Beispiel #1
def lr_op(left, right):
    """Perform a LR operation.

    A LR operation multiplies both left and right circuits
    with the dagger of the left circuit's rightmost gate, and
    the dagger is multiplied on the right side of both circuits.

    If a LR is possible, it returns the new gate rule as a
    2-tuple (LHS, RHS), where LHS is the left circuit and
    and RHS is the right circuit of the new rule.
    If a LR is not possible, None is returned.


    left : Gate tuple
        The left circuit of a gate rule expression.
    right : Gate tuple
        The right circuit of a gate rule expression.


    Generate a new gate rule using a LR operation:

    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.identitysearch import lr_op
    >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.gate import X, Y, Z
    >>> x = X(0); y = Y(0); z = Z(0)
    >>> lr_op((x, y, z), ())
    ((X(0), Y(0)), (Z(0),))

    >>> lr_op((x, y), (z,))
    ((X(0),), (Z(0), Y(0)))

    if (len(left) > 0):
        lr_gate = left[len(left) - 1]
        lr_gate_is_unitary = is_scalar_matrix((Dagger(lr_gate), lr_gate),
                                              _get_min_qubits(lr_gate), True)

    if (len(left) > 0 and lr_gate_is_unitary):
        # Get the new left side w/o the rightmost gate
        new_left = left[0:len(left) - 1]
        # Add the rightmost gate to the right position on the right side
        new_right = right + (Dagger(lr_gate), )
        # Return the new gate rule
        return (new_left, new_right)

    return None
Beispiel #2
 def _process_monomial(self, monomial, n_vars):
     """Process a single monomial when building the moment matrix.
     coeff, monomial = monomial.as_coeff_Mul()
     k = 0
     # Have we seen this monomial before?
     conjugate = False
         # If yes, then we improve sparsity by reusing the
         # previous variable to denote this entry in the matrix
         k = self.monomial_index[monomial]
     except KeyError:
         # An extra round of substitutions is granted on the conjugate of
         # the monomial if all the variables are Hermitian
         daggered_monomial = \
             apply_substitutions(Dagger(monomial), self.substitutions,
             k = self.monomial_index[daggered_monomial]
             conjugate = True
         except KeyError:
             # Otherwise we define a new entry in the associated
             # array recording the monomials, and add an entry in
             # the moment matrix
             k = n_vars + 1
             self.monomial_index[monomial] = k
     if conjugate:
         k = -k
     return k, coeff
Beispiel #3
def test_numpy_dagger():
    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed.")

    a = np.matrix([[1.0, 2.0j], [-1.0j, 2.0]])
    adag = a.copy().transpose().conjugate()
    assert (Dagger(a) == adag).all()
Beispiel #4
def get_ncmonomials(variables, degree):
    """Generates all noncommutative monomials up to a degree

    :param variables: The noncommutative variables to generate monomials from
    :type variables: list of :class:`sympy.physics.quantum.operator.Operator` or
    :param degree: The maximum degree.
    :type degree: int.

