Beispiel #1
def test_acosh_series():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert acosh(x).series(x, 0, 8) == \
            -I*x + pi*I/2 - I*x**3/6 - 3*I*x**5/40 - 5*I*x**7/112 + O(x**8)
    t5 = acosh(x).taylor_term(5, x)
    assert t5 == - 3*I*x**5/40
    assert acosh(x).taylor_term(7, x, t5, 0) == - 5*I*x**7/112
Beispiel #2
def test_acosh():
    # TODO please write more tests  -- see #652
    # From
    # at specific points
    assert acosh(1) == 0
    assert acosh(-1) == pi*I
    assert acosh(0) == I*pi/2
    assert acosh(Rational(1,2))  == I*pi/3
    assert acosh(Rational(-1,2)) == 2*pi*I/3
Beispiel #3
def test_asech():
    x = Symbol('x')

    assert asech(-x) == asech(-x)

    # values at fixed points
    assert asech(1) == 0
    assert asech(-1) == pi*I
    assert asech(0) == oo
    assert asech(2) == I*pi/3
    assert asech(-2) == 2*I*pi / 3

    # at infinites
    assert asech(oo) == I*pi/2
    assert asech(-oo) == I*pi/2
    assert asech(zoo) == nan

    assert asech(I) == log(1 + sqrt(2)) - I*pi/2
    assert asech(-I) == log(1 + sqrt(2)) + I*pi/2
    assert asech(sqrt(2) - sqrt(6)) == 11*I*pi / 12
    assert asech(sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5))) == I*pi / 10
    assert asech(-sqrt(2 - 2/sqrt(5))) == 9*I*pi / 10
    assert asech(2 / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == I*pi / 8
    assert asech(-2 / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == 7*I*pi / 8
    assert asech(sqrt(5) - 1) == I*pi / 5
    assert asech(1 - sqrt(5)) == 4*I*pi / 5
    assert asech(-sqrt(2*(2 + sqrt(2)))) == 5*I*pi / 8

    # properties
    # asech(x) == acosh(1/x)
    assert asech(sqrt(2)) == acosh(1/sqrt(2))
    assert asech(2/sqrt(3)) == acosh(sqrt(3)/2)
    assert asech(2/sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == acosh(sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))/2)
    assert asech(S(2)) == acosh(1/S(2))

    # asech(x) == I*acos(1/x)
    # (Note: the exact formula is asech(x) == +/- I*acos(1/x))
    assert asech(-sqrt(2)) == I*acos(-1/sqrt(2))
    assert asech(-2/sqrt(3)) == I*acos(-sqrt(3)/2)
    assert asech(-S(2)) == I*acos(-S.Half)
    assert asech(-2/sqrt(2)) == I*acos(-sqrt(2)/2)

    # sech(asech(x)) / x == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech(sqrt(6) - sqrt(2))) / (sqrt(6) - sqrt(2))) == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech(sqrt(6) + sqrt(2))) / (sqrt(6) + sqrt(2))) == 1
    assert (sech(asech(sqrt(2 + 2/sqrt(5)))) / (sqrt(2 + 2/sqrt(5)))).simplify() == 1
    assert (sech(asech(-sqrt(2 + 2/sqrt(5)))) / (-sqrt(2 + 2/sqrt(5)))).simplify() == 1
    assert (sech(asech(sqrt(2*(2 + sqrt(2))))) / (sqrt(2*(2 + sqrt(2))))).simplify() == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech((1 + sqrt(5)))) / ((1 + sqrt(5)))) == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech((-1 - sqrt(5)))) / ((-1 - sqrt(5)))) == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech((-sqrt(6) - sqrt(2)))) / ((-sqrt(6) - sqrt(2)))) == 1

    # numerical evaluation
    assert str(asech(5*I).n(6)) == '0.19869 - 1.5708*I'
    assert str(asech(-5*I).n(6)) == '0.19869 + 1.5708*I'
Beispiel #4
def test_manualintegrate_inversetrig():
    # atan
    assert manualintegrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2*x)), x) == atan(exp(x))
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + 9 * x**2), x) == atan(3 * x/2) / 6
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (16 + 16 * x**2), x) == atan(x) / 16
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + x**2), x) == atan(x / 2) / 2
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (1 + 4 * x**2), x) == atan(2*x) / 2
    assert manualintegrate(1/(a + b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise(((sqrt(a/b)*atan(x*sqrt(b/a))/a), And(a > 0, b > 0)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/(4 + b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(1/b)*atan(sqrt(b)*x/2)/2, b > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/(a + 4*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((atan(2*x*sqrt(1/a))/(2*sqrt(a)), a > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/(4 + 4*x**2), x) == atan(x) / 4

    # asin
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(1-x**2), x) == asin(x)
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4-4*x**2), x) == asin(x)/2
    assert manualintegrate(3/sqrt(1-9*x**2), x) == asin(3*x)
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4-9*x**2), x) == asin(3*x/2)/3

    # asinh
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 + 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 + 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 + 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 + 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a*x**2 + 1), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(-1/a)*asin(x*sqrt(-a)), a < 0), (sqrt(1/a)*asinh(sqrt(a)*x), a > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a + x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((asinh(x*sqrt(1/a)), a > 0), (acosh(x*sqrt(-1/a)), a < 0))

    # acosh
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 - 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 - 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 - 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(9*x**2 - 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a*x**2 - 4), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(1/a)*acosh(sqrt(a)*x/2), a > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(-a + 4*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((asinh(2*x*sqrt(-1/a))/2, -a > 0), (acosh(2*x*sqrt(1/a))/2, -a < 0))

    # piecewise
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a-b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(a/b)*asin(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(a), And(-b < 0, a > 0)),
                  (sqrt(-a/b)*asinh(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(a), And(-b > 0, a > 0)),
                  (sqrt(a/b)*acosh(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(-a), And(-b > 0, a < 0)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a + b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(-a/b)*asin(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(a), And(a > 0, b < 0)),
                  (sqrt(a/b)*asinh(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(a), And(a > 0, b > 0)),
                  (sqrt(-a/b)*acosh(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(-a), And(a < 0, b > 0)))
Beispiel #5
def test_simplifications():
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert sinh(asinh(x)) == x
    assert sinh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)
    assert sinh(atanh(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x ** 2)

    assert cosh(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x ** 2)
    assert cosh(acosh(x)) == x
    assert cosh(atanh(x)) == 1 / sqrt(1 - x ** 2)

    assert tanh(asinh(x)) == x / sqrt(1 + x ** 2)
    assert tanh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1) / x
    assert tanh(atanh(x)) == x
Beispiel #6
def test_messy():
    from sympy import (laplace_transform, Si, Shi, Chi, atan, Piecewise,
                       acoth, E1, besselj, acosh, asin, And, re,
                       fourier_transform, sqrt)
    assert laplace_transform(Si(x), x, s) == ((-atan(s) + pi/2)/s, 0, True)

    assert laplace_transform(Shi(x), x, s) == (acoth(s)/s, 1, True)

    # where should the logs be simplified?
    assert laplace_transform(Chi(x), x, s) == \
        ((log(s**(-2)) - log((s**2 - 1)/s**2))/(2*s), 1, True)

    # TODO maybe simplify the inequalities?
    assert laplace_transform(besselj(a, x), x, s)[1:] == \
        (0, And(S(0) < re(a/2) + S(1)/2, S(0) < re(a/2) + 1))

    # NOTE s < 0 can be done, but argument reduction is not good enough yet
    assert fourier_transform(besselj(1, x)/x, x, s, noconds=False) == \
        (Piecewise((0, 4*abs(pi**2*s**2) > 1),
                   (2*sqrt(-4*pi**2*s**2 + 1), True)), s > 0)
    # TODO FT(besselj(0,x)) - conditions are messy (but for acceptable reasons)
    #                       - folding could be better

    assert integrate(E1(x)*besselj(0, x), (x, 0, oo), meijerg=True) == \
        log(1 + sqrt(2))
    assert integrate(E1(x)*besselj(1, x), (x, 0, oo), meijerg=True) == \
        log(S(1)/2 + sqrt(2)/2)

