Beispiel #1
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from sympy import Dummy
        from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
        from sympy.sets.sets import imageset
        if self.base_set is S.Integers:
            if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_set is S.Integers:
                f, g = self.lamda.expr, other.lamda.expr
                n, m = self.lamda.variables[0], other.lamda.variables[0]

                # Diophantine sorts the solutions according to the alphabetic
                # order of the variable names, since the result should not depend
                # on the variable name, they are replaced by the dummy variables
                # below
                a, b = Dummy('a'), Dummy('b')
                f, g = f.subs(n, a), g.subs(m, b)
                solns_set = diophantine(f - g)
                if solns_set == set():
                    return EmptySet()
                solns = list(diophantine(f - g))
                if len(solns) == 1:
                    t = list(solns[0][0].free_symbols)[0]
                    return None

                # since 'a' < 'b'
                return imageset(Lambda(t, f.subs(a, solns[0][0])), S.Integers)
Beispiel #2
def test_diop_general_sum_of_squares_quick():
    for i in range(3, 10):
        assert check_solutions(sum(i**2 for i in symbols(':%i' % i)) - i)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: _diop_general_sum_of_squares((x, y), 2))
    assert _diop_general_sum_of_squares((x, y, z), -2) == set()
    eq = x**2 + y**2 + z**2 - (1 + 4 + 9)
    assert diop_general_sum_of_squares(eq) == \
        set([(1, 2, 3)])
    eq = u**2 + v**2 + x**2 + y**2 + z**2 - 1313
    assert len(diop_general_sum_of_squares(eq, 3)) == 3
    # issue 11016
    var = symbols(':5') + (symbols('6', negative=True),)
    eq = Add(*[i**2 for i in var]) - 112
    assert diophantine(eq) == set(
        [(0, 1, 1, 5, 6, -7), (1, 1, 1, 3, 6, -8), (2, 3, 3, 4,
        5, -7), (0, 1, 1, 1, 3, -10), (0, 0, 4, 4, 4, -8), (1, 2, 3,
        3, 5, -8), (0, 1, 2, 3, 7, -7), (2, 2, 4, 4, 6, -6), (1, 1,
        3, 4, 6, -7), (0, 2, 3, 3, 3, -9), (0, 0, 2, 2, 2, -10), (1,
        1, 2, 3, 4, -9), (0, 1, 1, 2, 5, -9), (0, 0, 2, 6, 6, -6),
        (1, 3, 4, 5, 5, -6), (0, 2, 2, 2, 6, -8), (0, 3, 3, 3, 6,
        -7), (0, 2, 3, 5, 5, -7), (0, 1, 5, 5, 5, -6)])
    # handle negated squares with signsimp
    assert diophantine(12 - x**2 - y**2 - z**2) == set([(2, 2, 2)])
    # diophantine handles simplification, so classify_diop should
    # not have to look for additional patterns that are removed
    # by diophantine
    eq = a**2 + b**2 + c**2 + d**2 - 4
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: classify_diop(-eq))
Beispiel #3
def test_diophantine_permute_sign():
    from import a, b, c, d, e
    eq = a**4 + b**4 - (2**4 + 3**4)
    base_sol = set([(2, 3)])
    assert diophantine(eq) == base_sol
    complete_soln = set(signed_permutations(base_sol.pop()))
    assert diophantine(eq, permute=True) == complete_soln

    eq = a**2 + b**2 + c**2 + d**2 + e**2 - 234
    assert len(diophantine(eq)) == 35
    assert len(diophantine(eq, permute=True)) == 62000
    soln = set([(-1, -1), (-1, 2), (1, -2), (1, 1)])
    assert diophantine(10*x**2 + 12*x*y + 12*y**2 - 34, permute=True) == soln
def test_assumptions():
    Test whether diophantine respects the assumptions.
    #Test case taken from the below so question regarding assumptions in diophantine module
    m, n = symbols('m n', integer=True, positive=True)
    diof = diophantine(n ** 2 + m * n - 500)
    assert diof == set([(5, 20), (40, 10), (95, 5), (121, 4), (248, 2), (499, 1)])

    a, b = symbols('a b', integer=True, positive=False)
    diof = diophantine(a*b + 2*a + 3*b - 6)
    assert diof == set([(-15, -3), (-9, -4), (-7, -5), (-6, -6), (-5, -8), (-4, -14)])
Beispiel #5
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
        if self.base_set is S.Integers:
            g = None
            if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_set is S.Integers:
                g = other.lamda.expr
                m = other.lamda.variables[0]
            elif other is S.Integers:
                m = g = Dummy('x')
            if g is not None:
                f = self.lamda.expr
                n = self.lamda.variables[0]
                # Diophantine sorts the solutions according to the alphabetic
                # order of the variable names, since the result should not depend
                # on the variable name, they are replaced by the dummy variables
                # below
                a, b = Dummy('a'), Dummy('b')
                f, g = f.subs(n, a), g.subs(m, b)
                solns_set = diophantine(f - g)
                if solns_set == set():
                    return EmptySet()
                solns = list(diophantine(f - g))

                if len(solns) != 1:

