Beispiel #1
    def set_inertia(self, I):
        if not isinstance(I[0], Dyadic):
            raise TypeError("RigidBody inertia must be a Dyadic object.")
        if not isinstance(I[1], Point):
            raise TypeError("RigidBody inertia must be about a Point.")
        self._inertia = I[0]
        self._inertia_point = I[1]
        # have I S/O, want I S/S*
        # I S/O = I S/S* + I S*/O; I S/S* = I S/O - I S*/O
        # I_S/S* = I_S/O - I_S*/O
        from sympy.physics.mechanics.functions import inertia_of_point_mass

        I_Ss_O = inertia_of_point_mass(self.mass, self.masscenter.pos_from(I[1]), self.frame)
        self._central_inertia = I[0] - I_Ss_O
Beispiel #2
 def inertia(self, I):
     if not isinstance(I[0], Dyadic):
         raise TypeError("RigidBody inertia must be a Dyadic object.")
     if not isinstance(I[1], Point):
         raise TypeError("RigidBody inertia must be about a Point.")
     self._inertia = I[0]
     self._inertia_point = I[1]
     # have I S/O, want I S/S*
     # I S/O = I S/S* + I S*/O; I S/S* = I S/O - I S*/O
     # I_S/S* = I_S/O - I_S*/O
     from sympy.physics.mechanics.functions import inertia_of_point_mass
     I_Ss_O = inertia_of_point_mass(self.mass,
     self._central_inertia = I[0] - I_Ss_O
Beispiel #3
    def _form_frstar(self, bl):
        """Form the generalized inertia force.

        Computes the vector of the generalized inertia force vector.
        Used to compute E.o.M. in the form Fr + Fr* = 0.


        bl : list
            A list of all RigidBody's and Particle's in the system.


        if not isinstance(bl, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Bodies must be supplied in a list.')
        if self._fr == None:
            raise ValueError('Calculate Fr first, please.')
        t = dynamicsymbols._t
        N = self._inertial
        self._bodylist = bl
        u = self._u  # all speeds
        udep = self._udep  # dependent speeds
        o = len(u)
        p = o - len(udep)
        udot = self._udot
        udotzero = dict(zip(udot, [0] * len(udot)))
        uaux = self._uaux
        uauxdot = [diff(i, t) for i in uaux]
        # dictionary of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uaz = dict(zip(uaux, [0] * len(uaux)))
        # dictionary of derivatives of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uadz = dict(zip(uauxdot, [0] * len(uauxdot)))

        # Form R*, T* for each body or particle in the list
        # This is stored as a list of tuples [(r*, t*),...]
        # Each tuple is for a body or particle
        # Within each rs is a tuple and ts is a tuple
        # These have the same structure: ([list], value)
        # The list is the coefficients of rs/ts wrt udots, value is everything
        # else in the expression
        # Partial velocities are stored as a list of tuple; a tuple for each
        # body
        # Each tuple has two elements, lists which represent the partial
        # velocity for each ur; The first list is translational partial
        # velocities, the second list is rotational translational velocities
        MM = zeros(o, o)
        nonMM = zeros(o, 1)
        rsts = []
        partials = []
        for i, v in enumerate(bl):  # go through list of bodies, particles
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                om = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)  # ang velocity
                omp = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N)  # ang velocity, for partials
                alp = v.frame.ang_acc_in(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)  # ang acc
                ve =  # velocity
                vep =  # velocity, for partials
                acc =  # acceleration
                m = (v.mass).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                I, P = v.inertia
                I = I.subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                if P !=
                    # redefine I about mass center
                    # have I S/O, want I S/S*
                    # I S/O = I S/S* + I S*/O; I S/S* = I S/O - I S*/O
                    f = v.frame
                    d =
                    I -= inertia_of_point_mass(m, d, f)
                templist = []
                # One could think of r star as a collection of coefficients of
                # the udots plus another term. What we do here is get all of
                # these coefficients and store them in a list, then we get the
                # "other" term and put the list and other term in a tuple, for
                # each body/particle. The same is done for t star. The reason
                # for this is to not let the expressions get too large; so we
                # keep them seperate for as long a possible
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-m * acc.diff(w, N))
                other = -m.diff(t) * ve - m * acc.subs(udotzero)
                rs = (templist, other)
                templist = []
                # see above note
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-I & alp.diff(w, N))
                other = -((I.dt(v.frame) & om) + (I & alp.subs(udotzero)) +
                          (om ^ (I & om)))
                ts = (templist, other)
                tl1 = []
                tl2 = []
                # calculates the partials only once and stores them for later
                for j, w in enumerate(u):
                    tl1.append(vep.diff(w, N))
                    tl2.append(omp.diff(w, N))
                partials.append((tl1, tl2))

