Beispiel #1
def length4(n):
    if n in table:
        return table[n]
        res = len(primefactors(n)) == 4
        table[n] = res
        return res
Beispiel #2
def generatorp(p):
    """Return a generator for the cyclic group multiplication modulo p.
    Also called a primitive root of p.

        p (int): a prime number

        RuntimeError: when p is not a prime

        int: the generator
    if not isprime(p):
        raise RuntimeError(str(p) + " is not prime")

    primef = np.array(primefactors(p - 1), dtype="int")
    g = 2
    i = 1
    while i <= np.size(primef):
        if 1 == pow(int(g), int((p - 1) / primef[i - 1]), int(p)):
            g = g + 1
            i = 0
        i = i + 1
    return g
Beispiel #3
def OrderTitik(Periode, P):
    Inf = P - P
    faktor = primefactors(Periode)
    for i in faktor:
        if (Periode // i) * P == Inf:
            return OrderTitik(Periode // i, P)
    return Periode
Beispiel #4
 def convert_to_vts(self, outdir='.', Radius=1., name='basin'):
     from tvtk.api import tvtk, write_data
     from sympy.ntheory import primefactors
     lonArr = np.array([])
     latArr = np.array([])
     for geopolygon in self.geopolygons:
         lonArr = np.append(lonArr, geopolygon.lonArr)
         latArr = np.append(latArr, geopolygon.latArr)
     theta = (90. - latArr) / 180. * np.pi
     phi = lonArr / 180. * np.pi
     x = Radius * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
     y = Radius * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
     z = Radius * np.cos(theta)
     pts = np.empty(z.shape + (3, ), dtype=float)
     pts[..., 0] = x
     pts[..., 1] = y
     pts[..., 2] = z
     least_prime = primefactors(x.size)[0]
     dims = (x.size / least_prime, least_prime, 1)
     sgrid = tvtk.StructuredGrid(dimensions=dims, points=pts)
     sgrid.point_data.scalars = (np.ones(x.size)).ravel(order='F') = name
     outfname = outdir + '/' + name + '.vts'
     write_data(sgrid, outfname)
Beispiel #5
def verify_condition_2(m, a):
    prime_factors = primefactors(int(m / 2))
    for prime_factor in prime_factors:
        if (a - 1) % prime_factor != 0:
            print('Falla cond. 2:\n{} es primo\
            y divide a m={} pero no a (a-1)={}'.format(prime_factor, m, a - 1))
            return False
    return True
Beispiel #6
def A001221(n: int) -> int:

    Number of distinct primes dividing n.
    from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

    return len(primefactors(n))
Beispiel #7
def A001221() -> Iterator[int]:

    Number of distinct primes dividing n.
    from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

    for n in count(1):
        yield len(primefactors(n))
Beispiel #8
def factorsOfNumbers(num1):
    print("\nHere are the factors of your number: ", divisors(num1))
    print("Your number has", divisor_count(num1), "factors within it")
    if divisor_count(num1) == 2:
        print("Your number is a prime number.")
        print("Your number is a composite number.")
    print("The prime factors of your number are", primefactors(num1))
    print("A number’s prime factors are the set of prime numbers (including repeats) that equal that number when multiplied together.")
Beispiel #9
def A007947(i: int) -> int:
    """Largest squarefree number dividing n.

    The squarefree kernel of n, rad(n), radical of n.
    from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

    if i < 2:
        return 1
    return reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, primefactors(i))
Beispiel #10
def main():
    lastfew = []
    for i in range(2, 2**32):
        factors = primefactors(i)
        if len(factors) == 4:
            lastfew = []
        if len(lastfew) == 4:
Beispiel #11
def calc_phi(n):
    factors = ntheory.primefactors(n)
    phi = n
    for product_size in xrange(1, len(factors) + 1):
        for comb in itertools.combinations(factors, product_size):
            composite = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, comb)
            if product_size % 2 == 1:
                phi -= n / composite
                phi += n / composite
    return phi
Beispiel #12
def calc_phi(n):
    factors = ntheory.primefactors(n)
    phi = (n / 2 if n % 2 != 0 else n / 2 - 1) - (n / 3)
    for product_size in xrange(1, len(factors) + 1):
        for comb in itertools.combinations(factors, product_size):
            composite = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b, comb)
            multiples = (n / 2 if n % 2 != 0 else n / 2 - 1) / composite - (n / 3) / composite
            if product_size % 2 == 1:
                phi -= multiples
                phi += multiples
    return phi
Beispiel #13
def A007947(start: int = 0) -> Iterator[int]:
    """Largest squarefree number dividing n:
    the squarefree kernel of n, rad(n), radical of n.
    from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