                # since 'a' < 'b', select soln for n
                nsol = solns[0][0]
                t = nsol.free_symbols.pop()
                return imageset(Lambda(n, f.subs(a, nsol.subs(t, n))), S.Integers)

        if other == S.Reals:
            from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_real
            from sympy.core.function import expand_complex
            if len(self.lamda.variables) > 1:
                return None

            f = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]

            n_ = Dummy(, real=True)
            f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

            re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
            im = expand_complex(im)

            return imageset(Lambda(n_, re),
                                solveset_real(im, n_)))
def check_solutions(eq):
    Determines whether solutions returned by diophantine() satisfy the original
    equation. Hope to generalize this so we can remove functions like check_ternay_quadratic,
    check_solutions_normal, check_solutions()
    s = diophantine(eq)

    terms = factor_list(eq)[1]

    var = list(eq.free_symbols)

    okay = True

    while len(s) and okay:
        solution = s.pop()

        okay = False

        for term in terms:
            subeq = term[0]

            if simplify(_mexpand(Subs(subeq, var, solution).doit())) == 0:
                okay = True

    return okay
Beispiel #7
def test_diopcoverage():
    eq = (2*x + y + 1)**2
    assert diop_solve(eq) == set([(t_0, -2*t_0 - 1)])
    eq = 2*x**2 + 6*x*y + 12*x + 4*y**2 + 18*y + 18
    assert diop_solve(eq) == set([(t_0, -t_0 - 3), (2*t_0 - 3, -t_0)])
    assert diop_quadratic(x + y**2 - 3) == set([(-t**2 + 3, -t)])

    assert diop_linear(x + y - 3) == (t_0, 3 - t_0)

    assert base_solution_linear(0, 1, 2, t=None) == (0, 0)
    ans = (3*t - 1, -2*t + 1)
    assert base_solution_linear(4, 8, 12, t) == ans
    assert base_solution_linear(4, 8, 12, t=None) == tuple(_.subs(t, 0) for _ in ans)

    assert cornacchia(1, 1, 20) is None
    assert cornacchia(1, 1, 5) == set([(2, 1)])
    assert cornacchia(1, 2, 17) == set([(3, 2)])

    raises(ValueError, lambda: reconstruct(4, 20, 1))

    assert gaussian_reduce(4, 1, 3) == (1, 1)
    eq = -w**2 - x**2 - y**2 + z**2

    assert diop_general_pythagorean(eq) == \
        diop_general_pythagorean(-eq) == \
            (m1**2 + m2**2 - m3**2, 2*m1*m3,
            2*m2*m3, m1**2 + m2**2 + m3**2)

    assert check_param(S(3) + x/3, S(4) + x/2, S(2), x) == (None, None)
    assert check_param(S(3)/2, S(4) + x, S(2), x) == (None, None)
    assert check_param(S(4) + x, S(3)/2, S(2), x) == (None, None)

    assert _nint_or_floor(16, 10) == 2
    assert _odd(1) == (not _even(1)) == True
    assert _odd(0) == (not _even(0)) == False
    assert _remove_gcd(2, 4, 6) == (1, 2, 3)
    raises(TypeError, lambda: _remove_gcd((2, 4, 6)))
    assert sqf_normal(2 * 3**2 * 5, 2 * 5 * 11, 2 * 7**2 * 11)  == \
        (11, 1, 5)

    # it's ok if these pass some day when the solvers are implemented
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diophantine(x**2 + y**2 + x*y + 2*y*z - 12))
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diophantine(x**3 + y**2))
    assert diop_quadratic(x**2 + y**2 - 1**2 - 3**4) == \
        set([(-9, -1), (-9, 1), (-1, -9), (-1, 9), (1, -9), (1, 9), (9, -1), (9, 1)])
Beispiel #8
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from sympy import Dummy
        from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
        from sympy.sets.sets import imageset

        if self.base_set is S.Integers:
            if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_set is S.Integers:
                f, g = self.lamda.expr, other.lamda.expr
                n, m = self.lamda.variables[0], other.lamda.variables[0]

                # Diophantine sorts the solutions according to the alphabetic
                # order of the variable names, since the result should not depend
                # on the variable name, they are replaced by the dummy variables
                # below
                a, b = Dummy("a"), Dummy("b")
                f, g = f.subs(n, a), g.subs(m, b)
                solns_set = diophantine(f - g)
                if solns_set == set():
                    return EmptySet()
                solns = list(diophantine(f - g))
                if len(solns) == 1:
                    t = list(solns[0][0].free_symbols)[0]
                    return None

                # since 'a' < 'b'
                return imageset(Lambda(t, f.subs(a, solns[0][0])), S.Integers)

        if other == S.Reals:
            from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_real
            from sympy.core.function import expand_complex

            if len(self.lamda.variables) > 1:
                return None

            f = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]

            n_ = Dummy(, real=True)
            f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

            re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
            im = expand_complex(im)

            return imageset(Lambda(n_, re), self.base_set.intersect(solveset_real(im, n_)))
Beispiel #9
def _has_conflict(rd1, rd2, offset):
    :param rd1: rectangular domain from Stencil1 (1D) <- (low, high, stride) (written domain)
    :param rd2: rectangular domain from Stencil2 (1D) <- (low, high, stride) (read domain)
    :param offset_vector: Offset from the center (relative to rd2), 1D projections
    :return: Whether OV from rectangular domain 2 reads from rectangular domain 1

    n1 = sympy.Symbol("n1")
    n2 = sympy.Symbol("n2")

