Beispiel #1
def test_overlap():
    X = Normal('x', 0, 1)
    Y = Normal('x', 0, 2)

    raises(ValueError, lambda: P(X > Y))
Beispiel #2
def test_Normal():
    m = Normal('A', [1, 2], [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    A = MultivariateNormal('A', [1, 2], [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    assert m == A
    assert density(m)(1, 2) == 1 / (2 * pi)
    assert m.pspace.distribution.set == ProductSet(S.Reals, S.Reals)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: m[2])
    n = Normal('B', [1, 2, 3], [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]])
    p = Normal('C', Matrix([1, 2]), Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]))
    assert density(m)(x, y) == density(p)(x, y)
    assert marginal_distribution(n, 0, 1)(1, 2) == 1 / (2 * pi)
    raises(ValueError, lambda: marginal_distribution(m))
    assert integrate(density(m)(x, y), (x, -oo, oo), (y, -oo, oo)).evalf() == 1
    N = Normal('N', [1, 2], [[x, 0], [0, y]])
    assert density(N)(0, 0) == exp(-((4 * x + y) /
                                     (2 * x * y))) / (2 * pi * sqrt(x * y))

    raises(ValueError, lambda: Normal('M', [1, 2], [[1, 1], [1, -1]]))
    # symbolic
    n = symbols('n', natural=True)
    mu = MatrixSymbol('mu', n, 1)
    sigma = MatrixSymbol('sigma', n, n)
    X = Normal('X', mu, sigma)
    assert density(X) == MultivariateNormalDistribution(mu, sigma)
    raises(NotImplementedError, lambda: median(m))
    # Below tests should work after issue #17267 is resolved
    # assert E(X) == mu
    # assert variance(X) == sigma

    # test symbolic multivariate normal densities
    n = 3

    Sg = MatrixSymbol('Sg', n, n)
    mu = MatrixSymbol('mu', n, 1)
    obs = MatrixSymbol('obs', n, 1)

    X = MultivariateNormal('X', mu, Sg)
    density_X = density(X)

    eval_a = density_X(obs).subs({
        Sg: eye(3),
        mu: Matrix([0, 0, 0]),
        obs: Matrix([0, 0, 0])
    eval_b = density_X(0, 0, 0).subs({
        Sg: eye(3),
        mu: Matrix([0, 0, 0])

    assert eval_a == sqrt(2) / (4 * pi**Rational(3 / 2))
    assert eval_b == sqrt(2) / (4 * pi**Rational(3 / 2))

    n = symbols('n', natural=True)

    Sg = MatrixSymbol('Sg', n, n)
    mu = MatrixSymbol('mu', n, 1)
    obs = MatrixSymbol('obs', n, 1)

    X = MultivariateNormal('X', mu, Sg)
    density_X_at_obs = density(X)(obs)

    expected_density = MatrixElement(
        exp((S(1)/2) * (mu.T - obs.T) * Sg**(-1) * (-mu + obs)) / \
        sqrt((2*pi)**n * Determinant(Sg)), 0, 0)

    assert density_X_at_obs == expected_density
Beispiel #3
def test_union():
    N = Normal('N', 3, 2)
    assert simplify(P(N**2 - N > 2)) == \
        -erf(sqrt(2))/2 - erfc(sqrt(2)/4)/2 + S(3)/2
    assert simplify(P(N**2 - 4 > 0)) == \
        -erf(5*sqrt(2)/4)/2 - erfc(sqrt(2)/4)/2 + S(3)/2
Beispiel #4
def sample_normal(mu, std):
    return int(sample(Normal('temp_normal', mu, std)))
Beispiel #5
def test_density_unevaluated():
    X = Normal('X', 0, 1)
    Y = Normal('Y', 0, 2)
    assert isinstance(density(X + Y, evaluate=False)(z), Integral)
Beispiel #6
def test_random_parameters_given():
    mu = Normal('mu', 2, 3)
    meas = Normal('T', mu, 1)
    assert given(meas, Eq(mu, 5)) == Normal('T', 5, 1)
Beispiel #7
def test_literal_probability():
    X = Normal('X', 2, 3)
    Y = Normal('Y', 3, 4)
    Z = Poisson('Z', 4)
    W = Poisson('W', 3)
    x = symbols('x', real=True)
    y, w, z = symbols('y, w, z')