    assert integrate(1/x/sqrt(1 - x**2), x, meijerg=True) == \
        Piecewise((-acosh(1/x), 1 < abs(x**(-2))), (I*asin(1/x), True))
Beispiel #7
def test_issue_1304():
    z = Symbol("z", positive=True)
    assert integrate(sqrt(x ** 2 + z ** 2), x) == z ** 2 * asinh(x / z) / 2 + x * (x ** 2 + z ** 2) ** (S(1) / 2) / 2
    assert integrate(sqrt(x ** 2 - z ** 2), x) == -z ** 2 * acosh(x / z) / 2 + x * (x ** 2 - z ** 2) ** (S(1) / 2) / 2
    assert (
        integrate(sqrt(-x ** 2 - 4), x)
        == -2 * atan(x / (-4 - x ** 2) ** (S(1) / 2)) + x * (-4 - x ** 2) ** (S(1) / 2) / 2
Beispiel #8
def test_derivs():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert coth(x).diff(x) == -sinh(x)**(-2)
    assert sinh(x).diff(x) == cosh(x)
    assert cosh(x).diff(x) == sinh(x)
    assert tanh(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)**2 + 1
    assert acoth(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
    assert asinh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 + 1)
    assert acosh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 - 1)
    assert atanh(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
Beispiel #9
def test_inverses():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sinh(x).inverse() == asinh
    raises(AttributeError, lambda: cosh(x).inverse())
    assert tanh(x).inverse() == atanh
    assert coth(x).inverse() == acoth
    assert asinh(x).inverse() == sinh
    assert acosh(x).inverse() == cosh
    assert atanh(x).inverse() == tanh
    assert acoth(x).inverse() == coth
Beispiel #10
def test_hyperbolic():
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert sinh(x).nseries(x, 0, 6) == x + x**3/6 + x**5/120 + O(x**6)
    assert cosh(x).nseries(x, 0, 5) == 1 + x**2/2 + x**4/24 + O(x**5)
    assert tanh(x).nseries(x, 0, 6) == x - x**3/3 + 2*x**5/15 + O(x**6)
    assert coth(x).nseries(x, 0, 6) == 1/x - x**3/45 + x/3 + 2*x**5/945 + O(x**6)
    assert asinh(x).nseries(x, 0, 6) == x - x**3/6 + 3*x**5/40 + O(x**6)
    assert acosh(x).nseries(x, 0, 6) == pi*I/2 - I*x - 3*I*x**5/40 - I*x**3/6 + O(x**6)
    assert atanh(x).nseries(x, 0, 6) == x + x**3/3 + x**5/5 + O(x**6)
    assert acoth(x).nseries(x, 0, 6) == x + x**3/3 + x**5/5 + pi*I/2 + O(x**6)
Beispiel #11
def test_conv12b():
    x = sympy.Symbol("x")
    y = sympy.Symbol("y")
    assert sympify(sympy.sinh(x/3)) == sinh(Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sympify(sympy.cosh(x/3)) == cosh(Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sympify(sympy.tanh(x/3)) == tanh(Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sympify(sympy.coth(x/3)) == coth(Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sympify(sympy.asinh(x/3)) == asinh(Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sympify(sympy.acosh(x/3)) == acosh(Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sympify(sympy.atanh(x/3)) == atanh(Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert sympify(sympy.acoth(x/3)) == acoth(Symbol("x") / 3)
def test_inverses():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sinh(x).inverse() == asinh
    raises(AttributeError, lambda: cosh(x).inverse())
    assert tanh(x).inverse() == atanh
    assert coth(x).inverse() == acoth
    assert asinh(x).inverse() == sinh
    assert acosh(x).inverse() == cosh
    assert atanh(x).inverse() == tanh
    assert acoth(x).inverse() == coth
    assert asech(x).inverse() == sech
Beispiel #13
def test_hyperbolic():
    assert sinh(x).nseries(x, n=6) == x + x**3/6 + x**5/120 + O(x**6)
    assert cosh(x).nseries(x, n=5) == 1 + x**2/2 + x**4/24 + O(x**5)
    assert tanh(x).nseries(x, n=6) == x - x**3/3 + 2*x**5/15 + O(x**6)
    assert coth(x).nseries(x, n=6) == \
        1/x - x**3/45 + x/3 + 2*x**5/945 + O(x**6)
    assert asinh(x).nseries(x, n=6) == x - x**3/6 + 3*x**5/40 + O(x**6)
    assert acosh(x).nseries(x, n=6) == \
        pi*I/2 - I*x - 3*I*x**5/40 - I*x**3/6 + O(x**6)
    assert atanh(x).nseries(x, n=6) == x + x**3/3 + x**5/5 + O(x**6)
    assert acoth(x).nseries(x, n=6) == x + x**3/3 + x**5/5 + pi*I/2 + O(x**6)
Beispiel #14
def test_numpy_numexpr():
    if not numpy:
        skip("numpy not installed.")
    if not numexpr:
        skip("numexpr not installed.")
    a, b, c = numpy.random.randn(3, 128, 128)
    # ensure that numpy and numexpr return same value for complicated expression
    expr = sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z)**2 + Abs(z-y)*acos(sin(y*z)) + \
           Abs(y-z)*acosh(2+exp(y-x))- sqrt(x**2+I*y**2)
    npfunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numpy')
    nefunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(npfunc(a, b, c), nefunc(a, b, c))
Beispiel #15
def test_derivs():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert coth(x).diff(x) == -sinh(x)**(-2)
    assert sinh(x).diff(x) == cosh(x)
    assert cosh(x).diff(x) == sinh(x)
    assert tanh(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)**2 + 1
    assert csch(x).diff(x) == -coth(x)*csch(x)
    assert sech(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)*sech(x)
    assert acoth(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
    assert asinh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 + 1)
    assert acosh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 - 1)
    assert atanh(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
Beispiel #16
def test_issue_1304():
    z = Symbol('z', positive=True)
    assert integrate(
        sqrt(x**2 + z**2),
        x) == z**2 * asinh(x / z) / 2 + x * (x**2 + z**2)**(S(1) / 2) / 2
    assert integrate(
        sqrt(x**2 - z**2),
        x) == -z**2 * acosh(x / z) / 2 + x * (x**2 - z**2)**(S(1) / 2) / 2
    assert integrate(
        sqrt(-x**2 - 4),
        x) == -2 * atan(x / (-4 - x**2)**
                        (S(1) / 2)) + x * (-4 - x**2)**(S(1) / 2) / 2
Beispiel #17
def test_simplifications():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sinh(asinh(x)) == x
    assert sinh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)
    assert sinh(atanh(x)) == x / sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert sinh(acoth(x)) == 1 / (sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))

    assert cosh(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert cosh(acosh(x)) == x
    assert cosh(atanh(x)) == 1 / sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert cosh(acoth(x)) == x / (sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))

    assert tanh(asinh(x)) == x / sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert tanh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1) / x
    assert tanh(atanh(x)) == x
    assert tanh(acoth(x)) == 1 / x

    assert coth(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x**2) / x
    assert coth(acosh(x)) == x / (sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))
    assert coth(atanh(x)) == 1 / x
    assert coth(acoth(x)) == x
Beispiel #18
def test_leading_term():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert cosh(x).as_leading_term(x) == 1
    assert coth(x).as_leading_term(x) == 1/x
    assert acosh(x).as_leading_term(x) == I*pi/2
    assert acoth(x).as_leading_term(x) == I*pi/2
    for func in [sinh, tanh, asinh, atanh]:
        assert func(x).as_leading_term(x) == x
    for func in [sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth]:
        for arg in (1/x, S.Half):
            eq = func(arg)
            assert eq.as_leading_term(x) == eq
Beispiel #19
def test_numpy_numexpr():
    if not numpy:
        skip("numpy not installed.")
    if not numexpr:
        skip("numexpr not installed.")
    a, b, c = numpy.random.randn(3, 128, 128)
    # ensure that numpy and numexpr return same value for complicated expression
    expr = sin(x) + cos(y) + tan(z)**2 + Abs(z-y)*acos(sin(y*z)) + \
           Abs(y-z)*acosh(2+exp(y-x))- sqrt(x**2+I*y**2)
    npfunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numpy')
    nefunc = lambdify((x, y, z), expr, modules='numexpr')
    assert numpy.allclose(npfunc(a, b, c), nefunc(a, b, c))
Beispiel #20
def test_leading_term():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert cosh(x).as_leading_term(x) == 1
    assert coth(x).as_leading_term(x) == 1 / x
    assert acosh(x).as_leading_term(x) == I * pi / 2
    assert acoth(x).as_leading_term(x) == I * pi / 2
    for func in [sinh, tanh, asinh, atanh]:
        assert func(x).as_leading_term(x) == x
    for func in [sinh, cosh, tanh, coth, asinh, acosh, atanh, acoth]:
        for arg in (1 / x, S.Half):
            eq = func(arg)
            assert eq.as_leading_term(x) == eq
Beispiel #21
def test_simplifications():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert sinh(asinh(x)) == x
    assert sinh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)
    assert sinh(atanh(x)) == x/sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert sinh(acoth(x)) == 1/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))

    assert cosh(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert cosh(acosh(x)) == x
    assert cosh(atanh(x)) == 1/sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert cosh(acoth(x)) == x/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))

    assert tanh(asinh(x)) == x/sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert tanh(acosh(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1) / x
    assert tanh(atanh(x)) == x
    assert tanh(acoth(x)) == 1/x

    assert coth(asinh(x)) == sqrt(1 + x**2)/x
    assert coth(acosh(x)) == x/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))
    assert coth(atanh(x)) == 1/x
    assert coth(acoth(x)) == x

    assert csch(asinh(x)) == 1/x
    assert csch(acosh(x)) == 1/(sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))
    assert csch(atanh(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2)/x
    assert csch(acoth(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)

    assert sech(asinh(x)) == 1/sqrt(1 + x**2)
    assert sech(acosh(x)) == 1/x
    assert sech(atanh(x)) == sqrt(1 - x**2)
    assert sech(acoth(x)) == sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1)/x
Beispiel #22
def test_issue_4403():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    z = Symbol('z', positive=True)
    assert integrate(sqrt(x**2 + z**2), x) == \
        z**2*asinh(x/z)/2 + x*sqrt(x**2 + z**2)/2
    assert integrate(sqrt(x**2 - z**2), x) == \
        -z**2*acosh(x/z)/2 + x*sqrt(x**2 - z**2)/2