    # Diophantine equations:
    # offset(iterationspace1) + n1 * stride(iteration_space1) <- write vectors
    diophantine_eq1 = rd1[0] + n1 * rd1[2]
    # offset(iterationspace2) + n2 * stride(iteration_space2) + offset_vector  <- Read vectors
    diophantine_eq2 = rd2[0] + n2 * rd2[2] + offset
    # Since sympy solves eq = 0, we want dio_eq1 - dio_eq2 = 0.
    eqn = diophantine_eq1 - diophantine_eq2
    parameter = sympy.Symbol("t", integer=True)
    sat_param = sympy.Symbol("t_0", integer=True)
    if not eqn.free_symbols:
        return eqn == 0
    solutions = dio.diophantine(eqn, parameter)  # default parameter is "t"
    # print("Sols:", solutions)
    for sol in solutions:
        if len(eqn.free_symbols) != 2:
            if n1 in eqn.free_symbols:
                parametric_n1 = sol[0]
                parametric_n2 = 0
                parametric_n1 = 0
                parametric_n2 = sol[0]
            (parametric_n1, parametric_n2) = sol
        # Solutions is a set of tuples, each containing either a number or parametric expression
        # which give conditions on satisfiability.

        # are these satisfiable on the original bounds?
        # substitute the parametric forms in
        substituted_1 = diophantine_eq1.subs({n1: parametric_n1})
        substituted_2 = (
            rd2[0] + parametric_n2 * rd2[2]
        )  # we ditch the offset because it's irrelevant since the bounds are based on the center of the stencil

        # print(substituted_1, "\t", substituted_2)
        # print(rd1[0], rd1[1], rd2[0], rd2[1])
        # now do they satisfy the bounds?
        satisfactory_interval = ineq.reduce_rational_inequalities(
            [[rd1[0] <= substituted_1, rd1[1] > substituted_1, rd2[0] <= substituted_2, rd2[1] > substituted_2]],
        # print(satisfactory_interval)

        if _contains_integer(satisfactory_interval):
            return True
    return False
Beispiel #10
def test_diop_sum_of_even_powers():
    eq = x ** 4 + y ** 4 + z ** 4 - 2673
    assert diop_solve(eq) == set([(3, 6, 6), (2, 4, 7)])
    assert diop_general_sum_of_even_powers(eq, 2) == set([(3, 6, 6), (2, 4, 7)])
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diop_general_sum_of_even_powers(-eq, 2))
    neg = symbols("neg", negative=True)
    eq = x ** 4 + y ** 4 + neg ** 4 - 2673
    assert diop_general_sum_of_even_powers(eq) == set([(-3, 6, 6)])
    assert diophantine(x ** 4 + y ** 4 + 2) == set()
    assert diop_general_sum_of_even_powers(x ** 4 + y ** 4 - 2, limit=0) == set()
Beispiel #11
def analyze_dependencies(vec, space1, space2):
    x, y = sympy.symbols("x y", integer=True)  # used for setting up diophantine equations
    # TODO: Make it work on superficially colliding domains (but in reality spatially separated)

    results = []
    for dim, (s1, o1, v_comp, s2, o2) in enumerate(zip(space1.stride, space1.lower, vec, space2.stride, space2.lower)):
        if isinstance(v_comp, sympy.Expr):
            v_comp = v_comp.subs({"index_{}".format(dim): s1 * x})
        results.append(dio.diophantine(s1 * x + o1 + v_comp - s2 * y - o2))
    return results
Beispiel #12
def test_quadratic_simple_hyperbolic_case():
    # Simple Hyperbolic case: A = C = 0 and B != 0
    assert diop_solve(3 * x * y + 34 * x - 12 * y + 1) == set([(-133, -11), (5, -57)])
    assert diop_solve(6 * x * y + 2 * x + 3 * y + 1) == set([])
    assert diop_solve(-13 * x * y + 2 * x - 4 * y - 54) == set([(27, 0)])
    assert diop_solve(-27 * x * y - 30 * x - 12 * y - 54) == set([(-14, -1)])
    assert diop_solve(2 * x * y + 5 * x + 56 * y + 7) == set(
        [(-161, -3), (-47, -6), (-35, -12), (-29, -69), (-27, 64), (-21, 7), (-9, 1), (105, -2)]
    assert diop_solve(6 * x * y + 9 * x + 2 * y + 3) == set([])
    assert diop_solve(x * y + x + y + 1) == set([(-1, t), (t, -1)])
    assert diophantine(48 * x * y)
def test_quadratic_simple_hyperbolic_case():
    # Simple Hyperbolic case: A = C = 0 and B != 0
    assert diop_solve(3*x*y + 34*x - 12*y + 1) == \
        set([(-Integer(133), -Integer(11)), (Integer(5), -Integer(57))])
    assert diop_solve(6*x*y + 2*x + 3*y + 1) == set([])
    assert diop_solve(-13*x*y + 2*x - 4*y - 54) == set([(Integer(27), Integer(0))])
    assert diop_solve(-27*x*y - 30*x - 12*y - 54) == set([(-Integer(14), -Integer(1))])
    assert diop_solve(2*x*y + 5*x + 56*y + 7) == set([(-Integer(161), -Integer(3)),\
        (-Integer(47),-Integer(6)), (-Integer(35), -Integer(12)), (-Integer(29), -Integer(69)),\
        (-Integer(27), Integer(64)), (-Integer(21), Integer(7)),(-Integer(9), Integer(1)),\
        (Integer(105), -Integer(2))])
    assert diop_solve(6*x*y + 9*x + 2*y + 3) == set([])
    assert diop_solve(x*y + x + y + 1) == set([(-Integer(1), t), (t, -Integer(1))])
    assert diophantine(48*x*y)
def check_integrality(eq):
    Check that the solutions returned by diophantine() are integers.
    This should be seldom needed except for general quadratic
    equations which are solved with rational transformations.
    def _check_values(x):
        """ Check a number of values. """
        for i in range(-4, 4):
            if not isinstance(simplify(x.subs(t, i)), Integer):
                return False
        return True