    assert Probability(X > 0).evaluate_integral() == probability(X > 0)
    assert Probability(X > x).evaluate_integral() == probability(X > x)
    assert Probability(X > 0).rewrite(Integral).doit() == probability(X > 0)
    assert Probability(X > x).rewrite(Integral).doit() == probability(X > x)

    assert Expectation(X).evaluate_integral() == expectation(X)
    assert Expectation(X).rewrite(Integral).doit() == expectation(X)
    assert Expectation(X**2).evaluate_integral() == expectation(X**2)
    assert Expectation(x * X).args == (x * X, )
    assert Expectation(x * X).doit() == x * Expectation(X)
    assert Expectation(2 * X + 3 * Y + z * X * Y).doit(
    ) == 2 * Expectation(X) + 3 * Expectation(Y) + z * Expectation(X * Y)
    assert Expectation(2 * X + 3 * Y + z * X * Y).args == (2 * X + 3 * Y +
                                                           z * X * Y, )
    assert Expectation(sin(X)) == Expectation(sin(X)).doit()
    assert Expectation(
        2 * x * sin(X) * Y + y * X**2 +
        z * X * Y).doit() == 2 * x * Expectation(sin(X) * Y) + y * Expectation(
            X**2) + z * Expectation(X * Y)

    assert Variance(w).args == (w, )
    assert Variance(w).doit() == 0
    assert Variance(X).evaluate_integral() == Variance(X).rewrite(
        Integral).doit() == variance(X)
    assert Variance(X + z).args == (X + z, )
    assert Variance(X + z).doit() == Variance(X)
    assert Variance(X * Y).args == (Mul(X, Y), )
    assert type(Variance(X * Y)) == Variance
    assert Variance(z * X).doit() == z**2 * Variance(X)
    assert Variance(
        X + Y).doit() == Variance(X) + Variance(Y) + 2 * Covariance(X, Y)
    assert Variance(X + Y + Z +
                    W).doit() == (Variance(X) + Variance(Y) + Variance(Z) +
                                  Variance(W) + 2 * Covariance(X, Y) +
                                  2 * Covariance(X, Z) + 2 * Covariance(X, W) +
                                  2 * Covariance(Y, Z) + 2 * Covariance(Y, W) +
                                  2 * Covariance(W, Z))
    assert Variance(X**2).evaluate_integral() == variance(X**2)
    assert unchanged(Variance, X**2)
    assert Variance(x * X**2).doit() == x**2 * Variance(X**2)
    assert Variance(sin(X)).args == (sin(X), )
    assert Variance(sin(X)).doit() == Variance(sin(X))
    assert Variance(x * sin(X)).doit() == x**2 * Variance(sin(X))

    assert Covariance(w, z).args == (w, z)
    assert Covariance(w, z).doit() == 0
    assert Covariance(X, w).doit() == 0
    assert Covariance(w, X).doit() == 0
    assert Covariance(X, Y).args == (X, Y)
    assert type(Covariance(X, Y)) == Covariance
    assert Covariance(z * X + 3, Y).doit() == z * Covariance(X, Y)
    assert Covariance(X, X).args == (X, X)
    assert Covariance(X, X).doit() == Variance(X)
    assert Covariance(z * X + 3, w * Y + 4).doit() == w * z * Covariance(X, Y)
    assert Covariance(X, Y) == Covariance(Y, X)
    assert Covariance(X + Y, Z + W).doit() == Covariance(W, X) + Covariance(
        W, Y) + Covariance(X, Z) + Covariance(Y, Z)
    assert Covariance(
        x * X + y * Y, z * Z +
        w * W).doit() == (x * w * Covariance(W, X) + w * y * Covariance(W, Y) +
                          x * z * Covariance(X, Z) + y * z * Covariance(Y, Z))
    assert Covariance(x * X**2 + y * sin(Y), z * Y * Z**2 +
                      w * W).doit() == (w * x * Covariance(W, X**2) +
                                        w * y * Covariance(sin(Y), W) +
                                        x * z * Covariance(Y * Z**2, X**2) +
                                        y * z * Covariance(Y * Z**2, sin(Y)))
    assert Covariance(X, X**2).doit() == Covariance(X, X**2)
    assert Covariance(X, sin(X)).doit() == Covariance(sin(X), X)
    assert Covariance(X**2, sin(X) * Y).doit() == Covariance(sin(X) * Y, X**2)
Beispiel #8
def test_moment_generating_function():
    t = symbols('t', positive=True)

