Beispiel #1
def test_Function():
    assert mcode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "sin(x).^cos(x)"
    assert mcode(abs(x)) == "abs(x)"
    assert mcode(ceiling(x)) == "ceil(x)"
    assert mcode(Max(x, y) + Min(x, y)) == "max(x, y) + min(x, y)"
    assert mcode(Max(x, y, z)) == "max(x, max(y, z))"
    assert mcode(Min(x, y, z)) == "min(x, min(y, z))"
Beispiel #2
def test_Function():
    assert mcode(f(x, y, z)) == "f[x, y, z]"
    assert mcode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "Sin[x]^Cos[x]"
    assert mcode(conjugate(x)) == "Conjugate[x]"
    assert mcode(Max(x, y, z) * Min(y, z)) == "Max[x, y, z]*Min[y, z]"
    assert mcode(fresnelc(x)) == "FresnelC[x]"
    assert mcode(fresnels(x)) == "FresnelS[x]"
    assert mcode(gamma(x)) == "Gamma[x]"
    assert mcode(uppergamma(x, y)) == "Gamma[x, y]"
    assert mcode(polygamma(x, y)) == "PolyGamma[x, y]"
    assert mcode(loggamma(x)) == "LogGamma[x]"
    assert mcode(erf(x)) == "Erf[x]"
    assert mcode(erfc(x)) == "Erfc[x]"
    assert mcode(erfi(x)) == "Erfi[x]"
    assert mcode(erf2(x, y)) == "Erf[x, y]"
    assert mcode(expint(x, y)) == "ExpIntegralE[x, y]"
    assert mcode(erfcinv(x)) == "InverseErfc[x]"
    assert mcode(erfinv(x)) == "InverseErf[x]"
    assert mcode(erf2inv(x, y)) == "InverseErf[x, y]"
    assert mcode(Ei(x)) == "ExpIntegralEi[x]"
    assert mcode(Ci(x)) == "CosIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(li(x)) == "LogIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(Si(x)) == "SinIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(Shi(x)) == "SinhIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(Chi(x)) == "CoshIntegral[x]"
    assert mcode(beta(x, y)) == "Beta[x, y]"
    assert mcode(factorial(x)) == "Factorial[x]"
    assert mcode(factorial2(x)) == "Factorial2[x]"
    assert mcode(subfactorial(x)) == "Subfactorial[x]"
    assert mcode(FallingFactorial(x, y)) == "FactorialPower[x, y]"
    assert mcode(RisingFactorial(x, y)) == "Pochhammer[x, y]"
    assert mcode(catalan(x)) == "CatalanNumber[x]"
    assert mcode(harmonic(x)) == "HarmonicNumber[x]"
    assert mcode(harmonic(x, y)) == "HarmonicNumber[x, y]"
Beispiel #3
def test_CXX98CodePrinter():
    assert CXX98CodePrinter().doprint(Max(x, 3)) in ('std::max(x, 3)', 'std::max(3, x)')
    assert CXX98CodePrinter().doprint(Min(x, 3, sqrt(x))) == 'std::min(3, std::min(x, std::sqrt(x)))'
    cxx98printer = CXX98CodePrinter()
    assert cxx98printer.language == 'C++'
    assert cxx98printer.standard == 'C++98'
    assert 'template' in cxx98printer.reserved_words
    assert 'alignas' not in cxx98printer.reserved_words
Beispiel #4
def test_C99CodePrinter__precision():
    n = symbols('n', integer=True)
    f32_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float32}))
    f64_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float64}))
    f80_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float80}))
    assert f32_printer.doprint(sin(x+2.1)) == 'sinf(x + 2.1F)'
    assert f64_printer.doprint(sin(x+2.1)) == 'sin(x + 2.1000000000000001)'
    assert f80_printer.doprint(sin(x+Float('2.0'))) == 'sinl(x + 2.0L)'