    for soln in diophantine(eq, param=t):
        for x in soln:
            if not _check_values(x):
                return False

    return True
Beispiel #15
def check_solutions(eq):
    Determines whether solutions returned by diophantine() satisfy the original
    equation. Hope to generalize this so we can remove functions like check_ternay_quadratic,
    check_solutions_normal, check_solutions()
    s = diophantine(eq)

    factors = Mul.make_args(eq)

    var = list(eq.free_symbols)

    while s:
        solution = s.pop()
        for f in factors:
            if diop_simplify(f.subs(zip(var, solution))) == 0:
            return False
    return True
Beispiel #16
def p100():
	eq = x**2 - y**2 - 2*x*y - x + y
	n = symbols('n',integer=True)
	s = diophantine(eq,n)
	x_1,y_1 = s.pop()
	x_2,y_2 = s.pop()
	x_3,y_3 = s.pop()
	x_4,y_4 = s.pop()
	xxs = (x_1, x_2, x_3, x_4)
	yys = (y_1,y_2,y_3,y_4)
	print 'n eqnum x y '
	for i in xrange(9):
		for e,(xx,yy) in enumerate(zip(xxs,yys)):
				x_val = simplify(xx.subs({n:i}))
				if x_val > 0:
					y_val = simplify(yy.subs({n:i}))
					if x_val+y_val>10**12:
						print 'DONE', i, e, x_val, y_val, x_val+y_val, x_val+y_val>10**12
						return x_val
					print i, e, x_val, y_val, x_val+y_val, x_val+y_val>10**12
			except KeyError:
				print 'strange sympy error', i, e
Beispiel #17
def intersection_sets(self, other):  # noqa:F811
    from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine

    # Only handle the straight-forward univariate case
    if (len(self.lamda.variables) > 1
            or self.lamda.signature != self.lamda.variables):
        return None
    base_set = self.base_sets[0]

    # Intersection between ImageSets with Integers as base set
    # For {f(n) : n in Integers} & {g(m) : m in Integers} we solve the
    # diophantine equations f(n)=g(m).
    # If the solutions for n are {h(t) : t in Integers} then we return
    # {f(h(t)) : t in integers}.
    # If the solutions for n are {n_1, n_2, ..., n_k} then we return
    # {f(n_i) : 1 <= i <= k}.
    if base_set is S.Integers:
        gm = None
        if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_sets == (S.Integers, ):
            gm = other.lamda.expr
            var = other.lamda.variables[0]
            # Symbol of second ImageSet lambda must be distinct from first
            m = Dummy('m')
            gm = gm.subs(var, m)
        elif other is S.Integers:
            m = gm = Dummy('m')
        if gm is not None:
            fn = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]
                solns = list(diophantine(fn - gm, syms=(n, m), permute=True))
            except (TypeError, NotImplementedError):
                # TypeError if equation not polynomial with rational coeff.
                # NotImplementedError if correct format but no solver.
            # 3 cases are possible for solns:
            # - empty set,
            # - one or more parametric (infinite) solutions,
            # - a finite number of (non-parametric) solution couples.
            # Among those, there is one type of solution set that is
            # not helpful here: multiple parametric solutions.
            if len(solns) == 0:
                return EmptySet
            elif any(s.free_symbols for tupl in solns for s in tupl):
                if len(solns) == 1:
                    soln, solm = solns[0]
                    (t, ) = soln.free_symbols
                    expr = fn.subs(n, soln.subs(t, n)).expand()
                    return imageset(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)
                return FiniteSet(*(fn.subs(n, s[0]) for s in solns))

    if other == S.Reals:
        from sympy.core.function import expand_complex
        from sympy.solvers.solvers import denoms, solve_linear
        from sympy.core.relational import Eq

        def _solution_union(exprs, sym):
            # return a union of linear solutions to i in expr;
            # if i cannot be solved, use a ConditionSet for solution
            sols = []
            for i in exprs:
                x, xis = solve_linear(i, 0, [sym])
                if x == sym:
                    sols.append(ConditionSet(sym, Eq(i, 0)))
            return Union(*sols)

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]

        n_ = Dummy(, real=True)
        f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

        re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
        im = expand_complex(im)

        re = re.subs(n_, n)
        im = im.subs(n_, n)
        ifree = im.free_symbols
        lam = Lambda(n, re)
        if im.is_zero:
            # allow re-evaluation
            # of self in this case to make
            # the result canonical
        elif im.is_zero is False:
            return S.EmptySet
        elif ifree != {n}:
            return None
            # univarite imaginary part in same variable;
            # use numer instead of as_numer_denom to keep
            # this as fast as possible while still handling
            # simple cases
            base_set &= _solution_union(Mul.make_args(numer(im)), n)
        # exclude values that make denominators 0
        base_set -= _solution_union(denoms(f), n)
        return imageset(lam, base_set)

    elif isinstance(other, Interval):
        from sympy.solvers.solveset import (invert_real, invert_complex,

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]
        new_inf, new_sup = None, None
        new_lopen, new_ropen = other.left_open, other.right_open

        if f.is_real:
            inverter = invert_real
            inverter = invert_complex

        g1, h1 = inverter(f, other.inf, n)
        g2, h2 = inverter(f, other.sup, n)

        if all(isinstance(i, FiniteSet) for i in (h1, h2)):
            if g1 == n:
                if len(h1) == 1:
                    new_inf = h1.args[0]
            if g2 == n:
                if len(h2) == 1:
                    new_sup = h2.args[0]
            # TODO: Design a technique to handle multiple-inverse
            # functions