    # Symbolic tests
    a, b, c = symbols('a b c')

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Beta('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == hyper((a, ), (a + b, ), t)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Chi('x', a))(t)
    assert mgf == sqrt(2)*t*gamma(a/2 + S(1)/2)*\
        hyper((a/2 + S(1)/2,), (S(3)/2,), t**2/2)/gamma(a/2) +\
        hyper((a/2,), (S(1)/2,), t**2/2)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(ChiSquared('x', a))(t)
    assert mgf == (1 - 2 * t)**(-a / 2)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Erlang('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == (1 - t / b)**(-a)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Exponential('x', a))(t)
    assert mgf == a / (a - t)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Gamma('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == (-b * t + 1)**(-a)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Gumbel('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == exp(b * t) * gamma(-a * t + 1)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Gompertz('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == b * exp(b) * expint(t / a, b)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Laplace('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == exp(a * t) / (-b**2 * t**2 + 1)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Logistic('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == exp(a * t) * beta(-b * t + 1, b * t + 1)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Normal('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == exp(a * t + b**2 * t**2 / 2)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Pareto('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == b * (-a * t)**b * uppergamma(-b, -a * t)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(QuadraticU('x', a, b))(t)
    assert str(mgf) == (
        "(3*(t*(-4*b + (a + b)**2) + 4)*exp(b*t) - "
        "3*(t*(a**2 + 2*a*(b - 2) + b**2) + 4)*exp(a*t))/(t**2*(a - b)**3)")

    mgf = moment_generating_function(RaisedCosine('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == pi**2 * exp(a * t) * sinh(b * t) / (b * t *
                                                      (b**2 * t**2 + pi**2))

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Rayleigh('x', a))(t)
    assert mgf == sqrt(2)*sqrt(pi)*a*t*(erf(sqrt(2)*a*t/2) + 1)\
        *exp(a**2*t**2/2)/2 + 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Triangular('x', a, b, c))(t)
    assert str(mgf) == ("(-2*(-a + b)*exp(c*t) + 2*(-a + c)*exp(b*t) + "
                        "2*(b - c)*exp(a*t))/(t**2*(-a + b)*(-a + c)*(b - c))")

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Uniform('x', a, b))(t)
    assert mgf == (-exp(a * t) + exp(b * t)) / (t * (-a + b))

    mgf = moment_generating_function(UniformSum('x', a))(t)
    assert mgf == ((exp(t) - 1) / t)**a

    mgf = moment_generating_function(WignerSemicircle('x', a))(t)
    assert mgf == 2 * besseli(1, a * t) / (a * t)

    # Numeric tests

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Beta('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == hyper((2, ), (3, ), 1) / 2

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Chi('x', 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == sqrt(2) * hyper(
        (1, ), (S(3) / 2, ),
        S(1) / 2) / sqrt(pi) + hyper((S(3) / 2, ), (S(3) / 2, ),
                                     S(1) / 2) + 2 * sqrt(2) * hyper(
                                         (2, ), (S(5) / 2, ),
                                         S(1) / 2) / (3 * sqrt(pi))

    mgf = moment_generating_function(ChiSquared('x', 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == I