    :returns: list of monomials.
    if not variables:
        return [S.One]
        _variables = variables[:]
        _variables.insert(0, 1)
        ncmonomials = [S.One]
        for _ in range(degree):
            temp = []
            for var in _variables:
                for new_var in ncmonomials:
                    temp.append(var * new_var)
                    if var != 1 and not var.is_hermitian:
                        temp.append(Dagger(var) * new_var)
            ncmonomials = unique(temp[:])
        return ncmonomials
 def __process_monomial(self, monomial, n_vars):
     """Process a single monomial when building the moment matrix.
     if monomial.as_coeff_Mul()[0] < 0:
         monomial = -monomial
     k = 0
     # Have we seen this monomial before?
         # If yes, then we improve sparsity by reusing the
         # previous variable to denote this entry in the matrix
         k = self.monomial_index[monomial]
     except KeyError:
         # An extra round of substitutions is granted on the conjugate of
         # the monomial if all the variables are Hermitian
         need_new_variable = True
         if self.is_hermitian_variables and ncdegree(monomial) > 2:
             daggered_monomial = apply_substitutions(
                 Dagger(monomial), self.substitutions)
                 k = self.monomial_index[daggered_monomial]
                 need_new_variable = False
             except KeyError:
                 need_new_variable = True
         if need_new_variable:
             # Otherwise we define a new entry in the associated
             # array recording the monomials, and add an entry in
             # the moment matrix
             k = n_vars + 1
             self.monomial_index[monomial] = k
     return k
def test_tensorproduct():
    a = BosonOp("a")
    b = BosonOp("b")
    ket1 = TensorProduct(BosonFockKet(1), BosonFockKet(2))
    ket2 = TensorProduct(BosonFockKet(0), BosonFockKet(0))
    ket3 = TensorProduct(BosonFockKet(0), BosonFockKet(2))
    bra1 = TensorProduct(BosonFockBra(0), BosonFockBra(0))
    bra2 = TensorProduct(BosonFockBra(1), BosonFockBra(2))
    assert qapply(TensorProduct(a, b**2) * ket1) == sqrt(2) * ket2
    assert qapply(TensorProduct(a, Dagger(b) * b) * ket1) == 2 * ket3
    assert qapply(bra1 * TensorProduct(a, b * b),
                  dagger=True) == sqrt(2) * bra2
    assert qapply(bra2 * ket1).doit() == TensorProduct(1, 1)
    assert qapply(TensorProduct(a, b * b) * ket1) == sqrt(2) * ket2
    assert qapply(Dagger(TensorProduct(a, b * b) * ket1),
                  dagger=True) == sqrt(2) * Dagger(ket2)
 def __get_index_of_monomial(self, element, enablesubstitution=True):
     """Returns the index of a monomial.
     monomial, coeff = build_monomial(element)
     if enablesubstitution:
         monomial = apply_substitutions(monomial, self.substitutions)
     # Given the monomial, we need its mapping L_y(w) to push it into
     # a corresponding constraint matrix
     if monomial != 0:
         if monomial.as_coeff_Mul()[0] < 0:
             monomial = -monomial
             coeff = -1.0 * coeff
     k = -1
     if monomial.is_Number:
         k = 0
             k = self.monomial_index[monomial]
         except KeyError:
                 [monomial, coeff] = build_monomial(element)
                 monomial, scalar_factor = separate_scalar_factor(
                 coeff *= scalar_factor
                 k = self.monomial_index[monomial]
             except KeyError:
                 # An extra round of substitutions is granted on the
                 # conjugate of the monomial if all the variables are
                 exists = False
                 if self.is_hermitian_variables:
                     daggered_monomial = \
                         k = self.monomial_index[daggered_monomial]
                         exists = True
                     except KeyError:
                         exists = False
                 if not exists and self.verbose > 0:
                     [monomial, coeff] = build_monomial(element)
                     sub = apply_substitutions(Dagger(monomial),
                     print(("DEBUG: %s, %s, %s" %
                            (element, Dagger(monomial), sub)))
     return k, coeff
    def _generate_outer_prod(self, arg1, arg2):
        c_part1, nc_part1 = arg1.args_cnc()
        c_part2, nc_part2 = arg2.args_cnc()

        if (len(nc_part1) == 0 or len(nc_part2) == 0):
            raise ValueError('Atleast one-pair of'
                             ' Non-commutative instance required'
                             ' for outer product.')

        # Muls of Tensor Products should be expanded
        # before this function is called
        if (isinstance(nc_part1[0], TensorProduct) and len(nc_part1) == 1
                and len(nc_part2) == 1):
            op = tensor_product_simp(nc_part1[0] * Dagger(nc_part2[0]))
            op = Mul(*nc_part1) * Dagger(Mul(*nc_part2))

        return Mul(*c_part1) * Mul(*c_part2) * op
Beispiel #9
def bosonic_constraints(a):
    """Return  a set of constraints that define fermionic ladder operators.