            # Any of the new boundary values cannot be determined
            if any(i is None for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):

            range_set = S.EmptySet

            if all(i.is_real for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):
                # this assumes continuity of underlying function
                # however fixes the case when it is decreasing
                if new_inf > new_sup:
                    new_inf, new_sup = new_sup, new_inf
                new_interval = Interval(new_inf, new_sup, new_lopen, new_ropen)
                range_set = base_set.intersect(new_interval)
                if other.is_subset(S.Reals):
                    solutions = solveset(f, n, S.Reals)
                    if not isinstance(range_set, (ImageSet, ConditionSet)):
                        range_set = solutions.intersect(other)

            if range_set is S.EmptySet:
                return S.EmptySet
            elif isinstance(range_set,
                            Range) and range_set.size is not S.Infinity:
                range_set = FiniteSet(*list(range_set))

            if range_set is not None:
                return imageset(Lambda(n, f), range_set)
Beispiel #18
a, b = symbols('a b')

buses = [17, 3, 13, 5]

dsync = DiophantineSync(17)
dsync.sync(13, 2)
dsync.sync(19, 3)


eq = (17 * a) - (13 * b) - 2
soln = diophantine(eq)

def get_offset(soln):
    fst, snd = list(soln)[0]
    print(fst, snd)


fst, snd = list(soln)[0]

eq2 = (221 * a) - (19 * b) + 2
soln2 = diophantine(eq2)
Beispiel #19
def test_issue_9106():
    eq = -48 - 2*x*(3*x - 1) + y*(3*y - 1)
    v = (x, y)
    for sol in diophantine(eq):
        assert not diop_simplify(eq.xreplace(dict(zip(v, sol))))
Beispiel #20
def test_issue_18138():
    eq = x**2 - x - y**2
    v = (x, y)
    for sol in diophantine(eq):
        assert not diop_simplify(eq.xreplace(dict(zip(v, sol))))
Beispiel #21
def test_issue_8943():
    assert diophantine(
        (3*(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) - 14*(x*y + y*z + z*x))) == \
        set([(0, 0, 0)])
def test_issue_9538():
    eq = x - 3 * y + 2
    assert diophantine(eq, syms=[y, x]) == set([(t_0, 3 * t_0 - 2)])
    raises(TypeError, lambda: diophantine(eq, syms=set([y, x])))
Beispiel #23
    def _intersect(self, other):
        from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
        if self.base_set is S.Integers:
            g = None
            if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_set is S.Integers:
                g = other.lamda.expr
                m = other.lamda.variables[0]
            elif other is S.Integers:
                m = g = Dummy('x')
            if g is not None:
                f = self.lamda.expr
                n = self.lamda.variables[0]
                # Diophantine sorts the solutions according to the alphabetic
                # order of the variable names, since the result should not depend
                # on the variable name, they are replaced by the dummy variables
                # below
                a, b = Dummy('a'), Dummy('b')
                f, g = f.subs(n, a), g.subs(m, b)
                solns_set = diophantine(f - g)
                if solns_set == set():
                    return EmptySet()
                solns = list(diophantine(f - g))

                if len(solns) != 1:

                # since 'a' < 'b', select soln for n
                nsol = solns[0][0]
                t = nsol.free_symbols.pop()
                return imageset(Lambda(n, f.subs(a, nsol.subs(t, n))), S.Integers)

        if other == S.Reals:
            from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_real
            from sympy.core.function import expand_complex
            if len(self.lamda.variables) > 1:
                return None

            f = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]

            n_ = Dummy(, real=True)
            f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

            re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
            im = expand_complex(im)

            return imageset(Lambda(n_, re),
                                solveset_real(im, n_)))

        elif isinstance(other, Interval):
            from sympy.solvers.solveset import (invert_real, invert_complex,

            f = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]
            base_set = self.base_set
            new_inf, new_sup = None, None
            new_lopen, new_ropen = other.left_open, other.right_open

            if f.is_real:
                inverter = invert_real
                inverter = invert_complex

            g1, h1 = inverter(f, other.inf, n)
            g2, h2 = inverter(f, other.sup, n)

            if all(isinstance(i, FiniteSet) for i in (h1, h2)):
                if g1 == n:
                    if len(h1) == 1:
                        new_inf = h1.args[0]
                if g2 == n:
                    if len(h2) == 1:
                        new_sup = h2.args[0]
                # TODO: Design a technique to handle multiple-inverse
                # functions

