Beispiel #1
def weak_normalizer(a, d, DE, z=None):
    Weak normalization.


    Given a derivation D on k[t] and f == a/d in k(t), return q in k[t]
    such that f - Dq/q is weakly normalized with respect to t.

    f in k(t) is said to be "weakly normalized" with respect to t if
    residue_p(f) is not a positive integer for any normal irreducible p
    in k[t] such that f is in R_p (Definition 6.1.1).  If f has an
    elementary integral, this is equivalent to no logarithm of
    integral(f) whose argument depends on t has a positive integer
    coefficient, where the arguments of the logarithms not in k(t) are
    in k[t].

    Returns (q, f - Dq/q)
    z = z or Dummy('z')
    dn, ds = splitfactor(d, DE)

    # Compute d1, where dn == d1*d2**2*...*dn**n is a square-free
    # factorization of d.
    g = gcd(dn, dn.diff(DE.t))
    d_sqf_part = dn.quo(g)
    d1 = d_sqf_part.quo(gcd(d_sqf_part, g))

    a1, b = gcdex_diophantine(
        d.quo(d1).as_poly(DE.t), d1.as_poly(DE.t), a.as_poly(DE.t))
    r = (a - Poly(z, DE.t) * derivation(d1, DE)).as_poly(DE.t).resultant(
    r = Poly(r, z)

    if not r.expr.has(z):
        return (Poly(1, DE.t), (a, d))

    N = [i for i in r.real_roots() if i in ZZ and i > 0]

    q = reduce(mul,
               [gcd(a - Poly(n, DE.t) * derivation(d1, DE), d1) for n in N],
               Poly(1, DE.t))

    dq = derivation(q, DE)
    sn = q * a - d * dq
    sd = q * d
    sn, sd = sn.cancel(sd, include=True)

    return (q, (sn, sd))
Beispiel #2
    def keysgenerator(self):
        creates a public/private keys of 'keysize' bits in size:
        calculates/generates public n, e for encryption and private d for decryption
        :return: public and private keys  (e, n) (d, n)
        p = self.generateprime()
        q = self.generateprime()

        n = p * q
        phi = (p-1) * (q-1)

        del p, q                #for security purposes

        e = randint(0, phi-1)
        while gcd(e, phi) != 1:
            e = randint(0, phi-1)

        dt, k1, r = gcdex(e, phi)
        d = dt % phi

        public_key = (e, n)
        private_key = (d, n)

        return public_key, private_key
Beispiel #3
def weak_normalizer(a, d, DE, z=None):
    Weak normalization.

    Given a derivation D on k[t] and f == a/d in k(t), return q in k[t]
    such that f - Dq/q is weakly normalized with respect to t.

    f in k(t) is said to be "weakly normalized" with respect to t if
    residue_p(f) is not a positive integer for any normal irreducible p
    in k[t] such that f is in R_p (Definition 6.1.1).  If f has an
    elementary integral, this is equivalent to no logarithm of
    integral(f) whose argument depends on t has a positive integer
    coefficient, where the arguments of the logarithms not in k(t) are
    in k[t].

    Returns (q, f - Dq/q)
    z = z or Dummy('z')
    dn, ds = splitfactor(d, DE)

    # Compute d1, where dn == d1*d2**2*...*dn**n is a square-free
    # factorization of d.
    g = gcd(dn, dn.diff(DE.t))
    d_sqf_part = dn.quo(g)
    d1 = d_sqf_part.quo(gcd(d_sqf_part, g))

    a1, b = gcdex_diophantine(d.quo(d1).as_poly(DE.t), d1.as_poly(DE.t),
    r = (a - Poly(z, DE.t)*derivation(d1, DE)).as_poly(DE.t).resultant(
    r = Poly(r, z)

    if not r.has(z):
        return (Poly(1, DE.t), (a, d))

    N = [i for i in r.real_roots() if i in ZZ and i > 0]

    q = reduce(mul, [gcd(a - Poly(n, DE.t)*derivation(d1, DE), d1) for n in N],
        Poly(1, DE.t))

    dq = derivation(q, DE)
    sn = q*a - d*dq
    sd = q*d
    sn, sd = sn.cancel(sd, include=True)

    return (q, (sn, sd))
Beispiel #4
def rrs_simple(n):
    @type n: integer > 0
    @rtype: list