    start += 1
    for i in count(start):
        if i < 2:
            yield 1
            yield reduce(lambda x, y: x * y, primefactors(i))
Beispiel #14
 def is_semi_prime_number(self, number: int) -> bool:
     Checks if a number is semi prime. A semi prime number is the product of two prime numbers.
     :param number: The number to check.
     :return: Whether it is or not.
     if number >= 1:
         prime_factors = list(primefactors(number))
         if len(prime_factors) == 2:
             if prime_factors[0] * prime_factors[1] == number:
                 return True
     return False
Beispiel #15
def brute_force():
    total = 0
    for n in range(1, LIMIT):
        for prime in primes:
            if n % prime**2 == 0:
            factors[len(primefactors(n))] += 1
            #sys.stderr.write(str(n) + ' | ' + str(factorint(n)) + '\n')
            #sys.stderr.write(str(n) + '\n')
            total += 1
    return total
Beispiel #16
 def is_sphenic_number(self, number: int) -> bool:
     Checks if a number is sphenic. A sphenic number is a number that is a positive number that is the product of three (different) prime numbers.
     :param number: The number to check.
     :return: Whether it is or not.
     if number >= 1:
         prime_factors = list(primefactors(number))
         if len(prime_factors) == 3:
             if prime_factors[0] * prime_factors[1] * prime_factors[
                     2] == number:
                 return True
     return False
Beispiel #17
 def convert_to_vts(self, outdir, component, iter0=None, iterf=None, diter=None, Radius=0.98, verbose=True):
     Plot depth slices of field component at given depth ranging between "valmin" and "valmax"
     Input parameters:
     outdir          - output directory
     component       - component for plotting
                         The currently available "components" are:
                             Material parameters: A, B, C, mu, lambda, rhoinv, vp, vsh, vsv, rho
                             Velocity field snapshots: vx, vy, vz
                             Sensitivity kernels: Q_mu, Q_kappa, alpha_mu, alpha_kappa
     depth           - depth for plot (km)
     iter0, iterf    - start/end iteration index
     diter           - iteration interval
     Radius          - radius for output sphere
     if not os.path.isdir(outdir): os.makedirs(outdir)
     from tvtk.api import tvtk, write_data
     try: iterArr=np.arange(iter0 ,iterf+diter, diter, dtype=int)
     except: iterArr = group.keys()
     for iteration in iterArr:
         if len(subgroup.keys())==0: continue
         if verbose: print 'Output vts file for iteration =',iteration
         theta=np.array([]); phi=np.array([]); r=np.array([]); field = np.array([])
         for key in subgroup.keys():
             subdset = subgroup[key]
             field   = np.append(field, (subdset[...]))
             theta1  = subdset.attrs['theta']
             phi1    = subdset.attrs['phi']
             theta1, phi1 = np.meshgrid(theta1, phi1, indexing='ij')
             theta   = np.append(theta, theta1)
             phi     = np.append(phi, phi1)
         x = Radius * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
         y = Radius * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
         z = Radius * np.cos(theta)
         if least_prime==None: least_prime=primefactors(field.size)[0]
         dims = (field.size/least_prime, least_prime, 1)
         pts = np.empty(z.shape + (3,), dtype=float)
         pts[..., 0] = x; pts[..., 1] = y; pts[..., 2] = z
         sgrid = tvtk.StructuredGrid(dimensions=dims, points=pts)
         sgrid.point_data.scalars = (field).ravel(order='F') = component
         write_data(sgrid, outfname)
Beispiel #18
def test_factorint():
    assert sorted(factorint(123456).items()) == [(2, 6), (3, 1), (643, 1)]
    assert primefactors(123456) == [2, 3, 643]
    assert factorint(-16) == {-1:1, 2:4}
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == {274177:1, 67280421310721:1}
    assert factorint(5951757) == {3:1, 7:1, 29:2, 337:1}
    assert factorint(64015937) == {7993:1, 8009:1}
    assert divisors(1) == [1]
    assert divisors(2) == [1, 2]
    assert divisors(3) == [1, 3]
    assert divisors(10) == [1, 2, 5, 10]
    assert divisors(100) == [1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100]
    assert divisors(101) == [1, 101]
    assert factorint(0) == {0:1}
    assert factorint(1) == {}
    assert factorint(-1) == {-1:1}
    assert factorint(-2) == {-1:1, 2:1}
    assert factorint(-16) == {-1:1, 2:4}
    assert factorint(2) == {2:1}
    assert factorint(126) == {2:1, 3:2, 7:1}
    assert factorint(123456) == {2:6, 3:1, 643:1}
    assert factorint(5951757) == {3:1, 7:1, 29:2, 337:1}
    assert factorint(64015937) == {7993:1, 8009:1}
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == {274177:1, 67280421310721:1}
    assert multiproduct(factorint(fac(200))) == fac(200)
    for b, e in factorint(fac(150)).items():
        assert e == fac_multiplicity(150, b)
    assert factorint(103005006059**7) == {103005006059:7}
    assert factorint(31337**191) == {31337:191}
    assert factorint(2**1000 * 3**500 * 257**127 * 383**60) == \
        {2:1000, 3:500, 257:127, 383:60}
    assert len(factorint(fac(10000))) == 1229
    assert factorint(12932983746293756928584532764589230) == \
        {2: 1, 5: 1, 73: 1, 727719592270351: 1, 63564265087747: 1, 383: 1}
    assert factorint(727719592270351) == {727719592270351:1}
    assert factorint(2**64+1, use_trial=False) == factorint(2**64+1)
    for n in range(60000):
        assert multiproduct(factorint(n)) == n
    assert pollard_rho(2**64+1, seed=1) == 274177
    assert pollard_rho(19, seed=1) is None
    assert factorint(3,2) == {3: 1}
    assert factorint(12345) == {3: 1, 5: 1, 823: 1}
    assert factorint(12345, 3) == {12345: 1} # there are no factors less than 3
Beispiel #19
 def convert_to_vts(self, outdir='.', Radius=1., name='basin'):
     from tvtk.api import tvtk, write_data
     from sympy.ntheory import primefactors
     lonArr=np.array([]); latArr=np.array([])
     for geopolygon in  self.geopolygons:
         lonArr=np.append(lonArr, geopolygon.lonArr)
         latArr=np.append(latArr, geopolygon.latArr)
     theta=(90.-latArr)/180.*np.pi; phi=lonArr/180.*np.pi
     x = Radius * np.sin(theta) * np.cos(phi)
     y = Radius * np.sin(theta) * np.sin(phi)