    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', nonzero=True, real=True)
    assert integrate(1/(x**2 + y**2)**S('3/2'), x) == \
        1/(y**2*sqrt(1 + y**2/x**2))
Beispiel #23
def test_issue_4403():
    x = Symbol('x')
    y = Symbol('y')
    z = Symbol('z', positive=True)
    assert integrate(sqrt(x**2 + z**2), x) == \
        z**2*asinh(x/z)/2 + x*sqrt(x**2 + z**2)/2
    assert integrate(sqrt(x**2 - z**2), x) == \
        -z**2*acosh(x/z)/2 + x*sqrt(x**2 - z**2)/2

    x = Symbol('x', real=True)
    y = Symbol('y', positive=True)
    assert integrate(1/(x**2 + y**2)**S('3/2'), x) == \
        x/(y**2*sqrt(x**2 + y**2))
Beispiel #24
def test_fps__hyper():
    f = sin(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x - x ** 3 / 6 + x ** 5 / 120 + O(x ** 6)

    f = cos(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == 1 - x ** 2 / 2 + x ** 4 / 24 + O(x ** 6)

    f = exp(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == 1 + x + x ** 2 / 2 + x ** 3 / 6 + x ** 4 / 24 + x ** 5 / 120 + O(x ** 6)

    f = atan(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x - x ** 3 / 3 + x ** 5 / 5 + O(x ** 6)

    f = exp(acos(x))
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == (
        exp(pi / 2)
        - x * exp(pi / 2)
        + x ** 2 * exp(pi / 2) / 2
        - x ** 3 * exp(pi / 2) / 3
        + 5 * x ** 4 * exp(pi / 2) / 24
        - x ** 5 * exp(pi / 2) / 6
        + O(x ** 6)

    f = exp(acosh(x))
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == I + x - I * x ** 2 / 2 - I * x ** 4 / 8 + O(x ** 6)

    f = atan(1 / x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == pi / 2 - x + x ** 3 / 3 - x ** 5 / 5 + O(x ** 6)

    f = x * atan(x) - log(1 + x ** 2) / 2
    assert fps(f, x, rational=False).truncate() == x ** 2 / 2 - x ** 4 / 12 + O(x ** 6)

    f = log(1 + x)
    assert fps(f, x, rational=False).truncate() == x - x ** 2 / 2 + x ** 3 / 3 - x ** 4 / 4 + x ** 5 / 5 + O(x ** 6)

    f = airyai(x ** 2)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == (
        3 ** Rational(5, 6) * gamma(Rational(1, 3)) / (6 * pi)
        - 3 ** Rational(2, 3) * x ** 2 / (3 * gamma(Rational(1, 3)))
        + O(x ** 6)

    f = exp(x) * sin(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x + x ** 2 + x ** 3 / 3 - x ** 5 / 30 + O(x ** 6)

    f = exp(x) * sin(x) / x
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == 1 + x + x ** 2 / 3 - x ** 4 / 30 - x ** 5 / 90 + O(x ** 6)

    f = sin(x) * cos(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x - 2 * x ** 3 / 3 + 2 * x ** 5 / 15 + O(x ** 6)
Beispiel #25
def test_fps__hyper():
    f = sin(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x - x**3 / 6 + x**5 / 120 + O(x**6)

    f = cos(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == 1 - x**2 / 2 + x**4 / 24 + O(x**6)

    f = exp(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate(
    ) == 1 + x + x**2 / 2 + x**3 / 6 + x**4 / 24 + x**5 / 120 + O(x**6)

    f = atan(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x - x**3 / 3 + x**5 / 5 + O(x**6)

    f = exp(acos(x))
    assert fps(
        f, x).truncate() == (exp(pi / 2) - x * exp(pi / 2) +
                             x**2 * exp(pi / 2) / 2 - x**3 * exp(pi / 2) / 3 +
                             5 * x**4 * exp(pi / 2) / 24 -
                             x**5 * exp(pi / 2) / 6 + O(x**6))

    f = exp(acosh(x))
    assert fps(f,
               x).truncate() == I + x - I * x**2 / 2 - I * x**4 / 8 + O(x**6)

    f = atan(1 / x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == pi / 2 - x + x**3 / 3 - x**5 / 5 + O(x**6)

    f = x * atan(x) - log(1 + x**2) / 2
    assert fps(f, x,
               rational=False).truncate() == x**2 / 2 - x**4 / 12 + O(x**6)

    f = log(1 + x)
    assert fps(f, x, rational=False).truncate(
    ) == x - x**2 / 2 + x**3 / 3 - x**4 / 4 + x**5 / 5 + O(x**6)

    f = airyai(x**2)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == (3**Rational(5, 6) * gamma(Rational(1, 3)) /
                                    (6 * pi) - 3**Rational(2, 3) * x**2 /
                                    (3 * gamma(Rational(1, 3))) + O(x**6))

    f = exp(x) * sin(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x + x**2 + x**3 / 3 - x**5 / 30 + O(x**6)

    f = exp(x) * sin(x) / x
    assert fps(
        f, x).truncate() == 1 + x + x**2 / 3 - x**4 / 30 - x**5 / 90 + O(x**6)

    f = sin(x) * cos(x)
    assert fps(f, x).truncate() == x - 2 * x**3 / 3 + 2 * x**5 / 15 + O(x**6)
Beispiel #26
def test_derivs():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert coth(x).diff(x) == -sinh(x)**(-2)
    assert sinh(x).diff(x) == cosh(x)
    assert cosh(x).diff(x) == sinh(x)
    assert tanh(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)**2 + 1
    assert csch(x).diff(x) == -coth(x)*csch(x)
    assert sech(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x)*sech(x)
    assert acoth(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
    assert asinh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 + 1)
    assert acosh(x).diff(x) == 1/sqrt(x**2 - 1)
    assert atanh(x).diff(x) == 1/(-x**2 + 1)
    assert asech(x).diff(x) == -1/(x*sqrt(1 - x**2))
    assert acsch(x).diff(x) == -1/(x**2*sqrt(1 + x**(-2)))
Beispiel #27
def test_derivs():
    x = Symbol("x")
    assert coth(x).diff(x) == -sinh(x) ** (-2)
    assert sinh(x).diff(x) == cosh(x)
    assert cosh(x).diff(x) == sinh(x)
    assert tanh(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x) ** 2 + 1
    assert csch(x).diff(x) == -coth(x) * csch(x)
    assert sech(x).diff(x) == -tanh(x) * sech(x)
    assert acoth(x).diff(x) == 1 / (-(x ** 2) + 1)
    assert asinh(x).diff(x) == 1 / sqrt(x ** 2 + 1)
    assert acosh(x).diff(x) == 1 / sqrt(x ** 2 - 1)
    assert atanh(x).diff(x) == 1 / (-(x ** 2) + 1)
    assert asech(x).diff(x) == -1 / (x * sqrt(1 - x ** 2))
    assert acsch(x).diff(x) == -1 / (x ** 2 * sqrt(1 + x ** (-2)))
Beispiel #28
def solve_cubic(a, b, c, d):
    """ Return possible roots of ax³+bx²+cx=d
        a, b, c, d are SymPy symbols (assuming real numbers) """
    from sympy import sympify, simplify
    from sympy import sqrt, sin, asin, sinh, asinh, cosh, acosh, pi
    a, b, c, d = sympify(a), sympify(b), sympify(c), sympify(d)
    b, c, d = b / a, c / a, d / a
    # shift the cubic function so it becomes x³+px+q
    f = -b / 3
    p = 3 * f**2 + 2 * b * f + c
    q = f**3 + b * f**2 + c * f + d
    # different cases when the sign of p is different
    u = simplify(2 * sqrt(-p / 3))
    mq = simplify((4 / u**3) * q)
    v = simplify(2 * sqrt(p / 3))
    nq = simplify((4 / v**3) * q)
    # three roots
    r1 = [u * sin(asin(mq) / 3) + f, -v * sinh(asinh(nq) / 3) + f]
    r2 = [u * sin((asin(mq) - 2 * pi) / 3) + f, -u * cosh(acosh(mq) / 3) + f]
    r3 = [u * sin((asin(mq) + 2 * pi) / 3) + f, u * cosh(-acosh(-mq) / 3) + f]
    # return roots
    return [r1, r2, r3]
    # deprived because SymPy isn't quite smart in doing this
    return [[simplify(r[0]), simplify(r[1])] for r in [r1, r2, r3]]
Beispiel #29
def test_conv12():
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    assert sinh(x/3) == sinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cosh(x/3) == cosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert tanh(x/3) == tanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert coth(x/3) == coth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asinh(x/3) == asinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acosh(x/3) == acosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert atanh(x/3) == atanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acoth(x/3) == acoth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)