    @return: a reduced residue system modulo n
    return [x for x in range(n) if gcd(x, n) == 1]
Beispiel #5
                def extract(f):
                    p = f.args[0]

                    for q in f.args[1:]:
                        p = gcd(p, q, *symbols)

                        if p.is_number:
                            return S.One, f

                    return p, Add(*[quo(g, p, *symbols) for g in f.args])
Beispiel #6
    def deflation(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has_any_symbols(y):

            if derivation(p) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).as_primitive()
                return deflation(c)*gcd(q, q.diff(y))
            return p
Beispiel #7
    def deflation(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if derivation(p) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()
                return deflation(c)*gcd(q, q.diff(y)).as_basic()
            return p
Beispiel #8
    def _deflation(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(p) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()
                return _deflation(c)*gcd(q, q.diff(y)).as_expr()
            return p
Beispiel #9
    def _deflation(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(p) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()
                return _deflation(c)*gcd(q, q.diff(y)).as_expr()

        return p
Beispiel #10
def rsa(bits):
    p = nextprime(randrange(2**(bits // 2 + 1)))
    q = nextprime(randrange(2**(bits // 2 + 1)))
    n = p * q
    phi_n = (p - 1) * (q - 1)
    while True:
        e = randrange(1, phi_n)
        if gcd(e, phi_n) == 1:
    d = inv_mod(e, phi_n)
    return e, d, n
Beispiel #11
    def splitter(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has_any_symbols(y):

            if derivation(y) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).as_primitive()

                q = q.as_basic()

                h = gcd(q, derivation(q), y)
                s = quo(h, gcd(q, q.diff(y), y), y)

                c_split = splitter(c)

                if s.as_poly(y).degree == 0:
                    return (c_split[0], q * c_split[1])

                q_split = splitter(Poly.cancel((q, s), *V))

                return (c_split[0] * q_split[0] * s, c_split[1] * q_split[1])
            return (S.One, p)
Beispiel #12
    def _splitter(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(y) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()

                q = q.as_expr()

                h = gcd(q, _derivation(q), y)
                s = quo(h, gcd(q, q.diff(y), y), y)

                c_split = _splitter(c)

                if s.as_poly(y).degree() == 0:
                    return (c_split[0], q * c_split[1])

                q_split = _splitter(cancel(q / s))

                return (c_split[0]*q_split[0]*s, c_split[1]*q_split[1])
            return (S.One, p)
Beispiel #13
    def splitter(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has_any_symbols(y):

            if derivation(y) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).as_primitive()

                q = q.as_basic()

                h = gcd(q, derivation(q), y)
                s = quo(h, gcd(q, q.diff(y), y), y)

                c_split = splitter(c)

                if s.as_poly(y).degree == 0:
                    return (c_split[0], q * c_split[1])

                q_split = splitter(Poly.cancel((q, s), *V))

                return (c_split[0]*q_split[0]*s, c_split[1]*q_split[1])
            return (S.One, p)
Beispiel #14
    def _splitter(p):
        for y in V:
            if not p.has(y):

            if _derivation(y) is not S.Zero:
                c, q = p.as_poly(y).primitive()

                q = q.as_expr()

                h = gcd(q, _derivation(q), y)
                s = quo(h, gcd(q, q.diff(y), y), y)

                c_split = _splitter(c)

                if s.as_poly(y).degree() == 0:
                    return (c_split[0], q * c_split[1])

                q_split = _splitter(cancel(q / s))

                return (c_split[0]*q_split[0]*s, c_split[1]*q_split[1])

        return (S.One, p)
Beispiel #15
def crack_given_decrypt(n, m):
    n = int(n)
    m = int(m)

    while True:
        if m % 2 != 0:
        divide_out = True
        for _ in range(5):
            a = randrange(1, n)
            if gcd(a, n) == 1:
                if pow(a, m // 2, n) != 1:
                    divide_out = False
        if divide_out:
            m //= 2

    while True:
        a = randrange(1, n)
        g = gcd(pow(a, m // 2, n) - 1, n)
        if g != 1 and g != n:
            return g
Beispiel #16
def _split_gcd(*a):
    split the list of integers ``a`` into a list of integers, ``a1`` having
    ``g = gcd(a1)``, and a list ``a2`` whose elements are not divisible by
    ``g``.  Returns ``g, a1, a2``