    for printer, suffix in zip([f32_printer, f64_printer, f80_printer], ['f', '', 'l']):
        def check(expr, ref):
            assert printer.doprint(expr) == ref.format(s=suffix, S=suffix.upper())
        check(Abs(n), 'abs(n)')
        check(Abs(x + 2.0), 'fabs{s}(x + 2.0{S})')
        check(sin(x + 4.0)**cos(x - 2.0), 'pow{s}(sin{s}(x + 4.0{S}), cos{s}(x - 2.0{S}))')
        check(exp(x*8.0), 'exp{s}(8.0{S}*x)')
        check(exp2(x), 'exp2{s}(x)')
        check(expm1(x*4.0), 'expm1{s}(4.0{S}*x)')
        check(Mod(n, 2), '((n) % (2))')
        check(Mod(2*n + 3, 3*n + 5), '((2*n + 3) % (3*n + 5))')
        check(Mod(x + 2.0, 3.0), 'fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x + 2.0{S}, 3.0{S})')
        check(Mod(x, 2.0*x + 3.0), 'fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*x + 3.0{S})')
        check(log(x/2), 'log{s}((1.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)')
        check(log10(3*x/2), 'log10{s}((3.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)')
        check(log2(x*8.0), 'log2{s}(8.0{S}*x)')
        check(log1p(x), 'log1p{s}(x)')
        check(2**x, 'pow{s}(2, x)')
        check(2.0**x, 'pow{s}(2.0{S}, x)')
        check(x**3, 'pow{s}(x, 3)')
        check(x**4.0, 'pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})')
        check(sqrt(3+x), 'sqrt{s}(x + 3)')
        check(Cbrt(x-2.0), 'cbrt{s}(x - 2.0{S})')
        check(hypot(x, y), 'hypot{s}(x, y)')
        check(sin(3.*x + 2.), 'sin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(cos(3.*x - 1.), 'cos{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})')
        check(tan(4.*y + 2.), 'tan{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})')
        check(asin(3.*x + 2.), 'asin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(acos(3.*x + 2.), 'acos{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atan(3.*x + 2.), 'atan{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atan2(3.*x, 2.*y), 'atan2{s}(3.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*y)')

        check(sinh(3.*x + 2.), 'sinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(cosh(3.*x - 1.), 'cosh{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})')
        check(tanh(4.0*y + 2.), 'tanh{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})')
        check(asinh(3.*x + 2.), 'asinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(acosh(3.*x + 2.), 'acosh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(atanh(3.*x + 2.), 'atanh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})')
        check(erf(42.*x), 'erf{s}(42.0{S}*x)')
        check(erfc(42.*x), 'erfc{s}(42.0{S}*x)')
        check(gamma(x), 'tgamma{s}(x)')
        check(loggamma(x), 'lgamma{s}(x)')

        check(ceiling(x + 2.), "ceil{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(floor(x + 2.), "floor{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(fma(x, y, -z), 'fma{s}(x, y, -z)')
        check(Max(x, 8.0, x**4.0), 'fmax{s}(8.0{S}, fmax{s}(x, pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})))')
        check(Min(x, 2.0), 'fmin{s}(2.0{S}, x)')
Beispiel #5
def test_CXX98CodePrinter():
    assert CXX98CodePrinter().doprint(Max(x, 3)) in ("std::max(x, 3)", "std::max(3, x)")
    assert (
        CXX98CodePrinter().doprint(Min(x, 3, sqrt(x)))
        == "std::min(3, std::min(x, std::sqrt(x)))"
    cxx98printer = CXX98CodePrinter()
    assert cxx98printer.language == "C++"
    assert cxx98printer.standard == "C++98"
    assert "template" in cxx98printer.reserved_words
    assert "alignas" not in cxx98printer.reserved_words
Beispiel #6
def test_C99CodePrinter():
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(expm1(x)) == 'expm1(x)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(log1p(x)) == 'log1p(x)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(exp2(x)) == 'exp2(x)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(log2(x)) == 'log2(x)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(fma(x, y, -z)) == 'fma(x, y, -z)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(log10(x)) == 'log10(x)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(Cbrt(x)) == 'cbrt(x)'  # note Cbrt due to cbrt already taken.
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(hypot(x, y)) == 'hypot(x, y)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(loggamma(x)) == 'lgamma(x)'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(Max(x, 3, x**2)) == 'fmax(3, fmax(x, pow(x, 2)))'
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(Min(x, 3)) == 'fmin(3, x)'
    c99printer = C99CodePrinter()
    assert c99printer.language == 'C'
    assert c99printer.standard == 'C99'
    assert 'restrict' in c99printer.reserved_words
    assert 'using' not in c99printer.reserved_words
Beispiel #7
def test_issue_18770():
    numpy = import_module('numpy')
    if not numpy:
        skip("numpy not installed.")

