = periodicity(a, symbol)
        #check if 'f' is linear in 'symbol'
        elif (a.is_polynomial(symbol) and degree(a, symbol) == 1
              and symbol not in n.free_symbols):
            period = Abs(n / a.diff(symbol))

    elif isinstance(f, Piecewise):
        pass  # not handling Piecewise yet as the return type is not favorable

    elif period is None:
        from sympy.solvers.decompogen import compogen, decompogen
        g_s = decompogen(f, symbol)
        num_of_gs = len(g_s)
        if num_of_gs > 1:
            for index, g in enumerate(reversed(g_s)):
                start_index = num_of_gs - 1 - index
                g = compogen(g_s[start_index:], symbol)
                if g not in (orig_f, f):  # Fix for issue 12620
                    period = periodicity(g, symbol)
                    if period is not None:

    if period is not None:
        if check:
            return _check(orig_f, period)
        return period

    return None
Beispiel #21
    def _print_Mul(self, expr):

        prec = precedence(expr)

        # Check for unevaluated Mul. In this case we need to make sure the
        # identities are visible, multiple Rational factors are not combined
        # etc so we display in a straight-forward form that fully preserves all
        # args and their order.
        args = expr.args
        if args[0] is S.One or any(
                isinstance(arg, Number) for arg in args[1:]):
            factors = [self.parenthesize(a, prec, strict=False) for a in args]
            return '*'.join(factors)

        c, e = expr.as_coeff_Mul()
        if c < 0:
            expr = _keep_coeff(-c, e)
            sign = "-"
            sign = ""

        a = []  # items in the numerator
        b = []  # items that are in the denominator (if any)

        pow_paren = [
        ]  # Will collect all pow with more than one base element and exp = -1

        if self.order not in ('old', 'none'):
            args = expr.as_ordered_factors()
            # use make_args in case expr was something like -x -> x
            args = Mul.make_args(expr)

        # Gather args for numerator/denominator
        for item in args:
            if item.is_commutative and item.is_Pow and item.exp.is_Rational and item.exp.is_negative:
                if item.exp != -1:
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp, evaluate=False))
                    if len(item.args[0].args) != 1 and isinstance(
                            item.base, Mul):  # To avoid situations like #14160
                    b.append(Pow(item.base, -item.exp))
            elif item.is_Rational and item is not S.Infinity:
                if item.p != 1:
                if item.q != 1:

        a = a or [S.One]

        a_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec, strict=False) for x in a]
        b_str = [self.parenthesize(x, prec, strict=False) for x in b]

        # To parenthesize Pow with exp = -1 and having more than one Symbol
        for item in pow_paren:
            if item.base in b:
                b_str[b.index(item.base)] = "(%s)" % b_str[b.index(item.base)]

        if not b:
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str)
        elif len(b) == 1:
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str) + "/" + b_str[0]
            return sign + '*'.join(a_str) + "/(%s)" % '*'.join(b_str)
Beispiel #22
    def eval(cls, *_args, **kwargs):

        if not _args:

        if not len(_args) == 1:
            raise ValueError('Expecting one argument')

        expr = _args[0]
        d_atoms = kwargs.pop('d_atoms', {})
        mapping = kwargs.pop('mapping', None)

        if isinstance(expr, Add):
            args = [
                cls.eval(a, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
                for a in expr.args
            return Add(*args)

        elif isinstance(expr, Mul):
            coeffs = [a for a in expr.args if isinstance(a, _coeffs_registery)]
            stests = [
                a for a in expr.args
                if not (a in coeffs) and a.atoms(ScalarTestFunction)
            vtests = [
                a for a in expr.args
                if not (a in coeffs) and a.atoms(VectorTestFunction)
            vectors = [
                a for a in expr.args if
                (not (a in coeffs) and not (a in stests) and not (a in vtests))

            a = S.One
            if coeffs:
                a = Mul(*coeffs)

            b = S.One
            if vectors:

                args = [cls(i, evaluate=False) for i in vectors]
                b = Mul(*args)

            sb = S.One
            if stests:
                args = [
                    cls.eval(i, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
                    for i in stests
                sb = Mul(*args)

            vb = S.One
            if vtests:
                args = [
                    cls.eval(i, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
                    for i in vtests
                vb = Mul(*args)

            return Mul(a, b, sb, vb)

        elif isinstance(expr, _coeffs_registery):
            return expr

        elif isinstance(expr, Pow):
            b = expr.base
            e = expr.exp
            return Pow(cls.eval(b), e)

        elif isinstance(expr, (Matrix, ImmutableDenseMatrix)):

            n_rows, n_cols = expr.shape

            lines = []
            for i_row in range(0, n_rows):
                line = []
                for i_col in range(0, n_cols):
                        cls.eval(expr[i_row, i_col],


            return Matrix(lines)

        elif isinstance(expr, DomainExpression):
            # TODO to be removed
            target =
            expr = expr.expr
            return cls.eval(expr, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)

        elif isinstance(expr, BilinearForm):
            trials = list(expr.variables[0])
            tests = list(expr.variables[1])