    :param a: The non-Hermitian variables.
    :type a: list of :class:`sympy.physics.quantum.operator.Operator`.
    :returns: a dict of substitutions.
    substitutions = {}
    for i, ai in enumerate(a):
        substitutions[ai * Dagger(ai)] = 1.0 + Dagger(ai) * ai
        for aj in a[i + 1:]:
            # substitutions[ai*Dagger(aj)] = -Dagger(ai)*aj
            substitutions[ai * Dagger(aj)] = Dagger(aj) * ai
            substitutions[Dagger(ai) * aj] = aj * Dagger(ai)
            substitutions[ai * aj] = aj * ai
            substitutions[Dagger(ai) * Dagger(aj)] = Dagger(aj) * Dagger(ai)

    return substitutions
 def test_ground_state_energy(self):
     N = 3
     a = generate_operators('a', N)
     substitutions = bosonic_constraints(a)
     hamiltonian = sum(Dagger(a[i]) * a[i] for i in range(N))
     sdpRelaxation = SdpRelaxation(a, verbose=0)
     sdpRelaxation.get_relaxation(1, objective=hamiltonian,
     self.assertTrue(abs(sdpRelaxation.primal) < 10e-5)
Beispiel #11
def test_scipy_sparse_dagger():
    if not np:
        skip("numpy not installed.")
    if not scipy:
        skip("scipy not installed.")
        sparse = scipy.sparse

    a = sparse.csr_matrix([[1.0 + 0.0j, 2.0j], [-1.0j, 2.0 + 0.0j]])
    adag = a.copy().transpose().conjugate()
    assert np.linalg.norm((Dagger(a) - adag).todense()) == 0.0
def test_identity():
    I = IdentityOperator()
    O = Operator('O')
    x = Symbol("x")

    assert isinstance(I, IdentityOperator)
    assert isinstance(I, Operator)

    assert I * O == O
    assert O * I == O
    assert I * Dagger(O) == Dagger(O)
    assert Dagger(O) * I == Dagger(O)
    assert isinstance(I * I, IdentityOperator)
    assert isinstance(3 * I, Mul)
    assert isinstance(I * x, Mul)
    assert I.inv() == I
    assert Dagger(I) == I
    assert qapply(I * O) == O
    assert qapply(O * I) == O

    for n in [2, 3, 5]:
        assert represent(IdentityOperator(n)) == eye(n)
    def __generate_moment_matrix(self, n_vars, block_index, monomialsA,
        """Generate the moment matrix of monomials.

        n_vars -- current number of variables
        block_index -- current block index in the SDP matrix
        monomials -- |W_d| set of words of length up to the relaxation level
        row_offset = 0
        if block_index > 0:
            for block_size in self.block_struct[0:block_index]:
                row_offset += block_size**2
        N = len(monomialsA) * len(monomialsB)
        # We process the M_d(u,w) entries in the moment matrix
        for rowA in range(len(monomialsA)):
            for columnA in range(rowA, len(monomialsA)):
                for rowB in range(len(monomialsB)):
                    start_columnB = 0
                    if rowA == columnA:
                        start_columnB = rowB
                    for columnB in range(start_columnB, len(monomialsB)):
                        monomial = Dagger(monomialsA[rowA]) * \
                                   monomialsA[columnA] * \
                                   Dagger(monomialsB[rowB]) * \
                        # Apply the substitutions if any
                        n_vars = self.__push_monomial(monomial, n_vars,
                                                      row_offset, rowA,
                                                      columnA, N, rowB,
                                                      columnB, len(monomialsB))
                        if self.verbose > 0:
                                "\r\x1b[KCurrent number of SDP variables: %d" %
        if self.verbose > 0:
        return n_vars, block_index + 1
Beispiel #14
def test_identity():
    I = IdentityOperator()
    O = Operator('O')

    assert isinstance(I, IdentityOperator)
    assert isinstance(I, Operator)

    assert I.inv() == I
    assert Dagger(I) == I
    assert qapply(I * O) == O
    assert qapply(O * I) == O

    for n in [2, 3, 5]:
        assert represent(IdentityOperator(n)) == eye(n)
    def __process_inequalities(self, inequalities, block_index):
        """Generate localizing matrices

        inequalities -- list of inequality constraints
        monomials    -- localizing monomials
        block_index -- the current block index in constraint matrices of the
                       SDP relaxation

        all_monomials = flatten(self.monomial_sets)
        initial_block_index = block_index
        row_offsets = [0]
        for block, block_size in enumerate(self.block_struct):
            row_offsets.append(row_offsets[block] + block_size**2)
        for k, ineq in enumerate(inequalities):
            block_index += 1
            localization_order = self.localization_order[block_index -
                                                         initial_block_index -
            if self.hierarchy == "npa_chordal":
                index = find_clique_index(self.variables, ineq,
                monomials = \