    assert sinh(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.sinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cosh(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.cosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert tanh(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.tanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert coth(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.coth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asinh(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.asinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acosh(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.acosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert atanh(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.atanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acoth(x/3)._sympy_() == sympy.acoth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
Beispiel #30
def test_conv12():
    x = Symbol("x")
    y = Symbol("y")
    assert sinh(x / 3) == sinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cosh(x / 3) == cosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert tanh(x / 3) == tanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert coth(x / 3) == coth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asinh(x / 3) == asinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acosh(x / 3) == acosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert atanh(x / 3) == atanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acoth(x / 3) == acoth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)

    assert sinh(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.sinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert cosh(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.cosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert tanh(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.tanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert coth(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.coth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert asinh(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.asinh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acosh(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.acosh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert atanh(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.atanh(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
    assert acoth(x / 3)._sympy_() == sympy.acoth(sympy.Symbol("x") / 3)
Beispiel #31
def test_bng_printer():
    # Constants
    assert _bng_print(sympy.pi) == '_pi'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.E) == '_e'

    x, y = sympy.symbols('x y')

    # Binary functions
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sympify('x & y')) == 'x && y'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sympify('x | y')) == 'x || y'

    # Trig functions
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sin(x)) == 'sin(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.cos(x)) == 'cos(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.tan(x)) == 'tan(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.asin(x)) == 'asin(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.acos(x)) == 'acos(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.atan(x)) == 'atan(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sinh(x)) == 'sinh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.cosh(x)) == 'cosh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.tanh(x)) == 'tanh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.asinh(x)) == 'asinh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.acosh(x)) == 'acosh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.atanh(x)) == 'atanh(x)'

    # Logs and powers
    assert _bng_print(sympy.log(x)) == 'ln(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.exp(x)) == 'exp(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sqrt(x)) == 'sqrt(x)'

    # Rounding
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Abs(x)) == 'abs(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.floor(x)) == 'rint(x - 0.5)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.ceiling(x)) == '(rint(x + 1) - 1)'

    # Min/max
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Min(x, y)) == 'min(x, y)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Max(x, y)) == 'max(x, y)'
Beispiel #32
def test_bng_printer():
    # Constants
    assert _bng_print(sympy.pi) == '_pi'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.E) == '_e'

    x, y = sympy.symbols('x y')

    # Binary functions
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sympify('x & y')) == 'x && y'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sympify('x | y')) == 'x || y'

    # Trig functions
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sin(x)) == 'sin(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.cos(x)) == 'cos(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.tan(x)) == 'tan(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.asin(x)) == 'asin(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.acos(x)) == 'acos(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.atan(x)) == 'atan(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sinh(x)) == 'sinh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.cosh(x)) == 'cosh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.tanh(x)) == 'tanh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.asinh(x)) == 'asinh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.acosh(x)) == 'acosh(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.atanh(x)) == 'atanh(x)'

    # Logs and powers
    assert _bng_print(sympy.log(x)) == 'ln(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.exp(x)) == 'exp(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.sqrt(x)) == 'sqrt(x)'

    # Rounding
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Abs(x)) == 'abs(x)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.floor(x)) == 'rint(x - 0.5)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.ceiling(x)) == '(rint(x + 1) - 1)'

    # Min/max
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Min(x, y)) == 'min(x, y)'
    assert _bng_print(sympy.Max(x, y)) == 'max(x, y)'
Beispiel #33
def test_mathml_trig():
    mml = mp._print(sin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'sin'

    mml = mp._print(cos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'cos'

    mml = mp._print(tan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'tan'

    mml = mp._print(asin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arcsin'

    mml = mp._print(acos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arccos'

    mml = mp._print(atan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arctan'

    mml = mp._print(sinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'sinh'

    mml = mp._print(cosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'cosh'

    mml = mp._print(tanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'tanh'

    mml = mp._print(asinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arcsinh'

    mml = mp._print(atanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arctanh'

    mml = mp._print(acosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arccosh'
Beispiel #34
def test_mathml_trig():
    mml = mp._print(sin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'sin'

    mml = mp._print(cos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'cos'

    mml = mp._print(tan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'tan'

    mml = mp._print(asin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arcsin'

    mml = mp._print(acos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arccos'

    mml = mp._print(atan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arctan'

    mml = mp._print(sinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'sinh'

    mml = mp._print(cosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'cosh'

    mml = mp._print(tanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'tanh'

    mml = mp._print(asinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arcsinh'

    mml = mp._print(atanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arctanh'

    mml = mp._print(acosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'arccosh'
Beispiel #35
def test_presentation_mathml_trig():
    mml = mpp._print(sin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'sin'

    mml = mpp._print(cos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'cos'

    mml = mpp._print(tan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'tan'

    mml = mpp._print(asin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arcsin'

    mml = mpp._print(acos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arccos'

    mml = mpp._print(atan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arctan'

    mml = mpp._print(sinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'sinh'

    mml = mpp._print(cosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'cosh'

    mml = mpp._print(tanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'tanh'

    mml = mpp._print(asinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arcsinh'

    mml = mpp._print(atanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arctanh'

    mml = mpp._print(acosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arccosh'
Beispiel #36
def test_presentation_mathml_trig():
    mml = mpp._print(sin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'sin'

    mml = mpp._print(cos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'cos'

    mml = mpp._print(tan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'tan'

    mml = mpp._print(asin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arcsin'

    mml = mpp._print(acos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arccos'

    mml = mpp._print(atan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arctan'

    mml = mpp._print(sinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'sinh'

    mml = mpp._print(cosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'cosh'

    mml = mpp._print(tanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'tanh'

    mml = mpp._print(asinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arcsinh'

    mml = mpp._print(atanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arctanh'

    mml = mpp._print(acosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'arccosh'
Beispiel #37
def test_mathml_trig():
    mml = mp._print(sin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "sin"

    mml = mp._print(cos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "cos"

    mml = mp._print(tan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "tan"

    mml = mp._print(asin(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "arcsin"

    mml = mp._print(acos(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "arccos"

    mml = mp._print(atan(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "arctan"

    mml = mp._print(sinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "sinh"

    mml = mp._print(cosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "cosh"

    mml = mp._print(tanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "tanh"

    mml = mp._print(asinh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "arcsinh"

    mml = mp._print(atanh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "arctanh"

