Beispiel #1
def _dmp_simplify_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    """Try to eliminate `x_0` from GCD computation in `K[X]`. """
    df = dmp_degree(f, u)
    dg = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if df > 0 and dg > 0:
        return None

    if not (df or dg):
        F = dmp_LC(f, K)
        G = dmp_LC(g, K)
        if not df:
            F = dmp_LC(f, K)
            G = dmp_content(g, u, K)
            F = dmp_content(f, u, K)
            G = dmp_LC(g, K)

    v = u - 1
    h = dmp_gcd(F, G, v, K)

    cff = [ dmp_quo(cf, h, v, K) for cf in f ]
    cfg = [ dmp_quo(cg, h, v, K) for cg in g ]

    return [h], cff, cfg
Beispiel #2
def dmp_discriminant(f, u, K):
    Computes discriminant of a polynomial in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y,z,t = ring("x,y,z,t", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_discriminant(x**2*y + x*z + t)
    -4*y*t + z**2

    if not u:
        return dup_discriminant(f, K)

    d, v = dmp_degree(f, u), u - 1

    if d <= 0:
        return dmp_zero(v)
        s = (-1)**((d*(d - 1)) // 2)
        c = dmp_LC(f, K)

        r = dmp_resultant(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
        c = dmp_mul_ground(c, K(s), v, K)

        return dmp_quo(r, c, v, K)
Beispiel #3
def dmp_sqf_part(f, u, K):
    Returns square-free part of a polynomial in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.sqfreetools import dmp_sqf_part

    >>> f =[[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0], []])

    >>> dmp_sqf_part(f, 1, ZZ)
    [[1], [1, 0], []]

    if not u:
        return dup_sqf_part(f, K)

    if not K.has_CharacteristicZero:
        return dmp_gf_sqf_part(f, u, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return f

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)):
        f = dmp_neg(f, u, K)

    gcd = dmp_gcd(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
    sqf = dmp_quo(f, gcd, u, K)

    if K.has_Field or not K.is_Exact:
        return dmp_ground_monic(sqf, u, K)
        return dmp_ground_primitive(sqf, u, K)[1]
Beispiel #4
def dmp_discriminant(f, u, K):
    Computes discriminant of a polynomial in `K[X]`.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_discriminant

    >>> f =[[[[1]], [[]]], [[[1], []]], [[[1, 0]]]])

    >>> dmp_discriminant(f, 3, ZZ)
    [[[-4, 0]], [[1], [], []]]

    if not u:
        return dup_discriminant(f, K)

    d, v = dmp_degree(f, u), u-1

    if d <= 0:
        return dmp_zero(v)
        s = (-1)**((d*(d-1)) // 2)
        c = dmp_LC(f, K)

        r = dmp_resultant(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
        c = dmp_mul_ground(c, K(s), v, K)

        return dmp_quo(r, c, v, K)
Beispiel #5
def test_dmp_div():
    f, g, q, r = [5,4,3,2,1], [1,2,3], [5,-6,0], [20,1]

    assert dmp_div(f, g, 0, ZZ) == (q, r)
    assert dmp_quo(f, g, 0, ZZ) == q
    assert dmp_rem(f, g, 0, ZZ) == r

    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: dmp_exquo(f, g, 0, ZZ))

    f, g, q, r = [[[1]]], [[[2]],[1]], [[[]]], [[[1]]]

    assert dmp_div(f, g, 2, ZZ) == (q, r)
    assert dmp_quo(f, g, 2, ZZ) == q
    assert dmp_rem(f, g, 2, ZZ) == r

    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: dmp_exquo(f, g, 2, ZZ))
Beispiel #6
def dmp_rr_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a ring in `K[X]`.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_rr_lcm

    >>> f =[[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0], []])

    >>> dmp_rr_lcm(f, g, 1, ZZ)
    [[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0], []]

    fc, f = dmp_ground_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, g = dmp_ground_primitive(g, u, K)

    c = K.lcm(fc, gc)

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K),
                dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_mul_ground(h, c, u, K)
Beispiel #7
def test_dmp_div():
    f, g, q, r = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], [1, 2, 3], [5, -6, 0], [20, 1]

    assert dmp_div(f, g, 0, ZZ) == (q, r)
    assert dmp_quo(f, g, 0, ZZ) == q
    assert dmp_rem(f, g, 0, ZZ) == r

    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: dmp_exquo(f, g, 0, ZZ))

    f, g, q, r = [[[1]]], [[[2]], [1]], [[[]]], [[[1]]]

    assert dmp_div(f, g, 2, ZZ) == (q, r)
    assert dmp_quo(f, g, 2, ZZ) == q
    assert dmp_rem(f, g, 2, ZZ) == r

    raises(ExactQuotientFailed, lambda: dmp_exquo(f, g, 2, ZZ))
Beispiel #8
def dmp_discriminant(f, u, K):
    Computes discriminant of a polynomial in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_discriminant