    >>> from sympy.simplify.radsimp import _split_gcd
    >>> _split_gcd(55, 35, 22, 14, 77, 10)
    (5, [55, 35, 10], [22, 14, 77])
    g = a[0]
    b1 = [g]
    b2 = []
    for x in a[1:]:
        g1 = gcd(g, x)
        if g1 == 1:
            g = g1
    return g, b1, b2
Beispiel #17
def _split_gcd(*a):
    Split the list of integers ``a`` into a list of integers, ``a1`` having
    ``g = gcd(a1)``, and a list ``a2`` whose elements are not divisible by
    ``g``.  Returns ``g, a1, a2``.


    >>> from sympy.simplify.radsimp import _split_gcd
    >>> _split_gcd(55, 35, 22, 14, 77, 10)
    (5, [55, 35, 10], [22, 14, 77])
    g = a[0]
    b1 = [g]
    b2 = []
    for x in a[1:]:
        g1 = gcd(g, x)
        if g1 == 1:
            g = g1
    return g, b1, b2
Beispiel #18
 def nc_gcd(aa, bb):
     a, b = [i.as_coeff_Mul() for i in [aa, bb]]
     c = gcd(a[0], b[0]).as_numer_denom()[0]
     g = Mul(*(a[1].args_cnc(cset=True)[0] & b[1].args_cnc(cset=True)[0]))
     return _keep_coeff(c, g)
Beispiel #19
def relsimp(func, args, **kwargs):
    lhs, rhs = args

    r = func(lhs.simplify(**kwargs), rhs.simplify(**kwargs))
    if not isinstance(r.lhs, Expr) or not isinstance(r.rhs, Expr):
        return r.canonical
    dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
    r = r.canonical
    # If there is only one symbol in the expression,
    # try to write it on a simplified form
    free = list(filter(lambda x: x.is_real is not False, r.free_symbols))
    if len(free) == 1:
            x = free.pop()
            dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
            m, b = linear_coeffs(dif, x)
            if m.is_zero is False:
                if m.is_negative:
                    # Dividing with a negative number, so change order of arguments
                    # canonical will put the symbol back on the lhs later
                    r = r.function(-b / m, x)
                    r = r.function(x, -b / m)
                r = r.function(b, S.Zero)
        except ValueError:
            # maybe not a linear function, try polynomial
                p = poly(dif, x)
                c = p.all_coeffs()
                constant = c[-1]
                c[-1] = 0
                scale = gcd(c)
                c = [ctmp / scale for ctmp in c]
                r = r.function(Poly.from_list(c, x).as_expr(), -constant / scale)
            except PolynomialError:
    elif len(free) >= 2:
            free = list(ordered(free))
            dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
            m = linear_coeffs(dif, *free)
            constant = m[-1]
            del m[-1]
            scale = gcd(m)
            m = [mtmp / scale for mtmp in m]
            nzm = list(filter(lambda f: f[0] != 0, list(zip(m, free))))
            if scale.is_zero is False:
                if constant != 0:
                    # lhs: expression, rhs: constant
                    newexpr = Add(*[i * j for i, j in nzm])
                    r = r.function(newexpr, -constant / scale)
                    # keep first term on lhs
                    lhsterm = nzm[0][0] * nzm[0][1]
                    del nzm[0]
                    newexpr = Add(*[i * j for i, j in nzm])
                    r = r.function(lhsterm, -newexpr)