            # ... # TODO improve
            terminal_expr = TerminalExpr(expr)[0]
            # ...

            # ...
            variables = list(terminal_expr.atoms(ScalarTestFunction))
            variables += list(terminal_expr.atoms(IndexedTestTrial))

            d_atoms = {}
            for a in variables:
                new = _split_test_function(a)
                d_atoms[a] = new
            # ...

            # ...
            logical = False
            if not (mapping is None):
                logical = True
                terminal_expr = LogicalExpr(mapping, terminal_expr.expr)

                det_M = DetJacobian(mapping)
                det = SymbolicDeterminant(mapping)
                terminal_expr = terminal_expr.subs(det_M, det)
                terminal_expr = expand(terminal_expr)
            # ...

            # ...
            expr = cls.eval(terminal_expr, d_atoms=d_atoms, mapping=mapping)
            # ...

            # ...
            trials = [
                a for a in variables
                if ((isinstance(a, ScalarTestFunction) and a in trials) or (
                    isinstance(a, IndexedTestTrial) and a.base in trials))

            tests = [
                a for a in variables
                if ((isinstance(a, ScalarTestFunction) and a in tests) or (
                    isinstance(a, IndexedTestTrial) and a.base in tests))
            # ...

            expr = _replace_atomic_expr(expr,

            return expr

        if expr.atoms(ScalarTestFunction) or expr.atoms(IndexedTestTrial):
            return _tensorize_atomic_expr(expr, d_atoms)

        return cls(expr, evaluate=False)
def test_Pow_Expr_args():
    x = Symbol('x')
    bases = [Basic(), Poly(x, x), FiniteSet(x)]
    for base in bases:
        with warns_deprecated_sympy():
            Pow(base, S.One)
Beispiel #24
def powsimp(expr, deep=False, combine='all', force=False, measure=count_ops):
    reduces expression by combining powers with similar bases and exponents.


    If deep is True then powsimp() will also simplify arguments of
    functions. By default deep is set to False.

    If force is True then bases will be combined without checking for
    assumptions, e.g. sqrt(x)*sqrt(y) -> sqrt(x*y) which is not true
    if x and y are both negative.

    You can make powsimp() only combine bases or only combine exponents by
    changing combine='base' or combine='exp'.  By default, combine='all',
    which does both.  combine='base' will only combine::

         a   a          a                          2x      x
        x * y  =>  (x*y)   as well as things like 2   =>  4

    and combine='exp' will only combine

         a   b      (a + b)
        x * x  =>  x

    combine='exp' will strictly only combine exponents in the way that used
    to be automatic.  Also use deep=True if you need the old behavior.

    When combine='all', 'exp' is evaluated first.  Consider the first
    example below for when there could be an ambiguity relating to this.
    This is done so things like the second example can be completely
    combined.  If you want 'base' combined first, do something like
    powsimp(powsimp(expr, combine='base'), combine='exp').


    >>> from sympy import powsimp, exp, log, symbols
    >>> from import x, y, z, n
    >>> powsimp(x**y*x**z*y**z, combine='all')
    x**(y + z)*y**z
    >>> powsimp(x**y*x**z*y**z, combine='exp')
    x**(y + z)*y**z
    >>> powsimp(x**y*x**z*y**z, combine='base', force=True)

    >>> powsimp(x**z*x**y*n**z*n**y, combine='all', force=True)
    (n*x)**(y + z)
    >>> powsimp(x**z*x**y*n**z*n**y, combine='exp')
    n**(y + z)*x**(y + z)
    >>> powsimp(x**z*x**y*n**z*n**y, combine='base', force=True)

    >>> x, y = symbols('x y', positive=True)
    >>> powsimp(log(exp(x)*exp(y)))
    >>> powsimp(log(exp(x)*exp(y)), deep=True)
    x + y

    Radicals with Mul bases will be combined if combine='exp'

    >>> from sympy import sqrt, Mul
    >>> x, y = symbols('x y')

    Two radicals are automatically joined through Mul:

    >>> a=sqrt(x*sqrt(y))
    >>> a*a**3 == a**4

    But if an integer power of that radical has been
    autoexpanded then Mul does not join the resulting factors:

