Beispiel #1
def test_DomainMatrix_init():
    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A.rep == DDM([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    raises(DDMBadInputError, lambda: DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)]], (2, 2), ZZ))
Beispiel #2
def test_DomainMatrix_from_Matrix():
    sdm = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(1), 1: ZZ(2)}, 1: {0: ZZ(3), 1: ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
    assert A.rep == sdm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    K = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    sdm = SDM(
            0: {
                0: K.convert(1 + sqrt(2)),
                1: K.convert(2 + sqrt(2))
            1: {
                0: K.convert(3 + sqrt(2)),
                1: K.convert(4 + sqrt(2))
        }, (2, 2), K)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(Matrix([[1 + sqrt(2), 2 + sqrt(2)],
                                         [3 + sqrt(2), 4 + sqrt(2)]]),
    assert A.rep == sdm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == K

    A = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(Matrix([[QQ(1, 2), QQ(3, 4)],
                                         [QQ(0, 1), QQ(0, 1)]]),
    ddm = DDM([[QQ(1, 2), QQ(3, 4)], [QQ(0, 1), QQ(0, 1)]], (2, 2), QQ)

    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == QQ
Beispiel #3
def test_dom_eigenvects_algebraic():
    # Algebraic eigenvalues
    A = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(2)], [QQ(3), QQ(4)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    Avects = dom_eigenvects(A)

    # Extract the dummy to build the expected result:
    lamda = Avects[1][0][1].gens[0]
    irreducible = Poly(lamda**2 - 5 * lamda - 2, lamda, domain=QQ)
    K = FiniteExtension(irreducible)
    KK = K.from_sympy
    algebraic_eigenvects = [
        (K, irreducible, 1,
         DomainMatrix([[KK((lamda - 4) / 3), KK(1)]], (1, 2), K)),
    assert Avects == ([], algebraic_eigenvects)

    # Test converting to Expr:
    sympy_eigenvects = [
        (S(5) / 2 - sqrt(33) / 2, 1,
         [Matrix([[-sqrt(33) / 6 - S(1) / 2], [1]])]),
        (S(5) / 2 + sqrt(33) / 2, 1,
         [Matrix([[-S(1) / 2 + sqrt(33) / 6], [1]])]),
    assert dom_eigenvects_to_sympy([], algebraic_eigenvects,
                                   Matrix) == sympy_eigenvects
Beispiel #4
def test_dom_eigenvects_rootof():
    # Algebraic eigenvalues
    A = DomainMatrix([[0, 0, 0, 0, -1], [1, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 0, 0],
                      [0, 0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1, 0]], (5, 5), QQ)
    Avects = dom_eigenvects(A)

    # Extract the dummy to build the expected result:
    lamda = Avects[1][0][1].gens[0]
    irreducible = Poly(lamda**5 - lamda + 1, lamda, domain=QQ)
    K = FiniteExtension(irreducible)
    KK = K.from_sympy
    algebraic_eigenvects = [
        (K, irreducible, 1,
             [[KK(lamda**4 - 1),
               KK(1)]], (1, 5), K)),
    assert Avects == ([], algebraic_eigenvects)

    # Test converting to Expr (slow):
    l0, l1, l2, l3, l4 = [CRootOf(lamda**5 - lamda + 1, i) for i in range(5)]
    sympy_eigenvects = [
        (l0, 1, [Matrix([-1 + l0**4, l0**3, l0**2, l0, 1])]),
        (l1, 1, [Matrix([-1 + l1**4, l1**3, l1**2, l1, 1])]),
        (l2, 1, [Matrix([-1 + l2**4, l2**3, l2**2, l2, 1])]),
        (l3, 1, [Matrix([-1 + l3**4, l3**3, l3**2, l3, 1])]),
        (l4, 1, [Matrix([-1 + l4**4, l4**3, l4**2, l4, 1])]),
    assert dom_eigenvects_to_sympy([], algebraic_eigenvects,
                                   Matrix) == sympy_eigenvects
Beispiel #5
def test_DomainMatrix_eq():
    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A == A
    B = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(1)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A != B
    C = [[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]]
    assert A != C
Beispiel #6
def test_DomainMatrix_get_domain():
    K, items = DomainMatrix.get_domain([1, 2, 3, 4])
    assert items == [ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]
    assert K == ZZ