     z = Radius * np.cos(theta)
     pts = np.empty(z.shape + (3,), dtype=float)
     pts[..., 0] = x; pts[..., 1] = y; pts[..., 2] = z
     dims = (x.size/least_prime, least_prime, 1)
     sgrid = tvtk.StructuredGrid(dimensions=dims, points=pts)
     sgrid.point_data.scalars = (np.ones(x.size)).ravel(order='F') = name
     write_data(sgrid, outfname)
Beispiel #20
 def isCyclic(self):
     import importlib
     sympyLib = importlib.find_loader('sympy')
     if sympyLib is not None:
         from sympy.ntheory import primefactors
         primesList = primefactors(self._den)
         from factordb.factordb import FactorDB
         f = FactorDB(self._den)
         connection = f.connect()
         primesList = f.get_factor_list()
     isDenPrime = len(primesList) == 1
     self._isCyclic = False
     if isDenPrime and self._num < self._den and self._period != 0:
         self._isCyclic = True
         cycleList = []
         spectrumsSet = set()
         for n in range(1, self._den):
             number = Rational()
             number.calc(n, self._den, self._scaleOfNotation)
         if len(spectrumsSet) == (self._den - 1) / self._period:
             self._amountOfCycles = len(spectrumsSet)
         self._vertTables = []
         for i in range(self._period):
             singleVerTab = []
             for j in range(1, self._den):
                 singleVerTab.append(int(cycleList[j - 1].digits()[i + 1]))
         self._multiplyShiftList = [0]
         protoPeriod = cycleList[0].digits(part='period')
         for i in range(2, self._den):
             firstPeriodDigit = cycleList[i - 1].digits(part='period')[0]
             for index, digit in enumerate(protoPeriod):
                 if digit == firstPeriodDigit:
         cyclicNumber = int(
             (self._scaleOfNotation**self._period) * (1.0 / self._den))
     return self._isCyclic
Beispiel #21
def test_factorint():
    assert sorted(factorint(123456).items()) == [(2, 6), (3, 1), (643, 1)]
    assert primefactors(123456) == [2, 3, 643]
    assert factorint(-16) == {-1: 1, 2: 4}
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == {274177: 1, 67280421310721: 1}
    assert factorint(5951757) == {3: 1, 7: 1, 29: 2, 337: 1}
    assert factorint(64015937) == {7993: 1, 8009: 1}
    assert factorint(0) == {0: 1}
    assert factorint(1) == {}
    assert factorint(-1) == {-1: 1}
    assert factorint(-2) == {-1: 1, 2: 1}
    assert factorint(-16) == {-1: 1, 2: 4}
    assert factorint(2) == {2: 1}
    assert factorint(126) == {2: 1, 3: 2, 7: 1}
    assert factorint(123456) == {2: 6, 3: 1, 643: 1}
    assert factorint(5951757) == {3: 1, 7: 1, 29: 2, 337: 1}
    assert factorint(64015937) == {7993: 1, 8009: 1}
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == {274177: 1, 67280421310721: 1}
    assert multiproduct(factorint(fac(200))) == fac(200)
    for b, e in factorint(fac(150)).items():
        assert e == fac_multiplicity(150, b)
    assert factorint(103005006059**7) == {103005006059: 7}
    assert factorint(31337**191) == {31337: 191}
    assert factorint(2**1000 * 3**500 * 257**127 * 383**60) == \
        {2:1000, 3:500, 257:127, 383:60}
    assert len(factorint(fac(10000))) == 1229
    assert factorint(12932983746293756928584532764589230) == \
        {2: 1, 5: 1, 73: 1, 727719592270351: 1, 63564265087747: 1, 383: 1}
    assert factorint(727719592270351) == {727719592270351: 1}
    assert factorint(2**64 + 1, use_trial=False) == factorint(2**64 + 1)
    for n in range(60000):
        assert multiproduct(factorint(n)) == n
    assert pollard_rho(2**64 + 1, seed=1) == 274177
    assert pollard_rho(19, seed=1) is None
    assert factorint(3, 2) == {3: 1}
    assert factorint(12345) == {3: 1, 5: 1, 823: 1}
    assert factorint(12345, limit=3) == {
        4115: 1,
        3: 1
    }  # the 5 is greater than the limit
Beispiel #22
def test_factor():
    assert trial(1) == []
    assert trial(2) == [(2,1)]
    assert trial(3) == [(3,1)]
    assert trial(4) == [(2,2)]
    assert trial(5) == [(5,1)]
    assert trial(128) == [(2,7)]
    assert trial(720) == [(2,4), (3,2), (5,1)]
    assert factorint(123456) == [(2, 6), (3, 1), (643, 1)]
    assert primefactors(123456) == [2, 3, 643]
    assert factorint(-16) == [(-1, 1), (2, 4)]
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == [(274177, 1), (67280421310721, 1)]
    assert factorint(5951757) == [(3, 1), (7, 1), (29, 2), (337, 1)]
    assert factorint(64015937) == [(7993, 1), (8009, 1)]
    assert divisors(1) == [1]
    assert divisors(2) == [1, 2]
    assert divisors(3) == [1, 3]
    assert divisors(10) == [1, 2, 5, 10]
    assert divisors(100) == [1, 2, 4, 5, 10, 20, 25, 50, 100]
    assert divisors(101) == [1, 101]
    assert pollard_rho(2**64+1, max_iters=1, seed=1) == 274177
    assert pollard_rho(19) is None
Beispiel #23
 def cyclicPairNumber(self):
     if self._isCyclic:
         repunitString = '9' * self._period
         periodBorder = gmpy2.mpz(repunitString)
         import importlib
         sympyLib = importlib.find_loader('sympy')
         if sympyLib is not None:
             from sympy.ntheory import primefactors
             primes = primefactors(periodBorder)
             from factordb.factordb import FactorDB
             f = FactorDB(periodBorder)
             connection = f.connect()
             primes = f.get_factor_list()
         primesSet = set(primes)
         equalPeriods = []
         for primeNumber in primesSet:
             rational = Rational()  #slow.. TODO
             rational.calc(1, primeNumber, self._scaleOfNotation)
             if rational.getPeriod() == self._period:
         return equalPeriods
Beispiel #24
def makePrimeStringList(number): 
    strList = []
    import importlib
    sympyLib = importlib.find_loader('sympy')
    if sympyLib is not None: 
        if len(str(number)) > 30:           
            f = FactorDB(number)
            connection = f.connect()
            l = f.get_factor_list()
            for el in l:
            from sympy.ntheory import primefactors                              
            primes = primefactors(number)
            for el in primes:
        f = FactorDB(number)
        connection = f.connect()
        l = f.get_factor_list()
        for el in l:
    return strList
def prim_root(N):
	"""Find a primitive root for N, a large safe prime. Hint: it isn't
       always 2.