    mml = mp._print(acosh(x))
    assert mml.childNodes[0].nodeName == "arccosh"
Beispiel #38
def test_issue_4492():
    assert simplify(integrate(x**2 * sqrt(5 - x**2), x)) == Piecewise(
        (I*(2*x**5 - 15*x**3 + 25*x - 25*sqrt(x**2 - 5)*acosh(sqrt(5)*x/5)) /
            (8*sqrt(x**2 - 5)), 1 < Abs(x**2)/5),
        ((-2*x**5 + 15*x**3 - 25*x + 25*sqrt(-x**2 + 5)*asin(sqrt(5)*x/5)) /
            (8*sqrt(-x**2 + 5)), True))
Beispiel #39
def test_issue_1304():
    z = Symbol('z', positive=True)
    assert integrate(sqrt(x**2 + z**2), x) == \
        z**2*asinh(x/z)/2 + x*sqrt(x**2 + z**2)/2
    assert integrate(sqrt(x**2 - z**2), x) == \
        -z**2*acosh(x/z)/2 + x*sqrt(x**2 - z**2)/2
Beispiel #40
def test_acosh_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert acosh(x).rewrite(log) == log(x + sqrt(x - 1) * sqrt(x + 1))
Beispiel #41
def test_issue_4492():
    assert simplify(integrate(x**2 * sqrt(5 - x**2), x)) == Piecewise(
        (I*(2*x**5 - 15*x**3 + 25*x - 25*sqrt(x**2 - 5)*acosh(sqrt(5)*x/5)) /
            (8*sqrt(x**2 - 5)), 1 < Abs(x**2)/5),
        ((-2*x**5 + 15*x**3 - 25*x + 25*sqrt(-x**2 + 5)*asin(sqrt(5)*x/5)) /
            (8*sqrt(-x**2 + 5)), True))
Beispiel #42
def test_issue_5112_5430():
    assert homogeneous_order(-log(x) + acosh(x), x) is None
    assert homogeneous_order(y - log(x), x, y) is None
Beispiel #43
def test_acosh_noimpl():
    assert acosh(I) == log(I * (1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh(-I) == log(-I * (1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh((sqrt(3) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 5 * pi * I / 12
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(3) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 7 * pi * I / 12
    assert acosh(sqrt(2) / 2) == I * pi / 4
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2) / 2) == 3 * I * pi / 4
    assert acosh(sqrt(3) / 2) == I * pi / 6
    assert acosh(-sqrt(3) / 2) == 5 * I * pi / 6
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) == I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) == 7 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2) == 3 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2) == 5 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh((1 + sqrt(3)) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == I * pi / 12
    assert acosh(-(1 + sqrt(3)) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 11 * I * pi / 12
    assert acosh((sqrt(5) + 1) / 4) == I * pi / 5
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(5) + 1) / 4) == 4 * I * pi / 5
Beispiel #44
def test_acosh_rewrite():
    x = Symbol('x')
    assert acosh(x).rewrite(log) == log(x + sqrt(x - 1)*sqrt(x + 1))
Beispiel #45
class TestAllGood(object):
    # These latex strings should parse to the corresponding SymPy expression
    GOOD_PAIRS = [
        ("0", Rational(0)),
        ("1", Rational(1)),
        ("-3.14", Rational(-314, 100)),
        ("5-3", _Add(5, _Mul(-1, 3))),
        ("(-7.13)(1.5)", _Mul(Rational('-7.13'), Rational('1.5'))),
        ("\\left(-7.13\\right)\\left(1.5\\right)", _Mul(Rational('-7.13'), Rational('1.5'))),
        ("x", x),
        ("2x", 2 * x),
        ("x^2", x**2),
        ("x^{3 + 1}", x**_Add(3, 1)),
        ("x^{\\left\\{3 + 1\\right\\}}", x**_Add(3, 1)),
        ("-3y + 2x", _Add(_Mul(2, x), Mul(-1, 3, y, evaluate=False))),
        ("-c", -c),
        ("a \\cdot b", a * b),
        ("a / b", a / b),
        ("a \\div b", a / b),
        ("a + b", a + b),
        ("a + b - a", Add(a, b, _Mul(-1, a), evaluate=False)),
        ("a^2 + b^2 = c^2", Eq(a**2 + b**2, c**2)),
        ("a^2 + b^2 != 2c^2", Ne(a**2 + b**2, 2 * c**2)),
        ("a\\mod b", Mod(a, b)),
        ("\\sin \\theta", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin(\\theta)", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin\\left(\\theta\\right)", sin(theta)),
        ("\\sin^{-1} a", asin(a)),
        ("\\sin a \\cos b", _Mul(sin(a), cos(b))),
        ("\\sin \\cos \\theta", sin(cos(theta))),
        ("\\sin(\\cos \\theta)", sin(cos(theta))),
        ("\\arcsin(a)", asin(a)),
        ("\\arccos(a)", acos(a)),
        ("\\arctan(a)", atan(a)),
        ("\\sinh(a)", sinh(a)),
        ("\\cosh(a)", cosh(a)),
        ("\\tanh(a)", tanh(a)),
        ("\\sinh^{-1}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\cosh^{-1}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\tanh^{-1}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\arcsinh(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\arccosh(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\arctanh(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\arsinh(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\arcosh(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\artanh(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arcsinh}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arccosh}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arctanh}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arsinh}(a)", asinh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{arcosh}(a)", acosh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{artanh}(a)", atanh(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{gcd}(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{lcm}(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{gcd}(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{lcm}(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\operatorname{floor}(a)", floor(a)),
        ("\\operatorname{ceil}(b)", ceiling(b)),
        ("\\cos^2(x)", cos(x)**2),
        ("\\cos(x)^2", cos(x)**2),
        ("\\gcd(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\lcm(a, b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\gcd(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(gcd(a, b))),
        ("\\lcm(a,b)", UnevaluatedExpr(lcm(a, b))),
        ("\\floor(a)", floor(a)),
        ("\\ceil(b)", ceiling(b)),
        ("\\max(a, b)", Max(a, b)),
        ("\\min(a, b)", Min(a, b)),
        ("\\frac{a}{b}", a / b),
        ("\\frac{a + b}{c}", _Mul(a + b, _Pow(c, -1))),
        ("\\frac{7}{3}", Rational(7, 3)),
        ("(\\csc x)(\\sec y)", csc(x) * sec(y)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\rightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\Rightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\longrightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\Longrightarrow 3} a", Limit(a, x, 3)),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3^{+}} a", Limit(a, x, 3, dir='+')),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to 3^{-}} a", Limit(a, x, 3, dir='-')),
        ("\\infty", oo),
        ("\\infty\\%", oo),
        ("\\$\\infty", oo),
        ("-\\infty", -oo),
        ("-\\infty\\%", -oo),
        ("-\\$\\infty", -oo),
        ("\\lim_{x \\to \\infty} \\frac{1}{x}", Limit(_Mul(1, _Pow(x, -1)), x, oo)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dx} x", Derivative(x, x)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dt} x", Derivative(x, t)),
        # ("f(x)", f(x)),
        # ("f(x, y)", f(x, y)),
        # ("f(x, y, z)", f(x, y, z)),
        # ("\\frac{d f(x)}{dx}", Derivative(f(x), x)),
        # ("\\frac{d\\theta(x)}{dx}", Derivative(theta(x), x)),
        ("|x|", _Abs(x)),
        ("\\left|x\\right|", _Abs(x)),
        ("||x||", _Abs(_Abs(x))),
        ("|x||y|", _Abs(x) * _Abs(y)),
        ("||x||y||", _Abs(_Abs(x) * _Abs(y))),
        ("\\lfloor x\\rfloor", floor(x)),
        ("\\lceil y\\rceil", ceiling(y)),
        ("\\pi^{|xy|}", pi**_Abs(x * y)),
        ("\\frac{\\pi}{3}", _Mul(pi, _Pow(3, -1))),
        ("\\sin{\\frac{\\pi}{2}}", sin(_Mul(pi, _Pow(2, -1)), evaluate=False)),
        ("a+bI", a + I * b),
        ("e^{I\\pi}", Integer(-1)),
        ("\\int x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int x d\\theta", Integral(x, theta)),
        ("\\int (x^2 - y)dx", Integral(x**2 - y, x)),
        ("\\int x + a dx", Integral(_Add(x, a), x)),
        ("\\int da", Integral(1, a)),
        ("\\int_0^7 dx", Integral(1, (x, 0, 7))),
        ("\\int_a^b x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int^b_a x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{a}^b x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int^{b}_a x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{a}^{b} x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        ("\\int_{  }^{}x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int^{  }_{ }x dx", Integral(x, x)),
        ("\\int^{b}_{a} x dx", Integral(x, (x, a, b))),
        # ("\\int_{f(a)}^{f(b)} f(z) dz", Integral(f(z), (z, f(a), f(b)))),
        ("\\int (x+a)", Integral(_Add(x, a), x)),
        ("\\int a + b + c dx", Integral(Add(a, b, c, evaluate=False), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{dz}{z}", Integral(Pow(z, -1), z)),
        ("\\int \\frac{3 dz}{z}", Integral(3 * Pow(z, -1), z)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{x} dx", Integral(Pow(x, -1), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{a} + \\frac{1}{b} dx", Integral(_Add(_Pow(a, -1), Pow(b, -1)), x)),
        ("\\int \\frac{3 \\cdot d\\theta}{\\theta}", Integral(3 * _Pow(theta, -1), theta)),
        ("\\int \\frac{1}{x} + 1 dx", Integral(_Add(_Pow(x, -1), 1), x)),
        ("x_0", Symbol('x_0', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("x_{1}", Symbol('x_1', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("x_a", Symbol('x_a', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("x_{b}", Symbol('x_b', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("h_\\theta", Symbol('h_{\\theta}', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("h_\\theta ", Symbol('h_{\\theta}', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("h_{\\theta}", Symbol('h_{\\theta}', real=True, positive=True)),
        # ("h_{\\theta}(x_0, x_1)", Symbol('h_{theta}', real=True)(Symbol('x_{0}', real=True), Symbol('x_{1}', real=True))),
        ("x!", _factorial(x)),
        ("100!", _factorial(100)),
        ("\\theta!", _factorial(theta)),
        ("(x + 1)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
        ("\\left(x + 1\\right)!", _factorial(_Add(x, 1))),
        ("(x!)!", _factorial(_factorial(x))),
        ("x!!!", _factorial(_factorial(_factorial(x)))),
        ("5!7!", _Mul(_factorial(5), _factorial(7))),
        ("\\sqrt{x}", sqrt(x)),
        ("\\sqrt{x + b}", sqrt(_Add(x, b))),
        ("\\sqrt[3]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), 3)),
        ("\\sqrt[y]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), y)),
        ("\\sqrt[\\theta]{\\sin x}", root(sin(x), theta)),
        ("x < y", StrictLessThan(x, y)),
        ("x \\leq y", LessThan(x, y)),
        ("x > y", StrictGreaterThan(x, y)),
        ("x \\geq y", GreaterThan(x, y)),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{3} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^3 c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum^{3}_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum^3_{k = 1} c", Sum(c, (k, 1, 3))),
        ("\\sum_{k = 1}^{10} k^2", Sum(k**2, (k, 1, 10))),
        ("\\sum_{n = 0}^{\\infty} \\frac{1}{n!}", Sum(_Pow(_factorial(n), -1), (n, 0, oo))),
        ("\\prod_{a = b}^{c} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod_{a = b}^c x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod^{c}_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\prod^c_{a = b} x", Product(x, (a, b, c))),
        ("\\ln x", _log(x, E)),
        ("\\ln xy", _log(x * y, E)),
        ("\\log x", _log(x, 10)),
        ("\\log xy", _log(x * y, 10)),
        # ("\\log_2 x", _log(x, 2)),
        ("\\log_{2} x", _log(x, 2)),
        # ("\\log_a x", _log(x, a)),
        ("\\log_{a} x", _log(x, a)),
        ("\\log_{11} x", _log(x, 11)),
        ("\\log_{a^2} x", _log(x, _Pow(a, 2))),
        ("[x]", x),
        ("[a + b]", _Add(a, b)),
        ("\\frac{d}{dx} [ \\tan x ]", Derivative(tan(x), x)),
        ("2\\overline{x}", 2 * Symbol('xbar', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("2\\overline{x}_n", 2 * Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("\\frac{x}{\\overline{x}_n}", x / Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("\\frac{\\sin(x)}{\\overline{x}_n}", sin(x) / Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("2\\bar{x}", 2 * Symbol('xbar', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("2\\bar{x}_n", 2 * Symbol('xbar_n', real=True, positive=True)),
        ("\\sin\\left(\\theta\\right) \\cdot4", sin(theta) * 4),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\theta\\right)", _log(theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(x-\\theta\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left(x-\\theta\\right)\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left[x-\\theta\\right]\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left\\{x-\\theta\\right\\}\\right)", _log(x - theta, E)),
        ("\\ln\\left(\\left|x-\\theta\\right|\\right)", _log(_Abs(x - theta), E)),
        ("\\frac{1}{2}xy(x+y)", Mul(Rational(1, 2), x, y, (x + y), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\frac{1}{2}\\theta(x+y)", Mul(Rational(1, 2), theta, (x + y), evaluate=False)),
        ("1-f(x)", 1 - f * x),