    K, items = DomainMatrix.get_domain([1, 2, 3, Rational(1, 2)])
    assert items == [QQ(1), QQ(2), QQ(3), QQ(1, 2)]
    assert K == QQ
Beispiel #7
def test_DomainMatrix_to_dok():
    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A.to_dok() == {
        (0, 0): ZZ(1),
        (0, 1): ZZ(2),
        (1, 0): ZZ(3),
        (1, 1): ZZ(4)
Beispiel #8
def test_DomainMatrix_setitem():
    dM = DomainMatrix({2: {2: ZZ(1)}, 4: {4: ZZ(1)}}, (5, 5), ZZ)
    dM[2, 2] = ZZ(2)
    assert dM == DomainMatrix({2: {2: ZZ(2)}, 4: {4: ZZ(1)}}, (5, 5), ZZ)
    def setitem(i, j, val):
        dM[i, j] = val
    raises(TypeError, lambda: setitem(2, 2, QQ(1, 2)))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: setitem(slice(1, 2), 2, ZZ(1)))
Beispiel #9
def test_DomainMatrix_scalarmul():
    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    lamda = DomainScalar(QQ(3)/QQ(2), QQ)
    assert A * lamda == DomainMatrix([[QQ(3, 2), QQ(3)], [QQ(9, 2), QQ(6)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    assert A * 2 == DomainMatrix([[ZZ(2), ZZ(4)], [ZZ(6), ZZ(8)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A * DomainScalar(ZZ(0), ZZ) == DomainMatrix([[ZZ(0)]*2]*2, (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A * DomainScalar(ZZ(1), ZZ) == A

    raises(TypeError, lambda: A * 1.5)
Beispiel #10
def test_DomainMatrix_scc():
    Ad = DomainMatrix(
        [[ZZ(1), ZZ(2), ZZ(3)], [ZZ(0), ZZ(1), ZZ(0)],
         [ZZ(2), ZZ(0), ZZ(4)]], (3, 3), ZZ)
    As = Ad.to_sparse()
    Addm = Ad.rep
    Asdm = As.rep
    for A in [Ad, As, Addm, Asdm]:
        assert Ad.scc() == [[1], [0, 2]]
Beispiel #11
def test_DomainMatrix_init():
    lol = [[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]]
    dod = {0: {0: ZZ(1), 1: ZZ(2)}, 1: {0: ZZ(3), 1: ZZ(4)}}
    ddm = DDM(lol, (2, 2), ZZ)
    sdm = SDM(dod, (2, 2), ZZ)

    A = DomainMatrix(lol, (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    A = DomainMatrix(dod, (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A.rep == sdm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    raises(TypeError, lambda: DomainMatrix(ddm, (2, 2), ZZ))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: DomainMatrix(sdm, (2, 2), ZZ))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: DomainMatrix(Matrix([[1]]), (1, 1), ZZ))

    for fmt, rep in [('sparse', sdm), ('dense', ddm)]:
        A = DomainMatrix(lol, (2, 2), ZZ, fmt=fmt)
        assert A.rep == rep
        A = DomainMatrix(dod, (2, 2), ZZ, fmt=fmt)
        assert A.rep == rep

    raises(ValueError, lambda: DomainMatrix(lol, (2, 2), ZZ, fmt='invalid'))