            elif isinstance(v, Particle):
                ve = v.point.vel(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                vep = v.point.vel(N)
                acc = v.point.acc(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                m = v.mass.subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                templist = []
                # see above note
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-m * acc.diff(w, N))
                other = -m.diff(t) * ve - m * acc.subs(udotzero)
                rs = (templist, other)
                # We make an empty t star here so that way the later code
                # doesn't care whether its operating on a body or particle
                ts = ([0] * len(u), 0)
                tl1 = []
                tl2 = []
                # calculates the partials only once, makes 0's for angular
                # partials so the later code is body/particle indepedent
                for j, w in enumerate(u):
                    tl1.append(vep.diff(w, N))
                partials.append((tl1, tl2))
                raise TypeError('The body list needs RigidBody or '
                                'Particle as list elements.')
            rsts.append((rs, ts))

        # Use R*, T* and partial velocities to form FR*
        FRSTAR = zeros(o, 1)
        # does this for each body in the list
        for i, v in enumerate(rsts):
            rs, ts = v  # unpact r*, t*
            vps, ops = partials[i]  # unpack vel. partials, ang. vel. partials
            # Computes the mass matrix entries from r*, there are from the list
            # in the rstar tuple
            ii = 0
            for x in vps:
                for w in rs[0]:
                    MM[ii] += w & x
                    ii += 1
            # Computes the mass matrix entries from t*, there are from the list
            # in the tstar tuple
            ii = 0
            for x in ops:
                for w in ts[0]:
                    MM[ii] += w & x
                    ii += 1
            # Non mass matrix entries from rstar, from the other in the rstar
            # tuple
            for j, w in enumerate(vps):
                nonMM[j] += w & rs[1]
            # Non mass matrix entries from tstar, from the other in the tstar
            # tuple
            for j, w in enumerate(ops):
                nonMM[j] += w & ts[1]
        FRSTAR = MM * Matrix(udot) + nonMM

        # For motion constraints, m is the number of constraints
        # Really, one should just look at Kane's book for descriptions of this
        # process
        if len(self._udep) != 0:
            FRSTARtilde = FRSTAR.extract(range(p), [0])
            FRSTARold = FRSTAR.extract(range(p, o), [0])
            FRSTARtilde += self._Ars.T * FRSTARold
            FRSTAR = FRSTARtilde

            MMi = MM.extract(range(p), range(o))
            MMd = MM.extract(range(p, o), range(o))
            MM = MMi + self._Ars.T * MMd
        self._frstar = FRSTAR

        zeroeq = self._fr + self._frstar
        zeroeq = zeroeq.subs(udotzero)

        self._k_d = MM
        self._f_d = zeroeq
        return FRSTAR
Beispiel #4
    def _form_frstar(self, bl):
        """Form the generalized inertia force.

        Computes the vector of the generalized inertia force vector.
        Used to compute E.o.M. in the form Fr + Fr* = 0.


        bl : list
            A list of all RigidBody's and Particle's in the system.


        if not hasattr(bl, '__iter__'):
            raise TypeError('Bodies must be supplied in an iterable.')
        t = dynamicsymbols._t
        N = self._inertial
        self._bodylist = bl
        u = self._u  # all speeds
        udep = self._udep  # dependent speeds
        o = len(u)
        m = len(udep)
        p = o - m
        udot = self._udot
        udotzero = dict(zip(udot, [0] * o))
        # auxiliary speeds
        uaux = self._uaux
        uauxdot = [diff(i, t) for i in uaux]
        # dictionary of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uaz = dict(zip(uaux, [0] * len(uaux)))
        uadz = dict(zip(uauxdot, [0] * len(uauxdot)))

        MM = zeros(o, o)
        nonMM = zeros(o, 1)
        partials = []
        # Fill up the list of partials: format is a list with no. elements
        # equal to number of entries in body list. Each of these elements is a
        # list - either of length 1 for the translational components of
        # particles or of length 2 for the translational and rotational
        # components of rigid bodies. The inner most list is the list of
        # partial velocities.
        for v in bl:
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                partials += [
                         v.frame.ang_vel_in(N)], u, N)
            elif isinstance(v, Particle):
                partials += [partial_velocity([v.point.vel(N)], u, N)]
                raise TypeError('The body list needs RigidBody or '
                                'Particle as list elements.')