                r = r.function(constant, S.Zero)
        except ValueError:
    # Did we get a simplified result?
    r = r.canonical
    rel = func(*args)
    measure = kwargs['measure']
    if measure(r) < kwargs['ratio'] * measure(rel):
        return r
        return rel
Beispiel #20
    def _eval_simplify(self, **kwargs):
        from .add import Add
        from sympy.core.expr import Expr
        r = self
        r = r.func(*[i.simplify(**kwargs) for i in r.args])
        if r.is_Relational:
            if not isinstance(r.lhs, Expr) or not isinstance(r.rhs, Expr):
                return r
            dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
            # replace dif with a valid Number that will
            # allow a definitive comparison with 0
            v = None
            if dif.is_comparable:
                v = dif.n(2)
            elif dif.equals(0):  # XXX this is expensive
                v = S.Zero
            if v is not None:
                r = r.func._eval_relation(v, S.Zero)
            r = r.canonical
            # If there is only one symbol in the expression,
            # try to write it on a simplified form
            free = list(
                filter(lambda x: x.is_real is not False, r.free_symbols))
            if len(free) == 1:
                    from sympy.solvers.solveset import linear_coeffs
                    x = free.pop()
                    dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
                    m, b = linear_coeffs(dif, x)
                    if m.is_zero is False:
                        if m.is_negative:
                            # Dividing with a negative number, so change order of arguments
                            # canonical will put the symbol back on the lhs later
                            r = r.func(-b / m, x)
                            r = r.func(x, -b / m)
                        r = r.func(b,
                except ValueError:
                    # maybe not a linear function, try polynomial
                    from sympy.polys import Poly, poly, PolynomialError, gcd
                        p = poly(dif, x)
                        c = p.all_coeffs()
                        constant = c[-1]
                        c[-1] = 0
                        scale = gcd(c)
                        c = [ctmp / scale for ctmp in c]
                        r = r.func(
                            Poly.from_list(c, x).as_expr(), -constant / scale)
                    except PolynomialError:
            elif len(free) >= 2:
                    from sympy.solvers.solveset import linear_coeffs
                    from sympy.polys import gcd
                    free = list(ordered(free))
                    dif = r.lhs - r.rhs
                    m = linear_coeffs(dif, *free)
                    constant = m[-1]
                    del m[-1]
                    scale = gcd(m)
                    m = [mtmp / scale for mtmp in m]
                    nzm = list(filter(lambda f: f[0] != 0, list(zip(m, free))))
                    if scale.is_zero is False:
                        if constant != 0:
                            # lhs: expression, rhs: constant
                            newexpr = Add(*[i * j for i, j in nzm])
                            r = r.func(newexpr, -constant / scale)
                            # keep first term on lhs
                            lhsterm = nzm[0][0] * nzm[0][1]
                            del nzm[0]
                            newexpr = Add(*[i * j for i, j in nzm])
                            r = r.func(lhsterm, -newexpr)

                        r = r.func(constant,
                except ValueError:
        # Did we get a simplified result?
        r = r.canonical
        measure = kwargs['measure']
        if measure(r) < kwargs['ratio'] * measure(self):
            return r
            return self
Beispiel #21
def equivalence_hypergeometric(A, B, func):
    # This method for finding the equivalence is only for 2F1 type.
    # We can extend it for 1F1 and 0F1 type also.
    x = func.args[0]

    # making given equation in normal form
    I1 = factor(cancel(A.diff(x)/2 + A**2/4 - B))

    # computing shifted invariant(J1) of the equation
    J1 = factor(cancel(x**2*I1 + S(1)/4))
    num, dem = J1.as_numer_denom()
    num = powdenest(expand(num))
    dem = powdenest(expand(dem))
    # this function will compute the different powers of variable(x) in J1.
    # then it will help in finding value of k. k is power of x such that we can express
    # J1 = x**k * J0(x**k) then all the powers in J0 become integers.
    def _power_counting(num):
        _pow = {0}
        for val in num:
            if val.has(x):
                if isinstance(val, Pow) and val.as_base_exp()[0] == x:
                elif val == x:
        return _pow

    pow_num = _power_counting((num, ))
    pow_dem = _power_counting((dem, ))

    _pow = pow_dem
    k = gcd(_pow)