    >>> a**4 # auto expands to a Mul, no longer a Pow
    >>> _*a # so Mul doesn't combine them
    >>> powsimp(_) # but powsimp will
    >>> powsimp(x*y*a) # but won't when doing so would violate assumptions

    from sympy.matrices.expressions.matexpr import MatrixSymbol

    def recurse(arg, **kwargs):
        _deep = kwargs.get('deep', deep)
        _combine = kwargs.get('combine', combine)
        _force = kwargs.get('force', force)
        _measure = kwargs.get('measure', measure)
        return powsimp(arg, _deep, _combine, _force, _measure)

    expr = sympify(expr)

    if (not isinstance(expr, Basic) or isinstance(expr, MatrixSymbol)
            or (expr.is_Atom or expr in (exp_polar(0), exp_polar(1)))):
        return expr

    if deep or expr.is_Add or expr.is_Mul and _y not in expr.args:
        expr = expr.func(*[recurse(w) for w in expr.args])

    if expr.is_Pow:
        return recurse(expr * _y, deep=False) / _y

    if not expr.is_Mul:
        return expr

    # handle the Mul
    if combine in ('exp', 'all'):
        # Collect base/exp data, while maintaining order in the
        # non-commutative parts of the product
        c_powers = defaultdict(list)
        nc_part = []
        newexpr = []
        coeff = S.One
        for term in expr.args:
            if term.is_Rational:
                coeff *= term
            if term.is_Pow:
                term = _denest_pow(term)
            if term.is_commutative:
                b, e = term.as_base_exp()
                if deep:
                    b, e = [recurse(i) for i in [b, e]]
                if b.is_Pow or isinstance(b, exp):
                    # don't let smthg like sqrt(x**a) split into x**a, 1/2
                    # or else it will be joined as x**(a/2) later
                    b, e = b**e, S.One
                # This is the logic that combines exponents for equal,
                # but non-commutative bases: A**x*A**y == A**(x+y).
                if nc_part:
                    b1, e1 = nc_part[-1].as_base_exp()
                    b2, e2 = term.as_base_exp()
                    if (b1 == b2 and e1.is_commutative and e2.is_commutative):
                        nc_part[-1] = Pow(b1, Add(e1, e2))

        # add up exponents of common bases
        for b, e in ordered(iter(c_powers.items())):
            # allow 2**x/4 -> 2**(x - 2); don't do this when b and e are
            # Numbers since autoevaluation will undo it, e.g.
            # 2**(1/3)/4 -> 2**(1/3 - 2) -> 2**(1/3)/4
            if (b and b.is_Rational and not all(ei.is_Number for ei in e) and \
                    coeff is not S.One and
                    b not in (S.One, S.NegativeOne)):
                m = multiplicity(abs(b), abs(coeff))
                if m:
                    coeff /= b**m
            c_powers[b] = Add(*e)
        if coeff is not S.One:
            if coeff in c_powers:
                c_powers[coeff] += S.One
                c_powers[coeff] = S.One

        # convert to plain dictionary
        c_powers = dict(c_powers)

        # check for base and inverted base pairs
        be = list(c_powers.items())
        skip = set()  # skip if we already saw them
        for b, e in be:
            if b in skip:
            bpos = b.is_positive or b.is_polar
            if bpos:
                binv = 1 / b
                if b != binv and binv in c_powers:
                    if b.as_numer_denom()[0] is S.One:
                        c_powers[binv] -= e
                        e = c_powers.pop(binv)
                        c_powers[b] -= e

        # check for base and negated base pairs
        be = list(c_powers.items())
        _n = S.NegativeOne
        for i, (b, e) in enumerate(be):
            if ((-b).is_Symbol or b.is_Add) and -b in c_powers:
                if (b.is_positive in (0, 1) or e.is_integer):
                    c_powers[-b] += c_powers.pop(b)
                    if _n in c_powers:
                        c_powers[_n] += e
                        c_powers[_n] = e