    from sympy.functions.elementary.miscellaneous import (Max, Min)
    from sympy.utilities.lambdify import lambdify

    expr1 = Min(0.1 * x + 3, x + 1, 0.5 * x + 1)
    func = lambdify(x, expr1, "numpy")
    assert (func(numpy.linspace(0, 3, 3)) == [1.0, 1.75, 2.5]).all()
    assert func(4) == 3

    expr1 = Max(x**2, x**3)
    func = lambdify(x, expr1, "numpy")
    assert (func(numpy.linspace(-1, 2, 4)) == [1, 0, 1, 8]).all()
    assert func(4) == 64
Beispiel #8
def test_C99CodePrinter():
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(expm1(x)) == "expm1(x)"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(log1p(x)) == "log1p(x)"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(exp2(x)) == "exp2(x)"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(log2(x)) == "log2(x)"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(fma(x, y, -z)) == "fma(x, y, -z)"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(log10(x)) == "log10(x)"
    assert (
        C99CodePrinter().doprint(Cbrt(x)) == "cbrt(x)"
    )  # note Cbrt due to cbrt already taken.
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(hypot(x, y)) == "hypot(x, y)"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(loggamma(x)) == "lgamma(x)"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(Max(x, 3, x ** 2)) == "fmax(3, fmax(x, pow(x, 2)))"
    assert C99CodePrinter().doprint(Min(x, 3)) == "fmin(3, x)"
    c99printer = C99CodePrinter()
    assert c99printer.language == "C"
    assert c99printer.standard == "C99"
    assert "restrict" in c99printer.reserved_words
    assert "using" not in c99printer.reserved_words
Beispiel #9
def test_PythonCodePrinter():
    prntr = PythonCodePrinter()

    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(x**y) == 'x**y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(x, 2)) == 'x % 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(-Mod(x, y)) == '-(x % y)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Mod(-x, y)) == '(-x) % y'
    assert prntr.doprint(And(x, y)) == 'x and y'
    assert prntr.doprint(Or(x, y)) == 'x or y'
    assert not prntr.module_imports

    assert prntr.doprint(pi) == 'math.pi'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi'}}

    assert prntr.doprint(x**Rational(1, 2)) == 'math.sqrt(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sqrt(x)) == 'math.sqrt(x)'
    assert prntr.module_imports == {'math': {'pi', 'sqrt'}}

    assert prntr.doprint(acos(x)) == 'math.acos(x)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Assignment(x, 2)) == 'x = 2'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise(
        (1, Eq(x, 0)),
        (2, x > 6))) == '((1) if (x == 0) else (2) if (x > 6) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(Piecewise((2, Le(x, 0)),
                        (3, Gt(x, 0)), evaluate=False)) == '((2) if (x <= 0) else'\
                                                        ' (3) if (x > 0) else None)'
    assert prntr.doprint(sign(x)) == '(0.0 if x == 0 else math.copysign(1, x))'
    assert prntr.doprint(p[0, 1]) == 'p[0, 1]'
    assert prntr.doprint(KroneckerDelta(x, y)) == '(1 if x == y else 0)'