        ("\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),
        ("\\begin{matrix}x&x^2\\\\\\sqrt{x}&x\\end{matrix}", Matrix([[x, x**2], [_Pow(x, S.Half), x]])),
        ("\\begin{matrix}\\sqrt{x}\\\\\\sin(\\theta)\\end{matrix}", Matrix([_Pow(x, S.Half), sin(theta)])),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{pmatrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),
        ("\\begin{bmatrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{bmatrix}", Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])),

        # scientific notation
        ("2.5\\times 10^2", Rational(250)),
        ("1,500\\times 10^{-1}", Rational(150)),

        # e notation
        ("2.5E2", Rational(250)),
        ("1,500E-1", Rational(150)),

        # multiplication without cmd
        ("2x2y", Mul(2, x, 2, y, evaluate=False)),
        ("2x2", Mul(2, x, 2, evaluate=False)),
        ("x2", x * 2),

        # lin alg processing
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1\\\\3\\end{matrix} - \\begin{matrix}-1\\\\2\\end{matrix}", MatAdd(MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1], [3]]), evaluate=False), MatMul(-1, Matrix([[-1], [2]]), evaluate=False), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&0\\\\0&1\\end{matrix}*\\begin{matrix}3\\\\-2\\end{matrix}", MatMul(theta, Matrix([[1, 0], [0, 1]]), Matrix([3, -2]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\frac{1}{9}\\theta\\begin{matrix}1&2\\\\3&4\\end{matrix}", MatMul(Rational(1, 9), theta, Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]]), evaluate=False)),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix};\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}4\\\\3\\\\1\\end{pmatrix},\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\1\\\\1\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", [Matrix([1, 2, 3]), Matrix([4, 3, 1]), Matrix([1, 1, 1])]),
        ("\\left\\{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}\\right\\}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),
        ("\\left{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}\\right}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),
        ("{\\begin{pmatrix}1\\\\2\\\\3\\end{pmatrix}}", Matrix([1, 2, 3])),

        # us dollars
        ("\\$1,000.00", Rational(1000)),
        ("\\$543.21", Rational(54321, 100)),
        ("\\$0.009", Rational(9, 1000)),

        # percentages
        ("100\\%", Rational(1)),
        ("1.5\\%", Rational(15, 1000)),
        ("0.05\\%", Rational(5, 10000)),

        # empty set
        ("\\emptyset", S.EmptySet),

        # divide by zero
        ("\\frac{1}{0}", _Pow(0, -1)),
        ("1+\\frac{5}{0}", _Add(1, _Mul(5, _Pow(0, -1)))),

        # adjacent single char sub sup
        ("4^26^2", _Mul(_Pow(4, 2), _Pow(6, 2))),
        ("x_22^2", _Mul(Symbol('x_2', real=True, positive=True), _Pow(2, 2)))

    def test_good_pair(self, s, eq):
        assert_equal(s, eq)
Beispiel #46
def test_manualintegrate_inversetrig():
    # atan
    assert manualintegrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)), x) == atan(exp(x))
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + 9 * x**2), x) == atan(3 * x / 2) / 6
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (16 + 16 * x**2), x) == atan(x) / 16
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + x**2), x) == atan(x / 2) / 2
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (1 + 4 * x**2), x) == atan(2 * x) / 2
    ra = Symbol('a', real=True)
    rb = Symbol('b', real=True)
    assert manualintegrate(1/(ra + rb*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((atan(x/sqrt(ra/rb))/(rb*sqrt(ra/rb)), ra/rb > 0),
                  (-acoth(x/sqrt(-ra/rb))/(rb*sqrt(-ra/rb)), And(ra/rb < 0, x**2 > -ra/rb)),
                  (-atanh(x/sqrt(-ra/rb))/(rb*sqrt(-ra/rb)), And(ra/rb < 0, x**2 < -ra/rb)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/(4 + rb*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((atan(x/(2*sqrt(1/rb)))/(2*rb*sqrt(1/rb)), 4/rb > 0),
                  (-acoth(x/(2*sqrt(-1/rb)))/(2*rb*sqrt(-1/rb)), And(4/rb < 0, x**2 > -4/rb)),
                  (-atanh(x/(2*sqrt(-1/rb)))/(2*rb*sqrt(-1/rb)), And(4/rb < 0, x**2 < -4/rb)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/(ra + 4*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((atan(2*x/sqrt(ra))/(2*sqrt(ra)), ra/4 > 0),
                  (-acoth(2*x/sqrt(-ra))/(2*sqrt(-ra)), And(ra/4 < 0, x**2 > -ra/4)),
                  (-atanh(2*x/sqrt(-ra))/(2*sqrt(-ra)), And(ra/4 < 0, x**2 < -ra/4)))
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + 4 * x**2), x) == atan(x) / 4

    assert manualintegrate(1 / (a + b * x**2),
                           x) == atan(x / sqrt(a / b)) / (b * sqrt(a / b))

    # asin
    assert manualintegrate(1 / sqrt(1 - x**2), x) == asin(x)
    assert manualintegrate(1 / sqrt(4 - 4 * x**2), x) == asin(x) / 2
    assert manualintegrate(3 / sqrt(1 - 9 * x**2), x) == asin(3 * x)
    assert manualintegrate(1 / sqrt(4 - 9 * x**2),
                           x) == asin(x * Rational(3, 2)) / 3

    # asinh
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 + 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 + 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 + 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 + 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a*x**2 + 1), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(-1/a)*asin(x*sqrt(-a)), a < 0), (sqrt(1/a)*asinh(sqrt(a)*x), a > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a + x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((asinh(x*sqrt(1/a)), a > 0), (acosh(x*sqrt(-1/a)), a < 0))

    # acosh
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 - 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 - 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 - 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(9*x**2 - 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a*x**2 - 4), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(1/a)*acosh(sqrt(a)*x/2), a > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(-a + 4*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((asinh(2*x*sqrt(-1/a))/2, -a > 0), (acosh(2*x*sqrt(1/a))/2, -a < 0))