    # computing I0 of the given equation
    I0 = powdenest(simplify(factor(((J1/k**2) - S(1)/4)/((x**k)**2))), force=True)
    I0 = factor(cancel(powdenest(I0.subs(x, x**(S(1)/k)), force=True)))
    num, dem = I0.as_numer_denom()

    max_num_pow = max(_power_counting((num, )))
    dem_args = dem.args
    sing_point = []
    dem_pow = []
    # calculating singular point of I0.
    for arg in dem_args:
        if arg.has(x):
            if isinstance(arg, Pow):
                # (x-a)**n
                sing_point.append(list(roots(arg.as_base_exp()[0], x).keys())[0])
                # (x-a) type
                sing_point.append(list(roots(arg, x).keys())[0])

    # checking if equivalence is exists or not.

    if equivalence(max_num_pow, dem_pow) == "2F1":
        return {'I0':I0, 'k':k, 'sing_point':sing_point, 'type':"2F1"}
        return None
Beispiel #22
def normal(f, g, n=None):
    """Given relatively prime univariate polynomials 'f' and 'g',
       rewrite their quotient to a normal form defined as follows:

                       f(n)       A(n) C(n+1)
                       ----  =  Z -----------
                       g(n)       B(n)  C(n)

       where Z is arbitrary constant and A, B, C are monic
       polynomials in 'n' with following properties:

           (1) gcd(A(n), B(n+h)) = 1 for all 'h' in N
           (2) gcd(B(n), C(n+1)) = 1
           (3) gcd(A(n), C(n)) = 1

       This normal form, or rational factorization in other words,
       is crucial step in Gosper's algorithm and in difference
       equations solving. It can be also used to decide if two
       hypergeometric are similar or not.

       This procedure will return a tuple containing elements
       of this factorization in the form (Z*A, B, C). For example:

       >>> from sympy import Symbol, normal
       >>> n = Symbol('n', integer=True)

       >>> normal(4*n+5, 2*(4*n+1)*(2*n+3), n)
       (1/4, 3/2 + n, 1/4 + n)

    f, g = map(sympify, (f, g))

    p = f.as_poly(n, field=True)
    q = g.as_poly(n, field=True)

    a, p = p.LC(), p.monic()
    b, q = q.LC(), q.monic()

    A = p.as_basic()
    B = q.as_basic()

    C, Z = S.One, a / b

    h = Dummy('h')

    res = resultant(A, B.subs(n, n+h), n)

    nni_roots = roots(res, h, filter='Z',
        predicate=lambda r: r >= 0).keys()

    if not nni_roots:
        return (f, g, S.One)
        for i in sorted(nni_roots):
            d = gcd(A, B.subs(n, n+i), n)

            A = quo(A, d, n)
            B = quo(B, d.subs(n, n-i), n)

            C *= Mul(*[ d.subs(n, n-j) for j in xrange(1, i+1) ])

        return (Z*A, B, C)
Beispiel #23
def factor_nc(expr):
    """Return the factored form of ``expr`` while handling non-commutative

    >>> from sympy.core.exprtools import factor_nc
    >>> from sympy import Symbol
    >>> from import x
    >>> A = Symbol('A', commutative=False)
    >>> B = Symbol('B', commutative=False)
    >>> factor_nc((x**2 + 2*A*x + A**2).expand())
    (x + A)**2
    >>> factor_nc(((x + A)*(x + B)).expand())
    (x + A)*(x + B)
    from sympy.simplify.simplify import _mexpand
    from sympy.polys import gcd, factor

    expr = sympify(expr)
    if not isinstance(expr, Expr) or not expr.args:
        return expr
    if not expr.is_Add:
        return expr.func(*[factor_nc(a) for a in expr.args])

