Beispiel #1
def test_potential_energy():
    m, M, l1, g, h, H = symbols('m M l1 g h H')
    omega = dynamicsymbols('omega')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    O = Point('O')
    O.set_vel(N, 0 * N.x)
    Ac = O.locatenew('Ac', l1 * N.x)
    P = Ac.locatenew('P', l1 * N.x)
    a = ReferenceFrame('a')
    a.set_ang_vel(N, omega * N.z)
    Ac.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    P.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    Pa = Particle('Pa', P, m)
    I = outer(N.z, N.z)
    A = RigidBody('A', Ac, a, M, (I, Ac))
    Pa.set_potential_energy(m * g * h)
    A.set_potential_energy(M * g * H)
    assert potential_energy(A, Pa) == m * g * h + M * g * H
Beispiel #2
def test_potential_energy():
    m, M, l1, g, h, H = symbols('m M l1 g h H')
    omega = dynamicsymbols('omega')
    N = ReferenceFrame('N')
    O = Point('O')
    O.set_vel(N, 0 * N.x)
    Ac = O.locatenew('Ac', l1 * N.x)
    P = Ac.locatenew('P', l1 * N.x)
    a = ReferenceFrame('a')
    a.set_ang_vel(N, omega * N.z)
    Ac.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    P.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    Pa = Particle('Pa', P, m)
    I = outer(N.z, N.z)
    A = RigidBody('A', Ac, a, M, (I, Ac))
    Pa.set_potential_energy(m * g * h)
    A.set_potential_energy(M * g * H)
    assert potential_energy(A, Pa) == m * g * h + M * g * H
Beispiel #3
def test_potential_energy():
    m, M, l1, g, h, H = symbols("m M l1 g h H")
    omega = dynamicsymbols("omega")
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    O = Point("O")
    O.set_vel(N, 0 * N.x)
    Ac = O.locatenew("Ac", l1 * N.x)
    P = Ac.locatenew("P", l1 * N.x)
    a = ReferenceFrame("a")
    a.set_ang_vel(N, omega * N.z)
    Ac.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    P.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    Pa = Particle("Pa", P, m)
    I = outer(N.z, N.z)
    A = RigidBody("A", Ac, a, M, (I, Ac))
    Pa.potential_energy = m * g * h
    A.potential_energy = M * g * H
    assert potential_energy(A, Pa) == m * g * h + M * g * H
Beispiel #4
def test_potential_energy():
    m, M, l1, g, h, H = symbols("m M l1 g h H")
    omega = dynamicsymbols("omega")
    N = ReferenceFrame("N")
    O = Point("O")
    O.set_vel(N, 0 * N.x)
    Ac = O.locatenew("Ac", l1 * N.x)
    P = Ac.locatenew("P", l1 * N.x)
    a = ReferenceFrame("a")
    a.set_ang_vel(N, omega * N.z)
    Ac.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    P.v2pt_theory(O, N, a)
    Pa = Particle("Pa", P, m)
    I = outer(N.z, N.z)
    A = RigidBody("A", Ac, a, M, (I, Ac))
    Pa.potential_energy = m * g * h
    A.potential_energy = M * g * H
    assert potential_energy(A, Pa) == m * g * h + M * g * H
#Specified contains the matrix for the input torques
specified = [ankle_torque, waist_torque]

#Specifies numerical constants for inertial/mass properties
#Robot Params
#numerical_constants = array([1.035,  # leg_length[m]
#                             36.754, # leg_mass[kg]
#			     0.85, # body_length[m]
#                             91.61,  # body_mass[kg]
#                             9.81]    # acceleration due to gravity [m/s^2]
#                             )
numerical_constants = array([0.75,

#Set input torques to 0
numerical_specified = zeros(2)

parameter_dict = dict(zip(constants, numerical_constants))

ke_energy = simplify(kinetic_energy(inertial_frame, waistP, bodyP).subs(parameter_dict))



pe_energy = simplify(potential_energy(waistP, bodyP).subs(parameter_dict))

#Set input torques to 0
numerical_specified = zeros(3)

parameter_dict = dict(zip(constants, numerical_constants))

ke_energy = simplify(kinetic_energy(inertial_frame, bP, cP, dP))




pe_energy = simplify(potential_energy(bP, cP, dP).subs(parameter_dict))

forcing = simplify(kane.forcing)

mass_matrix = simplify(kane.mass_matrix)

zero_omega = dict(zip(speeds, zeros(3)))

torques = Matrix(specified)

g_terms = forcing.subs(zero_omega) - torques

g_terms_a = g_terms[0]
g_terms_b = g_terms[1]
g_terms_c = g_terms[2]

#Set input torques to 0
numerical_specified = zeros(2)

parameter_dict = dict(zip(constants, numerical_constants))

ke_energy = simplify(kinetic_energy(inertial_frame, twoP, threeP))



pe_energy = simplify(potential_energy(twoP, threeP))

forcing = simplify(kane.forcing)

mass_matrix = simplify(kane.mass_matrix)

torques = Matrix(specified)

zero_omega = dict(zip(speeds, zeros(2)))

com = simplify(forcing.subs(zero_omega) - torques)

com_1 = com[0]
com_2 = com[1]

coriolis = simplify(forcing - com - torques)
#Set input torques to 0
numerical_specified = zeros(4)

parameter_dict = dict(zip(constants, numerical_constants))

ke_energy = kinetic_energy(inertial_frame, bP, cP, dP, eP)




eP.set_potential_energy(d_mass*g*(a_length*cos(theta_a) + b_length*cos(theta_a+theta_b) + c_length*cos(theta_a+theta_b+theta_c) + d_length*cos(theta_a+theta_b+theta_c)))

pe_energy = potential_energy(bP, cP, dP, eP).subs(parameter_dict)

forcing = kane.forcing

#mass_matrix = simplify(kane.mass_matrix)

zero_omega = dict(zip(speeds, zeros(4)))

torques = Matrix(specified)

g_terms = forcing.subs(zero_omega) - torques

g_terms = simplify(g_terms)

g_terms_a = g_terms[0]
g_terms_b = g_terms[1]
Beispiel #9
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#                              Equations of motion
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

if __name__ == "__main__":  # Do not perform derivation when imported

    simplify_exps = False

    T = 0
    for obj in (*particles, *links):
        T += trigsimp(obj.kinetic_energy(N))
        print(f"Included {obj} in T")
    #sum([obj.kinetic_energy(N).simplify() for obj in (*particles, *links)])
    #T = kinetic_energy(N, *particles, *links)  # Kinetic energy
    V = potential_energy(*particles, *links)  # Potential energy

    # Add the contribution of the spring
    V += simplify(0.5*k*(A.pos_from(B).magnitude() - l0)**2)

    L = T - V  # Lagrangian

    # -------------------------- Friction torques -----------------------------
    # N.z is used because all z-axis are parallel
    torques = [(pend_frame, -b_joint*dq[1]*N.z),

               (link1_frame, -b_joint*2*dq[2]*N.z),
               (link2_frame, b_joint*2*dq[2]*N.z),

               (link1_frame, -b_joint*(beta_dot)*N.z),
               (link3_frame, b_joint*(beta_dot)*N.z),