Beispiel #1
def generate_c_func(name, expr, in_args, column_major_storage=True, **kwargs):
    """ generates C function code for a sympy exrpession
        name is the name of the function
        expr is the matrix expression
        in_args is a list of tuples containing a variable-name string and the
        variable symbol. The symbol can be a matrix or a scalar.
        The sequence of the arguments will be the sequence of in_args and the
        output (called 'out') is last
    if column_major_storage:
        # generated C code matrix access is in row-major order
        # [source: sympy/printing/, _print_MatrixElement()]
        # this is why we transpose the matrices in column-major mode
        expr = expr.transpose()

    subs_tab = []
    arg_list = []

    for argname, arg_sym in in_args:
        if isinstance(arg_sym, sp.Matrix):
            if column_major_storage:
                arg_sym = arg_sym.transpose()
            new_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('__in__' + argname, *arg_sym.shape)
            subs_tab += sympy_util.matrix_subs(arg_sym, new_sym)
            new_sym = sp.symbols(argname)
            subs_tab.append((arg_sym, new_sym))

    out_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('out', expr.shape[0], expr.shape[1])
    out_arg = cg.OutputArgument(out_sym,

    no_return_val = []
    no_local_vars = []
    no_global_vars = []

    code_gen = cg.get_code_generator("C", "projectname")
    routines = [
        cg.Routine(name, arg_list, no_return_val, no_local_vars,
    [(c_name, c_code), (h_name, c_header)] = code_gen.write(routines,

    c_code = unused_param_warn_suppr(c_code,
                                     [argname for argname, _sym in in_args])
    c_code = clean_c_code(c_code, **kwargs)

    return c_code
Beispiel #2
def sympy_into_c(sympy_functions, global_vars=None):
    from sympy.utilities import codegen
    routines = []
    for name, expr, args in sympy_functions:
        r = codegen.make_routine(name,

        # argument ordering input to sympy is broken with function with output arguments
        nargs = []

        # reorder the input arguments
        for aa in args:
            if aa is None:
                                          dimensions=[1, 1]))
            found = False
            for a in r.arguments:
                if str( == str(
                    found = True
            if not found:
                # [1,1] is a hack for Matrices
                nargs.append(codegen.InputArgument(aa, dimensions=[1, 1]))

        # add the output arguments
        for a in r.arguments:
            if type(a) == codegen.OutputArgument:

        # assert len(r.arguments) == len(args)+1
        r.arguments = nargs

        # add routine to list

    [(c_name, c_code), (h_name, c_header)
     ] = codegen.get_code_generator('C', 'ekf', 'C99').write(routines, "ekf")
    c_header = '\n'.join(x for x in c_header.split("\n")
                         if len(x) > 0 and x[0] != '#')

    c_code = '\n'.join(x for x in c_code.split("\n")
                       if len(x) > 0 and x[0] != '#')
    c_code = 'extern "C" {\n#include <math.h>\n' + c_code + "\n}\n"

    return c_header, c_code
def ekf_generate_c_code(f, F, h, H, x, u, f_additional_in=[], h_additional_in=[]):

    # generated C code matrix access is in row-major order
    # [source: sympy/printing/, _print_MatrixElement()]
    # Since Eigen uses column-major by default we transpose the matrices before
    # generating the C code
    H = H.transpose()
    F = F.transpose()

    f_additional_in_sym = [sp.symbols('in{}_{}'.format(i+2, for i, var in enumerate(f_additional_in)]
    f_add_subs_tab = list(zip(f_additional_in, f_additional_in_sym))
    h_additional_in_sym = [sp.symbols('in{}_{}'.format(i+1, for i, var in enumerate(h_additional_in)]
    h_add_subs_tab = list(zip(h_additional_in, h_additional_in_sym))
    x_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('in0_x', len(x), 1)
    x_subs_tab = [(elem_sym, x_sym[i, 0]) for i, elem_sym in enumerate(x)]
    u_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('in1_u', len(u), 1)
    u_subs_tab = [(elem_sym, u_sym[i, 0]) for i, elem_sym in enumerate(u)]

    subs_tab = x_subs_tab + u_subs_tab + f_add_subs_tab + h_add_subs_tab

    # c_code  = generate_c_code('f', f.subs(subs_tab)) + '\n'
    # c_code += generate_c_code('F', F.subs(subs_tab)) + '\n'
    # c_code += generate_c_code('h', h.subs(subs_tab)) + '\n'
    # c_code += generate_c_code('H', H.subs(subs_tab)) + '\n'

    no_return_val = []
    no_local_vars = []

    f_additional_in_arg = [cg.InputArgument(sym) for sym in f_additional_in_sym]
    h_additional_in_arg = [cg.InputArgument(sym) for sym in h_additional_in_sym]

    f_out_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('f_out', len(x), 1)
    f_arg_list = [cg.InputArgument(x_sym, dimensions=x_sym.shape),
                  cg.InputArgument(u_sym, dimensions=u_sym.shape)]
    f_arg_list += f_additional_in_arg
    f_arg_list += [cg.OutputArgument(f_out_sym, f_out_sym, f.subs(subs_tab), dimensions=f_out_sym.shape)]

    F_out_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('F_out', F.shape[0], F.shape[1])
    F_arg_list = [cg.InputArgument(x_sym, dimensions=x_sym.shape),
                  cg.InputArgument(u_sym, dimensions=u_sym.shape)]
    F_arg_list += f_additional_in_arg
    F_arg_list += [cg.OutputArgument(F_out_sym, F_out_sym, F.subs(subs_tab), dimensions=F_out_sym.shape)]

    h_out_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('h_out', len(h), 1)
    h_arg_list = [cg.InputArgument(x_sym, dimensions=x_sym.shape)]
    h_arg_list += h_additional_in_arg
    h_arg_list += [cg.OutputArgument(h_out_sym, h_out_sym, h.subs(subs_tab), dimensions=h_out_sym.shape)]

    H_out_sym = sp.MatrixSymbol('H_out', H.shape[0], H.shape[1])
    H_arg_list = [cg.InputArgument(x_sym, dimensions=x_sym.shape)]
    H_arg_list += h_additional_in_arg
    H_arg_list += [cg.OutputArgument(H_out_sym, H_out_sym, H.subs(subs_tab), dimensions=H_out_sym.shape)]

    routines = [cg.Routine("f", f_arg_list, no_return_val, no_local_vars),
                cg.Routine("F", F_arg_list, no_return_val, no_local_vars),
                cg.Routine("h", h_arg_list, no_return_val, no_local_vars),
                cg.Routine("H", H_arg_list, no_return_val, no_local_vars)]
    code_gen = cg.get_code_generator("C", "projectname")
    [(c_name, c_code), (h_name, c_header)] = code_gen.write(routines, "prefix", header=False)

    c_code = clean_c_code(c_code, use_single_float=True)

    c_code_head = '// This file has been automatically generated\n'
    c_code_head += '// DO NOT EDIT!\n\n'
    c_code_head += '#include <math.h>\n\n'
    c_code_head += 'const int STATE_DIM = {};\n'.format(len(x))
    c_code_head += 'const int CONTROL_DIM = {};\n'.format(len(u))
    c_code_head += 'const int MEASURE_DIM = {};\n'.format(len(h))
    c_code_head += '\n\n'

    return c_code_head + c_code