    >>> f =[[[[1]], [[]]], [[[1], []]], [[[1, 0]]]])

    >>> dmp_discriminant(f, 3, ZZ)
    [[[-4, 0]], [[1], [], []]]

    if not u:
        return dup_discriminant(f, K)

    d, v = dmp_degree(f, u), u - 1

    if d <= 0:
        return dmp_zero(v)
        s = (-1)**((d * (d - 1)) // 2)
        c = dmp_LC(f, K)

        r = dmp_resultant(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
        c = dmp_mul_ground(c, K(s), v, K)

        return dmp_quo(r, c, v, K)
Beispiel #9
def dmp_sqf_part(f, u, K):
    Returns square-free part of a polynomial in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_sqf_part(x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2)
    x**2 + x*y

    if not u:
        return dup_sqf_part(f, K)

    if K.is_FiniteField:
        return dmp_gf_sqf_part(f, u, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return f

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)):
        f = dmp_neg(f, u, K)

    gcd = dmp_gcd(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
    sqf = dmp_quo(f, gcd, u, K)

    if K.has_Field:
        return dmp_ground_monic(sqf, u, K)
        return dmp_ground_primitive(sqf, u, K)[1]
Beispiel #10
def dmp_rr_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a ring in `K[X]`.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_rr_lcm

    >>> f =[[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0], []])

    >>> dmp_rr_lcm(f, g, 1, ZZ)
    [[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0], []]

    fc, f = dmp_ground_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, g = dmp_ground_primitive(g, u, K)

    c = K.lcm(fc, gc)

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K),
                dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_mul_ground(h, c, u, K)
Beispiel #11
def dmp_sqf_part(f, u, K):
    Returns square-free part of a polynomial in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.sqfreetools import dmp_sqf_part

    >>> f =[[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0], []])

    >>> dmp_sqf_part(f, 1, ZZ)
    [[1], [1, 0], []]

    if not u:
        return dup_sqf_part(f, K)

    if not K.has_CharacteristicZero:
        return dmp_gf_sqf_part(f, u, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return f

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)):
        f = dmp_neg(f, u, K)

    gcd = dmp_gcd(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
    sqf = dmp_quo(f, gcd, u, K)

    if K.has_Field or not K.is_Exact:
        return dmp_ground_monic(sqf, u, K)
        return dmp_ground_primitive(sqf, u, K)[1]
Beispiel #12
def dmp_discriminant(f, u, K):
    Computes discriminant of a polynomial in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y,z,t = ring("x,y,z,t", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_discriminant(x**2*y + x*z + t)
    -4*y*t + z**2

    if not u:
        return dup_discriminant(f, K)

    d, v = dmp_degree(f, u), u - 1

    if d <= 0:
        return dmp_zero(v)
        s = (-1)**((d * (d - 1)) // 2)
        c = dmp_LC(f, K)

        r = dmp_resultant(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
        c = dmp_mul_ground(c, K(s), v, K)

        return dmp_quo(r, c, v, K)
Beispiel #13
def dmp_rr_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a ring in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_rr_lcm(f, g)
    x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2

    fc, f = dmp_ground_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, g = dmp_ground_primitive(g, u, K)

    c = K.lcm(fc, gc)

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K), dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_mul_ground(h, c, u, K)
Beispiel #14
def dmp_sqf_part(f, u, K):
    Returns square-free part of a polynomial in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_sqf_part(x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2)
    x**2 + x*y

    if not u:
        return dup_sqf_part(f, K)

    if K.is_FiniteField:
        return dmp_gf_sqf_part(f, u, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return f

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(f, u, K)):
        f = dmp_neg(f, u, K)

    gcd = dmp_gcd(f, dmp_diff(f, 1, u, K), u, K)
    sqf = dmp_quo(f, gcd, u, K)

    if K.has_Field:
        return dmp_ground_monic(sqf, u, K)
        return dmp_ground_primitive(sqf, u, K)[1]
Beispiel #15
def dmp_rr_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a ring in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_rr_lcm(f, g)
    x**3 + 2*x**2*y + x*y**2

    fc, f = dmp_ground_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, g = dmp_ground_primitive(g, u, K)

    c = K.lcm(fc, gc)

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K),
                dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_mul_ground(h, c, u, K)
Beispiel #16
def dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a ring.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_rr_prs_gcd

    >>> f =[[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0], []])

    >>> dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, 1, ZZ)
    ([[1], [1, 0]], [[1], [1, 0]], [[1], []])

    if not u:
        return dup_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_rr_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_rr_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u - 1, K)

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(h, u, K)):
        h = dmp_neg(h, u, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #17
def dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a ring.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g)
    (x + y, x + y, x)

    if not u:
        return dup_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_rr_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_rr_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u - 1, K)