                # Any of the new boundary values cannot be determined
                if any(i is None for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):

                range_set = S.EmptySet

                if all(i.is_real for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):
                    new_interval = Interval(new_inf, new_sup, new_lopen, new_ropen)
                    range_set = base_set._intersect(new_interval)
                    if other.is_subset(S.Reals):
                        solutions = solveset(f, n, S.Reals)
                        if not isinstance(range_set, (ImageSet, ConditionSet)):
                            range_set = solutions._intersect(other)

                if range_set is S.EmptySet:
                    return S.EmptySet
                elif isinstance(range_set, Range) and range_set.size is not S.Infinity:
                    range_set = FiniteSet(*list(range_set))

                if range_set is not None:
                    return imageset(Lambda(n, f), range_set)
Beispiel #24
def test_input_format():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: diophantine(sin(x)))
    raises(TypeError, lambda: diophantine(x/pi - 3))
Beispiel #25
def test_diophantine():
    assert check_solutions((x - y)*(y - z)*(z - x))
    assert check_solutions((x - y)*(x**2 + y**2 - z**2))
    assert check_solutions((x - 3*y + 7*z)*(x**2 + y**2 - z**2))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 - 3*y**2 - 1))
    assert check_solutions(y**2 + 7*x*y)
    assert check_solutions(x**2 - 3*x*y + y**2)
    assert check_solutions(z*(x**2 - y**2 - 15))
    assert check_solutions(x*(2*y - 2*z + 5))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 - 3*y**2 - 1)*(x**2 - y**2 - 15))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 - 3*y**2 - 1)*(y - 7*z))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 + y**2 - z**2)*(x - 7*y - 3*z + 4*w))
    # Following test case caused problems in parametric representation
    # But this can be solved by factroing out y.
    # No need to use methods for ternary quadratic equations.
    assert check_solutions(y**2 - 7*x*y + 4*y*z)
    assert check_solutions(x**2 - 2*x + 1)

    assert diophantine(x - y) == diophantine(Eq(x, y))
    assert diophantine(3*x*pi - 2*y*pi) == set([(2*t_0, 3*t_0)])
    assert diophantine(x**2 + y**2 + z**2 - 14) == set([(1, 2, 3)])
    assert diophantine(x**2 + 15*x/14 - 3) == set()
    # test issue 11049
    eq = 92*x**2 - 99*y**2 - z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (9, 7, 51)
    assert diophantine(eq) == set([(
        891*p**2 + 9*q**2, -693*p**2 - 102*p*q + 7*q**2,
        5049*p**2 - 1386*p*q - 51*q**2)])
    eq = 2*x**2 + 2*y**2 - z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (1, 1, 2)
    assert diophantine(eq) == set([(
        2*p**2 - q**2, -2*p**2 + 4*p*q - q**2,
        4*p**2 - 4*p*q + 2*q**2)])
    eq = 411*x**2+57*y**2-221*z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (2021, 2645, 3066)
    assert diophantine(eq) == \
        set([(115197*p**2 - 446641*q**2, -150765*p**2 + 1355172*p*q -
        584545*q**2, 174762*p**2 - 301530*p*q + 677586*q**2)])
    eq = 573*x**2+267*y**2-984*z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (49, 233, 127)
    assert diophantine(eq) == \
        set([(4361*p**2 - 16072*q**2, -20737*p**2 + 83312*p*q - 76424*q**2,
        11303*p**2 - 41474*p*q + 41656*q**2)])
    # this produces factors during reconstruction
    eq = x**2 + 3*y**2 - 12*z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (0, 2, 1)
    assert diophantine(eq) == \
        set([(24*p*q, 2*p**2 - 24*q**2, p**2 + 12*q**2)])
    # solvers have not been written for every type
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diophantine(x*y**2 + 1))

    # rational expressions
    assert diophantine(1/x) == set()
    assert diophantine(1/x + 1/y - S.Half)
    set([(6, 3), (-2, 1), (4, 4), (1, -2), (3, 6)])
Beispiel #26
def test_issue_9538():
    eq = x - 3*y + 2
    assert diophantine(eq, syms=[y,x]) == {(t_0, 3*t_0 - 2)}
    raises(TypeError, lambda: diophantine(eq, syms={y, x}))
Beispiel #27
def test_nosols():
    # diophantine should sympify eq so that these are equivalent
    assert diophantine(3) == set()
    assert diophantine(S(3)) == set()
Beispiel #28
def test_diophantine():
    assert check_solutions((x - y)*(y - z)*(z - x))
    assert check_solutions((x - y)*(x**2 + y**2 - z**2))
    assert check_solutions((x - 3*y + 7*z)*(x**2 + y**2 - z**2))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 - 3*y**2 - 1))
    assert check_solutions(y**2 + 7*x*y)
    assert check_solutions(x**2 - 3*x*y + y**2)
    assert check_solutions(z*(x**2 - y**2 - 15))
    assert check_solutions(x*(2*y - 2*z + 5))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 - 3*y**2 - 1)*(x**2 - y**2 - 15))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 - 3*y**2 - 1)*(y - 7*z))
    assert check_solutions((x**2 + y**2 - z**2)*(x - 7*y - 3*z + 4*w))
    # Following test case caused problems in parametric representation
    # But this can be solved by factoring out y.
    # No need to use methods for ternary quadratic equations.
    assert check_solutions(y**2 - 7*x*y + 4*y*z)
    assert check_solutions(x**2 - 2*x + 1)

    assert diophantine(x - y) == diophantine(Eq(x, y))
    # 18196
    eq = x**4 + y**4 - 97
    assert diophantine(eq, permute=True) == diophantine(-eq, permute=True)
    assert diophantine(3*x*pi - 2*y*pi) == set([(2*t_0, 3*t_0)])
    eq = x**2 + y**2 + z**2 - 14
    base_sol = set([(1, 2, 3)])
    assert diophantine(eq) == base_sol
    complete_soln = set(signed_permutations(base_sol.pop()))
    assert diophantine(eq, permute=True) == complete_soln