    N: The prime in question. May be an integer or bytes object.

    An integer representing the primitive root. Must be a positive
       number greater than 1.

	primeFact = ntheory.primefactors(N - 1)
	for j in range(2, N):
		found = True
		for factor in primeFact:
			if pow(j,(N - 1) // factor, N) == 1:
				found = False
		if found == True:
				return j
	return 0
Beispiel #26
def test_factorint():
    assert primefactors(123456) == [2, 3, 643]
    assert factorint(0) == {0: 1}
    assert factorint(1) == {}
    assert factorint(-1) == {-1: 1}
    assert factorint(-2) == {-1: 1, 2: 1}
    assert factorint(-16) == {-1: 1, 2: 4}
    assert factorint(2) == {2: 1}
    assert factorint(126) == {2: 1, 3: 2, 7: 1}
    assert factorint(123456) == {2: 6, 3: 1, 643: 1}
    assert factorint(5951757) == {3: 1, 7: 1, 29: 2, 337: 1}
    assert factorint(64015937) == {7993: 1, 8009: 1}
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == {274177: 1, 67280421310721: 1}
    #issue 19683
    assert factorint(10**38 - 1) == {3: 2, 11: 1, 909090909090909091: 1, 1111111111111111111: 1}
    #issue 17676
    assert factorint(28300421052393658575) == {3: 1, 5: 2, 11: 2, 43: 1, 2063: 2, 4127: 1, 4129: 1}
    assert factorint(2063**2 * 4127**1 * 4129**1) == {2063: 2, 4127: 1, 4129: 1}
    assert factorint(2347**2 * 7039**1 * 7043**1) == {2347: 2, 7039: 1, 7043: 1}