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(h, u, K)):
        h = dmp_neg(h, u, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #18
def dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a ring.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = x**2 + 2*x*y + y**2
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g)
    (x + y, x + y, x)

    if not u:
        return dup_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_rr_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_rr_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u - 1, K)

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(h, u, K)):
        h = dmp_neg(h, u, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #19
def dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a ring.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_rr_prs_gcd

    >>> f =[[1], [2, 0], [1, 0, 0]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0], []])

    >>> dmp_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, 1, ZZ)
    ([[1], [1, 0]], [[1], [1, 0]], [[1], []])

    if not u:
        return dup_rr_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_rr_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_rr_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u-1, K)

    if K.is_negative(dmp_ground_LC(h, u, K)):
        h = dmp_neg(h, u, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #20
def dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a field.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from import QQ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_ff_prs_gcd

    >>> f = [[QQ(1,2)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], [QQ(1,2), QQ(0), QQ(0)]]
    >>> g = [[QQ(1)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], []]

    >>> dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, 1, QQ)
    ([[1/1], [1/1, 0/1]], [[1/2], [1/2, 0/1]], [[1/1], []])

    if not u:
        return dup_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_ff_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_ff_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u-1, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)
    h = dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #21
def dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a field.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from import QQ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_ff_prs_gcd

    >>> f = [[QQ(1,2)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], [QQ(1,2), QQ(0), QQ(0)]]
    >>> g = [[QQ(1)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], []]

    >>> dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, 1, QQ)
    ([[1/1], [1/1, 0/1]], [[1/2], [1/2, 0/1]], [[1/1], []])

    if not u:
        return dup_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_ff_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_ff_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u - 1, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)
    h = dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #22
def dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a field.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, QQ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", QQ)

    >>> f = QQ(1,2)*x**2 + x*y + QQ(1,2)*y**2
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g)
    (x + y, 1/2*x + 1/2*y, x)

    if not u:
        return dup_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_ff_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_ff_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u - 1, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)
    h = dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #23
def dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial GCD using subresultants over a field.

    Returns ``(h, cff, cfg)`` such that ``a = gcd(f, g)``, ``cff = quo(f, h)``,
    and ``cfg = quo(g, h)``.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, QQ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", QQ)

    >>> f = QQ(1,2)*x**2 + x*y + QQ(1,2)*y**2
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_ff_prs_gcd(f, g)
    (x + y, 1/2*x + 1/2*y, x)

    if not u:
        return dup_ff_prs_gcd(f, g, K)

    result = _dmp_ff_trivial_gcd(f, g, u, K)

    if result is not None:
        return result

    fc, F = dmp_primitive(f, u, K)
    gc, G = dmp_primitive(g, u, K)

    h = dmp_subresultants(F, G, u, K)[-1]
    c, _, _ = dmp_ff_prs_gcd(fc, gc, u - 1, K)

    _, h = dmp_primitive(h, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, c, 0, u, K)
    h = dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)

    cff = dmp_quo(f, h, u, K)
    cfg = dmp_quo(g, h, u, K)

    return h, cff, cfg
Beispiel #24
def dmp_ff_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a field in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from import QQ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_ff_lcm

    >>> f = [[QQ(1,4)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], [QQ(1), QQ(0), QQ(0)]]
    >>> g = [[QQ(1,2)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], []]

    >>> dmp_ff_lcm(f, g, 1, QQ)
    [[1/1], [4/1, 0/1], [4/1, 0/1, 0/1], []]

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K), dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)
Beispiel #25
def dmp_ff_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a field in ``K[X]``.


    >>> from import QQ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_ff_lcm

    >>> f = [[QQ(1,4)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], [QQ(1), QQ(0), QQ(0)]]
    >>> g = [[QQ(1,2)], [QQ(1), QQ(0)], []]

    >>> dmp_ff_lcm(f, g, 1, QQ)
    [[1/1], [4/1, 0/1], [4/1, 0/1, 0/1], []]

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K),
                dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)
def dmp_ff_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a field in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, QQ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", QQ)

    >>> f = QQ(1,4)*x**2 + x*y + y**2
    >>> g = QQ(1,2)*x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_ff_lcm(f, g)
    x**3 + 4*x**2*y + 4*x*y**2

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K), dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)
Beispiel #27
def dmp_ff_lcm(f, g, u, K):
    Computes polynomial LCM over a field in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, QQ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", QQ)