                monomials = \
            monomials = unique(monomials)
            # Process M_y(gy)(u,w) entries
            for row in range(len(monomials)):
                for column in range(row, len(monomials)):
                    # Calculate the moments of polynomial entries
                    polynomial = \
                            Dagger(monomials[row]) * ineq * monomials[column],
                    self.__push_facvar_sparse(polynomial, block_index,
                                              row_offsets[block_index - 1],
                                              row, column)
            if self.verbose > 0:
                sys.stdout.write("\r\x1b[KProcessing %d/%d constraints..." %
                                 (k + 1, len(inequalities)))
        if self.verbose > 0:
        return block_index
Beispiel #16
def get_support(variables, polynomial):
    """Gets the support of a polynomial.
    support = []
    if isinstance(polynomial, (int, float, complex)):
        support.append([0] * len(variables))
        return support
    polynomial = polynomial.expand()
    for monomial in polynomial.as_coefficients_dict():
        tmp_support = [0] * len(variables)
        monomial, scalar = separate_scalar_factor(monomial)
        symbolic_support = flatten(split_commutative_parts(monomial))
        for s in symbolic_support:
            if isinstance(s, Pow):
                base = s.base
                if isinstance(base, Dagger):
                    base = Dagger(base)
                tmp_support[variables.index(base)] = s.exp
            elif isinstance(s, Dagger):
                tmp_support[variables.index(Dagger(s))] = 1
            elif isinstance(s, Operator):
                tmp_support[variables.index(s)] = 1
    return support
Beispiel #17
def test_outer_product():
    k = Ket('k')
    b = Bra('b')
    op = OuterProduct(k, b)

    assert isinstance(op, OuterProduct)
    assert isinstance(op, Operator)

    assert op.ket == k
    assert op.bra == b
    assert op.label == (k, b)
    assert op.is_commutative is False

    op = k * b

    assert isinstance(op, OuterProduct)
    assert isinstance(op, Operator)

    assert op.ket == k
    assert op.bra == b
    assert op.label == (k, b)
    assert op.is_commutative is False

    op = 2 * k * b

    assert op == Mul(Integer(2), k, b)

    op = 2 * (k * b)

    assert op == Mul(Integer(2), OuterProduct(k, b))

    assert Dagger(k * b) == OuterProduct(Dagger(b), Dagger(k))
    assert Dagger(k * b).is_commutative is False

    #test the _eval_trace
    assert Tr(OuterProduct(JzKet(1, 1), JzBra(1, 1))).doit() == 1
Beispiel #18
def test_dagger():
    x = symbols("x")
    expr = Dagger(x)
    assert str(expr) == "Dagger(x)"
    ascii_str = """\
x \
    ucode_str = u("""\
x \
    assert pretty(expr) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(expr) == ucode_str
    assert latex(expr) == r"x^{\dagger}"
    sT(expr, "Dagger(Symbol('x'))")
Beispiel #19
def test_bra_ket_dagger():
    x = symbols('x', complex=True)
    k = Ket('k')
    b = Bra('b')
    assert Dagger(k) == Bra('k')
    assert Dagger(b) == Ket('b')
    assert Dagger(k).is_commutative == False

    k2 = Ket('k2')
    e = 2 * I * k + x * k2
    assert Dagger(e) == conjugate(x) * Dagger(k2) - 2 * I * Dagger(k)
Beispiel #20
def test_bra_ket_dagger():
    x = symbols("x", complex=True)
    k = Ket("k")
    b = Bra("b")
    assert Dagger(k) == Bra("k")
    assert Dagger(b) == Ket("b")
    assert Dagger(k).is_commutative is False

    k2 = Ket("k2")
    e = 2 * I * k + x * k2
    assert Dagger(e) == conjugate(x) * Dagger(k2) - 2 * I * Dagger(k)
Beispiel #21
def test_dagger():
    x = symbols('x')
    expr = Dagger(x)
    assert str(expr) == 'Dagger(x)'
    ascii_str = \
x \
    ucode_str = \
x \
    assert pretty(expr) == ascii_str
    assert upretty(expr) == ucode_str
    assert latex(expr) == r'x^{\dag}'
    sT(expr, "Dagger(Symbol('x'))")
    def __process_equalities(self, equalities, all_monomials):
        """Generate localizing matrices

