Beispiel #1
def test_sets():
    x = Integer(2)
    y = Integer(3)
    x1 = sympy.Integer(2)
    y1 = sympy.Integer(3)

    assert Interval(x, y) == Interval(x1, y1)
    assert Interval(x1, y) == Interval(x1, y1)
    assert Interval(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Interval(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Interval(x1, y1)) == Interval(x, y)

    assert sympify(sympy.EmptySet()) == EmptySet()
    assert sympy.EmptySet() == EmptySet()._sympy_()

    assert FiniteSet(x, y) == FiniteSet(x1, y1)
    assert FiniteSet(x1, y) == FiniteSet(x1, y1)
    assert FiniteSet(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.FiniteSet(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.FiniteSet(x1, y1)) == FiniteSet(x, y)

    x = Interval(1, 2)
    y = Interval(2, 3)
    x1 = sympy.Interval(1, 2)
    y1 = sympy.Interval(2, 3)

    assert Union(x, y) == Union(x1, y1)
    assert Union(x1, y) == Union(x1, y1)
    assert Union(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Union(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Union(x1, y1)) == Union(x, y)

    assert Complement(x, y) == Complement(x1, y1)
    assert Complement(x1, y) == Complement(x1, y1)
    assert Complement(x, y)._sympy_() == sympy.Complement(x1, y1)
    assert sympify(sympy.Complement(x1, y1)) == Complement(x, y)
    def detect_multi_stability(cls, chnk_stable, chnk_unstable, bi_data_np):

        if cls.is_list_empty(chnk_stable) or cls.is_list_empty(chnk_unstable):
            return False

        chnk_stable_pcp_ranges = []
        for i in range(len(chnk_stable)):
            end_ind = len(chnk_stable[i]) - 1
                bi_data_np[chnk_stable[i][0], 0],
                bi_data_np[chnk_stable[i][end_ind], 0]

        [i.sort() for i in chnk_stable_pcp_ranges]

        chnk_unstable_pcp_ranges = []
        for i in range(len(chnk_unstable)):
            end_ind = len(chnk_unstable[i]) - 1
                bi_data_np[chnk_unstable[i][0], 0],
                bi_data_np[chnk_unstable[i][end_ind], 0]

        [i.sort() for i in chnk_unstable_pcp_ranges]

        chnk_unstable_pcp_intervals = []
        chnk_stable_pcp_intervals = []
        for i in range(len(chnk_unstable)):

        for i in range(len(chnk_stable)):

        # building intersections of unstable branch with stable branches
        unstable_intersections = []
        for i in chnk_unstable_pcp_intervals:
            temp_list = []
            for j in chnk_stable_pcp_intervals:
                temp = i.intersect(j)
                if temp != sympy.EmptySet():

                    if not temp.is_FiniteSet:
                    elif temp.is_FiniteSet and len(list(temp)) > 1:


        return any([sum(i) >= 2 for i in unstable_intersections])
Beispiel #3
def manualSolveSystem(linear, total):
	"""linear should be A+B*X, total should be number
	returns set X values so that linear <= total"""
	coeffs = sympy.Poly(linear, X).all_coeffs()
	A,B = 0,0
	if len(coeffs) == 1:
		A = coeffs[0]
		B = 0
		B, A = coeffs
	if B > 0:
		return sympy.Interval(-sympy.oo, (total-A)/B)
	elif B < 0:
		return sympy.Interval((total-A)/B, sympy.oo)
		if A <= total:
			return sympy.Interval(-sympy.oo, sympy.oo)
			return sympy.EmptySet()
Beispiel #4
def findCutPoints(eVals, intervals, aNum, dNum, kNum):
	"""Finds values of X where below that value, some e variable must be 0.
	returns (list of constraints that always happen, cut list)
	cut list is ordered list of (Xcut, constraint, expressionForXToBeGreaterThan)
	intervals is a list of [(min,max), (min,max)]
	where min and max are sympy expressions with X as a variable"""

	substitutions = {a: aNum, d: dNum, k: kNum}

	always = []
	cuts = []

	total = sympy.S(a+d+3*d*k)/(a+3*d*k)

	#Loop through each e variable, and find the minimum X that allows it to be nonzero.
	for index in eVals: 
		eVar = eVals[index]

		#minimum amount of muffin that can be found in given intervals from index
		minValue = sum(numInInterval * interval[0] for numInInterval, interval in zip(index, intervals))
		#maximum amount of muffin that can be found in given intervals from index
		maxValue = sum(numInInterval * interval[1] for numInInterval, interval in zip(index, intervals))

		#X values which will allow such a student to exist
		#allowedXValues = sympy.solve([minValue <= total, total <= maxValue], X).as_set()
		allowedXValues, wasMinAndNotMax = manualSolveALessBLessC(minValue.subs(substitutions), total.subs(substitutions), maxValue.subs(substitutions))
		XshouldBeGreaterThan = None
		if wasMinAndNotMax:
			XshouldBeGreaterThan = sympy.solve([minValue - total], X)
			XshouldBeGreaterThan = sympy.solve([maxValue - total], X)

		XshouldBeGreaterThan = getValFromDict(XshouldBeGreaterThan)