    >>> f = QQ(1,4)*x**2 + x*y + y**2
    >>> g = QQ(1,2)*x**2 + x*y

    >>> R.dmp_ff_lcm(f, g)
    x**3 + 4*x**2*y + 4*x*y**2

    h = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(f, g, u, K), dmp_gcd(f, g, u, K), u, K)

    return dmp_ground_monic(h, u, K)
Beispiel #28
def dmp_primitive(f, u, K):
    Returns multivariate content and a primitive polynomial.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_primitive(2*x*y + 6*x + 4*y + 12)
    (2*y + 6, x + 2)

    cont, v = dmp_content(f, u, K), u - 1

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_one_p(cont, v, K):
        return cont, f
        return cont, [ dmp_quo(c, cont, v, K) for c in f ]
Beispiel #29
def dmp_primitive(f, u, K):
    Returns multivariate content and a primitive polynomial.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y, = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> R.dmp_primitive(2*x*y + 6*x + 4*y + 12)
    (2*y + 6, x + 2)

    cont, v = dmp_content(f, u, K), u - 1

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_one_p(cont, v, K):
        return cont, f
        return cont, [ dmp_quo(c, cont, v, K) for c in f ]
Beispiel #30
def dmp_primitive(f, u, K):
    Returns multivariate content and a primitive polynomial.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_primitive

    >>> f =[[2, 6], [4, 12]])

    >>> dmp_primitive(f, 1, ZZ)
    ([2, 6], [[1], [2]])

    cont, v = dmp_content(f, u, K), u-1

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_one_p(cont, v, K):
        return cont, f
        return cont, [ dmp_quo(c, cont, v, K) for c in f ]
Beispiel #31
def dmp_primitive(f, u, K):
    Returns multivariate content and a primitive polynomial.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_primitive

    >>> f =[[2, 6], [4, 12]])

    >>> dmp_primitive(f, 1, ZZ)
    ([2, 6], [[1], [2]])

    cont, v = dmp_content(f, u, K), u - 1

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_one_p(cont, v, K):
        return cont, f
        return cont, [dmp_quo(c, cont, v, K) for c in f]
Beispiel #32
def dmp_zz_diophantine(F, c, A, d, p, u, K):
    """Wang/EEZ: Solve multivariate Diophantine equations. """
    if not A:
        S = [ [] for _ in F ]
        n = dup_degree(c)

        for i, coeff in enumerate(c):
            if not coeff:

            T = dup_zz_diophantine(F, n-i, p, K)

            for j, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(S, T)):
                t = dup_mul_ground(t, coeff, K)
                S[j] = dup_trunc(dup_add(s, t, K), p, K)
        n = len(A)
        e = dmp_expand(F, u, K)

        a, A = A[-1], A[:-1]
        B, G = [], []

        for f in F:
            B.append(dmp_quo(e, f, u, K))
            G.append(dmp_eval_in(f, a, n, u, K))

        C = dmp_eval_in(c, a, n, u, K)

        v = u - 1

        S = dmp_zz_diophantine(G, C, A, d, p, v, K)
        S = [ dmp_raise(s, 1, v, K) for s in S ]

        for s, b in zip(S, B):
            c = dmp_sub_mul(c, s, b, u, K)

        c = dmp_ground_trunc(c, p, u, K)

        m = dmp_nest([, -a], n, K)
        M = dmp_one(n, K)

        for k in xrange(0, d):
            if dmp_zero_p(c, u):

            M = dmp_mul(M, m, u, K)
            C = dmp_diff_eval_in(c, k+1, a, n, u, K)

            if not dmp_zero_p(C, v):
                C = dmp_quo_ground(C, K.factorial(k+1), v, K)
                T = dmp_zz_diophantine(G, C, A, d, p, v, K)

                for i, t in enumerate(T):
                    T[i] = dmp_mul(dmp_raise(t, 1, v, K), M, u, K)

                for i, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(S, T)):
                    S[i] = dmp_add(s, t, u, K)

                for t, b in zip(T, B):
                    c = dmp_sub_mul(c, t, b, u, K)

                c = dmp_ground_trunc(c, p, u, K)

        S = [ dmp_ground_trunc(s, p, u, K) for s in S ]

    return S
Beispiel #33
 def quo(f, g):
     """Computes polynomial quotient of `f` and `g`. """
     lev, dom, per, F, G = f.unify(g)
     return per(dmp_quo(F, G, lev, dom))
Beispiel #34
def dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K):
    Subresultant PRS algorithm in `K[X]`.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_inner_subresultants

    >>> f =[[3, 0], [], [-1, 0, 0, -4]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [-9]])

    >>> a = [[3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, -27, 4]]
    >>> b = [[-3, 0, 0, -12, 1, 0, -54, 8, 729, -216, 16]]

    >>> R =[f, g, a, b])
    >>> B =[[-1], [1], [9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
    >>> D =[0, 1, 1])

    >>> dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, 1, ZZ) == (R, B, D)

    if not u:
        return dup_inner_subresultants(f, g, K)

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if n < m:
        f, g = g, f
        n, m = m, n