    assert factorint(0, multiple=True) == [0]
    assert factorint(1, multiple=True) == []
    assert factorint(-1, multiple=True) == [-1]
    assert factorint(-2, multiple=True) == [-1, 2]
    assert factorint(-16, multiple=True) == [-1, 2, 2, 2, 2]
    assert factorint(2, multiple=True) == [2]
    assert factorint(24, multiple=True) == [2, 2, 2, 3]
    assert factorint(126, multiple=True) == [2, 3, 3, 7]
    assert factorint(123456, multiple=True) == [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 643]
    assert factorint(5951757, multiple=True) == [3, 7, 29, 29, 337]
    assert factorint(64015937, multiple=True) == [7993, 8009]
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1, multiple=True) == [274177, 67280421310721]

    assert factorint(fac(1, evaluate=False)) == {}
    assert factorint(fac(7, evaluate=False)) == {2: 4, 3: 2, 5: 1, 7: 1}
    assert factorint(fac(15, evaluate=False)) == \
        {2: 11, 3: 6, 5: 3, 7: 2, 11: 1, 13: 1}
    assert factorint(fac(20, evaluate=False)) == \
        {2: 18, 3: 8, 5: 4, 7: 2, 11: 1, 13: 1, 17: 1, 19: 1}
    assert factorint(fac(23, evaluate=False)) == \
        {2: 19, 3: 9, 5: 4, 7: 3, 11: 2, 13: 1, 17: 1, 19: 1, 23: 1}

    assert multiproduct(factorint(fac(200))) == fac(200)
    assert multiproduct(factorint(fac(200, evaluate=False))) == fac(200)
    for b, e in factorint(fac(150)).items():
        assert e == fac_multiplicity(150, b)
    for b, e in factorint(fac(150, evaluate=False)).items():
        assert e == fac_multiplicity(150, b)
    assert factorint(103005006059**7) == {103005006059: 7}
    assert factorint(31337**191) == {31337: 191}
    assert factorint(2**1000 * 3**500 * 257**127 * 383**60) == \
        {2: 1000, 3: 500, 257: 127, 383: 60}
    assert len(factorint(fac(10000))) == 1229
    assert len(factorint(fac(10000, evaluate=False))) == 1229
    assert factorint(12932983746293756928584532764589230) == \
        {2: 1, 5: 1, 73: 1, 727719592270351: 1, 63564265087747: 1, 383: 1}
    assert factorint(727719592270351) == {727719592270351: 1}
    assert factorint(2**64 + 1, use_trial=False) == factorint(2**64 + 1)
    for n in range(60000):
        assert multiproduct(factorint(n)) == n
    assert pollard_rho(2**64 + 1, seed=1) == 274177
    assert pollard_rho(19, seed=1) is None
    assert factorint(3, limit=2) == {3: 1}
    assert factorint(12345) == {3: 1, 5: 1, 823: 1}
    assert factorint(
        12345, limit=3) == {4115: 1, 3: 1}  # the 5 is greater than the limit
    assert factorint(1, limit=1) == {}
    assert factorint(0, 3) == {0: 1}
    assert factorint(12, limit=1) == {12: 1}
    assert factorint(30, limit=2) == {2: 1, 15: 1}
    assert factorint(16, limit=2) == {2: 4}
    assert factorint(124, limit=3) == {2: 2, 31: 1}
    assert factorint(4*31**2, limit=3) == {2: 2, 31: 2}
    p1 = nextprime(2**32)
    p2 = nextprime(2**16)
    p3 = nextprime(p2)
    assert factorint(p1*p2*p3) == {p1: 1, p2: 1, p3: 1}
    assert factorint(13*17*19, limit=15) == {13: 1, 17*19: 1}
    assert factorint(1951*15013*15053, limit=2000) == {225990689: 1, 1951: 1}
    assert factorint(primorial(17) + 1, use_pm1=0) == \
        {int(19026377261): 1, 3467: 1, 277: 1, 105229: 1}
    # when prime b is closer than approx sqrt(8*p) to prime p then they are
    # "close" and have a trivial factorization
    a = nextprime(2**2**8)  # 78 digits
    b = nextprime(a + 2**2**4)
    assert 'Fermat' in capture(lambda: factorint(a*b, verbose=1))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: pollard_rho(4))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: pollard_pm1(3))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: pollard_pm1(10, B=2))
    # verbose coverage
    n = nextprime(2**16)*nextprime(2**17)*nextprime(1901)
    assert 'with primes' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, verbose=1))
    capture(lambda: factorint(nextprime(2**16)*1012, verbose=1))

    n = nextprime(2**17)
    capture(lambda: factorint(n**3, verbose=1))  # perfect power termination
    capture(lambda: factorint(2*n, verbose=1))  # factoring complete msg

