def footprints(cam, sensor, base_elev): """ This function calculates the instantaneous field of view (IFOV) for the camera(s) that are passed.\n Vars:\n \t cam = pandas dataframe (n x ~6, fields: x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll)\n \t sensor = pandas dataframe (1 x 3, fields: focal, sensor_x, sensor_y): \t focal length (mm), sensor x dim (mm), sensor y dim (mm)\n \t base_elev = average elevation of your site (meters, or in the same \t measure as your coordinates)\n Creates approx. coordinates for sensor corners (north-oriented and zero pitch) at the camera's x,y,z. Rotates the sensor coords in 3D space to the camera's pitch and yaw angles (roll angles are ignored for now) and projects corner rays through the camera x,y,z to a approx ground plane. The intersection of the rays with the ground are the corners of the photo footprint.\n *** Photos that have picth angles that cause the horizon to be visable will cause the UL and UR path coordniates to wrong. These cameras are disreguarded and the footprint will be set to NaN in the output.***\n RETURNS: footprints = Pandas dataframe (n x 1) of Matplotlib Path objects() """ # Setup DF to house camera footprint polygons footprints = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((cam.shape[0], 1)), columns=['fov']) # convert sensor dimensions to meters, divide x/y for corner coord calc f = sensor.focal[0] * 0.001 sx = sensor.sensor_x[0] / 2 * 0.001 sy = sensor.sensor_y[0] / 2 * 0.001 # calculate the critical pitch (in degrees) where the horizon will be # visible with the horizon viable, the ray projections go backward # and produce erroneous IFOV polygons (90 - 0.5*vert_fov) crit_pitch = 90 - np.rad2deg(np.arctan(sy / f)) # User Feedback print("Proccesing Camera IFOVs (%i total)..." % (cam.shape[0])) sys.stdout.flush() # for each camera... for idx, row in cam.iterrows(): # check is the camera pitch is over the critical value if row.pitch < crit_pitch: # sensor corners (UR,LR,LL,UL), north-oriented and zero pitch corners = np.array([[row.x + sx, row.y - f, row.z + sy], [row.x + sx, row.y - f, row.z - sy], [row.x - sx, row.y - f, row.z - sy], [row.x - sx, row.y - f, row.z + sy]]) # offset corner points by cam x,y,z for rotation cam_pt = np.atleast_2d(np.array([row.x, row.y, row.z])) corner_p = corners - cam_pt # get pitch and yaw from the camera, convert to radians pitch = np.deg2rad(90.0 - row.pitch) roll = np.deg2rad(row.roll) yaw = np.deg2rad(row.yaw) # setup picth rotation matrix (r_x) and yaw rotation matrix (r_z) r_x = np.matrix([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.cos(pitch), -1 * np.sin(pitch)], [0.0, np.sin(pitch), np.cos(pitch)]]) r_y = np.matrix([[np.cos(roll), 0.0, np.sin(roll)], [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], [-1 * np.sin(roll), 0.0, np.cos(roll)]]) r_z = np.matrix([[np.cos(yaw), -1 * np.sin(yaw), 0], [np.sin(yaw), np.cos(yaw), 0], [0, 0, 1]]) # rotate corner_p by r_x, then r_z, add back cam x,y,z offsets # produces corner coords rotated for pitch and yaw p_pr = np.matmul(np.matmul(corner_p, r_x), r_y) p_out = np.matmul(p_pr, r_z) + cam_pt # GEOMETRY # Set Sympy 3D point for the camera and a 3D plane for intersection cam_sp = spg.Point3D(row.x, row.y, row.z) plane = spg.Plane(spg.Point3D(row.x, row.y, base_elev), normal_vector=(0, 0, 1)) # blank array for footprint intersection coords inter_points = np.zeros((corners.shape[0], 2)) # for each sensor corner point idx_b = 0 for pt in np.asarray(p_out): # create a Sympy 3D point and create a Sympy 3D ray from # corner point through camera point pt_sp = spg.Point3D(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) ray = spg.Ray3D(pt_sp, cam_sp) # calculate the intersection of the ray with the plane inter_pt = plane.intersection(ray) # Extract out the X,Y coords fot eh intersection point # ground intersect points will be in this order (LL,UL,UR,LR) inter_points[idx_b, 0] = inter_pt[0].x.evalf() inter_points[idx_b, 1] = inter_pt[0].y.evalf() idx_b += 1 # if crit_pitch is exceeded set inter_points to NaN else: inter_points = np.full((4, 2), np.nan) # append inter_points to footprints as a matplotlib path object footprints.fov[idx] = mplPath.Path(inter_points) # User feedback if (idx + 1) % 10 == 0: print("%i cameras processed..." % (idx + 1)) sys.stdout.flush() return footprints