    R = [f, g]
    d = n - m
    v = u - 1

    b = dmp_pow(dmp_ground(, v), d + 1, v, K)
    c = dmp_ground(, v)

    B, D = [b], [d]

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return R, B, D

    h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, b, 0, u, K)

    while not dmp_zero_p(h, u):
        k = dmp_degree(h, u)

        lc = dmp_LC(g, K)

        p = dmp_pow(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), d, v, K)

        if not d:
            q = c
            q = dmp_pow(c, d - 1, v, K)

        c = dmp_quo(p, q, v, K)
        b = dmp_mul(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), dmp_pow(c, m - k, v, K), v, K)

        f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m - k


        h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
        h = [dmp_quo(ch, b, v, K) for ch in h]

    return R, B, D
Beispiel #35
def dmp_prs_resultant(f, g, u, K):
    Resultant algorithm in `K[X]` using subresultant PRS.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_prs_resultant

    >>> f =[[3, 0], [], [-1, 0, 0, -4]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [-9]])

    >>> a =[[3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, -27, 4]])
    >>> b =[[-3, 0, 0, -12, 1, 0, -54, 8, 729, -216, 16]])

    >>> dmp_prs_resultant(f, g, 1, ZZ) == (b[0], [f, g, a, b])

    if not u:
        return dup_prs_resultant(f, g, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return (dmp_zero(u - 1), [])

    R, B, D = dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K)

    if dmp_degree(R[-1], u) > 0:
        return (dmp_zero(u - 1), R)
    if dmp_one_p(R[-2], u, K):
        return (dmp_LC(R[-1], K), R)

    s, i, v = 1, 1, u - 1

    p = dmp_one(v, K)
    q = dmp_one(v, K)

    for b, d in list(zip(B, D))[:-1]:
        du = dmp_degree(R[i - 1], u)
        dv = dmp_degree(R[i], u)
        dw = dmp_degree(R[i + 1], u)

        if du % 2 and dv % 2:
            s = -s

        lc, i = dmp_LC(R[i], K), i + 1

        p = dmp_mul(dmp_mul(p, dmp_pow(b, dv, v, K), v, K),
                    dmp_pow(lc, du - dw, v, K), v, K)
        q = dmp_mul(q, dmp_pow(lc, dv * (1 + d), v, K), v, K)

        _, p, q = dmp_inner_gcd(p, q, v, K)

    if s < 0:
        p = dmp_neg(p, v, K)

    i = dmp_degree(R[-2], u)

    res = dmp_pow(dmp_LC(R[-1], K), i, v, K)
    res = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(res, p, v, K), q, v, K)

    return res, R
Beispiel #36
def dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K):
    Subresultant PRS algorithm in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = 3*x**2*y - y**3 - 4
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y**3 - 9

    >>> a = 3*x*y**4 + y**3 - 27*y + 4
    >>> b = -3*y**10 - 12*y**7 + y**6 - 54*y**4 + 8*y**3 + 729*y**2 - 216*y + 16

    >>> prs = [f, g, a, b]
    >>> sres = [[1], [1], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 0, -12, 1, 0, -54, 8, 729, -216, 16]]

    >>> R.dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g) == (prs, sres)

    if not u:
        return dup_inner_subresultants(f, g, K)

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if n < m:
        f, g = g, f
        n, m = m, n

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return [], []

    v = u - 1
    if dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return [f], [dmp_ground(, v)]

    R = [f, g]
    d = n - m

    b = dmp_pow(dmp_ground(, v), d + 1, v, K)

    h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, b, 0, u, K)

    lc = dmp_LC(g, K)
    c = dmp_pow(lc, d, v, K)

    S = [dmp_ground(, v), c]
    c = dmp_neg(c, v, K)

    while not dmp_zero_p(h, u):
        k = dmp_degree(h, u)

        f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m - k

        b = dmp_mul(dmp_neg(lc, v, K),
                    dmp_pow(c, d, v, K), v, K)

        h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
        h = [ dmp_quo(ch, b, v, K) for ch in h ]

        lc = dmp_LC(g, K)

        if d > 1:
            p = dmp_pow(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), d, v, K)
            q = dmp_pow(c, d - 1, v, K)
            c = dmp_quo(p, q, v, K)
            c = dmp_neg(lc, v, K)

        S.append(dmp_neg(c, v, K))

    return R, S
Beispiel #37
def dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K):
    Subresultant PRS algorithm in `K[X]`.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_inner_subresultants

    >>> f =[[3, 0], [], [-1, 0, 0, -4]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [-9]])

    >>> a = [[3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, -27, 4]]
    >>> b = [[-3, 0, 0, -12, 1, 0, -54, 8, 729, -216, 16]]

    >>> R =[f, g, a, b])
    >>> B =[[-1], [1], [9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])
    >>> D =[0, 1, 1])

    >>> dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, 1, ZZ) == (R, B, D)

    if not u:
        return dup_inner_subresultants(f, g, K)