        # filter c_powers and convert to a list
        c_powers = [(b, e) for b, e in c_powers.items() if e]

        # ==============================================================
        # check for Mul bases of Rational powers that can be combined with
        # separated bases, e.g. x*sqrt(x*y)*sqrt(x*sqrt(x*y)) ->
        # (x*sqrt(x*y))**(3/2)
        # ---------------- helper functions

        def ratq(x):
            '''Return Rational part of x's exponent as it appears in the bkey.
            return bkey(x)[0][1]

        def bkey(b, e=None):
            '''Return (b**s, c.q), c.p where e -> c*s. If e is not given then
            it will be taken by using as_base_exp() on the input b.
                x**3/2 -> (x, 2), 3
                x**y -> (x**y, 1), 1
                x**(2*y/3) -> (x**y, 3), 2
                exp(x/2) -> (exp(a), 2), 1

            if e is not None:  # coming from c_powers or from below
                if e.is_Integer:
                    return (b, S.One), e
                elif e.is_Rational:
                    return (b, Integer(e.q)), Integer(e.p)
                    c, m = e.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True)
                    if c is not S.One:
                        if m.is_integer:
                            return (b, Integer(c.q)), m * Integer(c.p)
                        return (b**m, Integer(c.q)), Integer(c.p)
                        return (b**e, S.One), S.One
                return bkey(*b.as_base_exp())

        def update(b):
            '''Decide what to do with base, b. If its exponent is now an
            integer multiple of the Rational denominator, then remove it
            and put the factors of its base in the common_b dictionary or
            update the existing bases if necessary. If it has been zeroed
            out, simply remove the base.
            newe, r = divmod(common_b[b], b[1])
            if not r:
                if newe:
                    for m in Mul.make_args(b[0]**newe):
                        b, e = bkey(m)
                        if b not in common_b:
                            common_b[b] = 0
                        common_b[b] += e
                        if b[1] != 1:

        # ---------------- end of helper functions

        # assemble a dictionary of the factors having a Rational power
        common_b = {}
        done = []
        bases = []
        for b, e in c_powers:
            b, e = bkey(b, e)
            if b in common_b:
                common_b[b] = common_b[b] + e
                common_b[b] = e
            if b[1] != 1 and b[0].is_Mul:
        bases.sort(key=default_sort_key)  # this makes tie-breaking canonical
        bases.sort(key=measure, reverse=True)  # handle longest first
        for base in bases:
            if base not in common_b:  # it may have been removed already
            b, exponent = base
            last = False  # True when no factor of base is a radical
            qlcm = 1  # the lcm of the radical denominators
            while True:
                bstart = b
                qstart = qlcm

                bb = []  # list of factors
                ee = []  # (factor's expo. and it's current value in common_b)
                for bi in Mul.make_args(b):
                    bib, bie = bkey(bi)
                    if bib not in common_b or common_b[bib] < bie:
                        ee = bb = []  # failed
                    ee.append([bie, common_b[bib]])
                if ee:
                    # find the number of integral extractions possible
                    # e.g. [(1, 2), (2, 2)] -> min(2/1, 2/2) -> 1
                    min1 = ee[0][1] // ee[0][0]
                    for i in range(1, len(ee)):
                        rat = ee[i][1] // ee[i][0]
                        if rat < 1:
                        min1 = min(min1, rat)
                        # update base factor counts
                        # e.g. if ee = [(2, 5), (3, 6)] then min1 = 2
                        # and the new base counts will be 5-2*2 and 6-2*3
                        for i in range(len(bb)):
                            common_b[bb[i]] -= min1 * ee[i][0]
                        # update the count of the base
                        # e.g. x**2*y*sqrt(x*sqrt(y)) the count of x*sqrt(y)
                        # will increase by 4 to give bkey (x*sqrt(y), 2, 5)
                        common_b[base] += min1 * qstart * exponent
                if (last  # no more radicals in base
                        or len(common_b) == 1  # nothing left to join with
                        or all(k[1] == 1
                               for k in common_b)  # no rad's in common_b
                # see what we can exponentiate base by to remove any radicals
                # so we know what to search for
                # e.g. if base were x**(1/2)*y**(1/3) then we should
                # exponentiate by 6 and look for powers of x and y in the ratio
                # of 2 to 3
                qlcm = lcm([ratq(bi) for bi in Mul.make_args(bstart)])
                if qlcm == 1:
                    break  # we are done
                b = bstart**qlcm
                qlcm *= qstart
                if all(ratq(bi) == 1 for bi in Mul.make_args(b)):
                    last = True  # we are going to be done after this next pass
            # this base no longer can find anything to join with and
            # since it was longer than any other we are done with it
            b, q = base
            done.append((b, common_b.pop(base) * Rational(1, q)))

        # update c_powers and get ready to continue with powsimp
        c_powers = done
        # there may be terms still in common_b that were bases that were
        # identified as needing processing, so remove those, too
        for (b, q), e in common_b.items():
            if (b.is_Pow or isinstance(b, exp)) and \
                    q is not S.One and not b.exp.is_Rational:
                b, be = b.as_base_exp()
                b = b**(be / q)
                b = root(b, q)
            c_powers.append((b, e))
        check = len(c_powers)
        c_powers = dict(c_powers)
        assert len(c_powers) == check  # there should have been no duplicates
        # ==============================================================

