def unify(K0, K1, symbols=None):
        Construct a minimal domain that contains elements of ``K0`` and ``K1``.

        Known domains (from smallest to largest):

        - ``GF(p)``
        - ``ZZ``
        - ``QQ``
        - ``RR(prec, tol)``
        - ``CC(prec, tol)``
        - ``ALG(a, b, c)``
        - ``K[x, y, z]``
        - ``K(x, y, z)``
        - ``EX``

        if symbols is not None:
            return K0.unify_with_symbols(K1, symbols)

        if K0 == K1:
            return K0

        if K0.is_EX:
            return K0
        if K1.is_EX:
            return K1

        if K0.is_Composite or K1.is_Composite:
            K0_ground = K0.dom if K0.is_Composite else K0
            K1_ground = K1.dom if K1.is_Composite else K1

            K0_symbols = K0.symbols if K0.is_Composite else ()
            K1_symbols = K1.symbols if K1.is_Composite else ()

            domain = K0_ground.unify(K1_ground)
            symbols = _unify_gens(K0_symbols, K1_symbols)
            order = K0.order if K0.is_Composite else K1.order

            if ((K0.is_FractionField and K1.is_PolynomialRing or
                 K1.is_FractionField and K0.is_PolynomialRing) and
                 (not K0_ground.has_Field or not K1_ground.has_Field) and domain.has_Field):
                domain = domain.get_ring()

            if K0.is_Composite and (not K1.is_Composite or K0.is_FractionField or K1.is_PolynomialRing):
                cls = K0.__class__
                cls = K1.__class__

            return cls(domain, symbols, order)

        def mkinexact(cls, K0, K1):
            prec = max(K0.precision, K1.precision)
            tol = max(K0.tolerance, K1.tolerance)
            return cls(prec=prec, tol=tol)

        if K0.is_ComplexField and K1.is_ComplexField:
            return mkinexact(K0.__class__, K0, K1)
        if K0.is_ComplexField and K1.is_RealField:
            return mkinexact(K0.__class__, K0, K1)
        if K0.is_RealField and K1.is_ComplexField:
            return mkinexact(K1.__class__, K1, K0)
        if K0.is_RealField and K1.is_RealField:
            return mkinexact(K0.__class__, K0, K1)
        if K0.is_ComplexField or K0.is_RealField:
            return K0
        if K1.is_ComplexField or K1.is_RealField:
            return K1

        if K0.is_AlgebraicField and K1.is_AlgebraicField:
            return K0.__class__(K0.dom.unify(K1.dom), *_unify_gens(K0.orig_ext, K1.orig_ext))
        elif K0.is_AlgebraicField:
            return K0
        elif K1.is_AlgebraicField:
            return K1

        if K0.is_RationalField:
            return K0
        if K1.is_RationalField:
            return K1

        if K0.is_IntegerRing:
            return K0
        if K1.is_IntegerRing:
            return K1

        if K0.is_FiniteField and K1.is_FiniteField:
            return K0.__class__(max(K0.mod, K1.mod, key=default_sort_key))

        from import EX
        return EX
Beispiel #2
def test__unify_gens():
    assert _unify_gens([], []) == ()

    assert _unify_gens([x], [x]) == (x,)
    assert _unify_gens([y], [y]) == (y,)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y], [x]) == (x, y)
    assert _unify_gens([x], [x, y]) == (x, y)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y], [x, y]) == (x, y)
    assert _unify_gens([y, x], [y, x]) == (y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x], [y]) == (x, y)
    assert _unify_gens([y], [x]) == (y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x], [y, x]) == (y, x)
    assert _unify_gens([y, x], [x]) == (y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y, z], [x, y, z]) == (x, y, z)
    assert _unify_gens([z, y, x], [x, y, z]) == (z, y, x)
    assert _unify_gens([x, y, z], [z, y, x]) == (x, y, z)
    assert _unify_gens([z, y, x], [z, y, x]) == (z, y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y, z], [t, x, p, q, z]) == (t, x, y, p, q, z)
Beispiel #3
    def unify(K0, K1, symbols=None):
        Construct a minimal domain that contains elements of ``K0`` and ``K1``.