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if n < m:
        f, g = g, f
        n, m = m, n

    R = [f, g]
    d = n - m
    v = u - 1

    b = dmp_pow(dmp_ground(, v), d+1, v, K)
    c = dmp_ground(, v)

    B, D = [b], [d]

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return R, B, D

    h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, b, 0, u, K)

    while not dmp_zero_p(h, u):
        k = dmp_degree(h, u)

        lc = dmp_LC(g, K)

        p = dmp_pow(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), d, v, K)

        if not d:
            q = c
            q = dmp_pow(c, d-1, v, K)

        c = dmp_quo(p, q, v, K)
        b = dmp_mul(dmp_neg(lc, v, K),
                    dmp_pow(c, m-k, v, K), v, K)

        f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m-k


        h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
        h = [ dmp_quo(ch, b, v, K) for ch in h ]

    return R, B, D
Beispiel #38
def dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K):
    Subresultant PRS algorithm in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = 3*x**2*y - y**3 - 4
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y**3 - 9

    >>> a = 3*x*y**4 + y**3 - 27*y + 4
    >>> b = -3*y**10 - 12*y**7 + y**6 - 54*y**4 + 8*y**3 + 729*y**2 - 216*y + 16

    >>> prs = [f, g, a, b]
    >>> sres = [[1], [1], [3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [-3, 0, 0, -12, 1, 0, -54, 8, 729, -216, 16]]

    >>> R.dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g) == (prs, sres)

    if not u:
        return dup_inner_subresultants(f, g, K)

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if n < m:
        f, g = g, f
        n, m = m, n

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u):
        return [], []

    v = u - 1
    if dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return [f], [dmp_ground(, v)]

    R = [f, g]
    d = n - m

    b = dmp_pow(dmp_ground(, v), d + 1, v, K)

    h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, b, 0, u, K)

    lc = dmp_LC(g, K)
    c = dmp_pow(lc, d, v, K)

    S = [dmp_ground(, v), c]
    c = dmp_neg(c, v, K)

    while not dmp_zero_p(h, u):
        k = dmp_degree(h, u)

        f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m - k

        b = dmp_mul(dmp_neg(lc, v, K),
                    dmp_pow(c, d, v, K), v, K)

        h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
        h = [ dmp_quo(ch, b, v, K) for ch in h ]

        lc = dmp_LC(g, K)

        if d > 1:
            p = dmp_pow(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), d, v, K)
            q = dmp_pow(c, d - 1, v, K)
            c = dmp_quo(p, q, v, K)
            c = dmp_neg(lc, v, K)

        S.append(dmp_neg(c, v, K))

    return R, S
Beispiel #39
 def quo(f, g):
     """Computes polynomial quotient of `f` and `g`. """
     lev, dom, per, F, G = f.unify(g)
     return per(dmp_quo(F, G, lev, dom))
def dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K):
    Subresultant PRS algorithm in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = 3*x**2*y - y**3 - 4
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y**3 - 9

    >>> a = 3*x*y**4 + y**3 - 27*y + 4
    >>> b = -3*y**10 - 12*y**7 + y**6 - 54*y**4 + 8*y**3 + 729*y**2 - 216*y + 16

    >>> prs = [f, g, a, b]
    >>> beta = [[-1], [1], [9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    >>> delta = [0, 1, 1]

    >>> R.dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g) == (prs, beta, delta)

    if not u:
        return dup_inner_subresultants(f, g, K)

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if n < m:
        f, g = g, f
        n, m = m, n

    R = [f, g]
    d = n - m
    v = u - 1

    b = dmp_pow(dmp_ground(, v), d + 1, v, K)
    c = dmp_ground(, v)

    B, D = [b], [d]

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return R, B, D

    h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, b, 0, u, K)

    while not dmp_zero_p(h, u):
        k = dmp_degree(h, u)

        lc = dmp_LC(g, K)

        p = dmp_pow(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), d, v, K)

        if not d:
            q = c
            q = dmp_pow(c, d - 1, v, K)

        c = dmp_quo(p, q, v, K)
        b = dmp_mul(dmp_neg(lc, v, K),
                    dmp_pow(c, m - k, v, K), v, K)

        f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m - k


        h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)

        h = [ dmp_quo(ch, b, v, K) for ch in h ]

    return R, B, D
Beispiel #41
def dmp_prs_resultant(f, g, u, K):
    Resultant algorithm in `K[X]` using subresultant PRS.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = 3*x**2*y - y**3 - 4
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y**3 - 9

    >>> a = 3*x*y**4 + y**3 - 27*y + 4
    >>> b = -3*y**10 - 12*y**7 + y**6 - 54*y**4 + 8*y**3 + 729*y**2 - 216*y + 16

    >>> res, prs = R.dmp_prs_resultant(f, g)