    # piecewise
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a-b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(a/b)*asin(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(a), And(-b < 0, a > 0)),
                  (sqrt(-a/b)*asinh(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(a), And(-b > 0, a > 0)),
                  (sqrt(a/b)*acosh(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(-a), And(-b > 0, a < 0)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a + b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(-a/b)*asin(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(a), And(a > 0, b < 0)),
                  (sqrt(a/b)*asinh(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(a), And(a > 0, b > 0)),
                  (sqrt(-a/b)*acosh(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(-a), And(a < 0, b > 0)))
Beispiel #47
def test_manualintegrate_inversetrig():
    # atan
    assert manualintegrate(exp(x) / (1 + exp(2 * x)), x) == atan(exp(x))
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + 9 * x**2), x) == atan(3 * x / 2) / 6
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (16 + 16 * x**2), x) == atan(x) / 16
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + x**2), x) == atan(x / 2) / 2
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (1 + 4 * x**2), x) == atan(2 * x) / 2
    assert manualintegrate(1/(a + b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((atan(x/sqrt(a/b))/(b*sqrt(a/b)), a/b > 0), \
                  (-acoth(x/sqrt(-a/b))/(b*sqrt(-a/b)), And(a/b < 0, x**2 > -a/b)), \
                  (-atanh(x/sqrt(-a/b))/(b*sqrt(-a/b)), And(a/b < 0, x**2 < -a/b)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/(4 + b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((atan(x/(2*sqrt(1/b)))/(2*b*sqrt(1/b)), 4/b > 0), \
                  (-acoth(x/(2*sqrt(-1/b)))/(2*b*sqrt(-1/b)), And(4/b < 0, x**2 > -4/b)), \
                  (-atanh(x/(2*sqrt(-1/b)))/(2*b*sqrt(-1/b)), And(4/b < 0, x**2 < -4/b)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/(a + 4*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((atan(2*x/sqrt(a))/(2*sqrt(a)), a/4 > 0), \
                  (-acoth(2*x/sqrt(-a))/(2*sqrt(-a)), And(a/4 < 0, x**2 > -a/4)), \
                  (-atanh(2*x/sqrt(-a))/(2*sqrt(-a)), And(a/4 < 0, x**2 < -a/4)))
    assert manualintegrate(1 / (4 + 4 * x**2), x) == atan(x) / 4

    # asin
    assert manualintegrate(1 / sqrt(1 - x**2), x) == asin(x)
    assert manualintegrate(1 / sqrt(4 - 4 * x**2), x) == asin(x) / 2
    assert manualintegrate(3 / sqrt(1 - 9 * x**2), x) == asin(3 * x)
    assert manualintegrate(1 / sqrt(4 - 9 * x**2), x) == asin(3 * x / 2) / 3

    # asinh
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 + 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 + 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 + 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 + 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a*x**2 + 1), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(-1/a)*asin(x*sqrt(-a)), a < 0), (sqrt(1/a)*asinh(sqrt(a)*x), a > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a + x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((asinh(x*sqrt(1/a)), a > 0), (acosh(x*sqrt(-1/a)), a < 0))

    # acosh
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 - 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(x**2 - 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(4*x**2 - 4), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(9*x**2 - 1), x) == \
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a*x**2 - 4), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(1/a)*acosh(sqrt(a)*x/2), a > 0))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(-a + 4*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((asinh(2*x*sqrt(-1/a))/2, -a > 0), (acosh(2*x*sqrt(1/a))/2, -a < 0))

    # piecewise
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a-b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(a/b)*asin(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(a), And(-b < 0, a > 0)),
                  (sqrt(-a/b)*asinh(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(a), And(-b > 0, a > 0)),
                  (sqrt(a/b)*acosh(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(-a), And(-b > 0, a < 0)))
    assert manualintegrate(1/sqrt(a + b*x**2), x) == \
        Piecewise((sqrt(-a/b)*asin(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(a), And(a > 0, b < 0)),
                  (sqrt(a/b)*asinh(x*sqrt(b/a))/sqrt(a), And(a > 0, b > 0)),
                  (sqrt(-a/b)*acosh(x*sqrt(-b/a))/sqrt(-a), And(a < 0, b > 0)))
Beispiel #48
import sympy
from enumerate_over_gcf import multi_core_enumeration_wrapper, g_N_verify_terms
from enumerate_over_signed_rcf import esma_search_wrapper
import series_generators
import lhs_generators
import constants  # declares constants as sympy Singeltons, "not" used is intended

g_const_dict = {
    'zeta': sympy.zeta,
    'e': sympy.E,
    'pi': sympy.pi,
    'catalan': sympy.Catalan,
    'golden_ratio': sympy.GoldenRatio,
    'khinchin': sympy.S.Khinchin,
    'euler-mascheroni': sympy.EulerGamma,
    'pi-acosh_2': sympy.pi * sympy.acosh(2)

def get_custom_an_generator(args):
    custom {an} generators. create a new one and add it here and include in 'init_custom_an_generator_parser'.
    :param args: program args
    :return: generator function , number of free coefficients
    if args.zeta3_an:
        return series_generators.CartesianProductZeta3An(), 2
    elif args.zeta5_an:
        return series_generators.CartesianProductZeta5An(), 3
    elif args.polynomial_shift1_an:
        return series_generators.CartesianProductAnShift1(), None
Beispiel #49
def test_acosh():
    # TODO please write more tests  -- see issue 3751
    # From
    # at specific points
    assert acosh(1) == 0
    assert acosh(-1) == pi * I
    assert acosh(0) == I * pi / 2
    assert acosh(Rational(1, 2)) == I * pi / 3
    assert acosh(Rational(-1, 2)) == 2 * pi * I / 3

    assert acosh(zoo) == oo

    assert acosh(I) == log(I * (1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh(-I) == log(-I * (1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh((sqrt(3) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 5 * pi * I / 12
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(3) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 7 * pi * I / 12
    assert acosh(sqrt(2) / 2) == I * pi / 4
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2) / 2) == 3 * I * pi / 4
    assert acosh(sqrt(3) / 2) == I * pi / 6
    assert acosh(-sqrt(3) / 2) == 5 * I * pi / 6
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) == I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) == 7 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2) == 3 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2) == 5 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh((1 + sqrt(3)) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == I * pi / 12
    assert acosh(-(1 + sqrt(3)) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 11 * I * pi / 12
    assert acosh((sqrt(5) + 1) / 4) == I * pi / 5
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(5) + 1) / 4) == 4 * I * pi / 5
Beispiel #50
def test_acosh_infinities():
    assert acosh(oo) == oo
    assert acosh(-oo) == oo
    assert acosh(I * oo) == oo
    assert acosh(-I * oo) == oo
Beispiel #51
def test_acosh_infinities():
    assert acosh(oo) == oo
    assert acosh(-oo) == oo + I*pi
    assert acosh(I*oo) == oo + I*pi/2
    assert acosh(-I*oo) == oo - I*pi/2
Beispiel #52
def test_acosh():
    # TODO please write more tests  -- see #652
    assert acosh(1) == 0
    assert acosh(Rational(1, 2)) == I * pi / 3
Beispiel #53
def test_acosh():
    x = Symbol('x')

    assert acosh(-x) == acosh(-x)

    #at specific points
    assert acosh(1) == 0
    assert acosh(-1) == pi*I
    assert acosh(0) == I*pi/2
    assert acosh(Rational(1, 2)) == I*pi/3
    assert acosh(Rational(-1, 2)) == 2*pi*I/3

    # at infinites
    assert acosh(oo) == oo
    assert acosh(-oo) == oo

    assert acosh(I*oo) == oo
    assert acosh(-I*oo) == oo

    assert acosh(zoo) == oo

    assert acosh(I) == log(I*(1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh(-I) == log(-I*(1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh((sqrt(3) - 1)/(2*sqrt(2))) == 5*pi*I/12
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(3) - 1)/(2*sqrt(2))) == 7*pi*I/12
    assert acosh(sqrt(2)/2) == I*pi/4
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2)/2) == 3*I*pi/4
    assert acosh(sqrt(3)/2) == I*pi/6
    assert acosh(-sqrt(3)/2) == 5*I*pi/6
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))/2) == I*pi/8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))/2) == 7*I*pi/8
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))/2) == 3*I*pi/8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))/2) == 5*I*pi/8
    assert acosh((1 + sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2))) == I*pi/12
    assert acosh(-(1 + sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2))) == 11*I*pi/12
    assert acosh((sqrt(5) + 1)/4) == I*pi/5
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(5) + 1)/4) == 4*I*pi/5