    raises(DMBadInputError, lambda: DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)]], (2, 2), ZZ))
Beispiel #12
def test_DomainMatrix_truediv():
    A = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
    lamda = DomainScalar(QQ(3) / QQ(2), QQ)
    assert A / lamda == DomainMatrix(
            0: {
                0: QQ(2, 3),
                1: QQ(4, 3)
            1: {
                0: QQ(2),
                1: QQ(8, 3)
        }, (2, 2), QQ)
    b = DomainScalar(ZZ(1), ZZ)
    assert A / b == DomainMatrix(
            0: {
                0: QQ(1),
                1: QQ(2)
            1: {
                0: QQ(3),
                1: QQ(4)
        }, (2, 2), QQ)

    assert A / 1 == DomainMatrix(
            0: {
                0: QQ(1),
                1: QQ(2)
            1: {
                0: QQ(3),
                1: QQ(4)
        }, (2, 2), QQ)
    assert A / 2 == DomainMatrix(
            0: {
                0: QQ(1, 2),
                1: QQ(1)
            1: {
                0: QQ(3, 2),
                1: QQ(2)
        }, (2, 2), QQ)

    raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: A / 0)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: A / 1.5)
    raises(ZeroDivisionError, lambda: A / DomainScalar(ZZ(0), ZZ))
Beispiel #13
def test_DomainMatrix_solve():
    # XXX: Maybe the _solve method should be changed...
    A = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(2)], [QQ(2), QQ(4)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    b = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1)], [QQ(2)]], (2, 1), QQ)
    particular = DomainMatrix([[1, 0]], (1, 2), QQ)
    nullspace = DomainMatrix([[-2, 1]], (1, 2), QQ)
    assert A._solve(b) == (particular, nullspace)

    b3 = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1)], [QQ(1)], [QQ(1)]], (3, 1), QQ)
    raises(DMShapeError, lambda: A._solve(b3))

    bz = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1)], [ZZ(1)]], (2, 1), ZZ)
    raises(DMNotAField, lambda: A._solve(bz))
Beispiel #14
def test_DomainMatrix_from_rep():
    ddm = DDM([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_rep(ddm)
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    sdm = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(1), 1: ZZ(2)}, 1: {0: ZZ(3), 1: ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_rep(sdm)
    assert A.rep == sdm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1)]], (1, 1), ZZ)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: DomainMatrix.from_rep(A))
def test_DomainMatrix_from_rep():
    # ddm = DDM([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    ddm = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(1), 1: ZZ(2)}, 1: {0: ZZ(3), 1: ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_rep(ddm)
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ
Beispiel #16
def test_dom_eigenvects_rational():
    # Rational eigenvalues
    A = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(2)], [QQ(1), QQ(2)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    rational_eigenvects = [
        (QQ, QQ(3), 1, DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(1)]], (1, 2), QQ)),
        (QQ, QQ(0), 1, DomainMatrix([[QQ(-2), QQ(1)]], (1, 2), QQ)),
    assert dom_eigenvects(A) == (rational_eigenvects, [])

    # Test converting to Expr:
    sympy_eigenvects = [
        (S(3), 1, [Matrix([1, 1])]),
        (S(0), 1, [Matrix([-2, 1])]),
    assert dom_eigenvects_to_sympy(rational_eigenvects, [],
                                   Matrix) == sympy_eigenvects
Beispiel #17
def test_DomainMatrix_from_Matrix():
    ddm = DDM([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]))
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    K = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    ddm = DDM([[
        K.convert(1 + sqrt(2)), K.convert(2 + sqrt(2))
    ], [K.convert(3 + sqrt(2)), K.convert(4 + sqrt(2))]], (2, 2), K)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(Matrix([[1 + sqrt(2), 2 + sqrt(2)],
                                         [3 + sqrt(2), 4 + sqrt(2)]]),
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == K
Beispiel #18
def test_DomainMatrix_rowspace():
    A = DomainMatrix(
        [[QQ(1), QQ(-1), QQ(1)], [QQ(2), QQ(-2), QQ(3)]], (2, 3), QQ)
    assert A.rowspace() == A