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Erlang('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Exponential('x', 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Gamma('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Gumbel('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == EulerGamma + 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Gompertz('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == -e * meijerg(((), (1, 1)),
                                                  ((0, 0, 0), ()), 1)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Laplace('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Logistic('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == beta(1, 1)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Normal('x', 0, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == exp(S(1) / 2)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Pareto('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == expint(1, 0)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(QuadraticU('x', 1, 2))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == -12 * e - 3 * exp(2)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(RaisedCosine('x', 1, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == -2*e*pi**2*sinh(1)/\
    (1 + pi**2)**2 + e*pi**2*cosh(1)/(1 + pi**2)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Rayleigh('x', 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 0) == sqrt(2) * sqrt(pi) / 2

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Triangular('x', 1, 3, 2))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == -e + exp(3)

    mgf = moment_generating_function(Uniform('x', 0, 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(UniformSum('x', 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == 1

    mgf = moment_generating_function(WignerSemicircle('x', 1))(t)
    assert mgf.diff(t).subs(t, 1) == -2*besseli(1, 1) + besseli(2, 1) +\
        besseli(0, 1)
Beispiel #9
from sympy import Symbol, Dummy, sympify, exp
from import mu, x, y, w
from sympy.stats import density, Normal
from sympy.solvers import solve
from sympy.holonomic.holonomic import expr_to_holonomic

sigma = Symbol('sigma', positive=True)
want_dens = w * density(Normal(Dummy(), mu, sigma))(y)
have_dens = exp(-x**2 - y**2 + x * y)
want_hol = expr_to_holonomic(want_dens, y)
have_hol = expr_to_holonomic(have_dens, y)

def annihilator_coeff(hol, i):
    return hol.annihilator.listofpoly[i] if i <= hol.annihilator.order else 0

equations = set(h - w for (h, w) in zip(have_hol.y0, want_hol.y0))
order = max(want_hol.annihilator.order, have_hol.annihilator.order)
have_top_coeff = annihilator_coeff(have_hol, order)
want_top_coeff = annihilator_coeff(want_hol, order)
for i in range(0, order):
        c.as_expr() if hasattr(c, 'as_expr') else sympify(c) for c in (
            annihilator_coeff(have_hol, i) * want_top_coeff -
            annihilator_coeff(want_hol, i) * have_top_coeff).all_coeffs())
print(solve(equations, [w, mu, sigma]))
Beispiel #10
a = MatrixSymbol("a", k, 1)
b = MatrixSymbol("b", k, 1)

A2 = MatrixSymbol("A2", 2, 2)
B2 = MatrixSymbol("B2", 2, 2)

X = RandomMatrixSymbol("X", k, 1)
Y = RandomMatrixSymbol("Y", k, 1)
Z = RandomMatrixSymbol("Z", k, 1)
W = RandomMatrixSymbol("W", k, 1)

R = RandomMatrixSymbol("R", k, k)

X2 = RandomMatrixSymbol("X2", 2, 1)

normal = Normal("normal", 0, 1)

m1 = Matrix([[1, j * Normal("normal2", 2, 1)], [normal, 0]])

def test_multivariate_expectation():
    expr = Expectation(a)
    assert expr == Expectation(a) == ExpectationMatrix(a)
    assert expr.expand() == a

    expr = Expectation(X)
    assert expr == Expectation(X) == ExpectationMatrix(X)
    assert expr.shape == (k, 1)
    assert expr.rows == k
    assert expr.cols == 1
    assert isinstance(expr, ExpectationMatrix)
Beispiel #11

# Imports and definitions
from sympy import *
from sympy.stats import Normal, density
from IPython.display import display

x1, x2, y = symbols("x1,x2,y")

# End imports and definitions

# Expectation of a normally distributed variable
mu1 = symbols("mu1", positive=True)
V1 = symbols("sigma1", positive=True)
X1 = Normal("X", mu1, V1)
D1 = density(X1)(x1)
E1 = Integral(x1 * D1, (x1, -oo, oo))
display(Eq(E1, E1.doit()))  # use doit to evaluate an unevaluated integral