        # rebuild the expression
        newexpr = expr.func(*(newexpr +
                              [Pow(b, e) for b, e in c_powers.items()]))
        if combine == 'exp':
            return expr.func(newexpr, expr.func(*nc_part))
            return recurse(expr.func(*nc_part), combine='base') * \
                recurse(newexpr, combine='base')

    elif combine == 'base':

        # Build c_powers and nc_part.  These must both be lists not
        # dicts because exp's are not combined.
        c_powers = []
        nc_part = []
        for term in expr.args:
            if term.is_commutative:

        # Pull out numerical coefficients from exponent if assumptions allow
        # e.g., 2**(2*x) => 4**x
        for i in range(len(c_powers)):
            b, e = c_powers[i]
            if not (all(x.is_nonnegative for x in b.as_numer_denom())
                    or e.is_integer or force or b.is_polar):
            exp_c, exp_t = e.as_coeff_Mul(rational=True)
            if exp_c is not S.One and exp_t is not S.One:
                c_powers[i] = [Pow(b, exp_c), exp_t]

        # Combine bases whenever they have the same exponent and
        # assumptions allow
        # first gather the potential bases under the common exponent
        c_exp = defaultdict(list)
        for b, e in c_powers:
            if deep:
                e = recurse(e)
        del c_powers

        # Merge back in the results of the above to form a new product
        c_powers = defaultdict(list)
        for e in c_exp:
            bases = c_exp[e]

            # calculate the new base for e

            if len(bases) == 1:
                new_base = bases[0]
            elif e.is_integer or force:
                new_base = expr.func(*bases)
                # see which ones can be joined
                unk = []
                nonneg = []
                neg = []
                for bi in bases:
                    if bi.is_negative:
                    elif bi.is_nonnegative:
                    elif bi.is_polar:
                            bi)  # polar can be treated like non-negative
                if len(unk) == 1 and not neg or len(neg) == 1 and not unk:
                    # a single neg or a single unk can join the rest
                    nonneg.extend(unk + neg)
                    unk = neg = []
                elif neg:
                    # their negative signs cancel in groups of 2*q if we know
                    # that e = p/q else we have to treat them as unknown
                    israt = False
                    if e.is_Rational:
                        israt = True
                        p, d = e.as_numer_denom()
                        if p.is_integer and d.is_integer:
                            israt = True
                    if israt:
                        neg = [-w for w in neg]
                        unk.extend([S.NegativeOne] * len(neg))
                        neg = []
                    del israt

                # these shouldn't be joined
                for b in unk:
                # here is a new joined base
                new_base = expr.func(*(nonneg + neg))

                # if there are positive parts they will just get separated
                # again unless some change is made

                def _terms(e):
                    # return the number of terms of this expression
                    # when multiplied out -- assuming no joining of terms
                    if e.is_Add:
                        return sum([_terms(ai) for ai in e.args])
                    if e.is_Mul:
                        return prod([_terms(mi) for mi in e.args])
                    return 1

                xnew_base = expand_mul(new_base, deep=False)
                if len(Add.make_args(xnew_base)) < _terms(new_base):
                    new_base = factor_terms(xnew_base)


        # break out the powers from c_powers now
        c_part = [Pow(b, ei) for b, e in c_powers.items() for ei in e]

        # we're done
        return expr.func(*(c_part + nc_part))

        raise ValueError("combine must be one of ('all', 'exp', 'base').")
Beispiel #25
def is_deriv_k(fa, fd, DE):
    Checks if Df/f is the derivative of an element of k(t).

    a in k(t) is the derivative of an element of k(t) if there exists b in k(t)
    such that a = Db.  Either returns (ans, u), such that Df/f == Du, or None,
    which means that Df/f is not the derivative of an element of k(t).  ans is
    a list of tuples such that Add(*[i*j for i, j in ans]) == u.  This is useful
    for seeing exactly which elements of k(t) produce u.