    Az = DomainMatrix(
        [[ZZ(1), ZZ(-1), ZZ(1)], [ZZ(2), ZZ(-2), ZZ(3)]], (2, 3), ZZ)
    raises(DMNotAField, lambda: Az.rowspace())

    A = DomainMatrix(
        [[QQ(1), QQ(-1), QQ(1)], [QQ(2), QQ(-2), QQ(3)]], (2, 3),
    assert A.rowspace() == A
Beispiel #19
def test_DomainMatrix_nullspace():
    A = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(1)], [QQ(1), QQ(1)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    Anull = DomainMatrix([[QQ(-1), QQ(1)]], (1, 2), QQ)
    assert A.nullspace() == Anull

    Az = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(1)], [ZZ(1), ZZ(1)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    raises(DMNotAField, lambda: Az.nullspace())
Beispiel #20
def test_DomainScalar_mul():
    A = DomainScalar(ZZ(1), ZZ)
    B = DomainScalar(QQ(2), QQ)
    dm = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A * B == DomainScalar(QQ(2), QQ)
    assert A * dm == dm
    assert B * 2 == DomainScalar(QQ(4), QQ)

    raises(TypeError, lambda: A * 1.5)
Beispiel #21
def test_DomainMatrix_unify_eq():
    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    B1 = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(2)], [QQ(3), QQ(4)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    B2 = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(3)], [QQ(3), QQ(4)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    B3 = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1)]], (1, 1), ZZ)
    assert A.unify_eq(B1) is True
    assert A.unify_eq(B2) is False
    assert A.unify_eq(B3) is False
Beispiel #22
def test_DomainMatrix_from_list():
    ddm = DDM([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_list([[1, 2], [3, 4]], ZZ)
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    dom = FF(7)
    ddm = DDM([[dom(1), dom(2)], [dom(3), dom(4)]], (2, 2), dom)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_list([[1, 2], [3, 4]], dom)
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == dom

    ddm = DDM([[QQ(1, 2), QQ(3, 1)], [QQ(1, 4), QQ(5, 1)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_list([[(1, 2), (3, 1)], [(1, 4), (5, 1)]], QQ)
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == QQ
Beispiel #23
def test_DomainMatrix_pow():
    eye = DomainMatrix.eye(2, ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    A2 = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(7), ZZ(10)], [ZZ(15), ZZ(22)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    A3 = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(37), ZZ(54)], [ZZ(81), ZZ(118)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    assert A**0 == A.pow(0) == eye
    assert A**1 == A.pow(1) == A
    assert A**2 == A.pow(2) == A2
    assert A**3 == A.pow(3) == A3

    raises(TypeError, lambda: A**Rational(1, 2))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: A**-1)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: A.pow(-1))

    A = DomainMatrix.zeros((2, 1), ZZ)
    raises(DMNonSquareMatrixError, lambda: A**1)
def test_DomainMatrix_from_list_sympy():
    # ddm = DDM([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    ddm = SDM({0: {0: ZZ(1), 1: ZZ(2)}, 1: {0: ZZ(3), 1: ZZ(4)}}, (2, 2), ZZ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_list_sympy(2, 2, [[1, 2], [3, 4]])
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == ZZ

    K = QQ.algebraic_field(sqrt(2))
    ddm = DDM([[
        K.convert(1 + sqrt(2)), K.convert(2 + sqrt(2))
    ], [K.convert(3 + sqrt(2)), K.convert(4 + sqrt(2))]], (2, 2), K)
    ddm = SDM.from_ddm(ddm)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_list_sympy(
        2, [[1 + sqrt(2), 2 + sqrt(2)], [3 + sqrt(2), 4 + sqrt(2)]],
    assert A.rep == ddm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == K
Beispiel #25
def test_DomainMatrix_from_dict_sympy():
    sdm = SDM({0: {0: QQ(1, 2)}, 1: {1: QQ(2, 3)}}, (2, 2), QQ)
    sympy_dict = {0: {0: Rational(1, 2)}, 1: {1: Rational(2, 3)}}
    A = DomainMatrix.from_dict_sympy(2, 2, sympy_dict)
    assert A.rep == sdm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == QQ