        # This section does 2 things - computes the parts of Fr* that are
        # associated with the udots, and the parts that are not associated with
        # the udots. This happens for RigidBody and Particle a little
        # differently, but similar process overall.
        for i, v in enumerate(bl):
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                M = v.mass.subs(uaz).doit()
                I, P = v.inertia
                if P != v.masscenter:
                    # redefine I about the center of mass
                    # have I S/O, want I S/S*
                    # I S/O = I S/S* + I S*/O; I S/S* = I S/O - I S*/O
                    f = v.frame
                    d = v.masscenter.pos_from(P)
                    I -= inertia_of_point_mass(M, d, f)
                I = I.subs(uaz).doit()
                for j in range(o):
                    for k in range(o):
                        # translational
                        MM[j, k] += M * (partials[i][0][j].subs(uaz).doit()
                                         & partials[i][0][k])
                        # rotational
                        temp = (I & partials[i][1][j].subs(uaz).doit())
                        MM[j, k] += (temp & partials[i][1][k])
                    # translational components
                    nonMM[j] += (
                        (M.diff(t) * v.masscenter.vel(N)).subs(uaz).doit()
                        & partials[i][0][j])
                    nonMM[j] += (
                        M *
                        & partials[i][0][j])
                    # rotational components
                    omega = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N).subs(uaz).doit()
                    nonMM[j] += ((I.dt(v.frame) & omega).subs(uaz).doit()
                                 & partials[i][1][j])
                    nonMM[j] += ((I & v.frame.ang_acc_in(N)
                                 & partials[i][1][j])
                    nonMM[j] += ((omega ^ (I & omega)).subs(uaz).doit()
                                 & partials[i][1][j])

            if isinstance(v, Particle):
                M = v.mass.subs(uaz).doit()
                for j in range(o):
                    for k in range(o):
                        MM[j, k] += M * (partials[i][0][j].subs(uaz).doit()
                                         & partials[i][0][k])
                    nonMM[j] += M.diff(t) * (v.point.vel(N).subs(uaz).doit()
                                             & partials[i][0][j])
                    nonMM[j] += (
                        M * v.point.acc(N).subs(udotzero).subs(uaz).doit()
                        & partials[i][0][j])
        FRSTAR = MM * Matrix(udot).subs(uadz) + nonMM

        # For motion constraints, m is the number of constraints
        # Really, one should just look at Kane's book for descriptions of this
        # process
        if m != 0:
            FRSTARtilde = FRSTAR[:p, 0]
            FRSTARold = FRSTAR[p:o, 0]
            FRSTARtilde += self._Ars.T * FRSTARold
            FRSTAR = FRSTARtilde

            MMi = MM[:p, :]
            MMd = MM[p:o, :]
            MM = MMi + self._Ars.T * MMd
        self._frstar = FRSTAR

        zeroeq = self._fr + self._frstar
        zeroeq = zeroeq.subs(udotzero)

        self._k_d = MM
        self._f_d = zeroeq
        return FRSTAR
Beispiel #5
    def _form_frstar(self, bl):
        """Form the generalized inertia force.

        Computes the vector of the generalized inertia force vector.
        Used to compute E.o.M. in the form Fr + Fr* = 0.


        bl : list
            A list of all RigidBody's and Particle's in the system.


        if not hasattr(bl, '__iter__'):
            raise TypeError('Bodies must be supplied in an iterable.')
        t = dynamicsymbols._t
        N = self._inertial
        self._bodylist = bl
        u = self._u  # all speeds
        udep = self._udep  # dependent speeds
        o = len(u)
        m = len(udep)
        p = o - m
        udot = self._udot
        udotzero = dict(zip(udot, [0] * o))
        # auxiliary speeds
        uaux = self._uaux
        uauxdot = [diff(i, t) for i in uaux]
        # dictionary of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uaz = dict(zip(uaux, [0] * len(uaux)))
        uadz = dict(zip(uauxdot, [0] * len(uauxdot)))

        MM = zeros(o, o)
        nonMM = zeros(o, 1)
        partials = []
        # Fill up the list of partials: format is a list with no. elements
        # equal to number of entries in body list. Each of these elements is a
        # list - either of length 1 for the translational components of
        # particles or of length 2 for the translational and rotational
        # components of rigid bodies. The inner most list is the list of
        # partial velocities.
        for v in bl:
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                partials += [partial_velocity([v.masscenter.vel(N),
                                               v.frame.ang_vel_in(N)], u, N)]
            elif isinstance(v, Particle):
                partials += [partial_velocity([v.point.vel(N)], u, N)]
                raise TypeError('The body list needs RigidBody or '
                                'Particle as list elements.')