    This function uses the structure theorem approach, which says that for any
    f in K, Df/f is the derivative of a element of K if and only if there are ri
    in QQ such that::

            ---               ---       Dt
            \    r  * Dt   +  \    r  *   i      Df
            /     i     i     /     i   ---   =  --.
            ---               ---        t        f
         i in L            i in E         i
               K/C(x)            K/C(x)

    Where C = Const(K), L_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i is
    transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i = Da_i/a_i, for some a_i
    in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1)* } (i.e., the set of all indices of logarithmic
    monomials of K over C(x)), and E_K/C(x) = { i in {1, ..., n} such that t_i
    is transcendental over C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) and Dt_i/t_i = Da_i, for some
    a_i in C(x)(t_1, ..., t_i-1) } (i.e., the set of all indices of
    hyperexponential monomials of K over C(x)).  If K is an elementary extension
    over C(x), then the cardinality of L_K/C(x) U E_K/C(x) is exactly the
    transcendence degree of K over C(x).  Furthermore, because Const_D(K) ==
    Const_D(C(x)) == C, deg(Dt_i) == 1 when t_i is in E_K/C(x) and
    deg(Dt_i) == 0 when t_i is in L_K/C(x), implying in particular that E_K/C(x)
    and L_K/C(x) are disjoint.

    The sets L_K/C(x) and E_K/C(x) must, by their nature, be computed
    recursively using this same function.  Therefore, it is required to pass
    them as indices to D (or T).  E_args are the arguments of the
    hyperexponentials indexed by E_K (i.e., if i is in E_K, then T[i] ==
    exp(E_args[i])).  This is needed to compute the final answer u such that
    Df/f == Du.

    log(f) will be the same as u up to a additive constant.  This is because
    they will both behave the same as monomials. For example, both log(x) and
    log(2*x) == log(x) + log(2) satisfy Dt == 1/x, because log(2) is constant.
    Therefore, the term const is returned.  const is such that
    log(const) + f == u.  This is calculated by dividing the arguments of one
    logarithm from the other.  Therefore, it is necessary to pass the arguments
    of the logarithmic terms in L_args.

    To handle the case where we are given Df/f, not f, use is_deriv_k_in_field().
    # Compute Df/f
    dfa, dfd = fd * (fd * derivation(fa, DE) -
                     fa * derivation(fd, DE)), fd**2 * fa
    dfa, dfd = dfa.cancel(dfd, include=True)

    # Our assumption here is that each monomial is recursively transcendental
    if len(DE.L_K) + len(DE.E_K) != len(DE.D) - 1:
        if [i for i in DE.cases if i == 'tan'] or \
                set([i for i in DE.cases if i == 'primitive']) - set(DE.L_K):
            raise NotImplementedError(
                "Real version of the structure "
                "theorems with hypertangent support is not yet implemented.")

        # TODO: What should really be done in this case?
        raise NotImplementedError("Nonelementary extensions not supported "
                                  "in the structure theorems.")

    E_part = [DE.D[i].quo(Poly(DE.T[i], DE.T[i])).as_expr() for i in DE.E_K]
    L_part = [DE.D[i].as_expr() for i in DE.L_K]

    lhs = Matrix([E_part + L_part])
    rhs = Matrix([dfa.as_expr() / dfd.as_expr()])

    A, u = constant_system(lhs, rhs, DE)

    if not all(derivation(i, DE, basic=True).is_zero for i in u) or not A:
        # If the elements of u are not all constant
        # Note: See comment in constant_system

        # Also note: derivation(basic=True) calls cancel()
        return None
        if not all(i.is_Rational for i in u):
            raise NotImplementedError("Cannot work with non-rational "
                                      "coefficients in this case.")
            terms = DE.E_args + [DE.T[i] for i in DE.L_K]
            ans = list(zip(terms, u))
            result = Add(*[Mul(i, j) for i, j in ans])
            argterms = [DE.T[i] for i in DE.E_K] + DE.L_args
            l = []
            ld = []
            for i, j in zip(argterms, u):
                # We need to get around things like sqrt(x**2) != x
                # and also sqrt(x**2 + 2*x + 1) != x + 1
                # Issue 10798: i need not be a polynomial
                i, d = i.as_numer_denom()
                icoeff, iterms = sqf_list(i)
                    Mul(*([Pow(icoeff, j)] +
                          [Pow(b, e * j) for b, e in iterms])))
                dcoeff, dterms = sqf_list(d)
                    Mul(*([Pow(dcoeff, j)] +
                          [Pow(b, e * j) for b, e in dterms])))
            const = cancel(fa.as_expr() / fd.as_expr() / Mul(*l) * Mul(*ld))

            return (ans, result, const)
Beispiel #26
def _denest_pow(eq):
    Denest powers.