def footprints(cam, sensor, base_elev, gui): """ This function calculates the instantaneous field of view (IFOV) for the camera(s) that are passed.\n Vars:\n \t cam = pandas dataframe (n x ~6, fields: x,y,z,yaw,pitch,roll)\n \t sensor = pandas dataframe (1 x 3, fields: focal, sensor_x, sensor_y): \t focal length (mm), sensor x dim (mm), sensor y dim (mm)\n \t base_elev = average elevation of your site (meters, or in the same \t measure as your coordinates)\n Creates approx. coordinates for sensor corners (north-oriented and zero pitch) at the camera's x,y,z. Rotates the sensor coords in 3D space to the camera's pitch and yaw angles (roll angles are ignored for now) and projects corner rays through the camera x,y,z to a approx ground plane. The intersection of the rays with the ground are the corners of the photo footprint.\n *** Photos that have picth angles that cause the horizon to be visable will cause the UL and UR path coordniates to wrong. These cameras are disreguarded and the footprint will be set to NaN in the output.***\n RETURNS: footprints = Pandas dataframe (n x 1) of Matplotlib Path objects() """ #qt progress bar gui.top_progBar.setValue(0) gui.top_progBar.setMaximum(cam.shape[0]) # Setup DF to house camera footprint polygons footprints = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((cam.shape[0], 1)), columns=['fov']) # debug - blank 3d array for inter_points # itp_f = '// Scripts/py_sfm_depth/WhiteR_2016/itp.npy' # itp = np.zeros((cam.shape[0],4,2)) # convert sensor dimensions to meters, divide x/y for corner coord calc f = sensor.focal[0] * 0.001 sx = sensor.sensor_x[0] / 2 * 0.001 sy = sensor.sensor_y[0] / 2 * 0.001 # calculate the critical pitch (in degrees) where the horizon will be # visible with the horizon viable, the ray projections go backward # and produce erroneous IFOV polygons (90 - 0.5*vert_fov) crit_pitch = 90 - np.rad2deg(np.arctan(sy / f)) # User Feedback print("Proccesing Camera IFOVs (%i total)..." % (cam.shape[0])) sys.stdout.flush() # for each camera... for idx, row in cam.iterrows(): # check is the camera pitch is over the critical value if row.pitch < crit_pitch: # sensor corners, north-oriented and zero pitch(down look) # [LL,UL,UR,LR,frame center] # X & Y flipped for Euler rotation frame (switched back latter) corner_p = np.array([[-f, -sx, -sy], [-f, -sx, sy], [-f, sx, sy], [-f, sx, -sy], [-f, 0, 0]]) # cam x,y,z for adding to rotation cam_pt = np.array([row.x, row.y, row.z]) # get pitch and yaw from the camera, in degrees # translate to fit euler frame pitch_e = 90.0 - row.pitch roll_e = -row.roll if 0 <= row.yaw <= 180.0: yaw_e = row.yaw else: yaw_e = -1 * (360.0 - row.yaw) # create Euler rotation object form y,p,r, # apply to the sensor corner points # add the camera point coords to translate r_e = R.from_euler('ZYX', [[yaw_e, pitch_e, roll_e]], degrees=True) p_eC = r_e.apply(corner_p) + [cam_pt[1], cam_pt[0], cam_pt[2]] reord = [1, 0, 2] s_pts = p_eC[:, reord] # GEOMETRY # Set Sympy 3D point for the camera and a 3D plane for intersection cam_sp = spg.Point3D(row.x, row.y, row.z) plane = spg.Plane(spg.Point3D(row.x, row.y, base_elev), normal_vector=(0, 0, 1)) # blank array for footprint intersection coords inter_points = np.zeros((corner_p.shape[0] - 1, 2)) # for each sensor corner point idx_b = 0 for pt in np.asarray(s_pts[0:4]): # create a Sympy 3D point and create a Sympy 3D ray from # corner point through camera point pt_sp = spg.Point3D(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) ray = spg.Ray3D(pt_sp, cam_sp) # calculate the intersection of the ray with the plane inter_pt = plane.intersection(ray) # Extract out the X,Y coords from the intersection point to # ground intersect points will be in this order (LL,UL,UR,LR) inter_points[idx_b, 0] = inter_pt[0].x.evalf() inter_points[idx_b, 1] = inter_pt[0].y.evalf() idx_b += 1 # if crit_pitch is exceeded set inter_points to NaN else: inter_points = np.full((4, 2), np.nan) # append inter_points to footprints as a matplotlib path object footprints.fov[idx] = mplPath.Path(inter_points) #debug - save inter_points # itp[idx,:,:] = inter_points # User feedback and progress bar if (idx + 1) % 10 == 0: print("%i cameras processed..." % (idx + 1)) gui.top_progBar.setValue(idx) gui.topProg_Lbl.setText( "Calculating Camera Footprints - %i of %i" % (idx + 1, cam.shape[0])) QApplication.processEvents() #sys.stdout.flush() #debug - save inter_points,itp) return footprints
