Beispiel #1
def generate_variable(name, hermitian=False, commutative=False):
    """Generates a commutative or noncommutative variable

    :param name: The symbolic name of the variable.
    :type name: str.
    :param hermitian: Optional parameter to request Hermitian variables .
    :type hermitian: bool.
    :param commutative: Optional parameter to request commutative variables.
                        Commutative variables are Hermitian by default.
    :type commutative: bool.

    :returns: :class:`sympy.physics.quantum.operator.Operator` or


    >>> generate_variable("c", commutative=True)
    if hermitian or commutative:
        variable = HermitianOperator(name)
        variable = Operator(name)
    variable.is_commutative = commutative
    return variable
Beispiel #2
def test_hermitian():
    H = HermitianOperator('H')

    assert isinstance(H, HermitianOperator)
    assert isinstance(H, Operator)

    assert Dagger(H) == H
    assert H.inv() != H
    assert H.is_commutative is False
    assert Dagger(H).is_commutative is False
def non_commutative_sympify(expr_string, status, boolean):
    if "^" in expr_string:
        expr_string = expr_string.replace("^", "**")

    if "Ad" in expr_string:
        expr_string = expr_string.replace("Ad", "Dagger")

    fixed_string = ""
    if 'Dagger' in expr_string:
        fixed_string = expr_string.replace("Dagger", "sin")
        fixed_string = expr_string
    temp_evaluated_expr = parse_expr(fixed_string, evaluate=False)
    if status == '0':
        status1 = False
    elif status == '1':
        status1 = True

    new_locals = { Symbol(, commutative=status1)
        for sym in temp_evaluated_expr.atoms(Symbol)

    #new_locals = {}
    #for sym in temp_evaluated_expr.atoms(Symbol):
    #       new_locals.update({})

    #{'C': C, 'E': E, 'I': I, 'N': N, 'O': O, 'Q': Q, 'S': S}

    new_locals.update({'U': UnitaryOperator('U')})
    new_locals.update({'c': Symbol('c', commutative=True)})
    new_locals.update({'r': Symbol('r', commutative=True)})
    new_locals.update({'t': Symbol('t', commutative=True)})
    new_locals.update({'W': UnitaryOperator('W')})
    new_locals.update({'V': UnitaryOperator('V')})
    new_locals.update({'u': UnitaryOperator('u')})
    new_locals.update({'w': UnitaryOperator('w')})
    new_locals.update({'v': UnitaryOperator('v')})
    new_locals.update({'H': HermitianOperator('H')})
    new_locals.update({'A': HermitianOperator('A')})
    new_locals.update({'T': HermitianOperator('T')})
    new_locals.update({'C': Operator('C')})
    new_locals.update({'Dagger': Dagger})

    return sympify(expr_string, locals=new_locals, evaluate=boolean)
Beispiel #4
def generate_variables(n_vars, hermitian=False, commutative=False, name='x'):
    """Generates a number of commutative or noncommutative variables

    :param n_vars: The number of variables.
    :type n_vars: int.

    :returns: list of :class:`sympy.physics.quantum.operator.Operator` or

    variables = []
    for i in range(n_vars):
        if hermitian or commutative:
            variables.append(HermitianOperator('%s%s' % (name, i)))
            variables.append(Operator('%s%s' % (name, i)))
        variables[i].is_commutative = commutative
    return variables
Beispiel #5
def test_sympy__physics__quantum__operator__HermitianOperator():
    from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import HermitianOperator
    assert _test_args(HermitianOperator('H'))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
This script replicates the results of gloptipolydemo.m, which is packaged with

Created on Thu May 15 11:16:58 2014

@author: wittek
from sympy.physics.quantum.operator import HermitianOperator
from ncpol2sdpa import SdpRelaxation, write_to_sdpa

# Get commutative variables
x1 = HermitianOperator("x1")
x1.is_commutative = True
x2 = HermitianOperator("x2")
x2.is_commutative = True

g0 = 4 * x1 ** 2 + x1 * x2 - 4 * x2 ** 2 - \
    2.1 * x1 ** 4 + 4 * x2 ** 4 + x1 ** 6 / 3

# Obtain SDP relaxation
sdpRelaxation = SdpRelaxation([x1, x2])
sdpRelaxation.get_relaxation(3, objective=g0)
write_to_sdpa(sdpRelaxation, 'gloptipoly_demo.dat-s')