    assert diophantine(x**2 + x*Rational(15, 14) - 3) == set()
    # test issue 11049
    eq = 92*x**2 - 99*y**2 - z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (9, 7, 51)
    assert diophantine(eq) == set([(
        891*p**2 + 9*q**2, -693*p**2 - 102*p*q + 7*q**2,
        5049*p**2 - 1386*p*q - 51*q**2)])
    eq = 2*x**2 + 2*y**2 - z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (1, 1, 2)
    assert diophantine(eq) == set([(
        2*p**2 - q**2, -2*p**2 + 4*p*q - q**2,
        4*p**2 - 4*p*q + 2*q**2)])
    eq = 411*x**2+57*y**2-221*z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (2021, 2645, 3066)
    assert diophantine(eq) == \
        set([(115197*p**2 - 446641*q**2, -150765*p**2 + 1355172*p*q -
        584545*q**2, 174762*p**2 - 301530*p*q + 677586*q**2)])
    eq = 573*x**2+267*y**2-984*z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (49, 233, 127)
    assert diophantine(eq) == \
        set([(4361*p**2 - 16072*q**2, -20737*p**2 + 83312*p*q - 76424*q**2,
        11303*p**2 - 41474*p*q + 41656*q**2)])
    # this produces factors during reconstruction
    eq = x**2 + 3*y**2 - 12*z**2
    coeff = eq.as_coefficients_dict()
    assert _diop_ternary_quadratic_normal((x, y, z), coeff) == \
        (0, 2, 1)
    assert diophantine(eq) == \
        set([(24*p*q, 2*p**2 - 24*q**2, p**2 + 12*q**2)])
    # solvers have not been written for every type
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: diophantine(x*y**2 + 1))

    # rational expressions
    assert diophantine(1/x) == set()
    assert diophantine(1/x + 1/y - S.Half)
    set([(6, 3), (-2, 1), (4, 4), (1, -2), (3, 6)])
    assert diophantine(x**2 + y**2 +3*x- 5, permute=True) == \
        set([(-1, 1), (-4, -1), (1, -1), (1, 1), (-4, 1), (-1, -1), (4, 1), (4, -1)])

    #test issue 18186
    assert diophantine(y**4 + x**4 - 2**4 - 3**4, syms=(x, y), permute=True) == \
        set([(-3, -2), (-3, 2), (-2, -3), (-2, 3), (2, -3), (2, 3), (3, -2), (3, 2)])
    assert diophantine(y**4 + x**4 - 2**4 - 3**4, syms=(y, x), permute=True) == \
        set([(-3, -2), (-3, 2), (-2, -3), (-2, 3), (2, -3), (2, 3), (3, -2), (3, 2)])

    # issue 18122
    assert check_solutions(x**2-y)
    assert check_solutions(y**2-x)
    assert diophantine((x**2-y), t) == set([(t, t**2)])
    assert diophantine((y**2-x), t) == set([(t**2, -t)])
Beispiel #29
def test_issue_9539():
    assert diophantine(6*w + 9*y + 20*x - z) == \
        set([(t_0, t_1, t_1 + t_2, 6*t_0 + 29*t_1 + 9*t_2)])
def intersection_sets(self, other):
    from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine
    if self.base_set is S.Integers:
        g = None
        if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_set is S.Integers:
            g = other.lamda.expr
            m = other.lamda.variables[0]
        elif other is S.Integers:
            m = g = Dummy('x')
        if g is not None:
            f = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]
            # Diophantine sorts the solutions according to the alphabetic
            # order of the variable names, since the result should not depend
            # on the variable name, they are replaced by the dummy variables
            # below
            a, b = Dummy('a'), Dummy('b')
            f, g = f.subs(n, a), g.subs(m, b)
            solns_set = diophantine(f - g)
            if solns_set == set():
                return EmptySet()
            solns = list(diophantine(f - g))

            if len(solns) != 1:

            # since 'a' < 'b', select soln for n
            nsol = solns[0][0]
            t = nsol.free_symbols.pop()
            return imageset(Lambda(n, f.subs(a, nsol.subs(t, n))), S.Integers)

    if other == S.Reals:
        from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_real
        from sympy.core.function import expand_complex
        if len(self.lamda.variables) > 1:
            return None

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]

        n_ = Dummy(, real=True)
        f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

        re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
        im = expand_complex(im)

        return imageset(Lambda(n_, re),
                        self.base_set.intersect(solveset_real(im, n_)))

    elif isinstance(other, Interval):
        from sympy.solvers.solveset import (invert_real, invert_complex,

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]
        base_set = self.base_set
        new_inf, new_sup = None, None
        new_lopen, new_ropen = other.left_open, other.right_open

        if f.is_real:
            inverter = invert_real
            inverter = invert_complex

        g1, h1 = inverter(f, other.inf, n)
        g2, h2 = inverter(f, other.sup, n)

        if all(isinstance(i, FiniteSet) for i in (h1, h2)):
            if g1 == n:
                if len(h1) == 1:
                    new_inf = h1.args[0]
            if g2 == n:
                if len(h2) == 1:
                    new_sup = h2.args[0]
            # TODO: Design a technique to handle multiple-inverse
            # functions