    This is a helper function for powdenest that performs the actual
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import logcombine

    b, e = eq.as_base_exp()
    if b.is_Pow or isinstance(b.func, exp) and e != 1:
        new = b._eval_power(e)
        if new is not None:
            eq = new
            b, e = new.as_base_exp()

    # denest exp with log terms in exponent
    if b is S.Exp1 and e.is_Mul:
        logs = []
        other = []
        for ei in e.args:
            if any(isinstance(ai, log) for ai in Add.make_args(ei)):
        logs = logcombine(Mul(*logs))
        return Pow(exp(logs), Mul(*other))

    _, be = b.as_base_exp()
    if be is S.One and not (b.is_Mul or b.is_Rational and b.q != 1
                            or b.is_positive):
        return eq

    # denest eq which is either pos**e or Pow**e or Mul**e or
    # Mul(b1**e1, b2**e2)

    # handle polar numbers specially
    polars, nonpolars = [], []
    for bb in Mul.make_args(b):
        if bb.is_polar:
    if len(polars) == 1 and not polars[0][0].is_Mul:
        return Pow(polars[0][0], polars[0][1] * e) * powdenest(
    elif polars:
        return Mul(*[powdenest(bb**(ee*e)) for (bb, ee) in polars]) \

    if b.is_Integer:
        # use log to see if there is a power here
        logb = expand_log(log(b))
        if logb.is_Mul:
            c, logb = logb.args
            e *= c
            base = logb.args[0]
            return Pow(base, e)

    # if b is not a Mul or any factor is an atom then there is nothing to do
    if not b.is_Mul or any(s.is_Atom for s in Mul.make_args(b)):
        return eq

    # let log handle the case of the base of the argument being a Mul, e.g.
    # sqrt(x**(2*i)*y**(6*i)) -> x**i*y**(3**i) if x and y are positive; we
    # will take the log, expand it, and then factor out the common powers that
    # now appear as coefficient. We do this manually since terms_gcd pulls out
    # fractions, terms_gcd(x+x*y/2) -> x*(y + 2)/2 and we don't want the 1/2;
    # gcd won't pull out numerators from a fraction: gcd(3*x, 9*x/2) -> x but
    # we want 3*x. Neither work with noncommutatives.

    def nc_gcd(aa, bb):
        a, b = [i.as_coeff_Mul() for i in [aa, bb]]
        c = gcd(a[0], b[0]).as_numer_denom()[0]
        g = Mul(*(a[1].args_cnc(cset=True)[0] & b[1].args_cnc(cset=True)[0]))
        return _keep_coeff(c, g)

    glogb = expand_log(log(b))
    if glogb.is_Add:
        args = glogb.args
        g = reduce(nc_gcd, args)
        if g != 1:
            cg, rg = g.as_coeff_Mul()
            glogb = _keep_coeff(cg, rg * Add(*[a / g for a in args]))

    # now put the log back together again
    if isinstance(glogb, log) or not glogb.is_Mul:
        if glogb.args[0].is_Pow or isinstance(glogb.args[0], exp):
            glogb = _denest_pow(glogb.args[0])
            if (abs(glogb.exp) < 1) == True:
                return Pow(glogb.base, glogb.exp * e)
        return eq

    # the log(b) was a Mul so join any adds with logcombine
    add = []
    other = []
    for a in glogb.args:
        if a.is_Add:
    return Pow(exp(logcombine(Mul(*add))), e * Mul(*other))
Beispiel #27
def _invert_real(f, g_ys, symbol):
    """ Helper function for invert_real """

    if not f.has(symbol):
        raise ValueError("Inverse of constant function doesn't exist")

    if f is symbol:
        return (f, g_ys)

    n = Dummy('n')
    if hasattr(f, 'inverse') and not isinstance(f, TrigonometricFunction):
        if len(f.args) > 1:
            raise ValueError("Only functions with one argument are supported.")
        return _invert_real(f.args[0],
                            imageset(Lambda(n, f.inverse()(n)), g_ys), symbol)

    if isinstance(f, Abs):
        return _invert_real(f.args[0],
                            Union(g_ys, imageset(Lambda(n, -n), g_ys)), symbol)

    if f.is_Add:
        # f = g + h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)
        if g != S.Zero:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n - g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Mul:
        # f = g*h
        g, h = f.as_independent(symbol)

        if g != S.One:
            return _invert_real(h, imageset(Lambda(n, n/g), g_ys), symbol)

    if f.is_Pow:
        base, expo = f.args
        base_has_sym = base.has(symbol)
        expo_has_sym = expo.has(symbol)

        if not expo_has_sym:
            res = imageset(Lambda(n, Pow(n, 1/expo)), g_ys)
            if expo.is_rational:
                numer, denom = expo.as_numer_denom()
                if numer == S.One or numer == - S.One:
                    return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                    if numer % 2 == 0:
                        n = Dummy('n')
                        neg_res = imageset(Lambda(n, -n), res)
                        return _invert_real(base, res + neg_res, symbol)
                        return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)
                if not base.is_positive:
                    raise ValueError("x**w where w is irrational is not"
                                     "defined for negative x")
                return _invert_real(base, res, symbol)