    >>> res == b             # resultant has n-1 variables
    >>> res == b.drop(x)
    >>> prs == [f, g, a, b]

    if not u:
        return dup_prs_resultant(f, g, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return (dmp_zero(u - 1), [])

    R, B, D = dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K)

    if dmp_degree(R[-1], u) > 0:
        return (dmp_zero(u - 1), R)
    if dmp_one_p(R[-2], u, K):
        return (dmp_LC(R[-1], K), R)

    s, i, v = 1, 1, u - 1

    p = dmp_one(v, K)
    q = dmp_one(v, K)

    for b, d in list(zip(B, D))[:-1]:
        du = dmp_degree(R[i - 1], u)
        dv = dmp_degree(R[i  ], u)
        dw = dmp_degree(R[i + 1], u)

        if du % 2 and dv % 2:
            s = -s

        lc, i = dmp_LC(R[i], K), i + 1

        p = dmp_mul(dmp_mul(p, dmp_pow(b, dv, v, K), v, K),
                    dmp_pow(lc, du - dw, v, K), v, K)
        q = dmp_mul(q, dmp_pow(lc, dv*(1 + d), v, K), v, K)

        _, p, q = dmp_inner_gcd(p, q, v, K)

    if s < 0:
        p = dmp_neg(p, v, K)

    i = dmp_degree(R[-2], u)

    res = dmp_pow(dmp_LC(R[-1], K), i, v, K)
    res = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(res, p, v, K), q, v, K)

    return res, R
Beispiel #42
def dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K):
    Subresultant PRS algorithm in `K[X]`.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = 3*x**2*y - y**3 - 4
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y**3 - 9

    >>> a = 3*x*y**4 + y**3 - 27*y + 4
    >>> b = -3*y**10 - 12*y**7 + y**6 - 54*y**4 + 8*y**3 + 729*y**2 - 216*y + 16

    >>> prs = [f, g, a, b]
    >>> beta = [[-1], [1], [9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]
    >>> delta = [0, 1, 1]

    >>> R.dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g) == (prs, beta, delta)

    if not u:
        return dup_inner_subresultants(f, g, K)

    n = dmp_degree(f, u)
    m = dmp_degree(g, u)

    if n < m:
        f, g = g, f
        n, m = m, n

    R = [f, g]
    d = n - m
    v = u - 1

    b = dmp_pow(dmp_ground(, v), d + 1, v, K)
    c = dmp_ground(, v)

    B, D = [b], [d]

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return R, B, D

    h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)
    h = dmp_mul_term(h, b, 0, u, K)

    while not dmp_zero_p(h, u):
        k = dmp_degree(h, u)

        lc = dmp_LC(g, K)

        p = dmp_pow(dmp_neg(lc, v, K), d, v, K)

        if not d:
            q = c
            q = dmp_pow(c, d - 1, v, K)

        c = dmp_quo(p, q, v, K)
        b = dmp_mul(dmp_neg(lc, v, K),
                    dmp_pow(c, m - k, v, K), v, K)

        f, g, m, d = g, h, k, m - k


        h = dmp_prem(f, g, u, K)

        h = [ dmp_quo(ch, b, v, K) for ch in h ]

    return R, B, D
def dmp_prs_resultant(f, g, u, K):
    Resultant algorithm in `K[X]` using subresultant PRS.


    >>> from sympy.polys import ring, ZZ
    >>> R, x,y = ring("x,y", ZZ)

    >>> f = 3*x**2*y - y**3 - 4
    >>> g = x**2 + x*y**3 - 9

    >>> a = 3*x*y**4 + y**3 - 27*y + 4
    >>> b = -3*y**10 - 12*y**7 + y**6 - 54*y**4 + 8*y**3 + 729*y**2 - 216*y + 16

    >>> res, prs = R.dmp_prs_resultant(f, g)

    >>> res == b             # resultant has n-1 variables
    >>> res == b.drop(x)
    >>> prs == [f, g, a, b]

    if not u:
        return dup_prs_resultant(f, g, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return (dmp_zero(u - 1), [])

    R, B, D = dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K)

    if dmp_degree(R[-1], u) > 0:
        return (dmp_zero(u - 1), R)
    if dmp_one_p(R[-2], u, K):
        return (dmp_LC(R[-1], K), R)

    s, i, v = 1, 1, u - 1

    p = dmp_one(v, K)
    q = dmp_one(v, K)

    for b, d in list(zip(B, D))[:-1]:
        du = dmp_degree(R[i - 1], u)
        dv = dmp_degree(R[i  ], u)
        dw = dmp_degree(R[i + 1], u)

        if du % 2 and dv % 2:
            s = -s

        lc, i = dmp_LC(R[i], K), i + 1

        p = dmp_mul(dmp_mul(p, dmp_pow(b, dv, v, K), v, K),
                    dmp_pow(lc, du - dw, v, K), v, K)
        q = dmp_mul(q, dmp_pow(lc, dv*(1 + d), v, K), v, K)