    expr, rep, nc_symbols = _mask_nc(expr)
    if rep:
        return factor(expr).subs(rep)
        args = [a.args_cnc() for a in Add.make_args(expr)]
        c = g = l = r = S.One
        hit = False
        # find any commutative gcd term
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                c = Mul._from_args(a[0])
            elif a[0]:
                c = gcd(c, Mul._from_args(a[0]))
                c = S.One
        if c is not S.One:
            hit = True
            c, g = c.as_coeff_Mul()
            if g is not S.One:
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc = list(Mul.make_args(Mul._from_args(list(cc))/g))
                    args[i][0] = cc
                for i, (cc, _) in enumerate(args):
                    cc[0] = cc[0]/c
                    args[i][0] = cc
        # find any noncommutative common prefix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_prefix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][0].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][0].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        l = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][0] = il*args[i][1][0]
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            l = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = args[i][1][lenn:]
        # find any noncommutative common suffix
        for i, a in enumerate(args):
            if i == 0:
                n = a[1][:]
                n = common_suffix(n, a[1])
            if not n:
                # is there a power that can be extracted?
                if not args[0][1]:
                b, e = args[0][1][-1].as_base_exp()
                ok = False
                if e.is_Integer:
                    for t in args:
                        if not t[1]:
                        bt, et = t[1][-1].as_base_exp()
                        if et.is_Integer and bt == b:
                            e = min(e, et)
                        ok = hit = True
                        r = b**e
                        il = b**-e
                        for i, a in enumerate(args):
                            args[i][1][-1] = args[i][1][-1]*il
                if not ok:
            hit = True
            lenn = len(n)
            r = Mul(*n)
            for i, a in enumerate(args):
                args[i][1] = a[1][:len(a[1]) - lenn]
        if hit:
            mid = Add(*[Mul(*cc)*Mul(*nc) for cc, nc in args])
            mid = expr

        # sort the symbols so the Dummys would appear in the same
        # order as the original symbols, otherwise you may introduce
        # a factor of -1, e.g. A**2 - B**2) -- {A:y, B:x} --> y**2 - x**2
        # and the former factors into two terms, (A - B)*(A + B) while the
        # latter factors into 3 terms, (-1)*(x - y)*(x + y)
        rep1 = [(n, Dummy()) for n in sorted(nc_symbols, key=default_sort_key)]
        unrep1 = [(v, k) for k, v in rep1]
        new_mid, r2, _ = _mask_nc(mid.subs(rep1))
        new_mid = factor(new_mid)

        new_mid = new_mid.subs(r2).subs(unrep1)

        if new_mid.is_Pow:
            return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*new_mid*r)

        if new_mid.is_Mul:
            # XXX TODO there should be a way to inspect what order the terms
            # must be in and just select the plausible ordering without
            # checking permutations
            cfac = []
            ncfac = []
            for f in new_mid.args:
                if f.is_commutative:
                    b, e = f.as_base_exp()
                    assert e.is_Integer
            pre_mid = g*Mul(*cfac)*l
            target = _mexpand(expr/c)
            for s in variations(ncfac, len(ncfac)):
                ok = pre_mid*Mul(*s)*r
                if _mexpand(ok) == target:
                    return _keep_coeff(c, ok)

        # mid was an Add that didn't factor successfully
        return _keep_coeff(c, g*l*mid*r)
Beispiel #24
def rsolve_ratio(coeffs, f, n, **hints):
    """Given linear recurrence operator L of order 'k' with polynomial
       coefficients and inhomogeneous equation Ly = f, where 'f' is a
       polynomial, we seek for all rational solutions over field K of
       characteristic zero.

       This procedure accepts only polynomials, however if you are
       interested in solving recurrence with rational coefficients
       then use rsolve() which will pre-process the given equation
       and run this procedure with polynomial arguments.

       The algorithm performs two basic steps:

           (1) Compute polynomial v(n) which can be used as universal
               denominator of any rational solution of equation Ly = f.

           (2) Construct new linear difference equation by substitution
               y(n) = u(n)/v(n) and solve it for u(n) finding all its
               polynomial solutions. Return None if none were found.

       Algorithm implemented here is a revised version of the original
       Abramov's algorithm, developed in 1989. The new approach is much
       simpler to implement and has better overall efficiency. This
       method can be easily adapted to q-difference equations case.

       Besides finding rational solutions alone, this functions is
       an important part of Hyper algorithm were it is used to find
       particular solution of inhomogeneous part of a recurrence.