    assert prntr.doprint((2, 3)) == "(2, 3)"
    assert prntr.doprint([2, 3]) == "[2, 3]"

    assert prntr.doprint(Min(x, y)) == "min(x, y)"
    assert prntr.doprint(Max(x, y)) == "max(x, y)"
Beispiel #10
def test_jscode_functions():
    assert jscode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "Math.pow(Math.sin(x), Math.cos(x))"
    assert jscode(sinh(x) * cosh(x)) == "Math.sinh(x)*Math.cosh(x)"
    assert jscode(Max(x, y) + Min(x, y)) == "Math.max(x, y) + Math.min(x, y)"
    assert jscode(tanh(x) * acosh(y)) == "Math.tanh(x)*Math.acosh(y)"
    assert jscode(asin(x) - acos(y)) == "-Math.acos(y) + Math.asin(x)"
Beispiel #11
def test_C99CodePrinter__precision():
    n = symbols("n", integer=True)
    f32_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float32}))
    f64_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float64}))
    f80_printer = C99CodePrinter(dict(type_aliases={real: float80}))
    assert f32_printer.doprint(sin(x + 2.1)) == "sinf(x + 2.1F)"
    assert f64_printer.doprint(sin(x + 2.1)) == "sin(x + 2.1000000000000001)"
    assert f80_printer.doprint(sin(x + Float("2.0"))) == "sinl(x + 2.0L)"

    for printer, suffix in zip([f32_printer, f64_printer, f80_printer], ["f", "", "l"]):

        def check(expr, ref):
            assert printer.doprint(expr) == ref.format(s=suffix, S=suffix.upper())

        check(Abs(n), "abs(n)")
        check(Abs(x + 2.0), "fabs{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
            sin(x + 4.0) ** cos(x - 2.0),
            "pow{s}(sin{s}(x + 4.0{S}), cos{s}(x - 2.0{S}))",
        check(exp(x * 8.0), "exp{s}(8.0{S}*x)")
        check(exp2(x), "exp2{s}(x)")
        check(expm1(x * 4.0), "expm1{s}(4.0{S}*x)")
        check(Mod(n, 2), "((n) % (2))")
        check(Mod(2 * n + 3, 3 * n + 5), "((2*n + 3) % (3*n + 5))")
        check(Mod(x + 2.0, 3.0), "fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x + 2.0{S}, 3.0{S})")
        check(Mod(x, 2.0 * x + 3.0), "fmod{s}(1.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*x + 3.0{S})")
        check(log(x / 2), "log{s}((1.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)")
        check(log10(3 * x / 2), "log10{s}((3.0{S}/2.0{S})*x)")
        check(log2(x * 8.0), "log2{s}(8.0{S}*x)")
        check(log1p(x), "log1p{s}(x)")
        check(2 ** x, "pow{s}(2, x)")
        check(2.0 ** x, "pow{s}(2.0{S}, x)")
        check(x ** 3, "pow{s}(x, 3)")
        check(x ** 4.0, "pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})")
        check(sqrt(3 + x), "sqrt{s}(x + 3)")
        check(Cbrt(x - 2.0), "cbrt{s}(x - 2.0{S})")
        check(hypot(x, y), "hypot{s}(x, y)")
        check(sin(3.0 * x + 2.0), "sin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(cos(3.0 * x - 1.0), "cos{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})")
        check(tan(4.0 * y + 2.0), "tan{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})")
        check(asin(3.0 * x + 2.0), "asin{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(acos(3.0 * x + 2.0), "acos{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(atan(3.0 * x + 2.0), "atan{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(atan2(3.0 * x, 2.0 * y), "atan2{s}(3.0{S}*x, 2.0{S}*y)")