        # This section does 2 things - computes the parts of Fr* that are
        # associated with the udots, and the parts that are not associated with
        # the udots. This happens for RigidBody and Particle a little
        # differently, but similar process overall.
        for i, v in enumerate(bl):
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                M = v.mass.subs(uaz).doit()
                I, P = v.inertia
                if P != v.masscenter:
                    # redefine I about the center of mass
                    # have I S/O, want I S/S*
                    # I S/O = I S/S* + I S*/O; I S/S* = I S/O - I S*/O
                    f = v.frame
                    d = v.masscenter.pos_from(P)
                    I -= inertia_of_point_mass(M, d, f)
                I = I.subs(uaz).doit()
                for j in range(o):
                    for k in range(o):
                        # translational
                        MM[j, k] += M * (partials[i][0][j].subs(uaz).doit() &
                        # rotational
                        temp = (I & partials[i][1][j].subs(uaz).doit())
                        MM[j, k] += (temp &
                    # translational components
                    nonMM[j] += ( (M.diff(t) *
                                   v.masscenter.vel(N)).subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += (M *
                            & partials[i][0][j])
                    # rotational components
                    omega = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N).subs(uaz).doit()
                    nonMM[j] += ((I.dt(v.frame) & omega).subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += ((I &
                        & partials[i][1][j])
                    nonMM[j] += ((omega ^ (I & omega)).subs(uaz).doit() &

            if isinstance(v, Particle):
                M = v.mass.subs(uaz).doit()
                for j in range(o):
                    for k in range(o):
                        MM[j, k] += M * (partials[i][0][j].subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += M.diff(t) * (v.point.vel(N).subs(uaz).doit() &
                    nonMM[j] += (M *
                            v.point.acc(N).subs(udotzero).subs(uaz).doit() &
        FRSTAR = MM * Matrix(udot).subs(uadz) + nonMM

        # For motion constraints, m is the number of constraints
        # Really, one should just look at Kane's book for descriptions of this
        # process
        if m != 0:
            FRSTARtilde = FRSTAR[:p, 0]
            FRSTARold = FRSTAR[p:o, 0]
            FRSTARtilde += self._Ars.T * FRSTARold
            FRSTAR = FRSTARtilde

            MMi = MM[:p, :]
            MMd = MM[p:o, :]
            MM = MMi + self._Ars.T * MMd
        self._frstar = FRSTAR

        zeroeq = self._fr + self._frstar
        zeroeq = zeroeq.subs(udotzero)

        self._k_d = MM
        self._f_d = zeroeq
        return FRSTAR
Beispiel #6
    def _form_frstar(self, bl):
        """Form the generalized inertia force.

        Computes the vector of the generalized inertia force vector.
        Used to compute E.o.M. in the form Fr + Fr* = 0.


        bl : list
            A list of all RigidBody's and Particle's in the system.


        if not isinstance(bl, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError('Bodies must be supplied in a list.')
        if self._fr == None:
            raise ValueError('Calculate Fr first, please.')
        t = dynamicsymbols._t
        N = self._inertial
        self._bodylist = bl
        u = self._u # all speeds
        udep = self._udep # dependent speeds
        o = len(u)
        p = o - len(udep)
        udot = self._udot
        udotzero = dict(zip(udot, [0] * len(udot)))
        uaux = self._uaux
        uauxdot = [diff(i, t) for i in uaux]
        # dictionary of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uaz = dict(zip(uaux, [0] * len(uaux)))
        # dictionary of derivatives of auxiliary speeds which are equal to zero
        uadz = dict(zip(uauxdot, [0] * len(uauxdot)))