       For more information on the implemented algorithm refer to:

       [1] S. A. Abramov, Rational solutions of linear difference
           and q-difference equations with polynomial coefficients,
           in: T. Levelt, ed., Proc. ISSAC '95, ACM Press, New York,
           1995, 285-289

    f = sympify(f)

    if not f.is_polynomial(n):
        return None

    coeffs = map(sympify, coeffs)

    r = len(coeffs)-1

    A, B = coeffs[r], coeffs[0]
    A = A.subs(n, n-r).expand()

    h = Symbol('h', dummy=True)

    res = resultant(A, B.subs(n, n+h), n)

    if not res.is_polynomial(h):
        p, q = res.as_numer_denom()
        res = exquo(p, q, h)

    nni_roots = roots(res, h, filter='Z',
        predicate=lambda r: r >= 0).keys()

    if not nni_roots:
        return rsolve_poly(coeffs, f, n, **hints)
        C, numers = S.One, [S.Zero]*(r+1)

        for i in xrange(int(max(nni_roots)), -1, -1):
            d = gcd(A, B.subs(n, n+i), n)

            A = exquo(A, d, n)
            B = exquo(B, d.subs(n, n-i), n)

            C *= Mul(*[ d.subs(n, n-j) for j in xrange(0, i+1) ])

        denoms = [ C.subs(n, n+i) for i in range(0, r+1) ]

        for i in range(0, r+1):
            g = gcd(coeffs[i], denoms[i], n)

            numers[i] = exquo(coeffs[i], g, n)
            denoms[i] = exquo(denoms[i], g, n)

        for i in xrange(0, r+1):
            numers[i] *= Mul(*(denoms[:i] + denoms[i+1:]))

        result = rsolve_poly(numers, f * Mul(*denoms), n, **hints)

        if result is not None:
            if hints.get('symbols', False):
                return (simplify(result[0] / C), result[1])
                return simplify(result / C)
            return None
Beispiel #25
def rsolve_ratio(coeffs, f, n, **hints):
    Given linear recurrence operator `\operatorname{L}` of order `k`
    with polynomial coefficients and inhomogeneous equation
    `\operatorname{L} y = f`, where `f` is a polynomial, we seek
    for all rational solutions over field `K` of characteristic zero.

    This procedure accepts only polynomials, however if you are
    interested in solving recurrence with rational coefficients
    then use ``rsolve`` which will pre-process the given equation
    and run this procedure with polynomial arguments.

    The algorithm performs two basic steps:

        (1) Compute polynomial `v(n)` which can be used as universal
            denominator of any rational solution of equation
            `\operatorname{L} y = f`.

        (2) Construct new linear difference equation by substitution
            `y(n) = u(n)/v(n)` and solve it for `u(n)` finding all its
            polynomial solutions. Return ``None`` if none were found.

    Algorithm implemented here is a revised version of the original
    Abramov's algorithm, developed in 1989. The new approach is much
    simpler to implement and has better overall efficiency. This
    method can be easily adapted to q-difference equations case.

    Besides finding rational solutions alone, this functions is
    an important part of Hyper algorithm were it is used to find
    particular solution of inhomogeneous part of a recurrence.


    >>> from import x
    >>> from sympy.solvers.recurr import rsolve_ratio
    >>> rsolve_ratio([-2*x**3 + x**2 + 2*x - 1, 2*x**3 + x**2 - 6*x,
    ... - 2*x**3 - 11*x**2 - 18*x - 9, 2*x**3 + 13*x**2 + 22*x + 8], 0, x)
    C2*(2*x - 3)/(2*(x**2 - 1))


    .. [1] S. A. Abramov, Rational solutions of linear difference
           and q-difference equations with polynomial coefficients,
           in: T. Levelt, ed., Proc. ISSAC '95, ACM Press, New York,
           1995, 285-289