# Compute the variance analytically
V = Integral((x1 - E1.doit())**2 * D1, (x1, -oo, oo))
display(Eq(V, V.doit()))

# Expectation of the product of two normally distributed parameters
mu2 = symbols("mu2", positive=True)
V2 = symbols("sigma2", positive=True)
X2 = Normal("X", mu2, V2)
D2 = density(X2)(x2)
jpdf = D1 * D2
E2 = Integral(x1 * x2 * jpdf, (x2, -oo, oo), (x1, -oo, oo))
Beispiel #12
# each region
all_xhat_reduced = {}  #same as above but only store float values
config = {'K': K, 'sigmas': sigmas.tolist(), 'Rs': Rs.tolist()}
with open("results/config.txt", "wb") as fp:
    pickle.dump(config, fp)
# the algorithm
for jj in range(len(Rs)):
    for ii in range(len(sigmas)):
        #points = np.sort(np.random.rand(2**Rs[jj]))*2-1 #initalize points randomly from -1 to 1
        # initalize half of the points from -1 to 0 and half of them from 0 to 1
        points = np.sort(np.concatenate(
            ((-1) * np.random.rand(2**(Rs[jj] - 1)),
             np.random.rand(2**(Rs[jj] - 1)))),
                         axis=0) * sigmas[ii]
        rvs = st.norm(scale=sigmas[ii])
        rvs2 = Normal('rvs2', 0, sigmas[ii])

        for i in range(K):
            v_bounds = get_v_bounds(points)
            exps, exps_symb = get_new_xhat(rvs, rvs2, v_bounds)

            points = exps

        final_v_bounds = get_v_bounds(points)
        err, exps, exps_symb, distortions = get_new_xhat(rvs,
        while err == True:
            points = np.sort(np.concatenate(
                ((-1) * np.random.rand(2**(Rs[jj] - 1)),
def generate(save=False):
    c, p, d1, d2, S, t, K, r, vol, q = symbols('c p d1 d2 S t K r vol q')
    normal = Normal('normal', 0, 1)

    d1 = (ln(S / K) + (r - q + vol ** 2 / 2) * t) / (sqrt(t) * vol)
    d2 = d1 - sqrt(t) * vol

    c = simplify(S * s_exp(-q * t) * N(normal < d1) - K * s_exp(-r * t) * N(normal < d2))
    p = simplify(-S * s_exp(-q * t) * N(normal < -d1) + K * s_exp(-r * t) * N(normal < -d2))

    c_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], c, 'math')
    p_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], p, 'math')

    c_delta = simplify(diff(c, S))
    p_delta = simplify(diff(p, S))

    c_delta_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], c_delta, 'math')
    p_delta_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], p_delta, 'math')

    c_theta = simplify(diff(c, t))
    p_theta = simplify(diff(p, t))

    c_theta_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], c_theta, 'math')
    p_theta_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], p_theta, 'math')

    c_gamma = simplify(diff(c_delta, S))
    p_gamma = simplify(diff(p_delta, S))

    c_gamma_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], c_gamma, 'math')
    p_gamma_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], p_gamma, 'math')

    c_vega = simplify(diff(c, vol))
    p_vega = simplify(diff(p, vol))

    c_vega_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], c_vega, 'math')
    p_vega_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], p_vega, 'math')

    c_rho = simplify(diff(c, r))
    p_rho = simplify(diff(p, r))

    c_rho_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], c_rho, 'math')
    p_rho_lambda = lambdify([S, t, K, r, vol, q], p_rho, 'math')

    def fc_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global c_lambda
        return c_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fp_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global p_lambda
        return p_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fc_delta_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global c_delta_lambda
        return c_delta_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fp_delta_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global p_delta_lambda
        return p_delta_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fc_gamma_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global c_gamma_lambda
        return c_gamma_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fp_gamma_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global p_gamma_lambda
        return p_gamma_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fc_vega_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global c_vega_lambda
        return c_vega_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fp_vega_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global p_vega_lambda
        return p_vega_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fc_theta_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global c_theta_lambda
        return c_theta_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fp_theta_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global p_theta_lambda
        return p_theta_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fc_rho_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global c_rho_lambda
        return c_rho_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    def fp_rho_lambda(*args, **kwargs):
        global p_rho_lambda
        return p_rho_lambda(*args, **kwargs)