    # exceed 1st
    n = nextprime(2**17)
    n *= nextprime(n)
    assert '1000' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, limit=1000, verbose=1))
    n *= nextprime(n)
    assert len(factorint(n)) == 3
    assert len(factorint(n, limit=p1)) == 3
    n *= nextprime(2*n)
    # exceed 2nd
    assert '2001' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, limit=2000, verbose=1))
    assert capture(
        lambda: factorint(n, limit=4000, verbose=1)).count('Pollard') == 2
    # non-prime pm1 result
    n = nextprime(8069)
    n *= nextprime(2*n)*nextprime(2*n, 2)
    capture(lambda: factorint(n, verbose=1))  # non-prime pm1 result
    # factor fermat composite
    p1 = nextprime(2**17)
    p2 = nextprime(2*p1)
    assert factorint((p1*p2**2)**3) == {p1: 3, p2: 6}
    # Test for non integer input
    raises(ValueError, lambda: factorint(4.5))
    # test dict/Dict input
    sans = '2**10*3**3'
    n = {4: 2, 12: 3}
    assert str(factorint(n)) == sans
    assert str(factorint(Dict(n))) == sans
Beispiel #27
def lengthOfPrimeFacs(n):
	return len(primefactors(n))
Beispiel #28
def test_factorint():
    assert primefactors(123456) == [2, 3, 643]
    assert factorint(0) == {0: 1}
    assert factorint(1) == {}
    assert factorint(-1) == {-1: 1}
    assert factorint(-2) == {-1: 1, 2: 1}
    assert factorint(-16) == {-1: 1, 2: 4}
    assert factorint(2) == {2: 1}
    assert factorint(126) == {2: 1, 3: 2, 7: 1}
    assert factorint(123456) == {2: 6, 3: 1, 643: 1}
    assert factorint(5951757) == {3: 1, 7: 1, 29: 2, 337: 1}
    assert factorint(64015937) == {7993: 1, 8009: 1}
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == {274177: 1, 67280421310721: 1}
    assert multiproduct(factorint(fac(200))) == fac(200)
    for b, e in factorint(fac(150)).items():
        assert e == fac_multiplicity(150, b)
    assert factorint(103005006059**7) == {103005006059: 7}
    assert factorint(31337**191) == {31337: 191}
    assert factorint(2**1000 * 3**500 * 257**127 * 383**60) == \
        {2: 1000, 3: 500, 257: 127, 383: 60}
    assert len(factorint(fac(10000))) == 1229
    assert factorint(12932983746293756928584532764589230) == \
        {2: 1, 5: 1, 73: 1, 727719592270351: 1, 63564265087747: 1, 383: 1}
    assert factorint(727719592270351) == {727719592270351: 1}
    assert factorint(2**64 + 1, use_trial=False) == factorint(2**64 + 1)
    for n in range(60000):
        assert multiproduct(factorint(n)) == n
    assert pollard_rho(2**64 + 1, seed=1) == 274177
    assert pollard_rho(19, seed=1) is None
    assert factorint(3, limit=2) == {3: 1}
    assert factorint(12345) == {3: 1, 5: 1, 823: 1}
    assert factorint(
        12345, limit=3) == {4115: 1, 3: 1}  # the 5 is greater than the limit
    assert factorint(1, limit=1) == {}
    assert factorint(0, 3) == {0: 1}
    assert factorint(12, limit=1) == {12: 1}
    assert factorint(30, limit=2) == {2: 1, 15: 1}
    assert factorint(16, limit=2) == {2: 4}
    assert factorint(124, limit=3) == {2: 2, 31: 1}
    assert factorint(4*31**2, limit=3) == {2: 2, 31: 2}
    p1 = nextprime(2**32)
    p2 = nextprime(2**16)
    p3 = nextprime(p2)
    assert factorint(p1*p2*p3) == {p1: 1, p2: 1, p3: 1}
    assert factorint(13*17*19, limit=15) == {13: 1, 17*19: 1}
    assert factorint(1951*15013*15053, limit=2000) == {225990689: 1, 1951: 1}
    assert factorint(primorial(17) + 1, use_pm1=0) == \
        {long(19026377261): 1, 3467: 1, 277: 1, 105229: 1}
    # when prime b is closer than approx sqrt(8*p) to prime p then they are
    # "close" and have a trivial factorization
    a = nextprime(2**2**8)  # 78 digits
    b = nextprime(a + 2**2**4)
    assert 'Fermat' in capture(lambda: factorint(a*b, verbose=1))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: pollard_rho(4))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: pollard_pm1(3))
    raises(ValueError, lambda: pollard_pm1(10, B=2))
    # verbose coverage
    n = nextprime(2**16)*nextprime(2**17)*nextprime(1901)
    assert 'with primes' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, verbose=1))
    capture(lambda: factorint(nextprime(2**16)*1012, verbose=1))

    n = nextprime(2**17)
    capture(lambda: factorint(n**3, verbose=1))  # perfect power termination
    capture(lambda: factorint(2*n, verbose=1))  # factoring complete msg