		#note 2a/5 below. Bill sent me this bound in an email. Is this actually where X should start?
		if allowedXValues == sympy.EmptySet() or allowedXValues.end <= 0:# 2*a/5:#if the constraint can never be met or is smaller than X can be
			always.append(eVar == 0)#add constraint that variable is zero
		else:#otherwise if the constraint can be met
			cuts.append((allowedXValues.end, eVar == 0, XshouldBeGreaterThan))#add on (min val of X where constraint can't be met, constraint that variable is zero)
	cuts = sorted(cuts, key=lambda cut: cut[0])
	return (always, cuts)
Beispiel #5
def full_solve(text, *, doprint=True):
    if not doprint: print = NOPRINT
    else: print = CPRINT
    # Common OCR mistakes

    text = text_utils.fix_common_mistakes(text)
    text = text_utils.fix_syntax_mistakes(text)
    text = text_utils.casefix(text)
    text = text_utils.fix_exponentation(text)

    # Left and right side of the equation
    text1, text2 = text_utils.find_equation_sides(text)

    # Extract the variable in the equation
    vars1 = text_utils.find_variables(text1)
    vars2 = text_utils.find_variables(text2)
    # Get both the left and right side
    variables = list(set(vars1) | set(vars2))
    print("===Start computing===")
    expr1 = sympy_utils.simple_expr_parse(text1)
    expr2 = sympy_utils.simple_expr_parse(text2)

    equation = "{} = {}".format(expr1, expr2)
    print("The equation: {}".format(equation))

    if not variables:
        if sp.simplify(expr1) == sp.simplify(expr2):
            return sp.S.Reals
            return sp.EmptySet()
    #result = sympy_utils.simple_solve(expr1, expr2, variables)
    #print("Result: {}".format(result))
    #return result
    result = list(sympy_utils.solve_all(expr1, expr2, variables))
    for example in result:
        toprint = "{} ∈ {}".format(example[0], example[1])
    return result
Beispiel #6
print("VERFAHREN FUR + - oo:\n")

plus = function.subs(x, sp.oo)
minus = function.subs(x, -sp.oo)

print("X gegen Plus Unendlich = ", plus, ";\n")
print("X gegen Minus Unendlich = ", minus, ";\n")

# Schritt 4 Schnittpunkten mit Achsen

xSchnitt = sp.solveset(sp.Eq(function, 0), domain=sp.S.Reals)
ySchnitt = function.subs(x, 0)


if (xSchnitt == sp.EmptySet()):
    print("Kein Schnittpunkten mit X-Achse;\n")
    print("Mit X-Achsee: ", xSchnitt, ";\n")

if (ySchnitt == sp.EmptySet()):
    print("Kein Schnittpunkten mit Y-Achse;\n")
    print("Mit Y-Achsee: ", ySchnitt, ";\n")

#Schritt 5 Extremstellen

firstDiff = sp.diff(function)

mEST = sp.solveset(sp.Eq(firstDiff, 0))
Beispiel #7
def domain_remove_asymptotes(interval, asymptotes_general_equation):
    if interval.is_left_unbounded:
        raise ValueError('The interval given is left-unbounded')
    elif interval.is_right_unbounded:
        raise ValueError('The interval given is right-unbounded')

    x0, x1 = sympy.Wild('x0'), sympy.Wild('x1')
    match = asymptotes_general_equation.match(x0*k + x1)

    # solving inequalities over integer symbols is not yet implemented in SymPy. We need to use a workaround
    # we transform the interval by doing (interval - x1)/x0, then finding integer values in this range, then transforming back by
    # doing (integers * x0) + x1 to give us all the asymptotes in the interval
    intermediate_interval = sympy.Interval((interval.left - match[x1]) / match[x0], (interval.right - match[x1]) / match[x0], False, False)

    # for the left bound, if it is not an integer we must round towards the middle of the interval (i.e. up)
    # likewise, we must round the right bound towards the middle of the interval (i.e. down)
    if isinstance(intermediate_interval.left, sympy.Integer):
        left_bound = intermediate_interval.left
    elif isinstance(intermediate_interval.left, sympy.Rational):
        left_bound = int(math.floor(intermediate_interval.left)) + 1

    if isinstance(intermediate_interval.right, sympy.Integer):
        right_bound = intermediate_interval.right
    elif isinstance(intermediate_interval.right, sympy.Rational):
        right_bound = int(math.floor(intermediate_interval.right))

    untransformed_asymptotes = list(range(left_bound, right_bound + 1))
    asymptotes = [i * match[x0] + match[x1] for i in untransformed_asymptotes]

    # now we have the original interval, as well as all asymptotes that we need to exclude - let's make the
    # sympy.Interval/sympy.Union object
    exclude_left, exclude_right = False, False
    if interval.left_open & (interval.left == asymptotes[0]):  # the left of the domain is an asymptote, exclude it from the final domain
        exclude_left = True
    elif interval.left_open:
        exclude_left = True
    if interval.right_open & len(asymptotes) > 0 & (interval.right == asymptotes[-1]):  # the right of the domain is an
                                                                                        # asymptote, exclude it from the final domain
        exclude_right = True
    elif interval.right_open:
        exclude_right = True

    # starting from the left of the interval, we make a union of all intervals separated by asymptotes
    domain = sympy.EmptySet()

    if len(asymptotes) > 0:
        domain += sympy.Interval(interval.left, asymptotes[0], exclude_left, True)
        domain += sympy.Interval(interval.left, interval.right, exclude_left, exclude_right)

    while len(asymptotes) > 1:
        domain += sympy.Interval(asymptotes[0], asymptotes[1], True, True)

    if len(asymptotes) == 1:
        domain += sympy.Interval(asymptotes[0], interval.right, True, exclude_right)
        domain += sympy.Interval(domain.right, interval_right, True, exclude_right)

    return domain
Beispiel #8
def symlabels(labels=None):
    if labels:
        return sympy.FiniteSet(*(sympy.Symbol(l) if isinstance(l, str) else l
                                 for l in labels))
        return sympy.EmptySet()