    See Also

    f = sympify(f)

    if not f.is_polynomial(n):
        return None

    coeffs = map(sympify, coeffs)

    r = len(coeffs) - 1

    A, B = coeffs[r], coeffs[0]
    A = A.subs(n, n - r).expand()

    h = Dummy('h')

    res = resultant(A, B.subs(n, n + h), n)

    if not res.is_polynomial(h):
        p, q = res.as_numer_denom()
        res = quo(p, q, h)

    nni_roots = roots(res, h, filter='Z',
        predicate=lambda r: r >= 0).keys()

    if not nni_roots:
        return rsolve_poly(coeffs, f, n, **hints)
        C, numers = S.One, [S.Zero]*(r + 1)

        for i in xrange(int(max(nni_roots)), -1, -1):
            d = gcd(A, B.subs(n, n + i), n)

            A = quo(A, d, n)
            B = quo(B, d.subs(n, n - i), n)

            C *= Mul(*[ d.subs(n, n - j) for j in xrange(0, i + 1) ])

        denoms = [ C.subs(n, n + i) for i in range(0, r + 1) ]

        for i in range(0, r + 1):
            g = gcd(coeffs[i], denoms[i], n)

            numers[i] = quo(coeffs[i], g, n)
            denoms[i] = quo(denoms[i], g, n)

        for i in xrange(0, r + 1):
            numers[i] *= Mul(*(denoms[:i] + denoms[i + 1:]))

        result = rsolve_poly(numers, f * Mul(*denoms), n, **hints)

        if result is not None:
            if hints.get('symbols', False):
                return (simplify(result[0] / C), result[1])
                return simplify(result / C)
            return None
Beispiel #26
 def gcd(f, g):
     from sympy.polys import gcd
     return f.__class__(gcd(f.ex, f.__class__(g).ex))
Beispiel #27
 def nc_gcd(aa, bb):
     a, b = [i.as_coeff_Mul() for i in [aa, bb]]
     c = gcd(a[0], b[0]).as_numer_denom()[0]
     g = Mul(*(a[1].args_cnc(cset=True)[0] & b[1].args_cnc(cset=True)[0]))
     return _keep_coeff(c, g)
Beispiel #28
def normal(f, g, n=None):
    """Given relatively prime univariate polynomials 'f' and 'g',
       rewrite their quotient to a normal form defined as follows:

                       f(n)       A(n) C(n+1)
                       ----  =  Z -----------
                       g(n)       B(n)  C(n)

       where Z is arbitrary constant and A, B, C are monic
       polynomials in 'n' with following properties:

           (1) gcd(A(n), B(n+h)) = 1 for all 'h' in N
           (2) gcd(B(n), C(n+1)) = 1
           (3) gcd(A(n), C(n)) = 1

       This normal form, or rational factorization in other words,
       is crucial step in Gosper's algorithm and in difference
       equations solving. It can be also used to decide if two
       hypergeometric are similar or not.

       This procedure will return a tuple containing elements
       of this factorization in the form (Z*A, B, C). For example:

       >>> from sympy import Symbol, normal
       >>> n = Symbol('n', integer=True)

       >>> normal(4*n+5, 2*(4*n+1)*(2*n+3), n)
       (1/4, 3/2 + n, 1/4 + n)

    f, g = map(sympify, (f, g))

    p = f.as_poly(n, field=True)
    q = g.as_poly(n, field=True)

    a, p = p.LC(), p.monic()
    b, q = q.LC(), q.monic()

    A = p.as_basic()
    B = q.as_basic()

    C, Z = S.One, a / b

    h = Symbol('h', dummy=True)

    res = resultant(A, B.subs(n, n + h), n)

    nni_roots = roots(res, h, filter='Z', predicate=lambda r: r >= 0).keys()

    if not nni_roots:
        return (f, g, S.One)
        for i in sorted(nni_roots):
            d = gcd(A, B.subs(n, n + i), n)

            A = quo(A, d, n)
            B = quo(B, d.subs(n, n - i), n)

            C *= Mul(*[d.subs(n, n - j) for j in xrange(1, i + 1)])

        return (Z * A, B, C)
Beispiel #29
        def gcd(f, g):
            from sympy.polys import gcd

            return f.__class__(gcd(f.ex, f.__class__(g).ex))