        check(sinh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "sinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(cosh(3.0 * x - 1.0), "cosh{s}(3.0{S}*x - 1.0{S})")
        check(tanh(4.0 * y + 2.0), "tanh{s}(4.0{S}*y + 2.0{S})")
        check(asinh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "asinh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(acosh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "acosh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(atanh(3.0 * x + 2.0), "atanh{s}(3.0{S}*x + 2.0{S})")
        check(erf(42.0 * x), "erf{s}(42.0{S}*x)")
        check(erfc(42.0 * x), "erfc{s}(42.0{S}*x)")
        check(gamma(x), "tgamma{s}(x)")
        check(loggamma(x), "lgamma{s}(x)")

        check(ceiling(x + 2.0), "ceil{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(floor(x + 2.0), "floor{s}(x + 2.0{S})")
        check(fma(x, y, -z), "fma{s}(x, y, -z)")
        check(Max(x, 8.0, x ** 4.0), "fmax{s}(8.0{S}, fmax{s}(x, pow{s}(x, 4.0{S})))")
        check(Min(x, 2.0), "fmin{s}(2.0{S}, x)")
Beispiel #12
def test_ccode_Max_Min():
    assert ccode(Max(x, 0), standard='C89') == '((0 > x) ? 0 : x)'
    assert ccode(Max(x, 0), standard='C99') == 'fmax(0, x)'
    assert ccode(Min(x, 0, sqrt(x)), standard='c89') == (
        '((0 < ((x < sqrt(x)) ? x : sqrt(x))) ? 0 : ((x < sqrt(x)) ? x : sqrt(x)))'
Beispiel #13
def test_Function():
    assert mcode(f(x, y, z)) == "f[x, y, z]"
    assert mcode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "Sin[x]^Cos[x]"
    assert mcode(conjugate(x)) == "Conjugate[x]"
    assert mcode(Max(x, y, z) * Min(y, z)) == "Max[x, y, z]*Min[y, z]"
Beispiel #14
def test_cxxcode_nested_minmax():
    assert cxxcode(Max(Min(x, y), Min(u, v))) \
        == 'std::max(std::min(u, v), std::min(x, y))'
    assert cxxcode(Min(Max(x, y), Max(u, v))) \
        == 'std::min(std::max(u, v), std::max(x, y))'
Beispiel #15
def test_rcode_functions():
    assert rcode(sin(x)**cos(x)) == "sin(x)^cos(x)"
    assert rcode(factorial(x) + gamma(y)) == "factorial(x) + gamma(y)"
    assert rcode(beta(Min(x, y), Max(x, y))) == "beta(min(x, y), max(x, y))"
Beispiel #16
def test_minmax():
    assert mcode(Max(x, y) + Min(x, y)) == "max(x, y) + min(x, y)"
    assert mcode(Max(x, y, z)) == "max(x, max(y, z))"
    assert mcode(Min(x, y, z)) == "min(x, min(y, z))"
Beispiel #17
def test_ccode_Min_performance():
    # Shouldn't take more than a few seconds
    big_min = Min(*symbols("a[0:50]"))
    for curr_standard in ("c89", "c99", "c11"):
        output = ccode(big_min, standard=curr_standard)
        assert output.count("(") == output.count(")")
Beispiel #18
def test_ccode_Min_performance():
    #Shouldn't take more than a few seconds
    big_min = Min(*symbols('a[0:50]'))
    for curr_standard in ('c89', 'c99', 'c11'):
        output = ccode(big_min, standard=curr_standard)
        assert output.count('(') == output.count(')')
Beispiel #19
def test_ccode_Max_Min():
    assert ccode(Max(x, 0), standard="C89") == "((0 > x) ? 0 : x)"
    assert ccode(Max(x, 0), standard="C99") == "fmax(0, x)"
    assert ccode(Min(x, 0, sqrt(x)), standard="c89") == (
        "((0 < ((x < sqrt(x)) ? x : sqrt(x))) ? 0 : ((x < sqrt(x)) ? x : sqrt(x)))"