            # Any of the new boundary values cannot be determined
            if any(i is None for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):

            range_set = S.EmptySet

            if all(i.is_real for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):
                # this assumes continuity of underlying function
                # however fixes the case when it is decreasing
                if new_inf > new_sup:
                    new_inf, new_sup = new_sup, new_inf
                new_interval = Interval(new_inf, new_sup, new_lopen, new_ropen)
                range_set = base_set.intersect(new_interval)
                if other.is_subset(S.Reals):
                    solutions = solveset(f, n, S.Reals)
                    if not isinstance(range_set, (ImageSet, ConditionSet)):
                        range_set = solutions.intersect(other)

            if range_set is S.EmptySet:
                return S.EmptySet
            elif isinstance(range_set,
                            Range) and range_set.size is not S.Infinity:
                range_set = FiniteSet(*list(range_set))

            if range_set is not None:
                return imageset(Lambda(n, f), range_set)
Beispiel #31
def test_issue_9539():
    assert diophantine(6*w + 9*y + 20*x - z) == \
        set([(t_0, t_1, t_1 + t_2, 6*t_0 + 29*t_1 + 9*t_2)])
Beispiel #32
def test_issue_8943():
    assert diophantine(
        (3*(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) - 14*(x*y + y*z + z*x))) == \
        set([(0, 0, 0)])
def test_input_format():
    raises(TypeError, lambda: diophantine(sin(x)))
Beispiel #34
def test_issue_9538():
    eq = x - 3*y + 2
    assert diophantine(eq, syms=[y,x]) == set([(t_0, 3*t_0 - 2)])
    raises(TypeError, lambda: diophantine(eq, syms=set([y,x])))
Beispiel #35
def test_not_implemented():
    eq = x**2 + y**4 - 1**2 - 3**4
    assert diophantine(eq, syms=[x, y]) == set([(9, 1), (1, 3)])
Beispiel #36
def test_not_implemented():
    eq = x**2 + y**4 - 1**2 - 3**4
    assert diophantine(eq, syms=[x, y]) == set([(9, 1), (1, 3)])
Beispiel #37
def test_issue_9106():
    eq = -48 - 2*x*(3*x - 1) + y*(3*y - 1)
    v = (x, y)
    for sol in diophantine(eq):
        assert not diop_simplify(eq.xreplace(dict(zip(v, sol))))
Beispiel #38
def intersection_sets(self, other):
    from sympy.solvers.diophantine import diophantine

    # Only handle the straight-forward univariate case
    if (len(self.lamda.variables) > 1
            or self.lamda.signature != self.lamda.variables):
        return None
    base_set = self.base_sets[0]

    # Intersection between ImageSets with Integers as base set
    # For {f(n) : n in Integers} & {g(m) : m in Integers} we solve the
    # diophantine equations f(n)=g(m).
    # If the solutions for n are {h(t) : t in Integers} then we return
    # {f(h(t)) : t in integers}.
    if base_set is S.Integers:
        gm = None
        if isinstance(other, ImageSet) and other.base_sets == (S.Integers,):
            gm = other.lamda.expr
            m = other.lamda.variables[0]
        elif other is S.Integers:
            m = gm = Dummy('x')
        if gm is not None:
            fn = self.lamda.expr
            n = self.lamda.variables[0]
            solns = list(diophantine(fn - gm, syms=(n, m)))
            if len(solns) == 0:
                return EmptySet()
            elif len(solns) != 1:
                soln, solm = solns[0]
                (t,) = soln.free_symbols
                expr = fn.subs(n, soln.subs(t, n))
                return imageset(Lambda(n, expr), S.Integers)

    if other == S.Reals:
        from sympy.solvers.solveset import solveset_real
        from sympy.core.function import expand_complex

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]

        n_ = Dummy(, real=True)
        f_ = f.subs(n, n_)

        re, im = f_.as_real_imag()
        im = expand_complex(im)

        re = re.subs(n_, n)
        im = im.subs(n_, n)
        ifree = im.free_symbols
        lam = Lambda(n, re)
        if not im:
            # allow re-evaluation
            # of self in this case to make
            # the result canonical
        elif im.is_zero is False:
            return S.EmptySet
        elif ifree != {n}:
            return None
            # univarite imaginary part in same variable
            base_set = base_set.intersect(solveset_real(im, n))
        return imageset(lam, base_set)

    elif isinstance(other, Interval):
        from sympy.solvers.solveset import (invert_real, invert_complex,

        f = self.lamda.expr
        n = self.lamda.variables[0]
        new_inf, new_sup = None, None
        new_lopen, new_ropen = other.left_open, other.right_open

        if f.is_real:
            inverter = invert_real
            inverter = invert_complex

        g1, h1 = inverter(f, other.inf, n)
        g2, h2 = inverter(f, other.sup, n)

        if all(isinstance(i, FiniteSet) for i in (h1, h2)):
            if g1 == n:
                if len(h1) == 1:
                    new_inf = h1.args[0]
            if g2 == n:
                if len(h2) == 1:
                    new_sup = h2.args[0]
            # TODO: Design a technique to handle multiple-inverse
            # functions

            # Any of the new boundary values cannot be determined
            if any(i is None for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):

            range_set = S.EmptySet

            if all(i.is_real for i in (new_sup, new_inf)):
                # this assumes continuity of underlying function
                # however fixes the case when it is decreasing
                if new_inf > new_sup:
                    new_inf, new_sup = new_sup, new_inf
                new_interval = Interval(new_inf, new_sup, new_lopen, new_ropen)
                range_set = base_set.intersect(new_interval)
                if other.is_subset(S.Reals):
                    solutions = solveset(f, n, S.Reals)
                    if not isinstance(range_set, (ImageSet, ConditionSet)):
                        range_set = solutions.intersect(other)

            if range_set is S.EmptySet:
                return S.EmptySet
            elif isinstance(range_set, Range) and range_set.size is not S.Infinity:
                range_set = FiniteSet(*list(range_set))

            if range_set is not None:
                return imageset(Lambda(n, f), range_set)