    fds = DomainMatrix.from_dict_sympy
    raises(DMBadInputError, lambda: fds(2, 2, {3: {0: Rational(1, 2)}}))
    raises(DMBadInputError, lambda: fds(2, 2, {0: {3: Rational(1, 2)}}))
Beispiel #26
def test_DomainMatrix_vstack():
    A = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    B = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(5), ZZ(6)], [ZZ(7), ZZ(8)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    C = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(9), ZZ(10)], [ZZ(11), ZZ(12)]], (2, 2), ZZ)

    AB = DomainMatrix(
        [[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)], [ZZ(5), ZZ(6)], [ZZ(7), ZZ(8)]],
        (4, 2), ZZ)
    ABC = DomainMatrix(
        [[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)], [ZZ(5), ZZ(6)], [ZZ(7), ZZ(8)],
         [ZZ(9), ZZ(10)], [ZZ(11), ZZ(12)]], (6, 2), ZZ)
    assert A.vstack(B) == AB
    assert A.vstack(B, C) == ABC
def test_DomainMatrix_unify():
    Az = DomainMatrix([[ZZ(1), ZZ(2)], [ZZ(3), ZZ(4)]], (2, 2), ZZ)
    Aq = DomainMatrix([[QQ(1), QQ(2)], [QQ(3), QQ(4)]], (2, 2), QQ)
    assert Az.unify(Az) == (Az, Az)
    assert Az.unify(Aq) == (Aq, Aq)
    assert Aq.unify(Az) == (Aq, Aq)
    assert Aq.unify(Aq) == (Aq, Aq)
Beispiel #28
def test_DomainMatrix_from_dict_sympy():
    sdm = SDM({0: {0: QQ(1, 2)}, 1: {1: QQ(2, 3)}}, (2, 2), QQ)
    A = DomainMatrix.from_dict_sympy(2, 2, {
        0: {
            0: QQ(1, 2)
        1: {
            1: QQ(2, 3)
    assert A.rep == sdm
    assert A.shape == (2, 2)
    assert A.domain == QQ
Beispiel #29
def _compute_test_factor(p, gens, ZK):
    Compute the test factor for a :py:class:`~.PrimeIdeal` $\mathfrak{p}$.


    p : int
        The rational prime $\mathfrak{p}$ divides

    gens : list of :py:class:`PowerBasisElement`
        A complete set of generators for $\mathfrak{p}$ over *ZK*, EXCEPT that
        an element equivalent to rational *p* can and should be omitted (since
        it has no effect except to waste time).

    ZK : :py:class:`~.Submodule`
        The maximal order where the prime ideal $\mathfrak{p}$ lives.




    .. [1] Cohen, H. *A Course in Computational Algebraic Number Theory.*
    (See Proposition 4.8.15.)

    E = ZK.endomorphism_ring()
    matrices = [E.inner_endomorphism(g).matrix(modulus=p) for g in gens]
    B = DomainMatrix.zeros((0, ZK.n), FF(p)).vstack(*matrices)
    # A nonzero element of the nullspace of B will represent a
    # lin comb over the omegas which (i) is not a multiple of p
    # (since it is nonzero over FF(p)), while (ii) is such that
    # its product with each g in gens _is_ a multiple of p (since
    # B represents multiplication by these generators). Theory
    # predicts that such an element must exist, so nullspace should
    # be non-trivial.
    x = B.nullspace()[0, :].transpose()
    beta = ZK.parent(ZK.matrix * x, denom=ZK.denom)
    return beta
Beispiel #30
def _det_DOM(M):
    DOM = DomainMatrix.from_Matrix(M, field=True, extension=True)
    K = DOM.domain
    return K.to_sympy(DOM.det())