    # exceed 1st
    n = nextprime(2**17)
    n *= nextprime(n)
    assert '1000' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, limit=1000, verbose=1))
    n *= nextprime(n)
    assert len(factorint(n)) == 3
    assert len(factorint(n, limit=p1)) == 3
    n *= nextprime(2*n)
    # exceed 2nd
    assert '2001' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, limit=2000, verbose=1))
    assert capture(
        lambda: factorint(n, limit=4000, verbose=1)).count('Pollard') == 2
    # non-prime pm1 result
    n = nextprime(8069)
    n *= nextprime(2*n)*nextprime(2*n, 2)
    capture(lambda: factorint(n, verbose=1))  # non-prime pm1 result
    # factor fermat composite
    p1 = nextprime(2**17)
    p2 = nextprime(2*p1)
    assert factorint((p1*p2**2)**3) == {p1: 3, p2: 6}
    # Test for non integer input
    raises(ValueError, lambda: factorint(4.5))
Beispiel #29
def test_factorint():
    assert primefactors(123456) == [2, 3, 643]
    assert factorint(0) == {0: 1}
    assert factorint(1) == {}
    assert factorint(-1) == {-1: 1}
    assert factorint(-2) == {-1: 1, 2: 1}
    assert factorint(-16) == {-1: 1, 2: 4}
    assert factorint(2) == {2: 1}
    assert factorint(126) == {2: 1, 3: 2, 7: 1}
    assert factorint(123456) == {2: 6, 3: 1, 643: 1}
    assert factorint(5951757) == {3: 1, 7: 1, 29: 2, 337: 1}
    assert factorint(64015937) == {7993: 1, 8009: 1}
    assert factorint(2**(2**6) + 1) == {274177: 1, 67280421310721: 1}
    assert multiproduct(factorint(fac(200))) == fac(200)
    for b, e in factorint(fac(150)).items():
        assert e == fac_multiplicity(150, b)
    assert factorint(103005006059**7) == {103005006059: 7}
    assert factorint(31337**191) == {31337: 191}
    assert factorint(2**1000 * 3**500 * 257**127 * 383**60) == \
        {2:1000, 3:500, 257:127, 383:60}
    assert len(factorint(fac(10000))) == 1229
    assert factorint(12932983746293756928584532764589230) == \
        {2: 1, 5: 1, 73: 1, 727719592270351: 1, 63564265087747: 1, 383: 1}
    assert factorint(727719592270351) == {727719592270351: 1}
    assert factorint(2**64 + 1, use_trial=False) == factorint(2**64 + 1)
    for n in range(60000):
        assert multiproduct(factorint(n)) == n
    assert pollard_rho(2**64 + 1, seed=1) == 274177
    assert pollard_rho(19, seed=1) is None
    assert factorint(3, limit=2) == {3: 1}
    assert factorint(12345) == {3: 1, 5: 1, 823: 1}
    assert factorint(12345, limit=3) == {
        4115: 1,
        3: 1
    }  # the 5 is greater than the limit
    assert factorint(1, limit=1) == {}
    assert factorint(12, limit=1) == {12: 1}
    assert factorint(30, limit=2) == {2: 1, 15: 1}
    assert factorint(16, limit=2) == {2: 4}
    assert factorint(124, limit=3) == {2: 2, 31: 1}
    assert factorint(4 * 31**2, limit=3) == {2: 2, 31: 2}
    p1 = nextprime(2**32)
    p2 = nextprime(2**16)
    p3 = nextprime(p2)
    assert factorint(p1 * p2 * p3) == {p1: 1, p2: 1, p3: 1}
    assert factorint(13 * 17 * 19, limit=15) == {13: 1, 17 * 19: 1}
    assert factorint(1951 * 15013 * 15053, limit=2000) == {
        225990689: 1,
        1951: 1
    assert factorint(primorial(17)+1, use_pm1=0) == \
           {19026377261L: 1, 3467: 1, 277: 1, 105229: 1}
    # when prime b is closer than approx sqrt(8*p) to prime p then they are
    # "close" and have a trivial factorization
    a = nextprime(2**2**8)  # 78 digits
    b = nextprime(a + 2**2**4)
    assert 'Fermat' in capture(lambda: factorint(a * b, verbose=1))

    raises(ValueError, 'pollard_rho(4)')
    raises(ValueError, 'pollard_pm1(3)')
    raises(ValueError, 'pollard_pm1(10, B=2)')
    # verbose coverage
    n = nextprime(2**16) * nextprime(2**17) * nextprime(1901)
    assert 'with primes' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, verbose=1))
    capture(lambda: factorint(nextprime(2**16) * 1012, verbose=1))

    n = nextprime(2**17)
    capture(lambda: factorint(n**3, verbose=1))  # perfect power termination
    capture(lambda: factorint(2 * n, verbose=1))  # factoring complete msg