        Known domains (from smallest to largest):

        - ``GF(p)``
        - ``ZZ``
        - ``QQ``
        - ``RR(prec, tol)``
        - ``CC(prec, tol)``
        - ``ALG(a, b, c)``
        - ``K[x, y, z]``
        - ``K(x, y, z)``
        - ``EX``

        if symbols is not None:
            return K0.unify_with_symbols(K1, symbols)

        if K0 == K1:
            return K0

        if K0.is_EX:
            return K0
        if K1.is_EX:
            return K1

        if K0.is_FiniteExtension or K1.is_FiniteExtension:
            if K1.is_FiniteExtension:
                K0, K1 = K1, K0
            if K1.is_FiniteExtension:
                # Unifying two extensions.
                # Try to ensure that K0.unify(K1) == K1.unify(K0)
                if list(ordered([K0.modulus, K1.modulus]))[1] == K0.modulus:
                    K0, K1 = K1, K0
                return K1.set_domain(K0)
                # Drop the generator from other and unify with the base domain
                K1 = K1.drop(K0.symbol)
                K1 = K0.domain.unify(K1)
                return K0.set_domain(K1)

        if K0.is_Composite or K1.is_Composite:
            K0_ground = K0.dom if K0.is_Composite else K0
            K1_ground = K1.dom if K1.is_Composite else K1

            K0_symbols = K0.symbols if K0.is_Composite else ()
            K1_symbols = K1.symbols if K1.is_Composite else ()

            domain = K0_ground.unify(K1_ground)
            symbols = _unify_gens(K0_symbols, K1_symbols)
            order = K0.order if K0.is_Composite else K1.order

            if ((K0.is_FractionField and K1.is_PolynomialRing
                 or K1.is_FractionField and K0.is_PolynomialRing)
                    and (not K0_ground.is_Field or not K1_ground.is_Field)
                    and domain.is_Field and domain.has_assoc_Ring):
                domain = domain.get_ring()

            if K0.is_Composite and (not K1.is_Composite or K0.is_FractionField
                                    or K1.is_PolynomialRing):
                cls = K0.__class__
                cls = K1.__class__

            from import GlobalPolynomialRing
            if cls == GlobalPolynomialRing:
                return cls(domain, symbols)

            return cls(domain, symbols, order)

        def mkinexact(cls, K0, K1):
            prec = max(K0.precision, K1.precision)
            tol = max(K0.tolerance, K1.tolerance)
            return cls(prec=prec, tol=tol)

        if K1.is_ComplexField:
            K0, K1 = K1, K0
        if K0.is_ComplexField:
            if K1.is_ComplexField or K1.is_RealField:
                return mkinexact(K0.__class__, K0, K1)
                return K0

        if K1.is_RealField:
            K0, K1 = K1, K0
        if K0.is_RealField:
            if K1.is_RealField:
                return mkinexact(K0.__class__, K0, K1)
            elif K1.is_GaussianRing or K1.is_GaussianField:
                from import ComplexField
                return ComplexField(prec=K0.precision, tol=K0.tolerance)
                return K0

        if K1.is_AlgebraicField:
            K0, K1 = K1, K0
        if K0.is_AlgebraicField:
            if K1.is_GaussianRing:
                K1 = K1.get_field()
            if K1.is_GaussianField:
                K1 = K1.as_AlgebraicField()
            if K1.is_AlgebraicField:
                return K0.__class__(K0.dom.unify(K1.dom),
                                    *_unify_gens(K0.orig_ext, K1.orig_ext))
                return K0

        if K0.is_GaussianField:
            return K0
        if K1.is_GaussianField:
            return K1

        if K0.is_GaussianRing:
            if K1.is_RationalField:
                K0 = K0.get_field()
            return K0
        if K1.is_GaussianRing:
            if K0.is_RationalField:
                K1 = K1.get_field()
            return K1

        if K0.is_RationalField:
            return K0
        if K1.is_RationalField:
            return K1

        if K0.is_IntegerRing:
            return K0
        if K1.is_IntegerRing:
            return K1

        if K0.is_FiniteField and K1.is_FiniteField:
            return K0.__class__(max(K0.mod, K1.mod, key=default_sort_key))

        from import EX
        return EX
Beispiel #4
def test__unify_gens():
    assert _unify_gens([], []) == ()

    assert _unify_gens([x], [x]) == (x,)
    assert _unify_gens([y], [y]) == (y,)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y], [x]) == (x, y)
    assert _unify_gens([x], [x, y]) == (x, y)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y], [x, y]) == (x, y)
    assert _unify_gens([y, x], [y, x]) == (y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x], [y]) == (x, y)
    assert _unify_gens([y], [x]) == (y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x], [y, x]) == (y, x)
    assert _unify_gens([y, x], [x]) == (y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y, z], [x, y, z]) == (x, y, z)
    assert _unify_gens([z, y, x], [x, y, z]) == (z, y, x)
    assert _unify_gens([x, y, z], [z, y, x]) == (x, y, z)
    assert _unify_gens([z, y, x], [z, y, x]) == (z, y, x)

    assert _unify_gens([x, y, z], [t, x, p, q, z]) == (t, x, y, p, q, z)