        equalities -- list of equality constraints
        monomials  -- localizing monomials
        level -- the level of the relaxation
        max_localization_order = 0
        for equality in equalities:
            # Find the order of the localizing matrix
            eq_order = ncdegree(equality)
            if eq_order > 2 * self.level:
                print(("An equality constraint has degree %d. Choose a higher \
                      level of relaxation." % eq_order))
                raise Exception
            localization_order = int(floor((2 * self.level - eq_order) / 2))
            if localization_order > max_localization_order:
                max_localization_order = localization_order
        monomials = \
            pick_monomials_up_to_degree(all_monomials, max_localization_order)
        A = np.zeros(
            (len(equalities) * len(monomials) * (len(monomials) + 1) / 2,
             self.n_vars + 1))
        n_rows = 0
        for equality in equalities:
            # Find the order of the localizing matrix
            # Process M_y(gy)(u,w) entries
            for row in range(len(monomials)):
                for column in range(row, len(monomials)):
                    # Calculate the moments of polynomial entries
                    polynomial = \
                        simplify_polynomial(Dagger(monomials[row]) *
                                            equality * monomials[column],
                    A[n_rows] = self.__get_facvar(polynomial)
                    # This is something really weird: we want the constant
                    # terms in equalities to be positive. Otherwise funny
                    # things happen in the QR decomposition and the basis
                    # transformation.
                    if A[n_rows, 0] < 0:
                        A[n_rows] = -A[n_rows]
                    n_rows += 1
        return A
Beispiel #23
    def doit(self, **hints):
        """Expand the density operator into an outer product format.


        >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.state import Ket
        >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.density import Density
        >>> from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import Operator
        >>> A = Operator('A')
        >>> d = Density([Ket(0), 0.5], [Ket(1),0.5])
        >>> d.doit()
        0.5*|0><0| + 0.5*|1><1|

        terms = []
        for (state, prob) in self.args:
            terms.append(prob * (state * Dagger(state)))

        return Add(*terms)
Beispiel #24
    def test_apply_substitutions(self):
        def apply_correct_substitutions(monomial, substitutions):
            if isinstance(monomial, int) or isinstance(monomial, float):
                return monomial
            original_monomial = monomial
            changed = True
            while changed:
                for lhs, rhs in substitutions.items():
                    monomial = monomial.subs(lhs, rhs)
                if original_monomial == monomial:
                    changed = False
                original_monomial = monomial
            return monomial

        length, h, U, t = 2, 3.8, -6, 1
        fu = generate_operators('fu', length)
        fd = generate_operators('fd', length)
        _b = flatten([fu, fd])
        hamiltonian = 0
        for j in range(length):
            hamiltonian += U * (Dagger(fu[j]) * Dagger(fd[j]) * fd[j] * fu[j])
            hamiltonian += -h / 2 * (Dagger(fu[j]) * fu[j] -
                                     Dagger(fd[j]) * fd[j])
            for k in get_neighbors(j, len(fu), width=1):
                hamiltonian += -t * Dagger(fu[j]) * fu[k] - t * Dagger(
                    fu[k]) * fu[j]
                hamiltonian += -t * Dagger(fd[j]) * fd[k] - t * Dagger(
                    fd[k]) * fd[j]
        substitutions = fermionic_constraints(_b)
        monomials = expand(hamiltonian).as_coeff_mul()[1][0].as_coeff_add()[1]
        substituted_hamiltonian = sum([
            apply_substitutions(monomial, substitutions)
            for monomial in monomials
        correct_hamiltonian = sum([
            apply_correct_substitutions(monomial, substitutions)
            for monomial in monomials
        self.assertTrue(substituted_hamiltonian == expand(correct_hamiltonian))
Beispiel #25
def test_scalars():
    x = symbols('x', complex=True)
    assert Dagger(x) == conjugate(x)
    assert Dagger(I * x) == -I * conjugate(x)

    i = symbols('i', real=True)
    assert Dagger(i) == i

    p = symbols('p')
    assert isinstance(Dagger(p), adjoint)

    i = Integer(3)
    assert Dagger(i) == i

    A = symbols('A', commutative=False)
    assert Dagger(A).is_commutative is False
Beispiel #26
def test_represent():
    x, y = symbols('x y')
    d = Density([XKet(), 0.5], [PxKet(), 0.5])
    assert (represent(0.5 * (PxKet() * Dagger(PxKet()))) +
            represent(0.5 * (XKet() * Dagger(XKet())))) == represent(d)