        # Form R*, T* for each body or particle in the list
        # This is stored as a list of tuples [(r*, t*),...]
        # Each tuple is for a body or particle
        # Within each rs is a tuple and ts is a tuple
        # These have the same structure: ([list], value)
        # The list is the coefficients of rs/ts wrt udots, value is everything
        # else in the expression
        # Partial velocities are stored as a list of tuple; a tuple for each
        # body
        # Each tuple has two elements, lists which represent the partial
        # velocity for each ur; The first list is translational partial
        # velocities, the second list is rotational translational velocities
        MM = zeros(o, o)
        nonMM = zeros(o, 1)
        rsts = []
        partials = []
        for i, v in enumerate(bl): # go through list of bodies, particles
            if isinstance(v, RigidBody):
                om = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz) # ang velocity
                omp = v.frame.ang_vel_in(N) # ang velocity, for partials
                alp = v.frame.ang_acc_in(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz) # ang acc
                ve = v.masscenter.vel(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz) # velocity
                vep = v.masscenter.vel(N) # velocity, for partials
                acc = v.masscenter.acc(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz) # acceleration
                m = (v.mass).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                I, P = v.inertia
                I = I.subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                if P != v.masscenter:
                    # redefine I about the center of mass
                    # have I S/O, want I S/S*
                    # I S/O = I S/S* + I S*/O; I S/S* = I S/O - I S*/O
                    f = v.frame
                    d = v.masscenter.pos_from(P)
                    I -= inertia_of_point_mass(m, d, f)
                templist = []
                # One could think of r star as a collection of coefficients of
                # the udots plus another term. What we do here is get all of
                # these coefficients and store them in a list, then we get the
                # "other" term and put the list and other term in a tuple, for
                # each body/particle. The same is done for t star. The reason
                # for this is to not let the expressions get too large; so we
                # keep them seperate for as long a possible
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-m * acc.diff(w, N))
                other = -m.diff(t) * ve - m * acc.subs(udotzero)
                rs = (templist, other)
                templist = []
                # see above note
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-I & alp.diff(w, N))
                other = -((I.dt(v.frame) & om) + (I & alp.subs(udotzero))
                          + (om ^ (I & om)))
                ts = (templist, other)
                tl1 = []
                tl2 = []
                # calculates the partials only once and stores them for later
                for j, w in enumerate(u):
                    tl1.append(vep.diff(w, N))
                    tl2.append(omp.diff(w, N))
                partials.append((tl1, tl2))

            elif isinstance(v, Particle):
                ve = v.point.vel(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                vep = v.point.vel(N)
                acc = v.point.acc(N).subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                m = v.mass.subs(uadz).subs(uaz)
                templist = []
                # see above note
                for j, w in enumerate(udot):
                    templist.append(-m * acc.diff(w, N))
                other = -m.diff(t) * ve - m * acc.subs(udotzero)
                rs = (templist, other)
                # We make an empty t star here so that way the later code
                # doesn't care whether its operating on a body or particle
                ts = ([0] * len(u), 0)
                tl1 = []
                tl2 = []
                # calculates the partials only once, makes 0's for angular
                # partials so the later code is body/particle indepedent
                for j, w in enumerate(u):
                    tl1.append(vep.diff(w, N))
                partials.append((tl1, tl2))
                raise TypeError('The body list needs RigidBody or '
                                'Particle as list elements.')
            rsts.append((rs, ts))

        # Use R*, T* and partial velocities to form FR*
        FRSTAR = zeros(o, 1)
        # does this for each body in the list
        for i, v in enumerate(rsts):
            rs, ts = v # unpact r*, t*
            vps, ops = partials[i] # unpack vel. partials, ang. vel. partials
            # Computes the mass matrix entries from r*, there are from the list
            # in the rstar tuple
            ii = 0
            for x in vps:
                for w in rs[0]:
                    MM[ii] += w & x
                    ii += 1
            # Computes the mass matrix entries from t*, there are from the list
            # in the tstar tuple
            ii = 0
            for x in ops:
                for w in ts[0]:
                    MM[ii] += w & x
                    ii += 1
            # Non mass matrix entries from rstar, from the other in the rstar
            # tuple
            for j, w in enumerate(vps):
                nonMM[j] += w & rs[1]
            # Non mass matrix entries from tstar, from the other in the tstar
            # tuple
            for j, w in enumerate(ops):
                nonMM[j] += w & ts[1]
        FRSTAR = MM * Matrix(udot) + nonMM

        # For motion constraints, m is the number of constraints
        # Really, one should just look at Kane's book for descriptions of this
        # process
        if len(self._udep) != 0:
            FRSTARtilde = FRSTAR.extract(range(p), [0])
            FRSTARold = FRSTAR.extract(range(p, o), [0])
            FRSTARtilde += self._Ars.T * FRSTARold
            FRSTAR = FRSTARtilde

            MMi = MM.extract(range(p), range(o))
            MMd = MM.extract(range(p, o), range(o))
            MM = MMi + self._Ars.T * MMd
        self._frstar = FRSTAR

        zeroeq = self._fr + self._frstar
        zeroeq = zeroeq.subs(udotzero)

        self._k_d = MM
        self._f_d = zeroeq
        return FRSTAR