from sympy import geometry import numpy as np from sphere import Sphere import collections camera_placement = geometry.Point3D(0, 0, 0) matrix_size = (151, 151) light_position = np.array([0, 0, 0]) def pixel_coordinate(matrix_placement): return ( matrix_placement[0] - matrix_size[0] // 2, matrix_placement[1] - matrix_size[1] // 2, ) def vector_to_object(pixel): assert matrix_size[0] % 2 != 0 and matrix_size[1] % 2 != 0 return np.array((100.0, *pixel_coordinate(pixel))) def luminescence_from_objects(objects): luminescence_matrix = np.zeros(matrix_size) assert isinstance(objects, collections.Iterable) for i in objects: luminescence_matrix = np.maximum(vectors_through_matrix(i), luminescence_matrix) return luminescence_matrix
def footprint(sensor): ''' Caculates the foot print of the off nadir camera by projecting rays from the sensor corners through the "lens" (focal length) out onto the ground. It's a lot of fun linear algebra that the SYMPY library handles. ''' # Setup DF to house camera footprint polygons footprint = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((1, 5)), columns=['fov_h', 'fov_v', 'path', 'pp_x', 'pp_y']) # convert sensor dimensions to meters, divide x/y for corner coord calc print("SENSOR", sensor) f = sensor['focal'] * 0.001 sx = sensor['sensor_x'] / 2 * 0.001 sy = sensor['sensor_y'] / 2 * 0.001 # calculate the critical pitch (in degrees) where the horizon will be # visible with the horizon viable, the ray projections go backward # and produce erroneous IFOV polygons (90 - 0.5*vert_fov) # exit with error message if critical pitch is exceeded crit_pitch = 90 - np.rad2deg(np.arctan(sy / f)) if sensor['gimy'] >= crit_pitch: print('!!! The provided parameters indicate that the vertical field') print('\t of view extends above the horizon. Please start over and') print('\t try a shallower camera angle. The maximum angle for this') print('\t camera is %0.2f' % (crit_pitch)) sys.exit() # calculate horz and vert field of view angles footprint.fov_h = 2 * np.rad2deg(np.arctan(sx / f)) footprint.fov_v = 2 * np.rad2deg(np.arctan(sy / f)) # sensor corners (UR,LR,LL,UL), north-oriented and zero pitch corners = np.array([[0 + sx, 0 - f, sensor['alt'] + sy], [0 + sx, 0 - f, sensor['alt'] - sy], [0 - sx, 0 - f, sensor['alt'] - sy], [0 - sx, 0 - f, sensor['alt'] + sy]]) # offset corner points by cam x,y,z for rotation cam_pt = np.atleast_2d(np.array([0, 0, sensor['alt']])) corner_p = corners - cam_pt # convert off nadir angle to radians pitch = np.deg2rad(90.0 - sensor['gimy']) # setup pitch rotation matrix (r_x) r_x = np.matrix([[1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, np.cos(pitch), -1 * np.sin(pitch)], [0.0, np.sin(pitch), np.cos(pitch)]]) # rotate corner_p by r_x, add back cam x,y,z offsets p_out = np.matmul(corner_p, r_x) + cam_pt # GEOMETRY # Set Sympy 3D point for the camera and a 3D plane for intersection cam_sp = spg.Point3D(0, 0, sensor['alt']) plane = spg.Plane(spg.Point3D(0, 0, 0), normal_vector=(0, 0, 1)) # blank array for footprint intersection coords inter_points = np.zeros((corners.shape[0], 2)) # for each sensor corner point idx_b = 0 for pt in np.asarray(p_out): # create a Sympy 3D point and create a Sympy 3D ray from # corner point through camera point pt_sp = spg.Point3D(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]) ray = spg.Ray3D(pt_sp, cam_sp) # calculate the intersection of the ray with the plane inter_pt = plane.intersection(ray) # Extract out the X,Y coords fot eh intersection point # ground intersect points will be in this order (LL,UL,UR,LR) inter_points[idx_b, 0] = inter_pt[0].x.evalf() inter_points[idx_b, 1] = inter_pt[0].y.evalf() idx_b += 1 # append inter_points to footprints as a matplotlib path object footprint.path[0] = mplPath.Path(inter_points) # calculate the principle point by intersecting the corners of the ifov path ll_pt = spg.Point(inter_points[0, 0], inter_points[0, 1]) ul_pt = spg.Point(inter_points[1, 0], inter_points[1, 1]) ur_pt = spg.Point(inter_points[2, 0], inter_points[2, 1]) lr_pt = spg.Point(inter_points[3, 0], inter_points[3, 1]) line_ll_ur = spg.Line(ll_pt, ur_pt) line_lr_ul = spg.Line(lr_pt, ul_pt) pp_inter = line_ll_ur.intersection(line_lr_ul) footprint.pp_x = pp_inter[0].x.evalf() footprint.pp_y = pp_inter[0].y.evalf() print("LL", ll_pt, "UL", ul_pt, "UR", ur_pt, "LR", lr_pt) return footprint