    # check for kets with expr in them
    d_with_sym = Density([XKet(x * y), 0.5], [PxKet(x * y), 0.5])
    assert (represent(0.5*(PxKet(x*y)*Dagger(PxKet(x*y)))) +
            represent(0.5*(XKet(x*y)*Dagger(XKet(x*y))))) == \

    # check when given explicit basis
    assert (represent(0.5*(XKet()*Dagger(XKet())), basis=PxOp()) +
            represent(0.5*(PxKet()*Dagger(PxKet())), basis=PxOp())) == \
        represent(d, basis=PxOp())
Beispiel #27
 def _represent(self, **options):
     """A default represent that uses the Ket's version."""
     from sympy.physics.quantum.dagger import Dagger
     return Dagger(self.dual._represent(**options))
Beispiel #28
 def _eval_adjoint(self):
     return TensorProduct(*[Dagger(i) for i in self.args])
Beispiel #29
def nsi_sympy_mat_mult(
    """Sympy calculation of generalised matter Hamiltonian."""
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    from sympy import (
        cos, sin,
        Matrix, eye,
        I, re, im,
        Symbol, symbols,
    from sympy.physics.quantum.dagger import Dagger
    phi12, phi13, phi23 = symbols('phi12 phi13 phi23', real=True)
    alpha1, alpha2 = symbols('alpha1 alpha2', real=True)
    eps_scale, eps_prime = symbols('eps_scale eps_prime', real=True)
    deltansi = Symbol('deltansi', real=True)

    Dmat = Matrix(
        [[eps_scale, 0, 0], [0, eps_prime, 0], [0, 0, 0]]
    Qrel = Matrix(
        [[cos(alpha1) + I * sin(alpha1), 0, 0],
        [0, cos(alpha2) + I * sin(alpha2), 0],
        [0, 0, cos(-(alpha1 + alpha2)) + I * sin(-(alpha1 + alpha2))]]
    R12 = Matrix(
        [[cos(phi12), sin(phi12), 0],
        [-sin(phi12), cos(phi12), 0],
        [0, 0, 1]]
    R13 = Matrix(
        [[cos(phi13), 0, sin(phi13)],
        [0, 1, 0],
        [-sin(phi13), 0, cos(phi13)]]
    R23_complex = Matrix(
        [[1, 0, 0],
        [0, cos(phi23), sin(phi23) * (cos(deltansi) + I * sin(-deltansi))],
        [0, -sin(phi23) * (cos(deltansi) + I * sin(deltansi)), cos(phi23)]]

    Umat = R12 * R13 * R23_complex
    tmp = Dagger(Umat) * Dagger(Qrel)
    tmp2 = Dmat * tmp
    tmp3 = Umat * tmp2
    Hmat_sympy = Qrel * tmp3
    # subtract constant * id
    Hmat_sympy_minus_mumu = Hmat_sympy - Hmat_sympy[1, 1] * eye(3)
    Hmat_sympy_minus_mumu[0, 0] = Hmat_sympy_minus_mumu[0, 0] - 1
    eps_mat_sympy = Hmat_sympy_minus_mumu
    # simplify
    eps_mat_sympy_simpl = simplify(eps_mat_sympy)
    # evaluate
    eps_mat_sympy_eval = eps_mat_sympy_simpl.subs(
        [(eps_scale, eps_scale_val), (eps_prime, eps_prime_val),
         (phi12, phi12_val), (phi13, phi13_val), (phi23, phi23_val),
         (alpha1, alpha1_val), (alpha2, alpha2_val),
         (deltansi, deltansi_val)]
    # real part
    eps_mat_sympy_eval_re = re(eps_mat_sympy_eval)
    # imaginary part
    eps_mat_sympy_eval_im = im(eps_mat_sympy_eval)

    # complex numpy array
    return (
        np.array(eps_mat_sympy_eval_re) + np.array(eps_mat_sympy_eval_im) * 1.j
Beispiel #30
 def _eval_dagger(self):
     return AntiCommutator(Dagger(self.args[0]), Dagger(self.args[1]))