        _, p, q = dmp_inner_gcd(p, q, v, K)

    if s < 0:
        p = dmp_neg(p, v, K)

    i = dmp_degree(R[-2], u)

    res = dmp_pow(dmp_LC(R[-1], K), i, v, K)
    res = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(res, p, v, K), q, v, K)

    return res, R
Beispiel #44
def dmp_zz_diophantine(F, c, A, d, p, u, K):
    """Wang/EEZ: Solve multivariate Diophantine equations. """
    if not A:
        S = [[] for _ in F]
        n = dup_degree(c)

        for i, coeff in enumerate(c):
            if not coeff:

            T = dup_zz_diophantine(F, n - i, p, K)

            for j, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(S, T)):
                t = dup_mul_ground(t, coeff, K)
                S[j] = dup_trunc(dup_add(s, t, K), p, K)
        n = len(A)
        e = dmp_expand(F, u, K)

        a, A = A[-1], A[:-1]
        B, G = [], []

        for f in F:
            B.append(dmp_quo(e, f, u, K))
            G.append(dmp_eval_in(f, a, n, u, K))

        C = dmp_eval_in(c, a, n, u, K)

        v = u - 1

        S = dmp_zz_diophantine(G, C, A, d, p, v, K)
        S = [dmp_raise(s, 1, v, K) for s in S]

        for s, b in zip(S, B):
            c = dmp_sub_mul(c, s, b, u, K)

        c = dmp_ground_trunc(c, p, u, K)

        m = dmp_nest([, -a], n, K)
        M = dmp_one(n, K)

        for k in xrange(0, d):
            if dmp_zero_p(c, u):

            M = dmp_mul(M, m, u, K)
            C = dmp_diff_eval_in(c, k + 1, a, n, u, K)

            if not dmp_zero_p(C, v):
                C = dmp_quo_ground(C, K.factorial(k + 1), v, K)
                T = dmp_zz_diophantine(G, C, A, d, p, v, K)

                for i, t in enumerate(T):
                    T[i] = dmp_mul(dmp_raise(t, 1, v, K), M, u, K)

                for i, (s, t) in enumerate(zip(S, T)):
                    S[i] = dmp_add(s, t, u, K)

                for t, b in zip(T, B):
                    c = dmp_sub_mul(c, t, b, u, K)

                c = dmp_ground_trunc(c, p, u, K)

        S = [dmp_ground_trunc(s, p, u, K) for s in S]

    return S
Beispiel #45
def dmp_prs_resultant(f, g, u, K):
    Resultant algorithm in `K[X]` using subresultant PRS.


    >>> from import ZZ
    >>> from sympy.polys.euclidtools import dmp_prs_resultant

    >>> f =[[3, 0], [], [-1, 0, 0, -4]])
    >>> g =[[1], [1, 0, 0, 0], [-9]])

    >>> a =[[3, 0, 0, 0, 0], [1, 0, -27, 4]])
    >>> b =[[-3, 0, 0, -12, 1, 0, -54, 8, 729, -216, 16]])

    >>> dmp_prs_resultant(f, g, 1, ZZ) == (b[0], [f, g, a, b])

    if not u:
        return dup_prs_resultant(f, g, K)

    if dmp_zero_p(f, u) or dmp_zero_p(g, u):
        return (dmp_zero(u-1), [])

    R, B, D = dmp_inner_subresultants(f, g, u, K)

    if dmp_degree(R[-1], u) > 0:
        return (dmp_zero(u-1), R)
    if dmp_one_p(R[-2], u, K):
        return (dmp_LC(R[-1], K), R)

    s, i, v = 1, 1, u-1

    p = dmp_one(v, K)
    q = dmp_one(v, K)

    for b, d in list(zip(B, D))[:-1]:
        du = dmp_degree(R[i-1], u)
        dv = dmp_degree(R[i  ], u)
        dw = dmp_degree(R[i+1], u)

        if du % 2 and dv % 2:
            s = -s

        lc, i = dmp_LC(R[i], K), i+1

        p = dmp_mul(dmp_mul(p, dmp_pow(b, dv, v, K), v, K),
                               dmp_pow(lc, du-dw, v, K), v, K)
        q = dmp_mul(q, dmp_pow(lc, dv*(1+d), v, K), v, K)

        _, p, q = dmp_inner_gcd(p, q, v, K)

    if s < 0:
        p = dmp_neg(p, v, K)

    i = dmp_degree(R[-2], u)

    res = dmp_pow(dmp_LC(R[-1], K), i, v, K)
    res = dmp_quo(dmp_mul(res, p, v, K), q, v, K)

    return res, R