    assert str(acosh(5*I).n(6)) == '2.31244 + 1.5708*I'
    assert str(acosh(-5*I).n(6)) == '2.31244 - 1.5708*I'
Beispiel #54
    'cube': lambda x: x**3,
    'plus': lambda x, y: x + y,
    'sub': lambda x, y: x - y,
    'neg': lambda x: -x,
    'pow': lambda x, y: sympy.sign(x) * abs(x)**y,
    'cos': lambda x: sympy.cos(x),
    'sin': lambda x: sympy.sin(x),
    'tan': lambda x: sympy.tan(x),
    'cosh': lambda x: sympy.cosh(x),
    'sinh': lambda x: sympy.sinh(x),
    'tanh': lambda x: sympy.tanh(x),
    'exp': lambda x: sympy.exp(x),
    'acos': lambda x: sympy.acos(x),
    'asin': lambda x: sympy.asin(x),
    'atan': lambda x: sympy.atan(x),
    'acosh': lambda x: sympy.acosh(x),
    'asinh': lambda x: sympy.asinh(x),
    'atanh': lambda x: sympy.atanh(x),
    'abs': lambda x: abs(x),
    'mod': lambda x, y: sympy.Mod(x, y),
    'erf': lambda x: sympy.erf(x),
    'erfc': lambda x: sympy.erfc(x),
    'logm': lambda x: sympy.log(abs(x)),
    'logm10': lambda x: sympy.log10(abs(x)),
    'logm2': lambda x: sympy.log2(abs(x)),
    'log1p': lambda x: sympy.log(x + 1),
    'floor': lambda x: sympy.floor(x),
    'ceil': lambda x: sympy.ceil(x),
    'sign': lambda x: sympy.sign(x),
    'round': lambda x: sympy.round(x),
Beispiel #55
def test_acosh():
    # TODO please write more tests  -- see issue 3751
    # From
    # at specific points
    assert acosh(1) == 0
    assert acosh(-1) == pi*I
    assert acosh(0) == I*pi/2
    assert acosh(Rational(1, 2)) == I*pi/3
    assert acosh(Rational(-1, 2)) == 2*pi*I/3

    assert acosh(zoo) == oo

    assert acosh(I) == log(I*(1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh(-I) == log(-I*(1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh((sqrt(3) - 1)/(2*sqrt(2))) == 5*pi*I/12
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(3) - 1)/(2*sqrt(2))) == 7*pi*I/12
    assert acosh(sqrt(2)/2) == I*pi/4
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2)/2) == 3*I*pi/4
    assert acosh(sqrt(3)/2) == I*pi/6
    assert acosh(-sqrt(3)/2) == 5*I*pi/6
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))/2) == I*pi/8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))/2) == 7*I*pi/8
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))/2) == 3*I*pi/8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 - sqrt(2))/2) == 5*I*pi/8
    assert acosh((1 + sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2))) == I*pi/12
    assert acosh(-(1 + sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2))) == 11*I*pi/12
    assert acosh((sqrt(5) + 1)/4) == I*pi/5
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(5) + 1)/4) == 4*I*pi/5
Beispiel #56
def test_acosh_noimpl():
    assert acosh(I) == log(I*(1+sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh(-I) == log(-I*(1+sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh((sqrt(3)-1)/(2*sqrt(2))) == 5*pi*I/12
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(3)-1)/(2*sqrt(2))) == 7*pi*I/12
    assert acosh(sqrt(2)/2) == I*pi/4
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2)/2) == 3*I*pi/4
    assert acosh(sqrt(3)/2) == I*pi/6
    assert acosh(-sqrt(3)/2) == 5*I*pi/6
    assert acosh(sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2) == I*pi/8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2+sqrt(2))/2) == 7*I*pi/8
    assert acosh(sqrt(2-sqrt(2))/2) == 3*I*pi/8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2-sqrt(2))/2) == 5*I*pi/8
    assert acosh((1+sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2))) == I*pi/12
    assert acosh(-(1+sqrt(3))/(2*sqrt(2))) == 11*I*pi/12
    assert acosh((sqrt(5)+1)/4) == I*pi/5
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(5)+1)/4) == 4*I*pi/5
Beispiel #57
def test_acosh_fdiff():
    x = Symbol('x')
    raises(ArgumentIndexError, lambda: acosh(x).fdiff(2))
Beispiel #58
def test_acosh():
    x = Symbol('x')

    assert unchanged(acosh, -x)

    #at specific points
    assert acosh(1) == 0
    assert acosh(-1) == pi * I
    assert acosh(0) == I * pi / 2
    assert acosh(Rational(1, 2)) == I * pi / 3
    assert acosh(Rational(-1, 2)) == 2 * pi * I / 3
    assert acosh(nan) == nan

    # at infinites
    assert acosh(oo) == oo
    assert acosh(-oo) == oo

    assert acosh(I * oo) == oo + I * pi / 2
    assert acosh(-I * oo) == oo - I * pi / 2

    assert acosh(zoo) == zoo

    assert acosh(I) == log(I * (1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh(-I) == log(-I * (1 + sqrt(2)))
    assert acosh((sqrt(3) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 5 * pi * I / 12
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(3) - 1) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 7 * pi * I / 12
    assert acosh(sqrt(2) / 2) == I * pi / 4
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2) / 2) == 3 * I * pi / 4
    assert acosh(sqrt(3) / 2) == I * pi / 6
    assert acosh(-sqrt(3) / 2) == 5 * I * pi / 6
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) == I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2) == 7 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2) == 3 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh(-sqrt(2 - sqrt(2)) / 2) == 5 * I * pi / 8
    assert acosh((1 + sqrt(3)) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == I * pi / 12
    assert acosh(-(1 + sqrt(3)) / (2 * sqrt(2))) == 11 * I * pi / 12
    assert acosh((sqrt(5) + 1) / 4) == I * pi / 5
    assert acosh(-(sqrt(5) + 1) / 4) == 4 * I * pi / 5

    assert str(acosh(5 * I).n(6)) == '2.31244 + 1.5708*I'
    assert str(acosh(-5 * I).n(6)) == '2.31244 - 1.5708*I'
Beispiel #59
def test_asech():
    x = Symbol('x')

    assert unchanged(asech, -x)

    # values at fixed points
    assert asech(1) == 0
    assert asech(-1) == pi * I
    assert asech(0) == oo
    assert asech(2) == I * pi / 3
    assert asech(-2) == 2 * I * pi / 3
    assert asech(nan) == nan

    # at infinites
    assert asech(oo) == I * pi / 2
    assert asech(-oo) == I * pi / 2
    assert asech(zoo) == I * AccumBounds(-pi / 2, pi / 2)

    assert asech(I) == log(1 + sqrt(2)) - I * pi / 2
    assert asech(-I) == log(1 + sqrt(2)) + I * pi / 2
    assert asech(sqrt(2) - sqrt(6)) == 11 * I * pi / 12
    assert asech(sqrt(2 - 2 / sqrt(5))) == I * pi / 10
    assert asech(-sqrt(2 - 2 / sqrt(5))) == 9 * I * pi / 10
    assert asech(2 / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == I * pi / 8
    assert asech(-2 / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == 7 * I * pi / 8
    assert asech(sqrt(5) - 1) == I * pi / 5
    assert asech(1 - sqrt(5)) == 4 * I * pi / 5
    assert asech(-sqrt(2 * (2 + sqrt(2)))) == 5 * I * pi / 8

    # properties
    # asech(x) == acosh(1/x)
    assert asech(sqrt(2)) == acosh(1 / sqrt(2))
    assert asech(2 / sqrt(3)) == acosh(sqrt(3) / 2)
    assert asech(2 / sqrt(2 + sqrt(2))) == acosh(sqrt(2 + sqrt(2)) / 2)
    assert asech(S(2)) == acosh(1 / S(2))

    # asech(x) == I*acos(1/x)
    # (Note: the exact formula is asech(x) == +/- I*acos(1/x))
    assert asech(-sqrt(2)) == I * acos(-1 / sqrt(2))
    assert asech(-2 / sqrt(3)) == I * acos(-sqrt(3) / 2)
    assert asech(-S(2)) == I * acos(-S.Half)
    assert asech(-2 / sqrt(2)) == I * acos(-sqrt(2) / 2)

    # sech(asech(x)) / x == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech(sqrt(6) - sqrt(2))) /
                      (sqrt(6) - sqrt(2))) == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech(sqrt(6) + sqrt(2))) /
                      (sqrt(6) + sqrt(2))) == 1
    assert (sech(asech(sqrt(2 + 2 / sqrt(5)))) /
            (sqrt(2 + 2 / sqrt(5)))).simplify() == 1
    assert (sech(asech(-sqrt(2 + 2 / sqrt(5)))) /
            (-sqrt(2 + 2 / sqrt(5)))).simplify() == 1
    assert (sech(asech(sqrt(2 * (2 + sqrt(2))))) /
            (sqrt(2 * (2 + sqrt(2))))).simplify() == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech((1 + sqrt(5)))) / ((1 + sqrt(5)))) == 1
    assert expand_mul(sech(asech((-1 - sqrt(5)))) / ((-1 - sqrt(5)))) == 1
    assert expand_mul(
        sech(asech((-sqrt(6) - sqrt(2)))) / ((-sqrt(6) - sqrt(2)))) == 1

    # numerical evaluation
    assert str(asech(5 * I).n(6)) == '0.19869 - 1.5708*I'
    assert str(asech(-5 * I).n(6)) == '0.19869 + 1.5708*I'