    price = {
        "call": fc_lambda,
        "put": fp_lambda,

    greeks = {
        "call": {
            "delta": fc_delta_lambda,
            "gamma": fc_gamma_lambda,
            "theta": fc_theta_lambda,
            "rho": fc_rho_lambda,
            "vega": fc_vega_lambda,
        "put": {
            "delta": fp_delta_lambda,
            "gamma": fp_gamma_lambda,
            "theta": fp_theta_lambda,
            "rho": fp_rho_lambda,
            "vega": fp_vega_lambda,

    european_option = {"price": price, "greeks": greeks}

    if save:
        import pickle as pkl

        with open("./bin/european_option.lib", "wb") as fp:
            pkl.dump(european_option, fp)

    return european_option
Beispiel #14
def test_expectation():
    m = Normal('A', [x, y], [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    assert simplify(E(m[1])) == y
Beispiel #15
def test_FiniteSet_prob():
    E = Exponential('E', 3)
    N = Normal('N', 5, 7)
    assert P(Eq(E, 1)) is S.Zero
    assert P(Eq(N, 2)) is S.Zero
    assert P(Eq(N, x)) is S.Zero
Beispiel #16
def test_joint_vector_expectation():
    m = Normal('A', [x, y], [[1, 0], [0, 1]])
    assert E(m) == (x, y)
from sympy import *
from sympy.stats import Normal, density, E, variance

var("tau nact pact dt std damping scale tau_threshold act_threshold", real=True)
var("dt std alpha scale time_constant", real=True, positive=True)
noise = Normal("noise", 0, std)

alpha = 1 - exp(-dt/time_constant)
#nact = alpha*pact + (1 - alpha)*(atan((tau - tau_threshold)*scale) + noise)
#dact = (nact - pact).simplify()
#nact = pact + (-damping*pact + atan((tau - tau_threshold)*scale) + noise)*dt
dact = -alpha*pact + atan((tau - tau_threshold)*scale)*dt + noise*sqrt(dt)
m = E(dact)
v = variance(dact).simplify()
Beispiel #18
def test_probability_unevaluated():
    T = Normal('T', 30, 3)
    assert type(P(T > 33, evaluate=False)) == Integral
Beispiel #19
def test_normality():
    X, Y = Normal('X', 0, 1), Normal('Y', 0, 1)
    x, z = symbols('x, z', real=True, finite=True)
    dens = density(X - Y, Eq(X + Y, z))

    assert integrate(dens(x), (x, -oo, oo)) == 1
Beispiel #20
def test_random_parameters():
    mu = Normal('mu', 2, 3)
    meas = Normal('T', mu, 1)
    assert density(meas, evaluate=False)(z)
    assert isinstance(pspace(meas), JointPSpace)
Beispiel #21
def test_real():
    x = Normal('x', 0, 1)
    assert x.is_real
Beispiel #22
def test_conjugate_priors():
    mu = Normal('mu', 2, 3)
    x = Normal('x', mu, 1)
    assert isinstance(simplify(density(mu, Eq(x, y), evaluate=False)(z)), Mul)
Beispiel #23
def test_RandomSymbol_diff():
    X = Normal('x', 0, 1)
    assert (2 * X).diff(X)
Beispiel #24
def test_Or():
    N = Normal('N', 0, 1)
    assert simplify(P(Or(N > 2, N < 1))) == \
        -erf(sqrt(2))/2 - erfc(sqrt(2)/2)/2 + S(3)/2
    assert P(Or(N < 0, N < 1)) == P(N < 1)
    assert P(Or(N > 0, N < 0)) == 1
Beispiel #25
def test_random_parameters():
    mu = Normal('mu', 2, 3)
    meas = Normal('T', mu, 1)
    assert density(meas, evaluate=False)(z)