        if not base_has_sym:
            return _invert_real(expo, imageset(Lambda(n, log(n)/log(base)),
                                               g_ys), symbol)

    if isinstance(f, tan) or isinstance(f, cot):
        n = Dummy('n')
        if isinstance(g_ys, FiniteSet):
            tan_cot_invs = Union(*[imageset(Lambda(n, n*pi + f.inverse()(g_y)),
                                            S.Integers) for g_y in g_ys])
            return _invert_real(f.args[0], tan_cot_invs, symbol)

    return (f, g_ys)
Beispiel #28
def test_sympy_parser():
    x = Symbol('x')
    inputs = {
        2 * x,
        Rational(22, 7),
        2 + 3 * I,
        '(x + 1)! - 1':
        factorial(x + 1) - 1,
        Rational(10, 3),
        Rational(1, 30),
        Rational(97, 30),
        Rational(433, 330),
        '1 + 3.[3]':
        Rational(13, 3),
        '1 + .0[3]':
        Rational(31, 30),
        '1 + 3.2[3]':
        Rational(127, 30),
        Rational(1, 909),
        '0.1[00102] + 1':
        Rational(366697, 333330),
        Rational(10190, 9999),
        '[-1, -2, 3]': [Integer(-1), Integer(-2),
        'factorint(12, visual=True)':
        Mul(Pow(2, 2, evaluate=False),
            Pow(3, 1, evaluate=False),
        'Limit(sin(x), x, 0, dir="-")':
        Limit(sin(x), x, 0, dir='-'),
    for text, result in inputs.items():
        assert parse_expr(text) == result

    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr('x', standard_transformations))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr('x', transformations=lambda x, y: 1))
           lambda: parse_expr('x', transformations=(lambda x, y: 1,
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr('x', transformations=((), )))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr('x', {}, [], []))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr('x', [], [], {}))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: parse_expr('x', [], [], {}))
    def __pow__(self, other):
        from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import real_root
        if isinstance(other, Expr):
            if other is S.Infinity:
                if self.min.is_nonnegative:
                    if self.max < 1:
                        return S.Zero
                    if self.min > 1:
                        return S.Infinity
                    return AccumBounds(0, oo)
                elif self.max.is_negative:
                    if self.min > -1:
                        return S.Zero
                    if self.max < -1:
                        return FiniteSet(-oo, oo)
                    return AccumBounds(-oo, oo)
                    if self.min > -1:
                        if self.max < 1:
                            return S.Zero
                        return AccumBounds(0, oo)
                    return AccumBounds(-oo, oo)

            if other is S.NegativeInfinity:
                return (1 / self)**oo

            if other.is_real and other.is_number:
                if other.is_zero:
                    return S.One

                if other.is_Integer:
                    if self.min.is_positive:
                        return AccumBounds(
                            Min(self.min**other, self.max**other),
                            Max(self.min**other, self.max**other))
                    elif self.max.is_negative:
                        return AccumBounds(
                            Min(self.max**other, self.min**other),
                            Max(self.max**other, self.min**other))

                    if other % 2 == 0:
                        if other.is_negative:
                            if self.min.is_zero:
                                return AccumBounds(self.max**other, oo)
                            if self.max.is_zero:
                                return AccumBounds(self.min**other, oo)
                            return AccumBounds(0, oo)
                        return AccumBounds(
                            S.Zero, Max(self.min**other, self.max**other))
                        if other.is_negative:
                            if self.min.is_zero:
                                return AccumBounds(self.max**other, oo)
                            if self.max.is_zero:
                                return AccumBounds(-oo, self.min**other)
                            return AccumBounds(-oo, oo)
                        return AccumBounds(self.min**other, self.max**other)

                num, den = other.as_numer_denom()
                if num == S(1):
                    if den % 2 == 0:
                        if S.Zero in self:
                            if self.min.is_negative:
                                return AccumBounds(0, real_root(self.max, den))
                    return AccumBounds(real_root(self.min, den),
                                       real_root(self.max, den))
                num_pow = self**num
                return num_pow**(1 / den)
            return Pow(self, other, evaluate=False)

        return NotImplemented
Beispiel #30
 def _denest(b, e):
     if not isinstance(b, (Pow, exp)):
         return b.is_positive, Pow(b, e, evaluate=False)
     return _denest(b.base, b.exp * e)