    # exceed 1st
    n = nextprime(2**17)
    n *= nextprime(n)
    assert '1000' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, limit=1000, verbose=1))
    n *= nextprime(n)
    assert len(factorint(n)) == 3
    assert len(factorint(n, limit=p1)) == 3
    n *= nextprime(2 * n)
    # exceed 2nd
    assert '2001' in capture(lambda: factorint(n, limit=2000, verbose=1))
    assert capture(lambda: factorint(n, limit=4000, verbose=1)).count(
        'Pollard') == 2
    # non-prime pm1 result
    n = nextprime(8069)
    n *= nextprime(2 * n) * nextprime(2 * n, 2)
    capture(lambda: factorint(n, verbose=1))  # non-prime pm1 result
    # factor fermat composite
    p1 = nextprime(2**17)
    p2 = nextprime(2 * p1)
    assert factorint((p1 * p2**2)**3) == {p1: 3, p2: 6}
Beispiel #30
        for i in range(len(lst)):
            result.extend([ lst[i] ] + x for x in permutation(lst[:i] + lst[i+1:], num -1 ) )
        return result
    if num == 1:
        return result

def make_odd_lst(input_lst):
    result = []
    for test_lst in input_lst:
        if test_lst[len(test_lst) - 1] % 2 == 1:
    return result

def lst_to_num(input_lst):
    ret = 0    
    for i in range(len(input_lst)):
        ret += input_lst[i] * 10 ** (len(input_lst) - 1 - i)
    return ret

input_num_lst = range(7, 0, -1)
test_lst = make_odd_lst(permutation(input_num_lst, 7))
print test_lst[0]
print lst_to_num(test_lst[0])
for i in test_lst:
    test_num = lst_to_num(i)
    if len(primefactors(test_num)) == 1:
        print test_num
Beispiel #31
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Aug 30 09:50:39 2014

@author: Yusuke

from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

input_number = 89899

print primefactors(input_number)
Beispiel #32
    for i in range(2, 11):
        base = int(enclosed_num, i)
        if isprime(base):
            check = False

    if check == True:
        print(enclosed_num, end="")
        for base in bases:
            if divisor_count(base) == 2:
            print(' ', end="")
            print(primefactors(base)[0], end="")
            output.write(" ")

        for base in bases:
            print('{} -> {}'.format(base, primefactors(base)))
        counter += 1

    #if cur_num % 10 == 0:
    #    print(cur_num)
    cur_num += 1
    if cur_num > 2**(length - 2):
Beispiel #33
    if num == 1:
        return result

def make_odd_lst(input_lst):
    result = []
    for test_lst in input_lst:
        if test_lst[len(test_lst) - 1] % 2 == 1:
    return result

def lst_to_num(input_lst):
    ret = 0
    for i in range(len(input_lst)):
        ret += input_lst[i] * 10**(len(input_lst) - 1 - i)
    return ret

input_num_lst = range(7, 0, -1)
test_lst = make_odd_lst(permutation(input_num_lst, 7))
print test_lst[0]
print lst_to_num(test_lst[0])
for i in test_lst:
    test_num = lst_to_num(i)
    if len(primefactors(test_num)) == 1:
        print test_num
Beispiel #34
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Sep 01 00:28:16 2014

@author: Yusuke

from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

for i in range(9,0,-1):
    for j in range(9,-1,-1):
        input_number = i * 1e3 + j * 1e2 + j * 1e1 + i
        prime_lst = primefactors(input_number)            
        max_prime = max(prime_lst)            
        if max_prime < 100:
            print input_number, prime_lst
for i in range(9,0,-1):
    for j in range(9,-1,-1):
        for k in range(9,-1,-1):
            input_number = i * 1e5 + j * 1e4 + k * 1e3 + k * 1e2 + j * 1e1 + i
            prime_lst = primefactors(input_number)            
            max_prime = max(prime_lst)            
            if max_prime < 100:
                print input_number, prime_lst
Beispiel #35
from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

a = 2
while True:
    if len(primefactors(a)) != 4:
        a = a + 1
    if len(primefactors(a + 1)) != 4:
        a = a + 2
    if len(primefactors(a + 2)) != 4:
        a = a + 3
    if len(primefactors(a + 3)) != 4:
        a = a + 4
def euler_totient(n):
    return int(product((1-(1/i)) for i in primefactors(n)) * n)
Beispiel #37
def A001221() -> Iterator[int]:
    "Number of distinct primes dividing n (also called omega(n))."
    from sympy.ntheory import primefactors

    for n in count(1):
        yield len(primefactors(n))
Beispiel #38

# Read the public key
print("Reading the public key")
with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f:
    pubkey = RSA.import_key(

# Is the read key really a public key?
if pubkey.has_private():
    print("The passed key is a private key")

# Factorize the modulus (the most ridiculous part!)
modulus = pubkey.n
print("Factorizing (It takes years :( ) ")
l = primefactors(modulus)
print("Done :)")

# Generate private key from the factors
print("Generating the private key")
prime1 = l[1]  # prime1 > prime2
prime2 = l[0]
public_exp = pubkey.e
private_exp = mod_inverse(public_exp, (prime1-1)*(prime2-1))
# coef = Integer(prime2).invert(prime1)
# print(f"modulus: {prime1 * prime2}")
# print(f"publicExponent: {public_exp}");
# print(f"privateExponent: {private_exp}");
# print(f"prime1: {prime1}");
# print(f"prime2: {prime2}");
# print(f"coefficient: {coef}");